COATES HARVEY GUICE CHATER HANNA BROWN 0 0 6 1 1 RATED T+ $3.99US DIRECT EDITION MARVEL.COM 7 59606 08700 6 STORM a.k.a. Ororo Munroe, controls the weather BLACK PANTHER a.k.a. King T’Challa of Wakanda LUKE CAGE a.k.a. Power Man, bulletproof skin MANIFOLD a.k.a. Eden Fesi, teleporter MISTY KNIGHT Detective with a bionic arm TheThe CrewCrew isis a teamteam of supersuper heroesheroes dealingdealing withwith problemsproblems thatthat afflictafflict tthehe cocommunitiesmmunities ttheyhey cocomeme ffromrom oorr hhaveave cocomeme toto bbee alliedallied with.with. RecentlyRecently theythey helpedhelped BlackBlack PantherPanther stopstop a wave of suicidesuicide bombersbombers inin Wakanda,Wakanda, butbut thethe Crew’sCrew’s originorigin bbeginsegins inin thethe streetsstreets of Harlem...Harlem... ...where...where thethe deathdeath of activistactivist EzraEzra KeithKeith inin policepolice custodycustody hashas ignitedignited protestsprotests inin thethe community.community. MistyMisty Knight,Knight, “Blue”“Blue” (a.k.a.(a.k.a. StormStorm of thethe X-Men)X-Men) andand “Luke“Luke Charles”Charles” (a.k.a.(a.k.a. BlackBlack Panther)Panther) discovereddiscovered thatthat EzraEzra andand hishis friendfriend FrankFrank RobertsRoberts foundedfounded a teamteam of supersuper heroesheroes calledcalled TheThe CrusadeCrusade backback inin thethe ‘50s—and‘50s—and theythey werewere unknowinglyunknowingly fundedfunded byby Hydra.Hydra. CorruptedCorrupted byby power,power, FrankFrank bootedbooted EzraEzra outout of thethe Crusade.Crusade. StormStorm andand BlackBlack PaPanthernther alsoalso discovereddiscovered tthathat HHydraydra wawass bbehindehind tthehe luxuryluxury condoscondos EEzrazra hhadad protestedprotested jjustust priorprior to hishis ddeath.eath. TheThe organizationorganization bombedbombed LukeLuke Cage’sCage’s homehome inin a searchsearch forfor EddieEddie Figures,Figures, a small-timesmall-time criminalcriminal whowho waswas inin prisonprison thethe nightnight of Ezra’sEzra’s death.death. Meanwhile,Meanwhile, mutantmutant teleporterteleporter Eden,Eden, a.k.a.a.k.a. MManifold,anifold, joinedjoined thethe CCrewrew afterafter fifightingghting ssoloolo toto ssaveave t hthee ststreetsreets f rofromm Hydra’sHydra’s newestnewest initiative,initiative, thethe Americops.Americops. MistyMisty andand LukeLuke foundfound Eddie,Eddie, whowho recognizedrecognized EEzra’szra’s killerkiller fromfrom a televisiontelevision bbroadcastroadcast aboutabout thethe latestlatest protest.protest. ItIt waswas Ezra’sEzra’s nephewnephew andand fellowfellow activistactivist Malik.Malik. [Note:[Note: ThisThis storystory takestakes placeplace beforebefore thethe eventsevents of thethe currentcurrent BLACKBLACK PANTHERPANTHER series.]series.] writers TA-NEHISI COATES & YONA HARVEY BUTCH GUICE w/ MACK CHATER pencilers DAN BROWN inkersist SCOTTDAN BROWN HANNA w/ CHATER colorist letterer VC’s JOE SABINO design MANNY MEDEROS logo RIAN HUGHES recap art BRIAN STELFREEZE EVERYBODY LOVES THE SUNSHINE LOVES EVERYBODY cover by JOHN CASSADAY & PAUL MOUNTS associate editor SARAH BRUNSTAD 6 editor WIL MOSS WE ARE WE ARE THE STREETS part executive editor TOM BREVOORT editor in chief AXEL ALONSO chief creative officer JOE QUESADA president DAN BUCKLEY executive producer ALAN FINE BLACKBLACK PANTHER AND THE CREW No. 6, October 2017. Published Monthly except in August by MARVEL WORLDWIDE,WORLDWIDE, INC., a subsidiarysubsidiary of MARVEL ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 135 West 50th Street,Street, New York, NY 10020. BULK MAIL POSTAGE PAID AT NEW YORK, NY AND AT ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES.OFFICES. © 20172017 MARVELMARVEL No similaritysimilarity betweenbetween anyany ofof thethe names,names, characters,characters, persons,persons, and/or institutionsinstitutions inin thisthis magazine withwith those ofof any livingliving or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which maymay exist is purely coincidental. $3.99 per copy inin the U.S. (GST #R127032852)#R127032852) in the direct market;market; Canadian AgreementAgreement #40668537. Printed in the USA. Subscription rate (U.S. dollars) for 12 issues: U.S. $26.99; Canada $42.99;$42.99; ForeignForeign $42.99. POSTMASTER: SENDSEND ALL ADDRESS CHANGESCHANGES TO BLACK PPANTHERANTHER AND THE CREW, C/O MARVEL SUBSCRIPTIONSSUBSCRIPTIONS P.O. BOX 727 NEW HYDE PARK, NY 11040. TELEPHONE # (888) 511-5480. FAX # (347) 537-2649.537-2649. [email protected]@marvel.com. DAN BUCKLEY, President, Marvel Entertainment;Entertainment; JOEJOE QUESADA,QUESADA, Chief CreativeCreative Officer;Officer; TOTOMM BREVOORT,BREVOORT, SVP of Publishing; DAVID BOGART, SVP of Business Affairs & Operations, Publishing & Partnership; C.B.C.B. CEBULSKI, VP of BrandBrand Management & Development, Asia; DAVID GABRIEL, SVP of Sales & Marketing,Marketing, Publishing;Publishing; JEFF YOUNGQUIST,YOUNGQUIST, VP of Production & Special Projects; DANDAN CARR,CARR, Executive DirectorDirector ofof PublishingPublishing Technology;Technology; ALEXALEX MORALES,MORALES, DirectorDirector of PublishingPublishing Operations;Operations; SUSAN CRESPI, ProductionProduction Manager;Manager; STAN LEE, Chairman Emeritus. For information regarding advertising in Marvel Comics or on Marvel.com,Marvel.com, please contact Vit DeBellis, IntIntegratedegrated Sales Manager, at [email protected]@marvel.com. For Marvel subscription inquiries,inquiries, please call 888-511-5480.888-511-5480. ManufacturedManufactured between 08/04/201708/04/2017 and 08/14/201708/14/2017 by FRY COMMUNICATIONS, MECHANICSBURG, PA, USA. created by STAN LEE & JACK KIRBY .
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