church or Ireland gazette, Friday, nov. 15, 191S. 1 1 /Tormiriy n IRISH ECCLES I : ALGA ZETT E. No. 2024—Vol. LX, [63rd l eaf]. DUBLIN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER T iqiS jReeistered as a Newspaper, aad tor tram-/ Single Copt, ijd. ---------- -----:______ _______ ______ 21__ ?.______ <____ mission in the United Kingdom t An. BOT1,, 83. Sd, IN REVERSE AND VICTORY THE CHURCH ARMY is the SOLDIERS’ FRIEND. The RECREATION HUTS, TENTS and CENTRES maintained by the CHURCH ARMY WAR FUNDS (Registered under the War Charities Act, 1916), are giving CHEER and COMFORT to our Victorious Troops at Home, in France, Belgium, Italy, Malta, Palestine, Macedonia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, East Africa and India. The Huts, &c., provide Light Refreshments, means of Reading and Writing, and Drying Wet Clothing; Books, Newspapers, Games, Music, and Entertainments; some have Baths and Officers’ Quarters ; nearly all have a small Chapel. WARMTH IN COLD, WET CLIMATES, COOLNESS IN HOT, DRY ONES. FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED FOR UPKEEP OF 800 CENTRES. We ask your aid in giving what we can to, the men who have gained Victory for us. Cheques crossed “Barclays a/c Church Army” payable to Prebendary Carlile, D.D., Hon. Chief' Secretary, Headquarters, Bryanston St., Marble Arch, London, W.l. OTHER BRANCHES of Church Army War-work include Kitchen Cars on West Front, Hostels for Men on Leave, Farm Training and Hostels for Discharged Men, Hostels and Recreation Rooms for Soldiers’ Wives, Hostels and Rest Huts for Women Munitioners, Homes for Soldiers Motherless Children, Friends and Treats for Lonely Wounded in Hospitals, Soldiers Welcomes, Soldier Guests in English Homes, Relatives of Wounded escorted abroad, Distress due to War, General Evangelistic and Social Work as in peace-times, &c. CHURCH OF IRELAND GAZETTE. November 15, 1918. Under the Patronage of the Archbishops and Bishops. SERVANTS and LABOURERS, 20 words, 6d„ Clerical Duty. THE HIBERNIAN CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY, every additional word, jd. extra, prepaid, Clerical and Tutorial Advertisements 21 MOLE8WORTH STREET, DUBLIN. GOVERNESSES, SCHOOL TEACHERS, COM­ (Prepaid), up to 8 lines, is. fid. ITS WORK. a PANIONS, HOUSEKEEPERS, STEWARDS, If not prepaid, 3s. [a) Evangelistic—Preaching in the streets and. visiting in the homes, (b) Medical, etc,—Hospitals, Homes lot SEXTONS, &c„ 24 words, 1/-, every ad­ Lepers, Blind, Orphans and Foundlings, (c) Pa^orai— Curate wanted; salary ^150, with possible The planting and nurturing of the infant Native ditional word, id. extra, prepaid. increase; any bonus additional ; staff of three, Churches, (a) Educational—A Christian Education for These advertisements must be pre­ Apply, Canon Ross, Ballymena. the gcpeial student, and definite training for those wno are to be O.M.S. Agents, (c) Tranalatlonal-Of Scrip­ paid. No notice will be taken if not Curate wanted for Parish of Portrush, Diocese ture and Christian books. < f) Industrial—Instruction of Connor. Interesting and attractive sphere of in healthful and helpful handicrafts. prepaid. work. A man “ in Orders ” preferred. Apply, ITS NEEDS. Men and Women- The address for replies must appear In advertisement Rev. J. H. Mervyn, The Rectory, Portrush, Co. For Foreign Work, who will be wise to win souls No replies received at the Offl.ee. Antrim. For Home Work, who by daily supplication, self-denial Curate wanted for the Parish of Wexford. and service, will prove their love to Christ, Stipend about ^,'165 a year. Apply to Archdeacon Means- Situations Vacant. Latham, Wexford. That is money, without which the Missionaries cannot Prepaid). be sent out. The C.M.S, requires £1,100 a day ; and although 17s. 8&d, of every £1 received is spent m the Wanted—Single young man (Protestant), able Exchange.—Rector of Parish conveniently direct service of the Missions, the income is insufficient situated near large city desires exchange to small to drive and do farm iwork. Good wages; comfort­ to meet the existing, still less the daily increasing able place. State age. Address, Rector, Dromara, country Parish, for rdhsons of health. Correspon­ opportunities on every hand. dence will be treated confidentially. Apply, " Ex­ All information will be flltdly given by the Society ■ Secretaries County Down. change,” this Office, Rev. F. E. Bland, 21 Molcsworth Street, Dublin; Rev, J. T. Mellipont, m,a„ 35 Grand Parade, Cork; Wanted—Superior, trustworthy Nurse, or Graduate, T.C.D., in his Senior Divinity Rev. J. Waring, 13.A., Clarence Place. Belfast. Mother’s Help. Address, Mrs. Shaen Carter, Bel- Year, desires Title. Apply, " Title," this Office. mullet, County Mavo.____________________ # Under the Patronage of the Archbishops and Bishops. Wanted—Working Housekeeper (I.C.). Good DIOCESE OF CLONFERT AND CRISp AUXILIARY, wages. Must be well recommended. Apply to Rev. KILMACDUAGH. Society for the Propagation of W. McAlister, Killinkere Rectory, Virginia, County Cavan.