Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1977 Daily Egyptian 1977 4-14-1977 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 14, 1977 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1977 Volume 58, Issue 138 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 14, 1977." (Apr 1977). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1977 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1977 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ : "",II I .. 1m - V ... 51. 1110. III Self-serve gas stations to debut in Illinois May I By Bob SpriDger WIth Prl'sldenl Carter on the Auod.t.ted PretI, Wriler Prt'Sldent's emE'rglnl( natIonal t'nt'rJ.(Y SPRINGFIELD I APl · Self-service policy gasoline stations will be allowed in Thompson saId hI' WIll uq~" ("arter to em;>hasize llhnols' ('oal rE'Sefn'S 10 for' ~I~~::fstsb~~~~~~nrro~~~o !~ f~;ea~~~ mulatlng that polICY 00 a gallon of gasoline. Gov James R He saId hp would also tell Ihe Thompson announced Wednesday. Prl'sident that [lIlnols cl tllens are "i have come to the conclusion that disappointed OVl'r the Cartt'f ad­ Illinois motorists should be able 10 save mlnistration's rt'{'ent d('('lsion not to money by pumping their own gas." build a nt'w aIrport In the ColumbIa · Thompson said al a news conference. Waterloo area serving St Louis. Thompson estimated the move to ~elf · Thompson saId he approved the service stations would save IllinoIS change to allow St'lf'S('rvice gasoltnt' stations on the basis of 'recom ­ motorists about $60 million a year In gasoline costs. mendatioo-~ from Tvrone (' f'ahner He said the stale would also get an director of the state Oeparlment of La~ additionaf ... m iIlion to S6 million a year Enforcement (rom gasoline taxes. in part because "I madt' up my mind this mornm~ consumers won't Cf()SS state lines to get Wednesday to do it. Once [ mad.. up my the service in other states. mInd. [decided to announce it," Thom· nte change to self-service gasolin~ pson said. will be accomplished by amending the Permits to operate a self-service ' regulations of the state fire marshal. station will be lSSUt'd bv the state IIrt' ~~h now bar suet. service , Thom,P.SOO marst>al. whase office will also Inspect the facilit Ies . North Dakota and Oregon are the The legIslat ure ha~ defeated only other two states with laws barrin!( proposals 10 lega lize .'e I f ' s(' rv ice self-service gasoline stations. the governor's office said. gasoline. WIth opponents argulOg It would benefIt major oil companies by More than 60 per cent of I Uinois driving out independent dealers who voters surveyed said they favored can't afford the ne«ied equipment for Sign of spring allowing self-service gasoline stations. self-service pumps. according to a recent poll published by Wamlng: SwamiS of [ron masked and spring toothed bugs. Which Gannett News Service. Robert Walsh. stale fire marshal. resemble sections of railroad suspension systems, hew been seen On another matter, Thompson said he stirred a storm of controvt'rs), last year burrowing around the railroad trades near Alto Pass. If spotted, will go to Washington on ThUrsday with when he mdlcated he was consl<it>nng please report them to your local authorities. (Staff photo by fNJrc a number of other governors to meet lifting the bar} on self-service gasoline . Galassini) Petitions due Bargaining for graduate assistants forIPIRG favored by 60 per cent in GSC poll board election Candidacy petitions for the IllinOIS By Mark Eqar responded said they would favor a move Saying that the teaching load in the DaUy ElYJIdb 8taft' Wriler Public Interest Research Group to allow graduate assistant5 to b('('ome English department is much greater (IPIRG) board election are due at 11 members of a faculty collective than in history . Swanson said. " there is am. Friday. The April 20 election will ColJective bargaining tor graduate bargaining unit . assistants is favored by 60' per cent of a great deal of inequity from one area to seat seven members on the board. In addition, 69 per cent said they would another." Students interested in running should the Ilraduate students who responded to Swanson added that graduate 8 recent poll. pick up petitions at the IPIRG office on ~~n~~~~~be%C~~~g i~ ~t ~~i~~ired assistants ha ve been unsuccessful in But only 50 per cent said tht'y would Swanson said the results indicate the third noor of the Student Center. not support collective bargaininlli if it pol getting job descriptions spelled out in Twenty-five signatures are required on tha t many ~raduate students ar'!' the past. meant striking according to the resulL~ displeased WIth the salaries and job " Mavbe now we can get something the