Vol. VIII AugUst, 1915 NO •. 2 10 cents per copy CoPY'IIGlIT ltlli IIY CIlUCIICND(i l'UH. Co. $1.00 per year All ri.htt re ..",," ENTIUUtD .u SCCOHO C ........ "ATTKIl J UN': 9. 11109, AT TII& l 'Of!T O""CE AT Bono"'. MAJIII .. UNOIIIIL A CT or MAIICH 3, 187' ..... .. Th . CRESCENDO I:!l mEE:::3l........;"",,=m::::=sm~_ a:::::;a ==s:::;a_~ II UNIVERSAL SERIES OF I ffl Celebrated Music Books ~ W PRICE. 50 CENTS EACH W Jlor maay ,."a... a the,. b."' 11 Ilfl llt u udilllllnltld a wa,. ill the lnu .. le,,1 life o f tbl. country. Nell .. l)' tI"ery furm ul ~ iUIIICruwtlulnl aud vOCla . Dlulllie J. repreMen.ed • ~ • WilEN ORDEIUNG. ALWAYS MENTION UNI VEllSAL SERIES atld NUMBER Tile dem,.. d for Ihea., hnok. i . fl llor ..tI" •• , aud i. undoub tedly due 10 Ihl!! c:u lllllrltlulII"ive 1II., ltwliou of loaeerial SHNU IIOIl CON T Hf'II T H C ATALtJG WHITE-SMITH MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. BO STON : 62 Stanhope St. NEW YORK: 13 East 17th 8t. COICAGO : 316 So. Wabash Ave . l@1§[!:I' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~" I§(g)h 'ug§[!:U::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~"I§@\ [Q] GOOD TEACHING PIECES IQ] FOR MANDOLIN. arr. bll ODELL These are a few especially good teaching pieces to start the season. All ~ tandard. All easy or medium. All interesting, All properly arranged, BAHCAROLLE ('I'ales o r HolTman) A LOVE CHAT WALTZ MOD ESTIE E~vG~~~tt~EIfI~Wk~~ ~&Nt a U!~e r ) ~?~~~~O lAVVEM~.~~ STA R h~I~~i?~ UbT,Y I.A CINQUA NTA1NE PH1 SON SONG cTro\,atun') DA NCE OJ CU PID CHESCENDO MA RCil ME'I'EO H MAl(CH TOASTM ASTER MA HCIl ROMANCI A LO V~:'S L IK E A ST A I< GOOD BYE THE LOS'!' CI-I ORD LAnco CA VA T1 NA L1Vlo': WUH: MARCil CA N'I'A S1\NE W A l.TZ Pll i-:NO M ENON MAH(;II Published for all Mandolin Combinations up to full Mandolin Orr.hf'tl tra ~ TEACllf:IlS. IDrite for our SPECI AL FALL qUA N TtT)' OFFEIl ~ l1!l SUBSCRIBE to ou" AN )'BODY E I'EIlY/JOnY Send for our New hauc I'Ja n which tells you how ttl olJwin ou r l1!l TSSUES new piecc!J for Hnly a few ccnL'I a ClJpy, lIundred" take Illlr lIew hilmes, You ClIIl get our new rrr rrrl!:!J NEW ~J piel'(' ~ as fasl lHI issued a t I:W'X,IIIT. \Vritc WI now, We have sume fintl piectol' cllming-out iiI/Un, l1!l SEN D ']'0 ODELl . f"r all)' ltIu ~i, .. I, uol. ,~ . ~ lrill g5 II r ill,.lrultll! lI '" a lh l 'rli ~cd in Ille Crcllc" I11I" , \\ e " 11 11 Itilt, )'''u 11 11' .. ;IUl J' --- ____ ,ij,,""IIUIIi ), "11 ",,,u],1 )(1' 1 frum IIII' 1'"lolil' ll c r" tor d o,:tle"" a ll li )'U II \\'lOuhllHt\l' ,,"I), ONE OIlDEH ONE SIIIl'MENT ONE I'A ""lENT H. F. Odell's 90 Page Book--The Mandolin Orchestra Tell5 . htl ul CYt'r), lhiu jf ""m"'I'Io',1 wilh II nUlllllolin IO r.'IaCl' lm, IIOIW I" r" nll, 1'0, .. 