!'950-. CONGRESSIO~AL' RECORD-SENATE 2455 ' ing of anti-poll-tax legislation; to the Com­ serve Bank of Minneapolis on February 9, elation, Welch, W. Va., reaffirming its stand mittee on House Administration. 1950, petitioning the Congress to review the in favor of Federal aid to education; to the Also, memorial of the Legislature of the question of salaries for members of the Committee on Education and Labor. State of Massachusetts, relative to the pass­ Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 1924. Also, petition of Mrs. Clair J. Butter­ ing of antilynching legislation; to the Com­ System and to establish their annual salaries field, president, Edinqoro State Teachers mittee on the Judiciary. at levels commensurate with the responsi­ College, Edinboro, Pa., ·requesting that· full Also, memorial of the Legislature of the bilities of their positions, with a view to supp9rt be given Senate bill 246 with cer­ State of Texas, urging that the attempt to achieving the highest type of public service tain provisions; to the Committee on Edu­ eliminate or reduce the depletion allowance in the field of monetary and banking policy; cation and Labor. on natural resources be defeated; to the to the Committee on Banking and Currency. _Committee on Ways and Means. 1912. By Mr. HESELTON: Resolutions of the General Court of Massachusetts, mem­ orializing the Congress of the United States PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS to lower the high cost of food; to the Com­ SENATE Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private mittee on Agriculture. bills and resolutions were introduced 1913. Also, resolutions of the General TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1950 and severally referred as follows: Court of Massachusetts, memorializing the Congress of the United States to pass anti­ (Legislative day of Wednesday, February By Mr. CAVALCANTE: poll-tax legislation; to the Committee on 22, 1950) H. R. 7450. A bill to record the lawful ad­ House Administration. · mission to the United States for permanent 1914. Also, resolutions of the General residence of Malvina Davoli, nee Passini; to The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Court of Massachusetts, memorializing the on the expiration of the recess. the Committee on the Judiciary. Congress of the United States to pass anti­ By Mr. FARRINGTON: lynching legislation; to the Committee on The Chaplain, Rev. 'Frederick Brown H. R. 7451. A bill for the relief of Sumiko the Judiciary. Harris, D. D., offered the following Fujita; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 1915. By Mr. HOEVEN: Petition request­ prayer: H. R. 7452. A bill for the relief of Alice ing passage of legislation that would prohibit Our gracious Father, as our thoughts Moriyoshi; to the Committee on the Ju­ alcoholic-beverage advertising in interstate diciary. commerce; to the Committee on Interstate are hushed to silence may we find Thee By Mr. GORE: and Foreign Commerce. moving upon our minds, higher than our H. R. 7453 . A bill for the relief of the 1916. By Mr. MILLER of California: Peti­ highest thought yet nearer to us than our Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Sum­ tion of the commissioners of the Housing very selves. B2fore the toil of a new day ner County, Tenn.; to 'the Committee on the Authority of the City of Alameda, Calif., re­ opens before us we lay before Thee the Judiciary. questing passage of S. 2246, a blll to amend By Mr. HOBBS: meditations of our hearts: May they be the National Housing Act, as amended, and acceptable in Thy sight. H. R. 7454. A bill for the relief of the es­ for other purposes; to the Committee on tate of Robert Preston Watters, the estate Banking and Currency. Prepare us for the solemn role com­ of Mrs. Jessie Nivens Watters, and the es­ 1917. By Mr. SHORT: Petitions of Mrs. mitted to our fallible hands in this ap­ tate of J. W. Gillum; to the Committee on James Mason, Dr. Kenneth Glover, Abb palling day, with its vast issues that con­ the Judiciary. Hulen, Virgil Walker, and many others, of cern not only our own dear land, but all By Mr. KILDAY: Mount Vernon and Lawrence County, urging the continents and the islands of the sea. H. R. 7455. A bill for the relief of Edward the passage of the Langer bill, S. 1847, and C. Brunett; to the Committee on the Judi­ Make us ministers of that love which will the Bryson bill, H. R. 2428; to the Committee not halt its growing sway until it joins ciary. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. KING: 1918. Also, petition of the Joplin unit of all nations and kindreds and tongues and· H. R. 7456. A bill for the relief of Daniel Missouri Cosmetologists Association, urging peoples into one great fraternity. We H. Dulity; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Congress to repeal the wartime excise ask it in the dear Redeemer's name. By Mr. McDONOUGH: tax on all cosmetics; to the Committee on Amen. H. R. 7457. A bill for the relief of Frank Ways and Means. THE JOURNAL Lindsen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 1919. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Reso­ By Mr. MILLER of California: lution of Walworth County Petroleum In­ On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unani­ H. R. 7458. A bill for the relief of Jonna dustries Committee, Walworth County, Wis., mous consent, reading of the Journal of Marie Rasmussen; to the Committee on the urging immediate and outright repeal of the the proceedings of Monday, February 27, Judiciary.. Federal gasoline and lubricating-oil taxes 1950, was dispensed with. By Mr. O'HARA of Illinois: and the Federal automotive excise taxes; to H. R. 7459. A bill for the relief of Dr. John the Committee on Ways and Means. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT M. Maniatis; to the Committee on the Ju­ 1920. Also, resolutions adopted at a mass Messages in writing from the Presi­ diciary. meeting of Lithuanian-Americans held un­ dent of the United States were com­ By Mr. TOLLEFSON: de.- the auspices of the local branch of H. R. 7460. A bill to exempt certain real Lithuanian-American Council, Inc., favor­ municated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, property in the District of Columbia from ing ·mmediate ratification of the convention one .of his secretaries. taxation in the District of Columbia, and outlawing genocide by the United States COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING SENATE for other purposes; to the Committee on the Senate; denouncing the Soviet policy of de­ SESSIONS District of Columbia. struction of native population and take By Mr. WHITE of Idaho: effective steps to make Russia respect the On request of Mr. MURRAY, and by H. R. 7461. A bill for the relief of Edward principles of the declaration of human unanimous consent, the Subcommittee Pittwood; to the Committee on the Judiciary. rights; urging the Government to use its on Labor-Management Relations of the power and influence to help Lithuania and other Baltic States to regain their freedom Committee on Labor and Public Wel­ PETITIONS, ETC and sovereign rights in accordance with the fare was authorized to sit during the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions principles of the Atlantic Charter and Char­ session of the Senate today. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ter of the United Nations, and not to make On request of Mr. MURRAY, and by peacP settlement with Soviet Russia until unanimous consent, the Committee on and ref erred as follows: this has been achieved; to the Committee on Foreign Relations was authorized to 1909. By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Petition of Foreign Affairs. meet during the sessions of the. Senate approximately 1,200 railway employees, re­ 1921. By Mr. WALTER: Petition of Penn­ questing that the railway pension law be sylvania Cooperative Potato Growers, Inc., today and the remainder of the week. amended to read that it will be optional for Allentown, Pa., opposing the continued price­ On request of Mr. NEELY, and by railway. employees to receive their annuity support program of the Federal Government unanimous consent, the Committee on on reaching the age of 60 and having. 20 on potatoes in any form; to the Committee the District of Columbia was authorized years of railroad service or 30 years of service on Agriculture. to meet briefly at 3 o'clock this after­ regardless of age; to the Committee on In­ 1922. By the SPEAKER: Petition of 0. A. terstate and Foreign Commerce. Richardson, president St. Joseph County In­ noon during the session of the Senate. 1910. By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of 95 resi­ dustrial Union Council, South Bend, Ind., CALL OF THE ROLL dents of Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Pa., supporting the enactment of S. 110 and H. R. in opposition to the Fogarty bill, H. R. 1570; 1380, Labor Extension Service biHs; to the Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence to the Committee on Education and Labor. Committee on Education and Labor. of a quorum. 1911. By Mr. HAGEN: Resolutions adopted 1923. Also, petition of J. E. Batten, Jr., The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre-.J by ths board of directors of the Federa~ Re- president, McDowell County Education Asso- tary will call the roll. 2456 CONGRESSIONAL RECO~D-SENATE i · The roll was called, and the following The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ended June SO, 1949 (with an accompany­ :· Senators answered to their names: objection? The Chair hears none, and ing report) to the Committee on Expendi­ tures in the Executive Departments. 1Brewster Hoey Maybank the Senator from Wisconsin may pro­ I Bricker Humphrey Millikin ceed. REPORT OF PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 1 J3ridges Hunt Morse Mr. A letter from the Administrator of the I Butler Ives Mundt McCARTHY.
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