ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Braueria Jahr/Year: 2007 Band/Volume: 34 Autor(en)/Author(s): Ivanov Vladimir D., Melnitsky Stanislav I. Artikel/Article: New data of the Trichoptera of Siberia 31-35 © Hans Malicky/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 31 BRAUERIA (Lunz am See, Austria) 34:31-35 (2007) Hydropsychidae Curtis, 1835 New data of the Trichoptera of Siberia Cheumatopsyche lepida (PICTET, 1834) Chita Region, Makkaveevka (60 KM SE from Chita), r. Ingoda, Vladimir D.IVANOV&Stanislav I. MELNITSKY 04.06^02, numerous adults. First record for Eastern Siberia; the easternmost point in the areal Abstract. Recent collections made in South Siberia yielded of this species. 109 species from 16 families; some of them are new for Hydropsyche angustipenn^ (CURTIS, 1834) certain regions in this territory: 10 for Siberia, 2 for East „J^. ™ayma (6 ^ N from Gorno-Altaysk), r. Zemiyanaya, Siberia, 21 for the Altai Mts, 5 for Pribaikalie, 3 for the Chita ^Ö.UÖ.UJ I. region, 1 for Buryatia. The distributions of some species are nrst record tor Altai. discussed. The fauna of river Ingoda (upper Amur Basin) has Hydropsyche contubernali* MACLACHLAN, 1865 S U e B spring and summer component! with L European species R . ° * ™ *n PV rJ' f f WJ^f? nrevailinp in snrinp Region, Makkaveevka (60 KM SE from Chita), r. Ingoda, 4.06.02, 5 f; prevailing in spring. Novosibirsk, r. Ob1, 28.08.03, 9 m, 7 f; Southern Buryatia, vie. ..... Gusinoe Ozero, small lakes south to the Gusinoe Lake, 12.08.05, If; Southern Buryatia, lake Tsaidam, 1 km south of the Gusinoe Lake, c-u • • -r .u n • -. 12.08.05, 1 m. Siberia occupies an enormous portion of the Russian territory . , ., ~, .. , _, j • * . ,/irt r*L. i- _..> i -i xr _xu i cFirst record rfor the Chit a nRegion and Buryatia. and covers approximately 1/10 of the Earth s land-mass. Nevertheless „. # t .. »-i •** ,rvn ., f . .. JA. u- ,4- •+ no Hydropsyche t kozhantschikovi MP&TVHOV, 1924 the faunistic records from +this area are very scarce regarding its 228 ., *•» *• M ... , .'. „ , ~ . „ I • J u c /mom • +-if * * i oSouthern Buryatia, Naushki , inon3.08.97, Kluge, 2 m,; TIrkutsI k species. This statement formuated by SPURIS (1989) is stil factual. n . n ,. >> ui ,nJM -, , .?/. Wt T- -n J. r. t. , .. <• o-u • • i- •* J *u • *u u -*. Region , BolshayJ a Rechka, 19.06.02, 2m,If; Altai Mts., Tigirlek The faunistic exploration of Siberia is so limited that rather short xT ~ -1OAO, Cr OIOAo ^ . f i_ -^ J -.O £- A^ „«..«. A ff • t t • , • , A- A u A Nature reserve, 51°08' N, 83 02'E, at light, 24 and 28.06.06, b collecting tours provide sufficient new material including undesenbed N . , . »L species (MEY, 1994). Most of this territory is difficult to access so the „ , . v^ „ , , oco .. i- •* J *u . : • J- • • .i. • Hydropsyche newaeKOLENATI, 1858 samplinv g areas are limited to the territories adjoining the main c ., -. .. XT ... ,'on„ „. , -,... D . ~. XT 4. , , j r *i- c-u • r r Southern Buryatiay , Naushki, 3.08.97, Klugeb , 1 m; Chit a Regionö , transporK t routes. Nonetheless, knowledge of the Siberian fauna of x, .. ,,A rrc. ' . _ ' n_ _ . J . ,, . ' /n ,? onA, DT. ^ T trt , Makkaveevka (60 KM SE from Chita), r. Ingoda, 4-5.06.02, numerous Trichoptera gradually increases (BEKETOV, 2006; BEKETOV, IVANOV, , ,. _,, \,A o„, _ _ ' .,° /? .. U4«,~OAOA- 2004 t ^ adults; Cherga (50 KM SW from Gorno-Altaysk), at light 21-23.08.03, l!? C • i „ , • „ ... -ju numerous adults; Altai, Tjungur, r. Katun', 16.07.96, 1 m, 1 f; Altai, Materials collecte (Jd by various entomologists and Jdeterminet d by . v J , <, nn m o -> c \^ • • n i i „. , • J u i TU • . ; TTjungur, r. Katun, 28.07.96o , 8 m, 3 f; Altai, vie . AkkeA m lake, r. the authors are summarized below. The main sources are tthe insects ~. , ,, <v,-•»« AT n* i i r AU • ^ u i- i i i .,..,. , „ „ • .. c .u T- . ou- /r. u -1 i- Tekelushka, 22-25.07.96 1 m, 2 f; Altai, Kucherlinskoe lake near col ected in AMay-Jun T e 200AA 2 in the South-Eastern Siberia (Pribaikalie, 7 . ~^ - ^ . L, ,. ^,, , , , „.. _ . ... , . .. ., .v. .. source r. KucherlaT , 26.07.96A A , 4 m, 2 f; Altai, r. Chuya , Suhodolo , 101A- Chita Region) and m AugusA 4t 200M13 m th e AAltaU i Mountains by the ,, , , 7. ,. T- • i i\i * c/ n , x o->okn>^ ^ . , J u c ** i •* i /AU • mn/v u 11.08.03 A0 A , 1 m; AIAltai xMts., Tigirlek Nature reserve, 51°0O O8 NT , 83°02E, authorsiL . Other samples were made by S. Melmtsky (Altai, 1996), V. ... • 4>i Jioniinwxi J u- • ,t *• i /o .u n u i i- '»AACX o xi J u- • /T- i i .L at light, 24 and 28.06.2006, Nedoshivuia, 4 f. Ivanov (Southern Pribaikalie, 2005), S. Nedoshivina (Tigirlek, the „' , *,**<,*„ 1O-O M/ * * i- * ^ *u AU • \i t • c * lAnA A xi HydropsycheornatulaMACLACHLAN, 1878 Westernmost limits of the Atai Mountain System, 2006), and N. .. „ .. ... , ' , , vi /n *cu • inn/« inm\ eSouthern Buryatia , XNaushkiI , inon3.08.97, Kluge, 1 m. Klug&e (East Siberia, 1994, 1997). ^. , ; .^ c 4 '.. '.1 4 • t tlL _, ,..,-, j ... • , . r j • * First record for the Eastern Siberia, the easternmost point of the The list below includes only the previously described species. A ies disDersal range v few new species found in the samples will be described elsewhere. „ . , ,, .. , //O IO-,A\ TU i- *• i A *u e ti • uu • *• if*- ii Hydropsyche pellucidula (CURTIS, 1834) The ist incudes the following abbreviations: m-male, f-female, 1 - ^... „ . »,,, , /^ , _,, .. • TU u f *u H • i Cmta Region, Makkaveevka (60A KM SprE from Chita), r. IngodaT , larva, p - pupa, r - river. The absence of the collector s name 4 ng Q2 5 f presumes that the material have been collected by the authors. The ' V ' . r- .. /-,,-. • .. , . ,. r . , ^ j • . r» 1 • 1 T • OI_LT>XU First record for the Chit ao Region, the easternmost point of the samples are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Sankt Petersburg. ° r species areal. „ . ... ,_, „ <o_. HydropsychevalvataMARTYNOV, 1927 Psychomyudae Walker, 1852 Novosibirsk, r. Ob', 28.08.03, 2 m,l f; Altai, Tjungur, r. Katun', „ , . ., „ 1O,, 28.07.96, 2 m; Altai, Kucherlinskoe lake near source of r. Kucherla, PsychomyiaflavidaWkGEH, 1861 26 07 96 1 Barnaul, r.Ob', 14.07.96, 1 m; Gusinoe Ozero, r. Tzagan-Gol, „ .' .' , »••/»,, r^ mi AN . ' ' ' ' & Potamyiaczekanovsku(MARTYMOV, 1910) j m> „ ' ' . ... , Q1 „ Southern Buryatia, Naushki, 3.08.97, Kluge, 1 m. Psychomyia minima (MARTYHOW, 1910) 6 Cherga (50 KM SW from Gorno-Altaysk), at light, 21-23. 