vc*- k-.j- iy<w^«'..-ii.y>'.*ir» i-tltis^uiy ' .X* «•...' mm 7 ' • OHIO STATE HUSSO- LIBRARY ,15TB ft HIGH ST. Free Groceries, Appliances At Sentinel Electri-Living Show C0LUH3US, OHIO —-— ' —r—r-—— Big 12 Page EtecW-Uwinj Supplement In See. i DUEL TO DEATH WITH Shrine Preps For May 24Talent Show THB OHIO a 5ENTINEL OVER WOMAN STORY ON PAGE 3 VOL. 8, No. 49 20 CENTS SATUKDAY, MAY 18, 1957 :' In Freedom Pilgrimage 'V -. VOL. 8, No, BQT SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1957 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO v t • AGENTS OF MAMMOTH LIFE INSURANCE IN MEMBERS OF MANSFIELD'S ALLA BABA TEMPLE display giant Shrine show Columbus area have initiated citywide production cam­ sign calling attention to May 24 beaaty contest and talent show in East High auditor­ paign. MaDping details of drive are, seated from leftt ium, Columbus. Mansfield Nobles have three girls entered in the competition. From Joe Powell, Charles Stoner, M. Jacox, J. Bell. Standing: lefrr-Wyman Mapp, W. M. Jones. Oscsr Matthews, David J. Carmak, Allen Cline, Rudy Winlock. district manager, and Kelly Milan, staff Leonard T. Wisdom, Clarence Fulsom, W. E. Mapp. •v manager in charge of production. COLUMBUS AREA DELEGATES WHO ATTENDE© A DAY WITH JESUS "Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom' in Washington last week pose on steps ot Bible Way enurch in the Na­ EE CAREWORN lady in her 50s walked out of the Bronx tene­ tion's Capital. Miley O. Williamson, Dayton delegate, rment building and sought the 1RT Subway going downtown tr> is pictured extreme right back row. For pictorial ley- her "day's work" job. out end stories see Pages 2 snd 6. As she got,to the yawning opening witirthe clattering trains roaring below, she stopped and purchased a local weekly gazette. The headline read: "WE'LL MARCH—King." I She read the story slowly, spelling out the words *s her bifo­ cals scanned the page. At her job, she approached her boss, "Mr. Harry.** He had another name but she'd been in the household now for over 30 years and In the course of time, he'd come to be known only as "Mr. Harry" and his wife as "Mrs. Irene." • • * " 'MB. HARRY,' VD UKE TO TAKE A DAY OFF," she be- gan "When. today?" he asked, almost shocked. - "No, no, on May 17," she hastily> replied. After thinking awhile, he came back with, "Laura, you know that's the day our little girl is coming back home from school and we need you here and that's all there is to that** Laura looked at her boss of nearly ha^f a century and calmly replied: "Jesus needs me in Washington much more than you necd me here. If you won't let me go, I'll take the day." The boss didn't flinch: >Very well, Laura, then as I under­ 3. stand it, your services terminate on the 16th." • • • ."™UBA' WHAT8 *** THIS I HEAR ABOUT YOD leaving us.* "Mrs. Irene" inquired. ALLA BABA SHRINE TEMPLE NO. 53 will have as added attraction during- 'Well, I intend to go to Washington, that's all." May 24 talent-beauty show the famous Latin Calypso dancers, Jene and Liza who The reply was soothing and genial. "Oh, Laura, you know w* will add S. American atmosphere to the show. can t live here without your help. Can I giv. you anything to help you get down there?" «-/«««« w oeip Th WCl WM firm r lu Centra! Stale Teacher Wins National Office tin. Tracy To Speak * ma'am. *^*., NO." * * «*° t« *nd proud: "Than. ^^k yo,uw DR. A, SIDNEY KING, PASTOR OF ST. JOHN S Mrs. Spencer Tracy, wife of This is a fight for man's rights that leads us all to Washington, AME in Cleveland, died* Saturday, at hisJusms ia WILBERFORCE.—Dr.' W. P. Currently he is making at study the well known actor and her­ Cleveland. Dr. King pastured St. Paul AME it? Col- Robinson, political scientist on The lady, whose name we could not us* although th* story is Ab­ c*t "The Negro In Politics in self the parent of a deaf child, solutely valid, showed that she was ready to stand for her rights embus for several years before joining St. John s. t%» Central State college faculty, Ohio." In tbe past his study on will be guest speaker at the an­ wa* elected first vice president This is h-portant in view of all the arguniento advanced about the Negro in politics in S. Caro­ nual dinner meeting of Columbus how "ready" the Negro is for his rights. -of Nat'l Ass'n of Social Science lina, entitled "Democracy** Hearing Society, United Appeal- • Teachers during annual session Using Laura as a measuring rod . we're ready. Frontier." and a second re­ Community Chest agency, Wed­ Let's go to Washington and shew THEM that w« are. , in Houston. search study on "Prejudice In nesday, May 22, at 6 p. m. at Dr. Robinson presented a pa­Politics" have been cited by po­ the Seneca hotel, Broad st and per in "Status of Minority litical scientists. BOOKS LIKE FRIENDS „ THREE-LEYEL CAVES Grant av., Columbus. Books *r* like friends with _. Croups" to the body of social Dr. Robinson holds degrees olentan Draws 1-20 • Reservations for the dinner erOf whom you enjoy passing the sy Caverns, near Dele- scientists based upon research from Howard and N. -York uni­ are open -to -tbe public end may time. Choose them.