______________ PARISH OF AHASCRAGH. the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Wanted—House-Parlourmaid (I.C.). Country- The Board of Nomination for the above-named 27 MOLES WORTH STREET, DUBLIN. place ; small family. Apply, Mrs, Bigger, Rectory, Parish, now vacant, will (D.V.) shortly meet to elect The Society works not only among the heathen, but also •Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. an Incumbent for same. Particulars, etc., may be among our own kith and kin beyond the seas- It brings had on application to Archdeacon of Clonfcrt, tho ministrations of the Church U) the very doors of those Wanted—Pantry Boy, or young Footman. Deanery, Oort, Co. Galway (Hon. Secretary to scattered Colonists, who, without its help, would be left to For particulars, apply to Mrs. Roth well, Rockfield. fall away into practical heathenism. There I# no heathen Board). ■o barf as e white heathen. Kells, Co: Meath._____________________________ The Missions to the heathen in India, China, Japan, New Wanted—Sewing and Housemaid (I.C.). Two Guinea, Zululand, Siam, and many other places are capable Miscellaneous. of almost indefinite expansion, and the heathen themselves in family. Apply, with copies, Mrs. Power, Kilfane are calling, “ Gome over and help us, , ... Glebe, Thomnstown, Co. Kilkenny. Prepaid.) Full, onndid, and moat interesting discussion on Mission­ ary progress, difficulties and problems is to be found m Wanted — Experienced House - Parlourmaid ; Authors’ MSS. of every description reviewed 11 The East a,to the West," a Quarterly Review Is. per also strong girl as Kitchenmaid. Send copies dis­ and arranged for the Press, Progressive, useful number. "The Mission Field," Id. (by post, 2d.)j charges, stating age, wages, religion. Address, literature specially welcome. Letter-perfect Type­ Messenger#, *d. tby pest. Id.); ana "The Ohuroh Abroad, 1b. per hundred, post free, are the monthly publications oi Mrs. Cowper, Glancarrig, Glenealy, Co. Wicklow. writing. Printing arranged with the most up-to- the Society. They are rail of Information, and are pro­ date firms and personally supervised. Honest help fusely Illustrated. ^ ^ Wanted—Useful Help; able to cook, bake, and with the Sale and Publication of Manuscripts. "The last and ihe West" nay be had at tho A.P.C.K-, 37 sew. Address, Rectory, Kilbarron, Borrisokane. Dawson Street, Dublin, All the publications of the Society Donald Craig, Holvcross Rectory, Thurles. are sold at the Dublin Office, a«d by W. Erskine Mayne, Wanted—A Yardman ; married ; a really good Donegal! Square, West Belfast. we - Ecclesiastical Embroidery.—Orders Help is urgently needed. Cheques should be made milker. Able to attend horses, assist on farm and taken for Frentals, Hangings, Fair-linen Cloths, payable to the Secretary, and should be crossed ‘ Royal make himself generally useful. Protestant. Apply, Stoles (embroidered or plain), etc., etc. Designs and Bank of Ireland.*' Mrs. Alexander, Teimon, Carrickmore, Co. Tyrone. estimates on application. Lessons given. Miss Hill Wanted— Young Governess (I.C.), good Wilson, Embroidery Studio, 75 Marlboro’ Road, Under the Patronage of the Archbishops and Bishops, needlewoman, to teach boy 8 and girl 7 ; country ; Dormybrook, Dublin. (Removed from jo Moles- HIBERNIAN AUXILIARY OF CHURCH OF ENGLAND able to drive pony. Apply, Mrs. Studdert, Crag- worth Street, Dublin)", ZENANA MISSIONARY SOCIETY. moho«r Corofin, Clare. Books for Sale, Post free.—Ellicott’s 11 Hume Street, Dublin. Wanted—Can any Clergyman recommend The Society employs 222 missionaries, 63 Assistant Cook-General ? Strong; able to wash. Small " Bible Commentary," S fine vols., contributed to Missionaries, and over 1,100 Bibb:- Women and Helpers. by Plumpers, Sunday, Salmon, and many other family. Nurse-Housemaid kept. Address, Mrs. It has 24 fully-equipped Hospitals and 42 Dispensaries, Ap Ivor, Vicarage, Banagher, King’s County, scholars, 18s. ; Hook’s “ Church Dictionary," latest whore 8,000 In-patients and over 119,000 Out-patients are edition, 1 os. fid. (pub. 21s.); Latham: “Pastor attended. l’astorum,” 3s. fid. ; “ The Risen Master," 3s. fid. ; There are 237 Scnoola with over 12,000 children; and Bain: "The New Reformation," 2s. fid. ; G. 12,110 women and girls are taught in their own homes. Situations Wanted. There are also 34 Boarding Sonoola, some Normal Schools, (Prepaid). Tyreil, S.j.: “Nova et Vetera.” 3s, fid. ; A, R. Training Homes, Industrial Classes and Station Glasses. Wallace: “ Man's Place in the Universe," 4s.; Nearly 1,900 villages are reached by itineration each year. Housekeeper to clergyman or single gentle­ Sanday: “Criticism of Fourth Gospel," 3s. fid. ; Magazines:—“ India's Women
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