On ultrapowers of Banach spaces of type L∞ Antonio Avil´es, F´elix Cabello S´anchez, Jes´us M. F. Castillo, Manuel Gonz´alez and Yolanda Moreno Abstract. We prove that no ultraproduct of Banach spaces via a countably in- complete ultrafilter can contain c0 complemented. This shows that a “result” widely used in the theory of ultraproducts is wrong. We then amend a number of results whose proofs had been infected by that statement. In particular we provide proofs for the following statements: (i) All M-spaces, in particular all C(K)-spaces, have ultrapowers isomorphic to ultrapowers of c0, as well as all their complemented sub- spaces isomorphic to their square. (ii) No ultrapower of the Gurari˘ıspace can be complemented in any M-space. (iii) There exist Banach spaces not complemented in any C(K)-space having ultrapowers isomorphic to a C(K)-space. 1. Introduction The Banach space ultraproduct construction has been, and still continues to be, the main bridge between model theory and the theory of Banach spaces and its ramifi- cations. Ultraproducts of Banach spaces, even at a very elementary level, proved very useful in the “local theory”, the study of Banach lattices, and also in some nonlinear problems, such as the uniform and Lipschitz classification of Banach spaces. We refer the reader to Heinrich’s survey paper [19] and Sims’ notes [37] for two complementary accounts. While the study of the isometric properties of ultraproducts goes back to its arXiv:1307.4387v1 [math.FA] 16 Jul 2013 inception in Banach space theory and produced a rather coherent set of results very early (see for instance [24]), not much is known about the isomorphic theory. The pur- pose of this paper is to study the interplay between the isomorphic theory of Banach spaces and ultraproducts, placing the emphasis on spaces of type L∞. To do this we need first to clarify the status of a number of “results” in the theory of ultraproducts of Banach spaces. Let us explain this point in detail as it might be the most interest- ing feature of the paper to some readers. We refer the reader to Section 2 for precise definitions and all unexplained notation. The following statement appears, without proof, as Lemma 4.2 (ii) in Stern’s paper [38]: 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B08, 46M07, 46B26. 1 2 AVILES´ ET AL. ⋆ If U is a countably incomplete ultrafilter and H is the corresponding ultra- power of c0, then H contains a complemented subspace isometric to c0(H). Here, c0 is the space of scalar sequences converging to zero and c0(H) is the space of sequences converging to zero in H, with the sup norm. This statement, however, turns out to be false (see below). Unfortunately, Stern’s Lemma has infected the proofs of a number of results in the nonstandard theory and ultraproduct theory of Banach spaces. We can mention: (a) If E is isomorphic to a complemented subspace of a C-space, then E has an ultrapower isomorphic to a C-space (Stern [38, Theorem 4.5(ii)]) and also Henson-Moore [26, Theorem 6.6 (c)]). (b) If E is isomorphic to a complemented subspace of an M-space, then E has an ultrapower isomorphic to a C-space (Heinrich-Henson [21, Theorem 12(c)]). (c) If E is an M-space then E has an ultrapower isomorphic to an ultrapower of ℓ∞ (Henson-Moore [26, Theorem 6.7]). (d) Ultrapowers of the Gurari˘ıspace with respect to countably incomplete ultrafil- ters are not complemented in any C-space. (Henson-Moore [26, Theorem 6.8]) (Here, a C-space is a Banach space isometrically isomorphic to C(K), the space of all continuous functions on the compact space K with the sup norm again, while an M-space is a sublattice of a C-space; see Section 2.4.) With this background in mind let us explain the organization of the paper and summarize its main results. Section 2 is preliminary and it mostly consists of defini- tions and conventions about the notation. Section 3 contains a few general results on the structure of ultraproducts of Banach spaces – we invariably assume they are built over countably incomplete ultrafilters. We will show that ultraproducts of Banach spaces are Grothendieck spaces as long as they are L∞-spaces (Proposition 3.2). A Grothendieck space is a Banach space were c0-valued operators are weakly compact: in particular no Grothendieck space can contain a complemented copy of c0. This already shows that Stern’s lemma is wrong. And indeed more is true: c0 is never comple- mented in