![United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,563,967](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
UnitedI States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,563,967 Oksman [45] Date of Patent: Jan. 14, 1986 [54] SPORT SAILBOAT STEERING AND [56] References Cited BALANCING ARRANGEMENT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS [76] Inventor: G. Timothy oksman, 15 N_ 29th St” 12/1332 ......................... .. 114/162 Richmond, Va- 23223 3,985,090 10/1976 Rineman .. 4,054,100 10/1977 Rineman ........................... .. 114/102 [21] Appl. No.: 665,517 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [22] PCT Filed: Feb. 26, 1982 248 0702 W 19s 1 France .............................. .. “4/ 10 2 Primary Examiner-Galen L. Barefoot Assistant Examiner-Jes?s D. Sotelo [86] PCT No" PCr/USsZ/oozsz Attorney, Agent, or Firm-W. Brown Morton, Jr. § 371 Date: Sep. 29, 1982 [57] ABSTRACT § 10.2(e) Date: Sep. 29, 1982 A monohull, sport, sailing boat with ?xed mast, center board, and rudder, cat-rigged with ?ghting moment [87] PCT Pub. No.: W083/02927 provided by manipulation of a trapeze attached high on PCT Pub. Date: Sep. 1, 1983 the mast by a support line of adjustable length. Steering lines running forward from a thwartship steering bar affixed to the rudder lead to a slide car carried on a Related US. Application Data thwartship track forward of the mast. The tiller is con nected to this car by a universal joint. The mainsheet is [63] Continuation of Ser. No. 428,489, Sep. 29, 1982, aban led forward of the mast and its forward location with doncd. the tiller and trapeze permit the sailor to cross in front of the mast when tacking without having to release the [51] Int. Cl.‘ ............................................ .. B63B 35/00 tiller or the sheet or to change trapeze adjustment. This [52] US. Cl. ......................... .. 114/39; 114/144 R arrangement also permits use of a larger said area. [5 8] Field of Search ............... .. 114/39, 102, 103, 123, 114/144 R, 162, 163 9 Claims, 8 Drawing: Figures US. Patent Jan. 14, 1986 'Sheetl of2 4,563,967 F/G. #1. H6 /B U.S. Patent Jan. 14,1986 Sheet2of2 4,563,967 F/G.4. F/G. 5. P76. 6. 4,563,967 1 2 straps. The placement of the tiller and mainsheet allows - SPORT SAILBOAT STEERING AND BALANCING tacking by easily changing sides in front of the mast ARRANGEMENT without unhitching the trapeze harness. Because this invention utilizes the basic sailing boat features, the This is a continuation of Ser. No. 428,489, ?led Sept. 5 complex process involved in using the windsurfer ex 29, 1982, now abandoned. ample, mounting the mast on a universal joint and TECHNICAL FIELD changing the center of effort, is eliminated. The trapeze reduces the physical strength necessary to operate the The technical ?eld of this invention is that of small type of vessel exempli?ed by the “Windsurfer ®”. The sport sailboats, especially those usually sailed by one purpose of this invention is to provide the advantages of person, with or without one or two companions. Fre a trapeze on a small, single-handed sailboat. Absent an quently the occupants of such boats wear wet suits or ability to tack by moving in front of the mast, a trapeze bathing suits and the operator expects to expend sub is impractical on a one-man sailboat. The trapeze pro stantial physical energy and to be called upon to display vides additional righting moment, which, for the ?rst substantial skill and ready agility to get the fastest and time, will allow a small boat to carry a larger sail for most exhilarating performance from the boat. increased speed and better performance and will require BACKGROUND ART less physical exertion. An additional advantage of the trapeze is in providing stability to the mast in strong There are two principal sorts of boats in common use winds analogous to that provided by a conventional today for which a boat arranged according to my inven shroud thereby permitting construction of the boat in tion is a competitive replacement combining many of light-weight materials. The forward placement of the the virtues of each. One sort is exempli?ed by the well tiller affords the sailor the advantage of tacking by known “Windsurfer ®” in which the sail is mounted on crossing the boat forward of the mast without dodging the hull by a universal joint and the sail is extended by the boom. Forward placement of the mainsheet is an a wishbone boom. The operator stands on top of the 25 other necessary element to permit tacking in front of the hull and controls the balance, speed, and direction of mast. the boat by manipulating the angle of the mast to the The mainsail may