g/« AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL * * Y « IT" ■^1 z i'l 43 sr (2500. °*'ei 25% REDUCTION TO OF Ro °mjj SOLID CO/H/r DIPLOMATIC AND ORT CONSULAR SERVICE Under the pinnacled, cloud-draped roofs of this giant modern hotel, every inch of space is devoted to one aim — mwmnf your comfort! Such smooth, instantane¬ ous service, such charming rooms, such LOW AS truly epicurean food as the Hotel New Yorker offers is hard to duplicate at low New Yorker rates. Make this trip A DAY Every room has both tub and shower, a far pleasanter one (thriftier as well) by full-length mirrors, circulating ice water, stopping here. Direct tunnel connection Servidor, bed and dresser lamps, radio. Note: the special rate reduction applies only to to Pennsylvania Station and subways. rooms on which the rate is $4 a day or more. HOTEL NEW YORKER 34TH STREET AT EIGHTH AVENUE • NEW YORK CITY Directed by National Hotel Management Co., Inc ■ Ralph Hitz, President HOTELS BOOK-CADILLAC, DETROIT; NETHERLAIND PLAZA, CINCINNATI; VAN CLEVE, DAYTON; RITZ-CARLTON, ATLANTIC CITY; ADOLPHUS, DALLAS. JHE AMERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL CONTENTS COVER PICTURE: BOULDER DAM BY NIGHT (See also page 592) WOODWARD & LOTHROP PAGE 10th, 11th, F and G Streets EMBASSY DAYS WASHINGTON By Miss Emily Bax 577 "A Store Worthy of The Nation’s Capital” SPY—By Reginald P. Mitchell _ 581 TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED MILES THROUGH PERSIA—By George W. Renchard _ 584 PORT-AU-PRINCE By L. E. Thompson 588 NEWS FROM THE DEPARTMENT 593 A POLITICAL BOOKSHELF LONG By Cyril Wynne 594 DISTANCE NEWS FROM THE FIELD 596 SHOPPING FOREIGN SERVICE CHANGES 600 —many people, far afield, often feel VISITING OFFICERS 602 deprived of shopping facilities—but really they need not, for Woodward MARRIAGES, BIRTHS 603 8C Lothrop is always at their shopping service. IN MEMORIAM 604 We particularly emphasize our ENGRAVING SERVICE. It is such ON THE COURSE OF EVENTS a satisfactory service—for whether you By Henry L. Deimel, Jr 606 have left your plate with us, and simply want to order cards—or whether it is WORLD SERIES the matter of the all-important-wed¬ By Paul W. Eaton 614 ding-invitations and announcements, and you want to see samples (they can be sent so easily)—or whether LETTERS 616 you have tired of your old stationery and want to change to something INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION—BOOK smart and new (BLUE, any shade of REVIEW—By Richard W. Morin ___ 618 blue is the thing now) you have simply to write us—or cable us (if the need ANGLING DE LUXE be urgent) and your order or infor¬ By Arthur Garrels 620 mation will be filled within the short¬ est possible time. FOREIGN SERVICE BUILDINGS AT MOSCOW 624 Address your communica¬ TEN YEARS AGO 628 tion to Mrs. Marion Tol- son, Shopping Bureau, Woodward & Lothrop, Issued monthly by American Foreign Service Associa¬ Washington, D. C., U.S. A. tion, Department of State, Washington, D. C. Entered as second-class matter August 20, 1934, at the Post Office, in Washington, D. C., under the Act of March 3, 1879. 573 Your World With A PHILCO FROM everywhere, be it north, south, east or west, you hear the program at its best with Philco. The natural tone quality of every instru¬ ment in the band, the living voice of the orator is yours with the scientifically correct Philco reproduction. Tremendous production has kept cost at a minimum. Every type and size, AC, DC, AC-DC, battery and 32 volts—in 57 magnificent new models, in other words a Philco for every purse and purpose. Model illustrated PHILCO 16X, Tuning range, 540 to 23,000 kilocycles, Five Tuning Bands, Receives all standard American broad¬ casts, police, aircraft and amateur stations and all American and foreign short-wave sta¬ tions, Inter-Station Noise Suppression, PHIL¬ CO Inclined Sounding Board, Echo-Absorb¬ ing Screen, Super Class A Audio System Auditorium Type PHILCO Electro - Dynamic Speaker, Bass Compensation, Four-Point Tone Control, PHILCO Simplified Tuning, Auto¬ matic .Volume Control, PHILCO Shadow Tuning, Station Recording Dial, Wave Band Selec¬ tor with Automatic Scale Indicator, Dual Ratio Tuning, Full Rubber Floated Chassis, and 11 PHILCO High-Efficeincy Tubes. Superbly fashioned from two-toned Walnut and handsomely high-lighted by Grecian mouldings and delicate marquetry. Curved side panels of choicely grained Walnut, fluted columns in fiont of the Inclined Sounding Board and jet black inlay trimming make this 16X a radio of great refinement and beauty. Cabinet, 26% Inches Wide, 40% Inches High, 12% Inches Deep. Radios’ most dramatic achievement, the 1935 Philco. Tune in on Philco programs from station EAQ, Madrid, Spain. (9.87 on vour Philco dial.) PHILCO RADIO and TELEVISION CORP. Export Department AMERICAN STEEL EXPORT COMPANY 347 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. Cable Address: AVISTA, New York ACROSS Tilt StAS OR ACROSS THtSTRttT