08.03, . , ... _. .... e v J & « f ' Arctopsychidae Martynov, 1924 Polycentropodidae Ulmer, 1903 Arctopsyche ladogensis (KOLENATI, 1859) Irkutsk Region, Bolshaya Rechka, 19.06.02, 1 f; Altai Mts., „ . , . /CTC _rc 10~,, Tigiriek Nature reserve, 51°08' N, 83°02'E, at light, 24.06.2006, Holocentropusptcicornis (STEPHENS, 1836) ,, , ... uf ^ AltaAiri .Region • , Kosh-Agacv u A hL ,io(480Kn M oS^E rfro- m /Gorto-Altaysk)- _* AU IN, 1lak 1 e Nedoshivina, 15 f. near r. Toshak, 07.08.03, 1 m. First record for Altai; previously this . ... .. ' . „ .._ v J Stenopsychidao e Martynov , 192tMA4 species was known fror m Yakutia and Sayan Mts. J Polycentropus sp. Chita Region, Makkaveevka (60 KM SE from Chita), r. Ingoda, Stenopsyche mormorata NAVAS, 1920 04.06.02, 1 f. Altai, Mayma (6 KM N from Gorno-Altaysk), r. Zemiyanaya, Polycentropusflavomaculatus (VlCTET, 1834) 26.08.03, 2 f; Altai Mts., Tigirlek Nature reserve, 51°08' N, 83°02'E, Altai Mts., Tigirlek Nature reserve, 51°08' N, 83°02'E, at light, at light, 28.06.2006, Nedoshivina, 6m, 4f. 28.06.2006 Nedoshivina, lm The Tigirlek locality is the westernmost point if dispersal of this First indication of this species for the Altai Mts; previous eastern species, findings were confined to the West Siberian Plains, Sajan Mts., Baikal area and Chukotka Peninsula. © Hans Malicky/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 32 Rhyacophilidae Stephens, 1836 Listvyanka, r. Krestovka, 18.06.02, 2 m, numerous f; Irkutsk Region, 7 km S Vydrino, r. Snezhnaya, 13.06.02, 4 m, 1 f. Glossosoma nylanded MACLACHLAN, 1879 Rhyacophila ungulata MARTYNOV, 1910 Altai, near Tjungur, r. Katun', r. Kucherla, 16.07.96, 3 m; Altai, Altai, Cherga (50 km SW from Gomo-Altaysk), r. Cherga and its r. Kucherla, 26.07.96, 3 m; Chita Region, r. Nikishiha, 09.06.02, 1 f; left tributary, at light, 21-23 08.03, 5 m, 5 f; Altai, Tjungur, r. Katun1, Chita Region, Makkaveevka (60 km SE from Chita), 05.06.02, 1 m; 17.07.96, 3 m, I f, and 28.07.96, 5 m, 1 f; Altai, vie. Beluha Southern Buryatia, Gusinoe Ozero, r. Tzagan-Gol, 11.06.02, 1 m. Mountain, r. Akkem, 19.07.96, 1 m. PaduniaadelungiMARTYHOV, 1910 Rhyacophila depressa MARTYNOV, 1910 Irkutsk Region, 7 km S Vydrino, r. Snezhnaya, 13.06.02, 1 f. Chita Region, Beklemishevo, r. Zhepkovshczina, 06.06.02, 3 m. Rhyacopyla impar MARTYNOV, 1914 Hydroptilidae Stephens, 1836 Irkutsk Region, 7 km S Vydrino, r. Snezhnaya, 13.06.02, 2 m. Rhyacophila kaltatica LEVANIDOVA & SCHMID, 1977 Irkutsk Region, Sljudyanka, r. Pohabiha, 15.06.02, numerous Agraylea multipunctata CURTIS 1834 adults; Irkutsk Region, Pribaikalie, Slyudyanka, r. Pohabiha, 1 km Chita Region, Bolshoy Undugun Lake (8 km NW upsream from the village Pereval, 18.08.2005, 2m, 13 larvae, empty Beklemishevo), 07.06.02, 12 m; Southern Buryatia, vie. Gusinoe pupal coccoons; Irkutsk Region, Marituy, r. Marituy, 16.06.02, 1 m, 1 Ozero, Gusinoe Lake, southern shore, 10-1L08.2005, lm; the same f; Altai, vie.
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