Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. (2012) 1, 127–132 Chromosome Numbers of Some Vascular Plant Species from the South Baikal Siberia Victor V. CHEPINOGA1,2*, Aleksandr A. GNUTIKOV3 & Pavel I. LUBOGOSCHINSKY1 Victor V. Chepinoga ABSTR A C T 1 Department of Botany Chromosome numbers for 22 vascular plant species from Baikal Siberia are re­ Irkutsk State University por ted. The four species (Asparagus brachyphyllus Turcz., Lupinaster popovii Roskov, Irkutsk 664003 Russia Pri mula serrata Georgi, Galium paradoxum Maxim.) are studied caryologically for the 2 Albrecht von Hallier Institute of Plant first time. Also the new cytotypes in Asparagus davuricus Fisch. ex Link and My­ Sciences rio phyllum verticillatum L. were revealed. For 7 species there are first chromosome Georg­August University of Göttingen counts in Siberia. Göttingen 37073 Germany K e y w o r d s : E­mail: [email protected] сhromosome numbers, vascular plants, flora, Baikal region, South Siberia, Russia Aleksandr A. Gnutikov 3 V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS Чепинога В. В., Гнутиков А. А., Любогощинский П. И. Хромосомные St.­Petersburg 197376 Russia чи сла некоторых видов сосудистых растений из Байкальской Сибири Pavel I. Lubogoschinsky Приводятся хромосомные числа для 22 видов сосудистых растений с тер­ 1 Department of Botany ри­­тории Байкальской Сибири. Четыре вида (Asparagus brachyphyllus Turcz., Irkutsk State University Lu pinaster popovii Roskov, Primula serrata Georgi, Galium paradoxum Maxim.) ис сле­ Irkutsk 664003 Russia до ваны впервые. Новые кариологические расы обнаружены у Asparagus da vu­ * Corresponding author ri cus Fisch. ex Link, Myriophyllum verticillatum L. Для семи видов впервые хромо­ сомные числа получены на материале с территории Сибири. Ключевые слова: Manuscript received: 21.02.2012 числа хромосом, сосудистые растения, флора, Байкальский регион, Южная Си­ Review completed: 12.04.2012 бирь, Россия Accepted for publication: 15.07.2012 This paper continues a series of our contributions to chro­ ALLIE A C A E mo some numbers study on plant species from the Baikal Allium microdictyon Prokh., 2n = 16. Si beria (Chepinoga et al. 2008, 2009, 2010a, 2010b, Pro­ IRKU C1034, Russia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, ba­­tova et al. 2008a, 2008c, etc.). Plants for this study were Kha mar­Daban Range, 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course mostly­­ collected in the south of Zabaikalskii Krai (former of the Pereyemnaya River, riverbank, 453 m alt., 51°33′N, Chi­­tinskaya Oblast’), including Aginskii, Borzinskii, Mogoi­ 105°10′E, 07.VII.2009, coll. R. Moriz. tuyskii, Ononskii, Soloviovskii, Uletovskii Raions (districts). The species has been repeatedly investigated karyologically; da­ Some plants were collected in southern part of Republic of ta from the Baikal Siberia are also available (Krogulevich 1976, Bur yatia (Kabanskii, Mukhorshibirskii Raions) and Irkut­ 1978, Belaeva & Siplivinsky 1981, Friesen 1985, 1991, Che pi­ no ga et al. 2010b). The chromosome number is constant. s kaya Oblast’ (Shelekhovskii, Sludyanskii Raions, Irkutsk city). Allium neriniflorum G. Don ex Loudon An asterisk (*) before the species name indicates the first (Caloscordum neriniflorum Herb.), 2n = 16. chro mosome count for the species, and before chromosome IRKU C737, Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 4 km W of num ber – a new cytotype. Chromosome counting was made Gu nei village, left riverside of the Onon River, lakeside of oxbow by A. A. Gnutikov. Vouchers are deposited in IRKU; dup li­ lake Stepnoe, in grassland steppe, 652 m alt., 50°30′N, 114°29′E, cate samples are in VLA. 17.VII.2008, coll. P. Lubogoschinsky. A. neriniflorum, an East Asian species, occurs in Russia in Zabaikals­ ACERE A C A E kii Krai only. Outside Russia it is distributed in Eastern Mongolia and North­Eastern provinces of China. Diploid, with apparently Acer negundo L., 2n = 26. con stant chromosome number 2n = 16 (Friesen, 1986; see In­ IRKU C089, Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, downtown of Ir kutsk dex…, 2000, 2006). The tetraploid chromosome number 2n = 32, ci ty, Kirov square, 52°17′N, 104°16′E, 22.VI.2005, coll. A. re ported from Shanxi, China (Znang 1994) evidently belongs to Che pinoga & B. Batbayar. ano ther species. Noteworthy, Xu & Kamelin (2000) have not re­ The diploid chromosome number 2n = 26 is constant within por ted A. neriniflorum from Shanxi, and they indicated only 2n = the species (see Index …, 1981, 1985, 1990, 1991, 1998, 2000). 16 for this species. First count in Siberia. ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2012 127 Chepinoga, Gnutikov & Lubogoschinsky Allium polyrhizum Turcz. ex Regel, 2n = 32. chro mosome number 2n = 20 was independently obtained IRKU C760, Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 15 in A. brachyphyllus from plants collected by S. Kazanovsky at km S of Kulussutai village, between Zun­Torei and Barun­To­ the northern shore of Zun­Torei Lake (N. Probatova, pers. rei lakes, feather grass steppe, 601 m alt., 50°06′N, 115°41′E, comm.). 