m - ^ t- /• ' '■»v X •/rVy?’ AverageJJftily Net Press Rnn n»5B TWENTY. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1»6S iJtanrliifatwiittjfntng For th« Week Eaded T h a W a a th a r June 16, 1958 roTMAat of D. BMaa Mias Agnes •Stocks of 42 Vir­ malnln^'Applicationa at that time.. W. Middle Tpke. The flHh haa RllghUy wsrmer toalgjit. Low ginia Rd. and Franklin D. Eng­ Firemen to Try Again In reducing the depth o f the 12,065 la mid 80a. Friday moatTy eJeody, TPC Reduces asked that a 50-*foot by lOO^Y^t •X About Town land, 499 Lydall St., w ill be mar­ shopping centet-'i- buffer xone, the atrip be changed from Rural Reat- Meniber o>jt tba Audit Boattered ahowera sad tkaader- ried Saturday afternoon at 3 Columbia, July 25 (Speciall TPC changed the ioulherly 50 feet dence to Biisineaa Zone in . BorMU a( Orealatloa ahotvem. High la'add 90a. You iif people of the Coverianl o’clock in the South .Methodist Not discouraged by Sunday's Buffer Zone of the buffer from Rufa'l Resi­ Other applicationa to be acted Manche$ter——A City o f Village Charm ]>Mfue of the Covenant Conpejfa- Church. ' trainli^g exercise in Ragleville dence Zone to Bilsiness III. on are thoae of Edgar Clarke of . DID YOU KNOW? tional Church H-ill have an .outinjr at the Sterling Shoe Fibre Co., The buffer extends for 755 feet, 175 E. Center. St., who.wants hia ! Saturday, July 2fr, • at the Carl The son born July 23 in Hart­ meihbera of the Firemen's The Town Planning Commiasipn We Carry Brand NEW First qUALITY YOL. LXXV, NO. 252 parallel to, and south of. theAurn- property changed fron? Residence | (TWENTY PAGES)' MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 (OaaalfM AiTarttalBg aa Paga IS) Johnson lot on Bolton Lake shorea. ford Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Mutual Aid System are plan­ haa, reduced the 150-foot buffer pike. ' ' : Zone A te'Reaidence Zone C; and j Merchandise At DISCOUNT Prices? PRICE FIVE CENTS SUmley W. Backus. 12 Pioneer ning another "planned" fire. lone on the north aide of the new X Provides Additional Parking Mr, iftd Mra. Gustave ,Schaller,.i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodhouse Circle, has been named Roberr Sunday a few of the member shopping center on W. Mid< preen Manor asked that the who/are asking that about 60 : and aon, Richard, • 19 Benton St., Allan. They have another yotthg units under, the direction o f . buffer be reduced in order to pro­ a e m of land on McNail St. at the ; have returned from Anderson. S. Tpke. to 100 feet. son, Janies. The maternal ^an d- Colunribia fire chief. Richard K. vide additional parking space. 'Ilio 'Wilbur Croifs Highway be changed ! C „ vrhere they attended the wed­ paients are Mr. and Mrs, 'James . The action, which compUei with BEACH CAMP from Residence Zone A A to Busi-1 FANS Daiis. will burn the rerdains of a requeal of the ahoppii^center’a development firm contends that a ding o f their aon. Carlton F. E. Donegan, and the/'paternal ness Zone II. ' the George Cobb home on’ W. builders, was taken^xfollowing a 100-foot atrip, planted witl\, grass Tnnts Woodhouse. and Miss June Mar- grandparents, Mr. an^Mrs. Adam Main St.'Most o f the stnicture Window LifflVnsH ahall. a member of the faculty of public hearing on p»e matter Mon and shrubs, would adequately pro­ Hovnrsocks C. Backus. was destroyed by fire May 4 tect the private properties across I the Bowers School. day night. Kovnniblfl Gontnnns and the 'remains are worthless. In another taken Monday, the street from the'shopping cen­ lolls W BA Guard Club members will ter. Portobic Small fires will be set aj>d ex­ the TPC kiiproved a 20-foot re­ RAN&t Cook 5nts Xiavld L. Hansen, sen of Mr. and hold their annual picnic Friday tinguished, the same as was The other application aubhiitted duction in'^lhe,building line on the \ - 11 Oscillators 5wim Fins ^ Mrs. Ludwig B. -'anaen, 92 Waran- evening at 9:30 at the home of planned for the Eagleciile by Green Manor in conneettem 5iMpinq property of Albert W. Cavedon of oike Rd., was promoted to corporal Mrs. Charles Vincek, 148 Lydall operation,, to give men on the with its mlllidri shopping lUCl Oil 8" to 20" 27/Pitkin St. The alteration re- recently at Atlantic Fleet Marine St. They are reminded to bring spot training center would provide the center Grills Bogs Force headquarters, Norfolk. Va. their own dishes'and silverware. cea the line from 25 to 5 