petitions. The IPIRG board candidates will be released Wednesday. responsibilities of graduate assistants. down rn writing." he said. Nearly :II per cent of the 1.345 Swanson noted that graduate The growing movement for faculty listed 00 8 ballot to be distributed with graduate students surveyed responded assistants who have collective collective bargaining may also give the Student Government ballot. This is to the poll taken two weeks ago and bargaining at the University of impetus for a bargaining unit for the first time board members have conducted by the Graduate student Michigan at Ann Arbor earn $3.200 per graduate assistants. been el('('ted. In the past they have been Council (GSc). nine months: while the salary at SIU is In a recent faculty poll on collective volunteers. The GSC has taken no offiCIal stand about S2. 000. bargaining. 51 per cent of those who "We are looking for candidates with on the collective bargaining ISSue . He said collective bargaining could responded favored collective an interest in consumerism and with an In announcing the rt'Sults. Greg lead to fringe benefits for graduate bargaining. Nearly 64 per cent of about interest in gaining experience in their Swanson, GSC member. said he was assistants, including rblue sticker 1. 400 faculty members surveyed fields, " Marilyn Septon-Thomas. an r pleased with the number of respon<it>nts . parking privileges and medical benefits responded to the poll. IPIRG board member. said. 'calling it a " major;ty as far as referen' Swanson said the job descriptions for The Board of Trustees is scheduled to IPI!lG. a nonprofit consumer ad· dums ~o . " graduate assistants are too diverse discuss collective bargaining Thursday vocacy organization. has taken bar On o.her qUE'Stions . 51 per cent who among departments at IL~ meeting in Edward-wille. sanitation. utility. housing and food and liquor store price surveys. IPIRG has published two books-tl directory of doctors in the Carbondale-Murphysboro Gus area and a guide to small claims court. Candidates invited to submit In addition, IPIRG publishes the HELP colUA'KI in conjunction with the Daily Egyptian and has established the statements for publication Consumer Action Center, which is a 24 hour informallon and referral S4'rviCE' Candidates for the April 20 Stu<it>nt Governmpnt elf'<'tlons an? InvitE'd 10 sub· Currently. IPIRG is preparing to ~&xk mIt statemt'nts for publicaOon 10 Tlt'xt TUE'Sday 's Daily Egyptian. petition the Board of Trustees to The s tatt>mt'nL~ must be typewritten on nonerasablt' paper in doubk>-spacE'd authorize collection of a special IPIR(; 6O-space lines. They should not e~ceed ISO word-~ for Student Senate candidates fee of SI.50 per student per semester If and must make clear the dIstrict in which tht' candidate is running. Candidatps approved. the money coitt.'Cled will bt· for presIdent. VIce prt'Sldent and student trustee 8re allowed 2IlO words. used to pay professional staff. Candidates submitting statemenL~ must bring tht'm personally to lhe Daily Inspired by Ralph Nader. PIf{G 's Egyptian newsroom . 1247 CommUOlcatlOns BUIlding. by noon Friday. Can­ exist In :.!Ii states and are runded by ft'('s Gus Sit~ self-service gas stafions will didates must presl'nt Idt'ntlflcatlon when tht'y submit their statements. coll('('ted by slate Universities. Septon' work only ~ ICI"l9 as the gas holds out. Thomas SZ>ld. ,PaJ;ents say Guthrie, Beatles profane · ELKADER, Iowa (APJ - In the kind readil1l problems. a controversy thlt has torn apart "Children are encouraged to question civil Squire and the oIher publishers' schools before, about 30 parents hef'e spokesmen said the books are all part have banded together to rid the local law and the authority over them from the d structured teacftil1l programs. and school curriculum of three con~ions teachers are supposed to lead ol short stories and other largely conten~ of the8e book8," 8ay~ the complainant. discussions 0( the stories, American literature. " The te.tche!'S· manual would ".; parents say the stories " un' them Into reading by raising questions a sniper In a war, reassure these parents." Squire said. dermine American and Christian pnn' about values which they can discuss " It tells or the sm ile on his face as he Mrs .. Sage said the angry parents' ciples. " The educators and the with teachers. - shoots a man. arxj the joy he feels when want the board to appoint a committee publishers who print the books say they " It is not enou~h for children to be he learns tlierTtlIO he shot is dead." she a parents to review reading materials. challenge students to think about those told about values .
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