pioneerA Magazine of Utica College | Winter 2010 SPECIAL ISSUE | 2009–2010 PRESIDENT’S REPORT TIME TO STEP UP Planning to bring Gordon Science Center up to the next level. The View from the President’s Office By Todd S. Hutton This has truly been a season of giving… and of growing. It would be hard to overstate the degree to which the Achieve: A New Dream, A New Era comprehensive campaign has transformed Utica College. We as a community have gone a very long way since the start of its silent phase six years ago. The Achieve campaign’s ambitious goals – far beyond any previously envisioned for this institution – seemed significant challenges at that time, even in advance of any notion of the nearly unprecedented global financial crisis that lay ahead. And yet with only a few months remaining, Achieve has been a remarkable success by every measure. This speaks to an astounding level of commitment to the College and its mission on the part of our alumni, students, families, and friends. Your unwavering support has helped to bring UC up to a new level of achievement with respect to teaching and learning, scholarship funding, cam- pus infrastructure, and annual support. While this is cause for celebration, there remains much to be accomplished in the months and years ahead. As you will learn from this issue of the Pioneer, the College is planning a long-awaited renovation of Gordon Science Center – a multi-phased project that will gradually transform this revered landmark into a fully-appointed 21st Century center for learning in the sciences. We are also “We are preparing seeking to strengthen UC’s operational profile and enhance the student experi- to realize the full ence by striving to surpass the $1 million mark in unrestricted annual giving for the first time in our history. At the same time, we are preparing to broaden promise of our our reach internationally, starting with the launch UC’s signature Economic founding mission Crime Management master’s program in the Asia-Pacific region. in the context of a These initiatives and others represent important steps forward as the College rapidly changing embarks upon a promising new era in its history. We are, in essence, preparing global community.” the ground for future achievements, making the investments necessary to real- ize the full promise of our founding mission in the context of a rapidly chang- ing global community. I speak for many when I say that I look forward to the challenges and achieve- ments that lie ahead for this institution and to your active participation in its progress. pioneer 2 winter 2010 Utica College WAIT FOR GREEN LIGHT Or if you don’t like waiting, just log on to Facebook and join the growing community of alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends of the College who have “liked” UC’s page. Go ahead – it only takes a minute. Then you’ve got the green light to continue reading. Join the communty at www.facebook.com/uticacollege Tradition. Opportunity. Transformation.® pioneer 3 winter 2010 Higher Achievement When counselor at abhigher education, and he wants to see more law Fred Degen ‘70 talented young people nurtured academically was studying history at UC. “UC provided the building blocks for my at UC in the 1960s, career,” he says, “so it’s a natural choice for my some classes were still giving.” being held on Oneida Square. Now he can’t For Fred, the verdict on planned giving is help but marvel at clear: a gift to UC is an investment in higher how dramatically achievement. Case closed. the Burrstone Road campus has grown. “Back then, the library was in a basement,” the veteran Learn more about Planned Giving Options at attorney recalls. But he also recalls vibrant and UC. Call 1-800-456-8278 today. highly qualified faculty like Professors Mills, Rosen, Edgar, and others. “I can’t say enough good things about them,” he says. HERITAGE Fred believes everyone should have access to SOCIETY contentspioneer | winter 2010 5 Around Campus A brief look at breaking news at UC 14 Unexpected Treasure A look at some impressive works of sculpture on campus Gordon Reborn 21 16 Finding Joshua Howe Professor Jan DeAmicis leads the search for a missing hero of the Underground Railroad 24 UC’s New Micro-Mascot Team of UC researchers uncovers new bacterial species 31 UC Athletics 32 Class Notes 26 The Builder Visit us online. www.utica.edu Tradition. Opportunity. Transformation.