28.VII.2008, coll. P. Lubogoschinsky. First count in Siberia. Closely related species (A. brachyphyllus, A. pallasii, A. tamariscinus This species has been investigated karyologically from China only. Iva nova ex Grubov, A. trichophyllus Bunge) are distinguished Two counts (2n = 32) were made from the North­East China, ter­ mostly on the geographical basis, while morphological dif fe­ ri tories neighboring to Zabaikalskii Krai (Toglor et al. 1993, Yang ren ces are weak and unstable (Vlassova 1989, Gubanov 1996, et al. 1998). In contrast, diploid number 2n = 16 was reported from Chen & Tamanian 2000). We tend to support the opinion by Ti betan Plateau (Hongguan et al. 2005); however, this count may V. Grubov (1977), who considered all these species as A. tricho­ be long to some other species. phyl lus s. l. Further studies applying methods of karyology and mo lecular markers (see, for example: Fukuda et al. 2005) are Allium ramosum L., 2n = 16. needed to elucidate relationships within this taxon. IRKU C609, Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai: Uletovskii Raion, 5 km Asparagus davuricus Fisch. ex Link SW of Cheremkhovo village, left riverside of the Ingoda River, (incl. A. burjaticus Peschkova), 2n = 20. ste ppe, 51°28′N, 112°43′E, 10.VIII.2007, coll. A. Gnutikov & IRKU C856, Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai: Mogoituyskii Raion, I. Enushchenko; IRKU C877, C879, Aginskii Raion, 28 km 6 km NE Kusocha village, floodplain of right riverside of NW of Nizhnii Zassuchey village, saline lake Kunkur, feather the Onon River, floodplain, shore of the quarry lake, 571 m grass steppe, 636 m alt., 50°42′N, 114°53′E, 21.VII.2008, coll. alt., 50°44′N, 115°42′E, 14.VII.2008, coll. V. Chepinoga & M. Isaikina. S. Ros bakh; IRKU C857, C875, Borzinskii Raion, 10 km N of So lo viovsk village, between Zun­Torei and Barun­Torei — 2n = 32. lakes, steppe, 593 m alt., 49°58′N, 115°43′E, 27.VII.2008, coll. IRKU C762, Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 15 M. Isai kina, K. Fleckenstein & N. Pazdnikova; IRKU C860, km S of Kulussutai village, between Zun­Torei and Barun­To­ C876, Bor zinskii Raion, 15 km S of Kulussutai village, be­ rei lakes, feather grass steppe, 601 m alt., 50°06′N, 115°41′E, tween Zun­To rei and Barun­Torei lakes, feather grass steppe, 28.VII.2008, coll. P. Lubogoschinsky. 601 m alt., 50°06′N, 115°41′E, 28.VII.2008, coll. V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh & P. Lubogoschinsky. Two karyological races are known for this Asian forest­steppe spe­ cies: di­ and tetraploid (x = 8; 2n = 16 and 32). Diploids were re­ *— 2n = 40. por ted from China only (Index… 1988, 1998, 2000, 2006, 2010). The origin of some diploid specimens is unknown (see Agapova IRKU C761, Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 15 et al. 1990). Chromosome numbers for A. ramosum were repeatedly km S of Kulussutai village, between Zun­Torei and Barun­To­ coun ted in plants from different regions of South Siberia and the rei lakes, feather grass steppe, 601 m alt., 50°06′N, 115°41′E, Rus sian Far East (Primorskii Krai), but all of them were 2n = 32 28.VII.2008, coll. P. Lubogoschinsky. (So kolovskaya 1966, Rostovtseva 1977, Gritsenko & Gursenkov The reports of chromosome numbers for A. davuricus were made 1983; Friesen 1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, Krogulevich & Rostovtseva from Zabaikalskii Krai (2n = 20, Borzia town and Kazanovo vil­ 1984, Rudyka 1984, Krasnikov 1985, Probatova et al. 2011). Note­ lage – Vlassova 1981, Krogulevich & Rostovtseva 1984) and China wor thy, in plants from SE Transbaikalia (neighboring to China) we (2n = 18; see Index … 2003). The 2n = 20 was also ob tained re vealed both (2x and 4x) races. independently in A. davuricus from plants collected by S. Ka za nov­ sky in the Adon­Chelon mountain­steppe massif (SE Trans bai­ AM A R A N TH A C E A E kalia), but for A. burjaticus it was 2n = 40, from plants collected by Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson, 2n = 32. D. Krivenko along the Selenga River (Southern Buryatia) (N. Pro­ ba tova, pers. comm.). IRKU C799, Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, So­ lo viovsk village, near a fence, 608 m alt., 49°53′N, 115°45′E, A. davuricus and A. burjaticus are closely related species with un­ 29.VII.2008, coll. V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh & A. Konovalov. stable morphological differences; nevertheless the difference First count in Siberia. in ploidy levels can be a good reason to consider these two taxa as separate species. This cosmopolitan species is probably tetraploid (x = 8) and its chromosome number has been reported many times (see Asparagus gibbus Bunge, 2n = 40. In dex… 1981, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1996, 2006, Probatova IRKU C858, Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai: Borzinskii Raion, 12 et al. 2009). km E of Soloviovsk village, on the shore of Zun­Torei lake, 597 m alt., 49°59′N, 115°50′E, 29.VII.2008, coll.
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