11 ... , " r pi a) ill ""c, r.,'ery I' la),'r" r tl'a,'IH" r IIce.I,Ij II,ill lHluk, '1'1", olily "lie l'uloli .. IIl"1. pUle ..: 50 " III, I'OSTI'AID, S.lIl1l'l,· I:,t AI:Ulflollll P.trts, C .lt a l u ~8 1) 1 , .lriUII 8 I'ubll sll crs. In,11HlllIg Bve r 2000 .M ·t; & B plecc,,". LI!~ I oj o \ e r 200 Ode ll l.IrrulIgcm c lIl <;, 300 Our New Issue Pl:lIt 8cnl 10 'IIIr OIH'. ,lI1 ywhc r(' in tile worl tl FREE IQ] H. F. ODELL & CO., 165 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. IQ] ~!91 u "§§U 11(Q]§u lug§! I'I. EA. S E M~~ NTION TilE CRESCENDO Wil EN WltlTING AII\' ~; KT I S EI t8 The CRESCENDO VEGA INSTRUMENTS···Choice of Artists ~ E are Illcuecd 10 1:t;f presel!l Il picture of one of the Ji ve IIIU­ sical clubs of I he c~ Mr. F. F. Gatchell is also director o f the lIigh School Ptfu8ical Clulls; Y. W. C. A. Mandnlin C. A. Musical Club unci bas also Ill ude II great success in his work 8S T eache r and Di rcf'tor. (Q] The Vegll Inlitrul11 c lIls help lhelle (·luh9i 10 their M usicil l S uc'c ·e8~. -- - ~ SI'IlI NGFJELO. MASS. p, F', GAT('Hb'U... I lin!t: /ur j'[J1lISS VIOLA Bl LI .US uf Me 'ritl"II. COil II .• a/'~iI'I1Hll pI. In W. C. Knipfer Hf lI artfurd ,11111 Mid.rlCItH\1I Illi s math· IIIUII )' fas l frie nds HII 1U'e '0 1l1l1 of till' . ~ pl c lldid n~s 1l1t 8 !O hc has n!J llli.H·d ill li lt' If·'lI' h ill1! of Ih,· Tri" i ll s trullu' n r.." B. M. & ( :, T Ilt' \ c;.!lt 11I .. lnllll,'nl .. 111''1'1 tll f' dl' lIulIlIls of Mi ,,!O 1111 1111 8 ill IU" T WIIT '- . ------- e. Let us send /IOU the No.5 " 'Voice o/Ihe Vrgu'· It Il Free and conlaim intereJting mallt!( to lite B. M. 6- G fralu­ nity. Don '[ forget 10 halJe our laleJl calalogl. Ld· U5 knOll) what irutrument 'yoU pia)). Vega calalogl Ofe a jure guide 10 Musical Prruperity. MISS VIOLA BULL US IIEtUI)£N, COI'lN. THE VEGA CO., 62 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass., . U. S. A. V~(J /".trument. Gil Sale at JOHN WANA~IAKER , New York Ci ty GIUNNELL DROS .• Detroit. Mich. DENTON. COTTIEn & DA N IEL ~, UufTu!u. j\. Y. t.0;'~';~~p B:~N~~OI:u~~; b~,~glO I~'b~~~M,~~g ~ ~ 1~~~~~hTc.~~I,um~:oi,~)h;'A~~ ~~~~:~.~ I~L: :3~ il~'i:~:,I,~,';~: ~: :; : PLEASE MItNTlON CRUCra'l OO WilEN WRITING AOVI!RTISEtl8 .. 2 Th. CRESCENDO ARE YOU MR. RILEY THAT H EEP S T H B H O T B L ' F VOU AilE, you know you can't do you know the efficienciell of Stahl instru- keep 8 hotel nowadays without your ments? .. battery or Banjos or Banjellurinci Everything from big Mllndo-BRsllell, wi th • or Mandolin-Banjos (or the Dance tbe volume nnd lKI norityof Bas. Viols, plu. Orchestra and Cubllret. You know you can't LIFE: Mundo-Celloll and Mandolall WhOIlA run n "movies" without the self-same bat­ tone, with its a ll sufliciency, mold.!! the Oc­ t ery. You know that Young America can't cident and the Orient- recalls Old Madrid. ye t lungo to anything half 80 well a8 to the has a t inct of Cello tweetnefl.!! thut is clmrm· vibrant head