ROSES SUPPLEMENT “ INSIDE Most men cook like they put up a piece of >> Ikea furniture “ Food critic Jay Rayner on eating for a living >> M17 Summer Term Week !ree Tuesday 6 May 2014 www.nouse.co.uk Est. 1964 NOUSE Sponsored by Roses 2014 Supplement >> Inside Lucia Bar in ‘shocking’ privacy breach The CVs of over 600 people, including York students, were uploaded to their website in breach of the Data Protection Act Anwen Baker NEWS EDITOR available online. ate security measures must be taken dent who originally discovered the is pretty disgraceful anyway. But the Many of the CVs contained to protect against unauthorised or data breach, said “I think it is abso- fact it is so easily accessible via an LUCIA WINE Bar and Grill have the addresses, phone numbers and illegal data processing. Data con- lutely harrowing that this informa- index search on Google, something been accused of breaking data pro- email addresses of the applicants. trollers must make sure that secu- tion is so freely available.” I was doing when I was 11 to pirate tection laws after the CVs of over Several of those who had uploaded rity controls are in place and are fol- Alexander Watkins, a third year songs, is ridiculous in this day and 600 people, including York stu- their CVs were under 18. lowed. Only employees who need to student at York who applied for a job age. dents, were uploaded to their web- All the files were available to use personal data to carry out their at Lucia and whose personal infor- “I have posted on their Face- site. download and could be easily ac- work should have access to that mation has been compromised told book page, but given the recent sto- The CVs and cover letters of cessed via a Google search. data.” Nouse: “The fact that my personal ries about Bora Bora, I have a feel- 605 people who had applied online This breaches the seventh prin- Serious breaches of the Act can details - phone number and address to work at Lucia, which has branch- ciple of the Data Protection Act of be fined up to £500,000. - are available, when I submitted Continued on page 2 es in York and Beverley, were made 1998 which states that: “Appropri- George Hughes, the York stu- that to the company in confidence, LEADER >> Page 10 NEWS COMMENT POLITICS MUSIC Q&A Landlords. Mean Girls. European Elections. Superfood. Jon Snow. Forty-four per cent claim Discussing cliques at We interview candidates Shouting with an On wanting losing their deposit was the University of York. for Yorkshire & the up-and-coming to be a Tory unjustified. Humber. band. MP. >> Page 4 >> Page 10 >> Page 17 >> M14 >> M3 NOUSE: THE UNIVERSITY OF YORK STUDENT NEWSPAPER www.nouse.co.uk Tuesday 6 May 2014 2 www.ey.com/uk/careers News >> Continued from front LUCIA York in -ing the ‘Latin Quarter’ of York The Open Rights Group, a has a less than serious approach to member organisation of European brief how it treats its customers”. Digital Rights who fight to defend When contacted by Nouse, Lu- digital privacy, commented on the cia Wine Bar said: “We liked [sic] data leak, telling Nouse: York receives second to thank you for letting us know. As Gold award for women a company we do take these mat- ters seriously. This is quite a in science “We can assure you that this is The University of York has become now in our hands and our website “shocking breach of one of the first universities in the designer will make sure that all the privacy.” UK to hold two Gold Athena SWAN information have come to us safe awards for its commitment to wom- and private [sic]”. Spokesperson for the Open en in science. The Biology depart- Lucia’s website developer, Stu- Rights Group ment received the award on May 1, dio EightyEight later responded, recognising its success in develop- saying “CVs which were uploaded “This is quite a shocking breach ing employment practices to further to the website by the public were of privacy. and support the careers of women handled differently to the other “Companies have a legal re- in science, technology, engineer- data that we store. sponsibility to protect the personal ing, maths and medicine (STEMM) “We have changed the way in data they hold about us, particularly departments in academia. In 2007, which uploaded CVs are handled the kind of sensitive information York’s Chemistry department was via the website, and removed the that can be found on a CV.” the first science department in the affected URLs from Google’s In- “Data protection laws are an es- country to receive Gold status. The dex.” sential part of preserving our right University is one of only two in the They added: “A full security to privacy and ensuring that we country to hold double Gold award review of the website will be con- have control over