ITS ALL TM SAM TO A I>UIM:O JHE /^MERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL To ‘‘Patronize Our oAdvertisers Is to Insure a ‘Bigger and ‘‘Better yournal for Our Service. Thoughts of WASHINGTON INDEX OF ADVERTISERS American Express Company 605 American Security and Trust Company 601 Bacardi 626 Cathay Hotel—Shanghai 626 I OREIGN Service Chesterfield Cigarettes 576 Officers Have A Particular Choiseul, Hotel de France et—Paris 626 Interest In The Many Continental Hotel—Paris 626 Activities of Government. Dunapalota Hotel—Budapest 627 Federal Storage Company 604 Goodyear Tire and Rubber Export Company 609 • When next you visit Grace, W. R., and Company 625 The Capital, stay at the insti¬ Gude Bros. Co. 602 Harris and Ewing 619 tution where international per¬ llungaria Hotel—Budapest 627 sonages reside and great events Huntington Press 615 occur. International Telephone & Telegraph Company 621 Kressmann, Ed., & Co 626 Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Company 602 Single Rooms from $4 Martinique Hotel 615 Mayflower Hotel 575 Double Rooms from $6 Merchants Transfer and Storage Company 613 Subject to a Diplomatic Metropole Hotel—Shanghai 626 Middleton, Mrs. Lewis 619 Discount Munson Steamship Lines 623 National Geographic Magazine 607 New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. 602 New Yorker Hotel II Cover Pagani’s Restaurant—London 626 Palace-Ambassadeurs Hotel—Rome 627 Pan-American Airways, Inc._ - 603 Park Lane Hotel—London 626 Philco Radio Company. 574 Pillsbury Flour . 603 Plaza Hotel 610 Powhatan Hotel ... 619 Ritz Hotel—Mexico City 627 Rockefeller Center III Cover Sapp, Earle W., C.L.U 602 Savoy-Plaza Hotel 610 Sea Captains’ Shop—Shanghai 626 Security Storage Company of Washington 601 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. 617 Strasbourg, Restaurant Brasserie de—Marseilles 626 Terminus Hotel—Marseilles 626 Tyner, Miss E. J. 602 Underwood Elliott Fisher Company 612 United Fruit Company 608 United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company 608 United States Lines 611 United States Steel Products Co. 625 von Zielinski, Carl M. J 615 Waldorf-Astoria Hotel IV Cover Willard Hotel 611 Woodward and Lothrop 573 575 r m no dir l 1 aimer bul 1 was broug’b I up on a tobacco 1 arm and 1 know mild ripe tobacco • • • have a Chesterfield © 1934, LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. 576 Embassy Days My Recollections of John Ridgely Carter By EMILY BAX Miss Bax was Private Secretary to Mr. Carter in accordance with the unwritten secretarial lore and other American diplomats in London from prevailing then, dusted your desk, skimmed over 1902 to 1914. She came to the United States in the contents of the several despatches that had ar¬ the latter year and subsequently became an Ameri¬ rived from Washington in the pouch the previous can citizen. Her recollections of Mr. Carter, evening, and piled them neatly on the right hand essentially a personal tribute, present an excellent side of the blotter. Your personal letters, as natu¬ picture of American diplomacy of an earlier and rally more important, grace the centre. The pens more tranquil day and of a number of distinguished and pencils are perfect, the calendar has been Americans. A further instalment of these delight¬ ground up to the proper day, and the clock put ful reminiscences will be published in an early right by Big Ben. In the distance the front door is issue of the flung back JOURNAL. on its hinges and I hear HE time T your well- is about known foot¬ ten o’clock step, hurry- of almost i n g across any week¬ the hall and day morning into the of¬ along at the fice. Hang¬ beginning of ing your coat the century, and hat on the scene the the hook re¬ Chancery of served for the American Embassy at the purpose London. on the side In the lit¬ of the book¬ tle back case by the room on the door, you ground floor make your I await your way over to arrival, hav¬ Elliott & Fry, London the fire with ing already, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF EMBASSY, LONDON, 1904 a few well- 577 chosen remarks about the British climate. “Lots of ployees were the two Hodsons, father and son, offi¬ things in, I counter brightly to change the dis¬ cially called Messengers, an elastic term which in¬ agreeable subject, as you bend down to warm your cluded anything and everything, and myself, typist chilly fingers. This done, and your handkerchief for everybody. I think that old Mr. Hodson had returned to your pocket with one perfect corner been at the Embassy about 25 years then. He lived sticking out at the one perfect angle, you give the in the basement with his family, and you cannot fire a vigorous poke, step over to the window and have forgotten the seductive odors that came creep¬ close it, and sinking into your chair begin to open ing from his kitchen up the stairs just outside our your mail.
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