S7964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 30, 1999 the midst of many threatening clouds it IN RECOGNITION OF THE ANTI- ber of the Foreign Relations Com- brought us a beautiful golden season of Ei- CRUELTY SOCIETY ON THEIR mittee, he worked tirelessly to ensure senhower weather. 100TH ANNIVERSARY that the United States remained en- ‘‘For what he did, and above all for what he ∑ Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, it is gaged with China to promote stability, was, we thank God from the bottom of our openness, and prosperity in that coun- hearts tonight.’’ with pride and pleasure that I take a President Eisenhower’s Covenant for Total moment today to recognize the Anti- try. Even Henry Kissinger, who ini- Peace is known to many of you. It was read Cruelty Society of Chicago on the oc- tially expressed misgivings about Am- by Charlton Heston on the anniversary of D- casion of their 100th anniversary. The bassador Sasser’s appointment, re- Day, June 6th 1998, in Philadelphia. Ameri- society’s centennial celebration is enti- cently remarked, ‘‘I have known no cans who didn’t know Ike personally should tled ‘‘1999—The Anti-Cruelty Society American ambassador who has done a read it—and know what he did for us, and for better or more passionate job on Sino- the world. Centennial: A Legacy of Caring, A Vi- sion of Hope for the 21st Century,’’ and U.S. relations than Ambassador Sas- I enlisted in General Eisenhower’s crusade ser.’’ 50 years ago. And as a member of the Eisen- is truly an appropriate description of the organization’s valuable impact on Even during the bad times, when re- hower Administration, I joined the President lations soured, Ambassador Sasser has in the battle for Alaska statehood. His admo- the lives and treatment of the nation’s nition that ‘‘there is one thing you must animals. maintained a high level of communica- never do—lose’’ is a principle which con- One hundreds years ago, the society’s tion with Chinese leaders and provided tinues to guide my public life. founders, led by Illinois resident Mrs. a calm and steady influence. He recog- Ike will always be my Supreme Com- Theodore Thomas, were concerned with nized that no single issue can make or mander. His devotion to duty, country, inhumane butchery in slaughterhouses, break U.S.-China relations and that honor have shaped my nearly 50 years of pub- the treatment of old sick workhorses, open and frank dialogue is essential to lic service. I view the world and my responsi- promoting American values, especially bility to it through his prism. Whether it’s and hundreds of thousands of malnour- ished homeless dogs and cats. In their those in the area of human rights. continuing the battle to ensure the promises Though he served with distinction for of statehood are kept or working side by side efforts to eliminate cruelty to animals, more than three years, perhaps Ambas- with my partner, Dan Inouye, to maintain to educate the public on the humane the strong national defense that Ike helped treatment of animals, and to create a sador Sasser’s finest hour came only a build, I am honored to continue as a foot sol- refuge for stray animals until they few weeks ago. After the accidental dier in his battle to ‘‘wage peace.’’ could be placed in good homes, the so- bombing of the Chinese embassy in The Crusade I want to join is obvious: In ciety achieved impressive accomplish- Belgrade, tens of thousands of angry my mind Dwight David Eisenhower must be ments in Illinois and across the nation. protesters gathered in front of the named the Person of the Twentieth Century. American embassy in Beijing and My question is: where do I enlist?∑ In fact, the group gave rise to an orga- nization so dynamic that it has im- hurled bricks and rocks at the build- ing. The situation was dangerously f pacted and continues to impact public policy and set the standard of humane close to spinning out of control and the treatment for animals worldwide. lives of those inside the embassy were NED HOMFELD WINS ENTRE- Once again, I congratulate the Anti- potentially in danger. Rather than PRENEUR OF THE YEAR AWARD Cruelty Society in Chicago on their re- seek cover in a safer place, Ambassador ∑ Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise markable first 100 years of service, and Sasser stayed. Near the end of his service, he pro- today to acknowledge Ned Homfeld, wish them the best of luck as they con- vided us with a lasting image of poise, who has been named Entrepreneur of tinue to make a positive impact upon strength, and courage. His actions were the Year for 1999, by Ernst & Young, the lives of animals and humans in the indeed inspiring to those that were Mr. Homfeld was selected as the most many years to come.