- from the ***** are the only three-level Covering a five year period. versities. be made by calling Ca. 1-1385. Hsfj OR P*$e 3 public library. (^ d caves in Ohio. • » ? SATURDAY. MAY 25, IO.K- PAGES PAGiS 2 THB OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1957 THE OHIO SENTINEL •• .-—»e. 20,000 Prayer Pilgrims Conve rge On The National Capital Baby Slayer Draws 1 To 20 Inspect $100,000 'Force Gp Site Stretch In Reformatory ENTENCE of one to 20 years in Mansfield reformatory S was imposed on a 20 year old Columbus man Wed­ nesday when he was convicted of the fatal beating of a 4 year old boy. « Gordon (Tony) Mason, 478 W. Spruce st., was charged with first degree manslaughter in the March. 1 death of little Gary Cooper, same address. Mason testified hs best the child with s heavy belt after he became ill from carbon monoxide fumes. The child was pronounced dead on arrival at White Croas hospital. Franklin Carnival Sunday A carnival of trumpets will be Trumpeters Include Robert one of th* novelty numbers fea­ Carter. Charles Mitchell and Tim Bower. tured in th* spring concert by There te no admission charge Franklin Jr. High school and or­ to th* 2:15 concert in the Frank- chestra Sunday, May 26. 'lin auditorium. INSPECTING SITE OF NEW GYMNASIUM now under construction at Wilberforce university is this group heading ths million drive for capita! improve* ments. Heading drive la Seji. Lausche. Occasion was Seafood Bay Restaurant In Bias Suit "kickoff*' for the enterprise, initiated last week. Bishop Four separate civil right suite Columbus women who said they • reservation. E, C. Hatcher (far left), chairman of th^ Wilberforce each for $500, wer* to b* filed were refused service. MANY WHITE customers wer* Board of Trustees, explains to members progress being •gainst owners of a Columbus They ar* Mary Jan* Patterson, allegedly seated without being made on SI00,000 gymnasium. Others pictured (resd« restaurant Thursday, according 1836 Greenway av.,Patricia Skur- asked for reservations, the wo­ ing from left to right of Bishop Hatcher) are Rembert E. to Atty.William H. Brooks. dy and Janice Howell, both of man said. After spending most] Stokes, acting president; J. M. Devaney, Ohio Bell Tele­ phone at Springfield; Mason Roberts, chairman of Board Named ar* operators of th* 37 Governor's pi., and Margaret of their lunch hour in th* restau­ Roundtre*, 290 Burt st. rant, they wer* forced to go elso- Directors of Peoples Bank of Dayton; P. E. Hill, Xenia Seafood Bay Restaurant, 179 N. • • • southern district manager of Dayton Power and' Light; High st. Brooks said th* action wher* for food- MISS PATTERSON. Mrs. Brook* said th* NAACP would Lausche, O. R. Cornelius, Southwestern Cement Co.; will be filed in behalf of four Skurdy and Mrs. Roundtre* are Judge W. C. Bryant, court of appeals in Columbus. Kob> probably be asked to join him In erta is chairman of the drive in Ohio. employed by the Internal Reve- working on th* cast. THESE PHOTOS BY JOHN B. COMBS, Sentinel man­ FIRST FOBEION INFLUX nu* Dept, while Mrs. Howell is aging editor, were snapped during "Prayer Pilgrimage Foreigners first began to mi­ secretary In Brooks' law office. for Freedom" last week in Washington. Top left: grate to Ohio in large numbers Principal figure named in th* Pilgrimage chairmen, from left, A. Philip Randolph. after th* war of 1812 and th* suit Is Nick J. Pappas, president Duel To Death Knives Over Woman Leaders Rebuke Rev. Martin L. King, Jr., Roy Wilkins. Center: There­ Revolution of 1848. Germans of Spring-High Inc., which ope­ CINCINNATI.—A husband and | th* parked car of Joe Johnson. I knife got out of the car and run- sa and James Gordon.formerly of Clay, Ky., who en­ wer* th* most conspicuous ot rates Seafood Bay. a supposed Romeo engaged in a!46, in front of 732 Carlisle st.,|ning around the back, attacked tered white school in face of mob threats, lsy wreath these newcomers. But there wer* man ,i« also Scandinavians. Finn*, The women stated that a knife duel to death Saturday over I Grimmett is said to hav* jerked j Grimmett, police reported, at statue of Abraham Lincoln.
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