be rigged with a sleeve luff and hull and the alignment of the wishbone by his hands. An may be loose-footed, although these features are not outrigger variant of this sort of boat is shown in U.S. elements of the invention. The invention requires no Pat. No. 3,985,900. The other sort generally has a shal standing rigging. Its running rigging is simple and in low, decked-over hull (referred to in the trade as a cludes a mainsheet, a clew outhaul, a trapeze length “board boat”) rigged with a ?xed mast, a spar-sup adjuster, and a vang. The centerboard and rudder may ported sail conventionally sheeted, and steered from a be built to kick-up so that the boat can be sailed directly position abaft the mast, and on which the sailor moves onto a beach without damage. under the boom, aft of the mast, when tacking. The tiller preferably connects by a universal joint to Two interesting variants were considered during the a slide car running on a track af?xed to the deck for preparation of this application. One variant is U.S. Pat. ward of the mast. This slide car is connected to the No. 3,902,442 which discloses a sailboat having two rudder by a system of lines and a lateral steering bar on rudders, one at each opposite end A and B, that is the rudder. Alternatively, the tiller can be connected to worked to windward not by coming about but by re 40 the deck without the track and car by a stainless steel versing the direction of motion from A end ?rst to B coil spring (or other connector) affording motion equiv end ?rst by manipulation of the sails and stays. The alent to a universal joint and maintained generally per rudder at the end that is the “stem” from time to time pendicular to the plane of the deck when the rudder is affords the steering; the rudder at the other end is centered. In either preferred or alternative arrangement locked to provide a sort of centerboard. The other 45 the universal motion accords the sailor increased versa variant is US. Pat. No. 3,931,779. It shows a sport cat tility in operating the tiller in comparison with a con boat with a conventional rudder aft controlled by a ventional tiller movable in a ?xed plane about an axis tiller turning in a horizontal plane about a vertical pivot which is essentially perpendicular to the keel. in the foredeck. A second rudder is provided connected to the after end of the mainsail boom. Various arrange BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS . ments are shown for controlling this novel auxiliary The invention will be described in detail with refer rudder to make the boom-to-keel-line angle automati-v ence to the accompanying technical drawings in which: cally variable in response to wind pressure. A conven FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the preferred car-and tional trapeze and harness abaft the mast is shown. track embodiment of a boat arranged according to the 55 DISCLOSURE OF INVENTION invention; FIGS. 1A and 1B illustrate diagrammatically opera The arrangement of this invention relates to sailing tion of the boat in light and heavy air, respectively; boats, typically small, recreational catboats with a hull, FIGS. 2 and 3 are front and rear elevations, respec a ?xed mast, a centerboard, a rudder, and a mainsail. It tively, of a tiller according to the invention employing uniquely combines a tiller attached to the hull by a 60 the alternative coil spring mounting; and universal joint, preferably on a slide track forward of FIGS. 4, 5, and 6 are plan views showing the move the mast, and the use of a trapeze attached high on the ment of the tiller and rudder in the car-and-track em mast by a single support line to be manipulated by the bodiment. sailor also forward of the mast. The mainsheet also runs to the control station forward of the mast. The righting BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE moment is provided by the use of a trapeze mounted INVENTION high on the mast to swing freely from side to side across Generally, the invention provides a small, one-man, in front of the mast rather than by the use of hiking high-performance board boat. The speci?c boat pic 4,563,967 3 4 tured in FIG. 1 comprises a hull 1, a ?xed mast 2, a into during tacking and no boom to duck. The usual catmainsail 3, and a rudder 4. The sail 3 is conveniently small boat “contortions” are thus avoided and a grace attached to the mast 2 through a sleeve luff and may be ful, virtually effortless swing across the deck is made‘ loose-footed. The hull is readily provided with both the possible. The forward location of the tiller and main fore and after decks adaptable for sunbathing.
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