tones of the Banjo family. ing; Tenor-Mandolas and Mandolins of CIBlllic There mlly be no connection betwee n the Neapolitan or Flat Briti!! h model-both stylel! t wo, but 88 the booze industry dwindles, one IJOlsessi ng the vim. III)lukle, volume and Sltt.tc after another going "dry" , depriving carrying power to move multitude!! in 11010 or folka or the artificial stimulus of intoxic.anta, ensemble per formance. the Plectrum Instruments get more and more And in Guitars, Harp-GuitarM, Hawiian populnr. Guit8rli, Ukulelel, and in all typel of Blinjo, There', no other instrument can put the we're ready to outfit your individ ual JlUpUli. lifc, vim, ginger nnd go into a person-or a the triol, quartettel, lextetlel, clubs of crowd of perKIns-like a Pleetrum InatrumenL orchestras you organize-and at a profit to The IIge of aLeel we nre now living in can't you. draw instrumentation or inspiration from cat­ For profi t, for holding your clll8SeK together, gut or IIhee,.·gut. for every lIrtilltic lind good bUllinetl renson, AND MR. or MISS TEACHER. - You you ought to get the Stahl proposition. DrOI) II line, enciolling clrd, and we'll ditculII things with you. CARl. PISCIIER. d CooP" Sq •• N... York Cit, Killd l, M.d Na ... I"IIIH ewh •• nu. ••• 111 f.rlh.,notlft, at a dl_ •• I.r w;t.tr.i., alT.d,oe:k" Xa. f.llow., (All paru I. bolh N.tall•••• ........ MAND. CLUB. of ...... ht Mud .. ........ leI Mand.. ......U Mud .. .... .....do.-C.1l0 . ......... d • .• U.... ........ O'.J • . ........ C.I. Ace... .. PI • • Ace. .... .................. .. ............ 8 1reel, • .............. ............................. Stote. WATC II Till S SrACE t:ACB MONTH PR.ICE SCIIEDUI.E or "AND. ORCII. MUSIC rlucu-t.,tt" a tar Iltlt.. kl..,,, A 8 C JULY NEW ISSUES OUR NEW ISSUE PLAN ht M."doll. .. ...... .. ............ FOR ltIA'NDO LI N ORCHESTRA bel M.aol.li. C.ltar .ce. u eh ' . • 11 .,. .• '1'41 ....01.11 •• Octa.. ~ "and.t•• CRAND)CA (C"'I.aUIPrc:hlll-Dn-a •• of THer Xudol_, M.. oI •• C.d le V.llth.) La""~,..W~" . ..... .............. A IT 'S THE TALK a M.. oIo·o." ( ..Ill _tolJeu) ...rh ........................... 11 .U .:as ONE WONDERPUL NIGUT. Wallaa• . · J>I.t ... CeIl •••• d Replar Orchp· JlNlu. Tl'CGhft .............................A OF THE MANDOLIN WORLD t,a Put...... II.h_ . .15 .21 .11 !.Atler .h~r tltlolndlcalM price•• IN ec:hedule PI.n.Ift. ....................... ...15 ... hlIllCOUNT. I.' npp NE W JfA NDOL I N CLUB PUBLICA TIONS IT 18 FOR YOUR OWN INTERaT TO MENTION CRESCENDO WHEN WlllTINC ADVERTlSl:Il8 JUl 29191b ©a.R3:l7 (i71 DEVOTED TO THE lNTERFSTS OF The MANDOLI ORCHESTRA The Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo AND KINDRED INSTRUMENTS VOL. VIII. BOSTOH. A UGUST, 1916. No.2 THE ELITE MANDOLIN ORCIIESTRA (Whittier, <:'1.) Charles R.
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