personal infor- status, the other being Queen’s Uni- ducted and changes will be made mation that is held by governments versity Belfast. where required.” and corporations.” Lucia Wine Bar uploaded the CVs of over 600 people to their website Lone black swan raises cygnets Arts: Other people’s clothes M7 In this Despite the death of one of York’s black swans earlier this year, there edition may be hope for their dwindling population. Since the start of term, the female black swan has been seen around campus with a pair of presently-white cygnets. The death of the male black swan has left just News 1-7 eight mating pairs in the country, but there are hopes the two cygnets Comment 8-13 will find other swans and so raise the breeding numbers. Politics 14-17 York man found guilty Business 18-19 of nine sex offences Science 20-21 Mark Ford Thompson, 37, of Hos- Sport 22-24 pital Fields Road in Fulford was convicted by a jury at Teeside Crown Court on Friday. He will be sentenced next Tuesday. Thomp- son was arrested in October after Muse kidnapping a student in York, forc- ing her into his van and raping her three times. His earliest offence was Spring/Summerwear in 2009 when he groped a woman M10 in Coney Street. North Yorkshire Police praised the courage of the victims for speaking out. Superfood M12 Reporting by Vee Wells and Anwen Baker EDITOR TECHNICAL GRAPHICS SPORTS EDITORS SCIENCE EDITOR FILM AND TV SOCIAL MEDIA Rosie Shields DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Jamie Summers Emily Collins EDITOR DIRECTOR DEPUTY EDITOR Josh Goodwin Kate Mitchell Thomas Fennelly DEPUTY SCIENCE Katie Barlow Gary Holland NOUSE Beth Jakubowski ADVERTISING NEWS EDITOR DEPUTY SPORTS Matthew Wells DEPUTY FILM Est. 1964 MUSE EDITOR DIRECTOR Anwen Baker Nick Morritt Sarah Pryor AND TV Alfie Packham Max Bond DEPUTY NEWS Lewis Hill ARTS EDITOR Rosemary Collins DEPUTY MUSE CHIEF SUB-EDITOR Vee Wells POLITICS EDITOR Amy Blumson FOOD AND DRINK EDITOR Gary Holland COMMENT EDITOR Yvonni Efstathiou DEPUTY ARTS EDITOR Grace Marsh DEPUTY SUB Ellie Rice DEPUTY POLITICS Deborah Lam Grace Marsh Front page photo: MANAGING Amy Wong DEPUTY COMMENT Christy Cooney FASHION EDITOR DEPUTY FOOD Alex Byron DIRECTOR PHOTO EDITOR Sofia Geraghty Marie Poupinel Rachel Thompson AND DRINK Harry Gallivan Petroc Taylor Zain Mahmood BUSINESS EDITOR DEPUTY FASHION George De Cintra The opinions expressed ONLINE EDITOR DEPUTY PHOTO FEATURES EDITOR Alastair Ellerington Izzy Ashton Erin Rodgers in this publication are George Barrett Alex Byron Charlotte Wainwright DEPUTY BUSINESS MUSIC EDITOR GAMING EDTORS not necessarily those of DEPUTY ONLINE James Hostford DEPUTY FEATURES Edward Rollett Hatti Linnell Adnan Riaz the editors, writers, or EDITOR DEPUTY MUSIC advertisers Georgie Andrews Gustave Laurent Alex Killeen Aaron Stennett Alex Donaldson NOUSE Est. 1964 Want to write for us? Contribute: [email protected] Tuesday 6 May 2014 www.nouse.co.uk www.ey.com/uk/careers NOUSE: THE UNIVERSITY OF YORK STUDENT NEWSPAPER 3 News York residents subjected to ‘horrific’ noise by University fantasy role players Gary Holland NEWS REPORTER ble for the noise who, according to YUSU also claim to have not re- the letter, “actually state on their ceived the letter, which asks the A GROUP of York locals have com- website that part of their activities is Union to “find out which society it is plained that they are being sub- shouting”. However, Nouse has since and ask them to play their horrible jected to “totally horrific” noise by a noisy games elsewhere” and threat- group of University of York students ens to involve the police if nothing is every Sunday afternoon, alarming It is not done about the issue. children and the elderly. In response to the letter the Sci- Nouse “pleasant trying In a letter sent to , YUSU ence Fiction and Fantasy Society and Jane Grenville, Deputy Vice to explain to a told Nouse: “We obviously take this Chancellor of the University, the complaint very seriously. LARP can Newland Park Drive Residents As- six year old what often deal with heightened emo- sociation (NPDRA) complain of a ‘Fuck you’ tions and drama, so it is occasionally “totally horrible racket” which can possible for noise levels to become be heard every Sunday “right up actually means” an issue. and down Newland Park Drive” Newland Park Drive Residents “An email was sent out to all and sometimes from as far as Thief Association LARPers shortly after receiving Lane. news of this complaint and we will According to the letter, this confirmed that the noise is coming ensure that noise is reduced as far as screaming and shouting is “very from the Science Fiction and Fan- possible from now on.
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