∑ with him in Beijing and also to those of outstanding company owner-manager f us who were watching as the events un- from among 500 other exemplary nomi- folded on television. He represented the nees. MISS MISSOURI 1999 finest of Americans who serve their Ned Homfeld, the president of Spirit ∑ Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I rise country in embassies and consulates Airlines, is the driving force behind the today to recognize the winner of the around the world—he was a diplomat young company and its remarkable 1999 Miss Missouri Pageant, Miss who would not give up his post. success in the highly competitive air- Patryce CoRae King. On June 12th, in Again, I congratulate Ambassador line business. Spirit Airlines, a small my home town of Mexico, MO, Miss Sasser for a job well done and wish him air carrier, offers low cost jet service King won the State pageant and will go the best for his future endeavors.∑ to some of America’s most popular on to represent Missouri in the Miss f business and leisure destinations as America Pageant. Miss King is an ac- well as underserved areas in need of air complished pianist and won the talent KICKOFF OF THE WOMEN’S WORLD travel service. competition of the pageant with a ren- CUP Before his involvement with Spirit dition of Gershwin’s ‘‘Rhapsody in ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, last Airlines, Mr. Homfeld was involved in Blue.’’ I wish Miss King the best of week marked the beginning of the 1999 numerous other operations including luck and know that she will represent Women’s World Cup, a competition Ground Air Transfers, which delivered Missouri well at the Miss America Pag- that includes the best soccer teams critically needed parts to automotive eant in September.∑ from throughout the world. Held every plants, and Charter One, a company f four years since 1991, the women’s that offered public charter day trips. World Cup brings together the finest Mr. Homfeld’s drive for continued im- RETIREMENT OF JAMES R. SAS- women athletes and allows them to provements in the airline industry is a SER AS AMBASSADOR TO CHINA compete at the highest level. It is so testament to his hard work and devo- ∑ Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I wonderful that young women through- tion to the American public. rise today to express my thanks and out the world have these role models to Mr. Homfeld’s continued dedication appreciation to Ambassador James look up to—role models such as our has not only served Spirit Airlines, but Sasser for the excellent job he has done very own charismatic Julie Foudy, has greatly benefited the greater com- as United States ambassador to China. working mother Joy Fawcett, teenage munity as well. Spirit Airlines, pro- After more than three years of dedi- sensation Tiffany Roberts, and veteran viding safe, quality air travel at afford- cated service, Ambassador Sasser will superstar Michelle Akers. able prices, has been a welcome con- be stepping down from his position. The United States team, which is tributor to Detroit’s and other cities Ambassador Sasser served during an among the favorites to win the tour- across the United States, economic interesting, often strenuous, period of nament, is led by the best women’s soc- successes during the past decade. His U.S.-China relations. Drawing on his cer player of all time: Mia Hamm. Mia creativity, perseverance and entrepre- experiences as a distinguished three Hamm has scored more international neurial spirit is an example to us all.∑ term United States Senator and mem- goals than any person—man or VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:06 Nov 01, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00130 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1999SENATE\S30JN9.REC S30JN9 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY June 30, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7965 woman—in the history of the game. It fidently lead the ‘‘Super Falcons’’ to periment stations. As we enter a new was perfectly fitting that she scored the second round. The Brazilian one- millennium we must develop ways for the first goal of the tournament by name wonders of Sissi and Preinha producers to afford and adapt to the half-volleying a Brandi Chastain pass brought to mind visions of Pele and technological advancements that can into the roof of the net. Romario in scoring the first hat tricks make United States agriculture more It is also fitting that Mia Hamm was of the tournament. And Norway, which competitive. This is crucial in order for born in 1972, the same year that Presi- has played in the previous two World South Dakota to compete in the ever- dent Nixon signed into law Title IX of Cup title games, opened its title de- changing global market.
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