ultraproducts (Proposition 3.3). Interesting sideways can be taken to arrive to these results. In [3] we have shown that ultrapowers of L∞-spaces are “universally separably injective” –E is universally separably injective if E-valued operators extend from separable subspaces– and that universally separably injective spaces are always Grothendieck. To complete those results we have added a proof that infinite dimen- sional ultraproducts via countably incomplete ultrafilters are never injective spaces, a result basically due to Henson and Moore [25, Theorem 2.6]. In Section 4 we consider the problem of whether two given Banach spaces have isomorphic (not necessarily iso- metric) ultrapowers. Regarding the statements (a) to (d) we show that (c) and (d) are true and we provide amendments for (a) and (b) by proving that they hold under the additional hypothesis that E is isomorphic to its square. The closing Section 5 contains some additional results, together with some open problems that we found interesting. ON ULTRAPOWERS OF BANACH SPACES OF TYPE L∞ 3 2. Preliminaries 2.1. Filters. A family U of subsets of a given set I is said to be a filter if it is closed under finite intersection, does not contain the empty set and, one has A ∈ U provided B ⊂ A and B ∈ U . An ultrafilter on I is a filter which is maximal with respect to inclusion. If X is a (Hausdorff) topological space, f : I → X is a function, and x ∈ X, one says that f(i) converges to x along U (written x = limU f(i) to short) if whenever V is a neighborhood of x in X the set f −1(V )= {i ∈ I : f(i) ∈ V } belongs to U . The obvious compactness argument shows that if X is compact and Hausdorff, and U is an ultrafilter on I, then for every function f : I → X there is a unique x ∈ X such that x = limU f(i). Definition 1. An ultrafilter U on a set I is countably incomplete if there is a U ∞ ∅ sequence (In) of subsets of I such that In ∈ for all n, and n=1 In = . Throughout this paper all ultrafilters will be assumed to beT countably incomplete. Notice that U is countably incomplete if and only if there is a function n : I → N such that n(i) →∞ along U (equivalently, there is a family ε(i) of strictly positive numbers converging to zero along U ). It is obvious that any countably incomplete ultrafilter is free (it contains no singleton) and also that every free ultrafilter on N is countably incomplete. Assuming all free ultrafilters are countably incomplete is consistent with ZFC, the usual setting of set theory, with the axiom of choice. 2.2. Ultraproducts of Banach spaces. Let us briefly recall the definition and some basic properties of ultraproducts of Banach spaces. Let (Xi)i∈I be a family of Banach spaces indexed by the set I and let U be an ultrafilter on I. The space of bounded families ℓ∞(I,Xi) endowed with the supremum norm is a Banach space, and U c0 (Xi) = {(xi) ∈ ℓ∞(I,Xi) : limU kxik = 0} is a closed subspace of ℓ∞(I,Xi). The ultraproduct of the spaces (Xi)i∈I following U is defined as the quotient space U [Xi]U = ℓ∞(I,Xi)/c0 (Xi), with the quotient norm. We denote by [(xi)] the element of [Xi]U which has the family (xi) as a representative. It is easy to see that k[(xi)]k = limU kxik. In the case Xi = X for all i, we denote the ultraproduct by XU , and call it the ultrapower of X following U . If Ti : Xi → Yi is a uniformly bounded family of operators, the ultraproduct operator [Ti]U :[Xi]U → [Yi]U is given by [Ti]U [(xi)] = [Ti(xi)]. Quite clearly, k[Ti]U k = limU kTik. 2.3. Banach spaces of type L∞ and Lindenstrauss spaces. Throughout the paper we shall write X ∼ Y to indicate that the Banach spaces X and Y are linearly isomorphic. If they are isometric we write X ≈ Y . The ground field is R. A Banach space X is said to be an L∞,λ-space (with λ ≥ 1) if every finite dimensional subspace F of X is contained in another finite dimensional subspace n of X whose Banach-Mazur distance to the corresponding ℓ∞ is at most λ. The 4 AVILES´ ET AL. Banach-Mazur distance between two isomorphic Banach spaces X and Y is defined −1 as d(X,Y ) = infT kT kkT k, where T runs over all isomorphisms between X and Y . An L∞-space is just a L∞,λ-space for some λ ≥ 1; we will say that it is a L∞,λ+- space when it is a L∞,µ-space for all µ>λ. The L∞,1+-spaces are usually called Lindenstrauss spaces and coincide with the isometric preduals of L1(µ)-spaces; see [41, Theorem 4.1].
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