© Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, 2007 Nabidae of the West Indies (Heteroptera) I.M. Kerzhner Kerzhner, I.M. 2007. Nabidae of the West Indies (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 16(2): 225-234. Eighteen species of Nabidae are recorded from the West Indies. Alloeorhynchus slateri sp. n. (Jamaica), A. jamaicensis sp. n. (Jamaica), A. maldonadoi sp. n. (Puerto Rico) and Pagasa cobbeni sp. n. (Curaçao) are described. Arachnocoris karukerae Lopez, 1990 is placed in synonymy with A. berytoides (Uhler, 1894). I.M. Kerzhner, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia. Introduction Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin (U. Göllner-Scheiding). Previous papers on the Nabidae of the West Indies Key to species of Nabidae from the West Indies contain many misidentifi cations, and reviews are (modifi ed from Harris, 1928) absent. I give here a critical review of species known to occur in the West Indies. This review 1. Clavus not widened posteriorly. Pronotal collar absent started as a paper on the Nabidae collected by or narrow and indistinct. Rostrum stout. Legs short and the late R.H. Cobben in the Netherlands Antil- thick. (Subfamily Prostemmatinae) . 2 – Clavus widened posteriorly. Pronotal collar wide and les in 1956-1957. It was sent to the editors of distinct. Rostrum slenderer. Legs long and slender. the “Studies on the fauna of Curaçao and other (Subfamily Nabinae) . 9 Caribbean islands”, but has not been published 2. Fore and middle femora angularly widened to about for many years. I completed it now with new the middle, with two rows of teeth. (Alloeorhynchus references and new examined material, except Fieber) . 3 – Fore femora strongly incrassate, but not widened an- for some specimens, mainly of lesser interest, gularly, with rows of teeth; middle femora not strongly examined by me in the 1990s during my visits to incrassate. (Pagasa Stål) . 7 the two main museums of the USA, of which I 3. Corium partly yellow . 4 did not make detailed notes. Two papers possibly – Corium entirely black or blackish brown . 5 containing additional information (Gowdey, 1926- 4. Hind lobe of pronotum uniformly brown or brownish yellow. Corium yellow in basal 2/3 . 1928; Miskimen & Bond, 1970) have not been . .1. Alloeorhynchus moritzii examined by me. – Hind lobe of pronotum brownish yellow in median part The following abbreviations are used for de- and dark brown laterally. Corium paler at base and with positories of the material (curators are given in a transverse dirty yellow spot beyond middle between parentheses): AMNH, American Museum of Natu- outer margin and medial suture . 2. Alloeorhynchus slateri ral History, New York (the late P. Wygodzinsky; 5. Abdomen entirely pale. Hind lobe of pronotum orange- R.T. Schuh); AUWN, Laboratory of Entomology, yellow . 3. Alloeorhynchus alayoi Agricultural University at Wageningen (the late – At least segments III-VII of connexivum with black R.H. Cobben); BMNH, Natural History Museum, transverse stripes. Hind lobe of pronotum yellow with London (W.R. Dolling); JMC, collection of the narrowly brown hind margin . 6 6. Clavus and corium entirely shining. Fore lobe of prono- late J. Maldonado Capriles, will be deposited at tum without yellow spot. Propleurae with yellow hind USNM; MNHH, National Museum of Natural corners . 4. Alloeorhynchus jamaicensis History, Havana (P. Alayo D.); USNM, U.S. Na- – Clavus and most of corium dull. Fore lobe of pronotum tional Museum of Natural History, Washington, with a yellow spot. Propleurae entirely black . D.C. (Th.J. Henry); ZISP, Zoological Institute, . 5. Alloeorhynchus maldonadoi 7. Clavus and inner part of corium dull, differing from the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg; shining outer part of corium. Rostral segment II longer ZMAN, Zoological Museum, Amsterdam; than III, extending distinctly beyond hind margins of ZMHB, Zoologisches Museum, Museum für eyes . 6. Pagasa pallipes 226 I.M. Kerzhner: Nabidae of the West Indies • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 16 – Hemelytra uniformly (strongly or moderately) shin- Subfamily PROSTEMMATINAE ing. Rostral segment II shorter than III, not extending beyond hind margins of eyes . 8 8. Body entirely black . 7. Pagasa confusa Tribe Prostemmatini – Pronotum (at least partly) and hemelytra yellow . 8. Pagasa cobbeni 1. Alloeorhynchus moritzii (Stein) 9. Head short, strongly declivous. Pronotum rather globose. Apex of scutellum produced upwards into a Prostemma moritzii Stein, 1860: 77. distinct spine. Canal of scent glands short, tuberculate. Alloeorhynchus moritzii: Stål, 1873: 109; Reuter & Pop- Females without ovipositor. (Arachnocoris Scott) . pius, 1909: 40; Kerzhner, 1986: 192. .10 Alloeorhynchus armatus Uhler, 1894: 207; Reuter & – Head moderately long, porrect. Pronotum campanu- Poppius, 1909: 41; Harris, 1928: 15; Alayo, 1971: 14; late. Apex of scutellum not produced into an upward Woodruff et al., 1998: 92. directed spine. Canal of scent glands fl attened, directed outward onto mesopleuron. Females with ovipositor . In the West Indies, the species is known from . .11 Cuba (Alayo, 1971), St. John (Stein, 1860) and 10. Smaller (length about 2.5-3.5 mm). Legs yellow; femora annulated with black. Abdomen not constricted Grenada (Uhler, 1894; Woodruff et al., 1998). I at base . 