® pioneer 5 winter 2010 Letters pioneer Editor New perspective Kelly Adams ’00 Graphic Design and Photography Each year as I make my Annual Fund contribution, Larry Pacilio I simply send my check. This year I feel my fity-odd Graphic Design Kevin Waldron years of contributions are paying dividends, for our Class Notes Editor granddaughter, Catherine, will be part of the student Mark C. Kovacs body in the new semester, as a third-year student Contributors Joe Perry ’90 transferring from Hofstra University. Jamie Callari Gil Burgmaster Not only will she be a member of Utica College, but Kathy Novak her attendance is enhanced by her receipt of a scholar- Proofreader ship from Utica College. She aims to make me stand Barbara Lambert Utica College Institutional Advancement proud by following the course I took in 1950, earning Laura M. Casamento my bachelor’s degree prior to entrance in the School Senior Vice President and Chief Advancement Officer of Dentistry at Buffalo. She hopes to walk in my steps, Tim Nelson Assistant Vice President of Advancement/Alumni and Parent Relations and ultimately become an orthodontist. and Development Anthony Villanti Thank you for being here to accept her as a student. Director of Development Christine Kisiel Executive Director of Alumni and Parent Relations/Volunteer Coordinator Dr. Donald Rosinski ’50 Katrena Freetage ’04 New York Mills, NY Director of Annual Giving The Pioneer is published periodically by the Office of Marketing and Communications at Utica College. ©2010 Utica College Send correspondence regarding the Pioneer and address changes to: Office of Alumni and Parent Relations Utica College 1600 Burrstone Road Utica, NY 13502-4892 Or call 1-800-456-8278 or (315) 792-3025 Or fax (315) 792-3245 Or e-mail [email protected] Send items for Class Notes to [email protected], or visit the Utica College online alumni community at pioneerstation.com. Check out our Web site at www.utica.edu The Pioneer welcomes letters and editorials. E-mail us at [email protected], or write to Pioneer Magazine, Utica College, 1600 Burrstone Road, Utica, NY 13502-4892. Please include your name, class year (if appropriate), address, phone number, and e-mail address. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity, or style. pioneer 6 winter 2010 Utica College Around Campus Corasanti Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab Dedicated New Lecture Series Launched Utica College dedicated The Eugene and Utica College launched a new Executive Connie Corasanti Human Anatomy and Lecture Series on November 18 with a talk Physiology Laboratory at an August 30 by Joseph Corasanti, president and CEO of ceremony. ConMed Corp. The Corasantis are among the most The goal of the lecture series is to bring busi- generous and longstanding benefactors of ness leaders to campus to educate and inspire Utica College, having contributed per- students through real-life stories of how indi- sonal gits as well as corporate gits from viduals grow into their current positions. ConMed, which Gene, a former member of “The idea (for the series) occurred ater a the College’s Board of Trustees, founded in college event focusing on the next generation of 1973. Their support has touched many areas community leaders,” says Dr. Brian Jackson ’85, of the College, including the Achieve: A who helped established the series. “The room New Dream, A New Era campaign and the was filled with a great deal of talent from the construction of F. Eugene Romano Hall, in business sector. Why not get these individuals which the laboratory named in their honor to become closer to the College by inviting them is located. to address our students?” In dedicating the facility, President Todd S. Hutton said, “When the Corasanti heads the Utica-based company Achieve campaign first began, facilities such as this were the stuff of fond that manufactures and distributes medical and hopes and blue-sky thinking. Without people like Gene and Connie Coras- surgical products worldwide from 11 manu- anti, they might well have remained in that netherworld between believing facturing locations. His lecture, which was and becoming. But their extraordinary commitment to the goals of this organized by UC’s Department of Business and campaign has ensured that this will be a place where learning happens for Economics, discussed methods and strategies generations to come.” that enhance and promote the management of The Corasantis’ generosity extends to the local community. They have public companies. given generously to the New Hartford Library, and the Eugene R. Corasan- The Executive Lecture Series will present a ti Children’s Center, which provides early intervention services for United speaker every semester. Cerebral Palsy, was named in grateful acknowledgment of their contribu- tions to that organization. Lounge and Terrace Named for Petralia Family Utica College dedicated the Petralia Lounge and Terrace on September 25 as part of Homecoming festivities. Located in the heart of the Economic Crime and Justice Studies Build- ing, the lounge and accompanying outdoor terrace provide a comfortable place of refuge for students, faculty, and other visitors. One of several modern facilities and spaces constructed and dedicated under the aegis of UC’s Achieve: A New Dream, A New Era campaign, the Petralia Lounge and Terrace is named for longtime trustees and supporters of the College, Russell Petralia and Linda Romano.
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