feet. with A second access road from GASOLINt Still to be 'acted on are three Low, Low Umbrnllos. World other xone-change requests that ----1 Grton Saturday, July 28, from 2 ^ o 4 were aired at Monday's hearing. Air p.m., a workera conferen^pe'w'ili be One involves a second application - 8 ' BANTLY OIL Prioes 5tomps submitted in connection with the w T T o I xpTrT ^ Mottmss held at the Vernon/Methodlat i ' I':!' , INI Chiirch for thoae who'are intereat- shopping center by its builder. c d ^ the church achool. Mlaa Phyl­ Green Manor 'Estates, Inc. ► FIAN0TUNIN8 i " 'I I IM I I MANCHESTER SURPLUS SALES CO. The Planning Commission is lis Stprra, who/g on the aiafT of TCL MItciull 9-4S95 the epnnerticut Council . of scheduled to hold an executive ses­ IB9 N. MAIN STREET— AT DEPOT SQirARE t KEMP'S, Inc. I M l 8 -T lll—OPEN D A IL Y TO 9:00— SAT. TO 5:30 Churchea/wylll be preaent to give sion ‘ next Wednesday night, and, m ROCKVIlir S-2177 aaslatance. presumably, will act on these re- 1- - -Sw-'jy-A J Four Aboard Liner8\ OTHER JULY SPECIALS r - DAYS OF HALE’S Known in Manchester A i r D r a m a ! Rescue Called A 70-year-old Manche,sterfdaughtera. «ged 21 arid 19, and a O f R e s c u e s Greatest Ever woman and a mother and h er i HITE SALE! , , • . X ' .Three of her huaband a broUiera two children coming from , nv* Mancheater: Leo Diana. Boston, July 26 i/P)— Some ■< I Italy to relative.sln4his town • 5« Clinton st.: Frank V. Diana, I9i of the drama surrounding the Nrw ^prk, July'26 — Two great Trans*At« were among the survivors of ®ak St.r and William Diana, 2i8 collision of the Italian liner lahtic liners, laden, with thousands of carefree paaaen> SHEETS ANM ILLOW CASES last night’s fo g 7shrouded sea ’A'^afater Mra. Victoria Frago, An.dre'a Doria . and the gers, collided with a rending crash in fog off Mawa> collision between the luxury lives in Hartford. Swedish liner Stockholm was liners Andrea Doria and According to Gustave E. Florin contained, in the following chiisetts last night. One-^the Italian liner Andrea TYPE 130 TYPE 144 TYPE 180 Stockholm. of 158 Maple St., a friend of Mrs. Doria— keeled over and plunged to its doom in the Chellberg, she was returning to l adio me.'tsage.s picked up by LADY PEPPERELL LADY PEPPERELL The.v are: the Coast Guard last night ocean depths at mid-morning today. DAN RIVER Mra. Anna <5hellbarg, ,140 School Sweden for a 3-montha visit. She SUPERFINE MUSLIN ^ COMiED PERCALE 8t.. who waa aboard the Stock­ ha.<i no relatives in town. Her hus­ and eai'ly today,: But before the luxurious Andrea Doria vanished holm en route to Sweden. band. the late Anton Chellberg, 11:22 p.m. »EiDT) (From the died in 1954. , Stockholm t ; \Ve have collided With beneath the gentle swells of the relatively calm aea,45 Reg. 92.39. 69 x 108 ........... $1.79 Reg. 93-99. l3’x lM .>.., $2.39 Reg. 98.09. 73 x 108 . $2.49 Mra. Angelina Diana, 4S her aon Antonio Diana and one of his Biaggio, 8. and daughter Victoria. aitother chip. Please. Ship in col- miles south of Nantucket Island, its 1,709'passragera daughters, with -Mr. and Mra. rsomx '* 8, who were aboard the Andrea Frank Diana, left for.N ew York and crew were snatt:hed to safely by other ships in his* R e g X 108 . $1.89 Reg. 99.39., 81 x 108 ....... $2.59 Reg. 98.89. 81 x 188 ....- ___ $2.6? Doria. j 12:0(4''a.in. (From the Stock­ City at 6 o'clock this inoming af­ holm): Collided with another ves­ lory’s greatest rescue operation. All were reported aafe. |ter learning of the collision of the sel in position 40-30 N 69-45 \V. Reg. 9t.99. 81 x 108 ___ ____ $2.09 Reg. 93.89. 90 X'108...,. $2 99 Reg. 98.89. 90 x 108 . ___ $3.09 The Andrea Doria aank . thia two'Ships. But still undelermine oiir damage. Four died later. An undetermined number morning ahortly after 10 o'clock, i amazed Freighter’ Beached William Disda receiyed a tele­ 12:09 a m. (Fro:vi .the- Stock­ were injured. Reg, 99c. 43 X 99 Oaaee. Each 45c Reg. 89c. 43 x 88 eaaes. Each 55c Reg. 79e. 43 x 88f > ^wee*. Each with ail paa.aengera reportedly res­ phone call at 10 a.m. from Antonio The freightei^-Fairisle. damaged in coilisinn with a tanlter off Ambrose Light July 23, reals on 65c cued. holm l : Badly uexaged. Full bow side on a sandbar off Gravesend Bay. New York. July 25. Salvage workera were forced to beach The disa.stroii.s sma.sh occurred at 11;20 p.m.
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