9. Arachnocoris berytoides examined fragments of the specimen from Cuba – Larger (length about 4.5-5 mm). Legs piceous; apex of (it was destroyed, when sent to me for examina- each femur and base of each tibia yellowish to reddish. tion) and the specimen from St. John (holotype Abdomen constricted at base . of P. moritzii; ZMHB). Outside of the West . 10. Arachnocoris trinitatis Indies, the species is reported from Guatemala. 11. Fore coxae rod-like, greatly elongate. Fore acetabula closed behind. Ocelli absent . 12 I have seen also specimens from Suriname (new – Fore coxae conical, not greatly elongate. Fore acetabula record): 1 M, 1 F, Plantage de Morgenstond, open behind. Ocelli present . .15 Suriname Distr., under plants, 22.VIII.1958, P.H. 12. Tarsi 3-segmented. Hemelytra with costal margins par- van Doesburg; 3 F, Paramaribo, 20.XII.1957, allel. Large slender species (about 12 mm) (Neogorpis 12.I.1958, XI.1962, P.H. van Doesburg; 1 F, Barber) . .11. Neogorpis neotropicalis Vank-Kolonie, Saramacca Distr., VIII.1959, – Tarsi 1-segmented. Hemelytra strongly constricted before the middle. Small species (less than 5 mm). J. v. d. Drift (all specimens in Rijksmuseum van (Carthasis Champion) . 13 Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden) and French Guiana 13. Antennal segment I 1.3 times as long as head. Pronotum (new record: 1 F, 11 km SE Cayenne, Point de with a median darker stripe or line . Mahury, 11.VII.1995, Gusarov, ZISP; 1 F, 2 km . 12. Carthasis gracilis SSE Sinnamary, Station de Paracou, 16.VI.1995, – Antennal segment I and head subequal in length. Pro- Gusarov, ZISP). In the specimens from Suriname notum with a median paler stripe . 14 14. Antennal segment II distinctly longer than I. Pronotum and French Guiana, body length M 3.7 mm, F with fore lobe not strongly arched, hind lobe scarcely 4.1-4.5 mm, hind lobe of pronotum from brown higher than fore lobe . 13. Carthasis distinctus to brownish yellow, hind tibiae yellow. – Antennal segment II slightly shorter than I. Pronotum with fore lobe arched, hind lobe suddenly and strongly 2. Alloeorhynchus slateri sp. n. raised . 14. Carthasis minor 15. Membrane with straight veins not forming closed cells. Holotype. M, Jamaica, Parish of St. Ann, 1 mile S. Ocelli subcontiguous. Antennal segment I about twice Moneaque, 4.VII.1971, J.A. Slater, R.M. Baranowski, J.E. as long as head, suddenly and evenly thickened along Harrington, H. Brailovsky’s collection, Instituto de Biología its apical third (Metatropiphorus Reuter) . de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico. .15. Metatropiphorus drakei Paratype. M, same data as holotype, ZISP. – Membrane (except brachypterous specimens) usually Description. Coloration. Head blackish brown. with veins forming 3 closed cells. Ocelli rather distant. Antennal segment I less than twice as long as head, not Antennae dark brown. Rostrum yellow with seg- thickened along its apical third . 16 ment I dark brown. Collar and fore lobe of prono- 16. Fore and middle femora armed beneath with minute, tum blackish brown; hind lobe brownish yellow short, rather blunt piceous teeth. Tibiae annulate with sides widely dark brown; hind margin yellow throughout their length. Macropterous or brachypter- with brownish middle. Scutellum black. Corium ous. (Hoplistoscelis Reuter) . and clavus brown, dirty yellowish at base; apical . .16. Hoplistoscelis sp. n. – Fore and middle femora unarmed or with only minute 2/5 of corium dark brown; in front of this dark or long spine-like setae, never with short teeth. Tibiae brown part a transverse dirty yellow spot between not annulate, or, if so, only at the base and apex. Always outer margin and medial suture; membrane dark macropterous . 17 brown. Legs yellow; middle and hind femora 17. Hind lobe of pronotum strongly punctate. Fore and brownish with yellow apex; middle and hind tibiae middle femora each with a row of long, rigid, spine-like brownish. Ventral side of thorax dark brown to setae. (Lasiomerus Reuter) . 17. Lasiomerus signatus black. Abdomen brown; ventral side with a large – Hind lobe of pronotum impunctate. Femora withot yellow spot at base; connexivum yellow, without long, spine-like setae. (Nabis Latreille) . groups of black spinules, with transverse brown . 18. Nabis capsiformis stripes on hind margins of segments III-VII. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 16 • I.M. Kerzhner: Nabidae of the West Indies 227 Structure. Scutellum and ventral side of meta- II-IV missing); rostrum yellow with brown seg- thorax dull, rest of the body shining. Pronotum, ment I. Collar and fore lobe of pronotum piceous clavus and corium covered with semierect pale black; hind lobe pale yellow with narrowly brown hairs; scutellum, head and pronotum also with hind margin. Scutellum black. Hemelytra piceous long setae. Head slightly wider than long. Ocelli black with blackish grey membrane.
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