Bulletin of Entomological Research http://journals.cambridge.org/BER Additional services for Bulletin of Entomological Research: Email alerts: Click here Subscriptions: Click here Commercial reprints: Click here Terms of use : Click here Notes on the Ethiopian Fruit­flies of the Family Trypaneidae, other than Dacus.—III. M. Bezzi Bulletin of Entomological Research / Volume 10 / Issue 03 / March 1920, pp 211 ­ 271 DOI: 10.1017/S000748530004414X, Published online: 10 July 2009 Link to this article: http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S000748530004414X How to cite this article: M. Bezzi (1920). Notes on the Ethiopian Fruit­flies of the Family Trypaneidae, other than Dacus.—III.. Bulletin of Entomological Research,10, pp 211­271 doi:10.1017/ S000748530004414X Request Permissions : Click here Downloaded from http://journals.cambridge.org/BER, IP address: on 02 Sep 2012 211 NOTES ON THE ETHIOPIAN FRUIT-FLIES OF THE FAMILY TRYPANEIDAE, OTHER THAN DACUS.—III.* By Prof. M. BEZZI, Turin, Italy. (PLATES XVII-XVIII.) The new material received from the Imperial Bureau of Entomology through the kindness of the Director, Dr. G. A. K. Marshall, enables me to prepare this third paper on the Ethiopian fruit-flies. It is a proof of the great richness of the African Trypaneid fauna that of over 41 species received only 10 were referable to previously described species, and that no less than 8 new genera have been erected, most of them for very strikingly characterised forms. The TEYPANEIDAE at present known from the Ethiopian Region, with the addition of the new forms here described for the first time, are enumerated in the following systematic catalogue, which numbers 216 species. I. Subfamily DACINAE. 1. TRIDACUS, Bezzi. oleae, Gmel. lounsburyi, Coq. mesomelas, Bezzi. sphaeristicus, Speis. semisphaereus, Beck, fuscovittatus, Grrah. blepharogaster, Bezzi. armatus, F. rufus, Bezzi. fuscatus, Wied. annulatus, Beck, nebulosus, Walk, erythraeus, Bezzi. d'emmerezi, Bezzi. mochii, Bezzi. bivittatus, Big. (peetoralis, Walk. ; woodi, Bezzi. bipartitu8, Grab..; cucumarius, Sack ; macer, Bezzi. armatus, Bezzi). immaculatus, Coq. momordicae, Bezzi (bipartitus, Bezzi). brevis, Coq. eburneus, Bezzi. fleicola, Bezzi. xanthopterus, Bezzi. bistrigulatus, Bezzi. humeralis, Bezzi. brevistriga, Walk, disjunctus, Bezzi. brevistylus, Bezzi. flavicrus, Grrah. vertebratus, Bezzi. scaber, Loew. binotatus, Loew. stylifer, Bezzi. bistrigatus, Loew. punctatifrons, Karsch. ciliatus, Loew. sigmoides, Coq. 2. DACUS, F. africanus, Adams, hamatus, Bezzi. sexmaculatus, Walk, trigonus, Bezzi. longistylus, Wied. {testaceus, Macq. ; inornatus, Bezzi (modestus, Bezzi); kingi, Frogg.). II. Subfamilv ADRAMINAE. 3. MERACANTHOMYIA, Hendel. 4. SOSIOPSILA, Bezzi. antennata, Hend. trisetosa, Bezzi. * For Part I, see Bull. Ent. Res. viii, pp. 215-251 ; for Part II, ibidem ix, pp. 13-46. (637) Wt.P4/140. 1,000. 3.20. B.&F.Ltd. G.U/4. A 212 PROF. M. BEZZI. III. SubfamUy CERATITINAE. 5. COELOPACIDIA, End. 17. HOPLOLOPHA,'Bezzf. s-trigata, Bezzi. cristata, Bezzi. melanostigma, Bezzi. inadagascariensis, End. 18. TRIRHITHRTJM, Bezzi. lycii, Coq. 6. CONKADTINA, End. nitidum, v. Rod. longicornis, End. albonigrum, End. acrodiauges, Speis. validum, Bezzi. acroleuca, Wied. nigrum, Grah. (obscurum, End.).. »uspensa, Bezzi. gagatinum, Bezzi. 7. CELIDODACUS, Hendel. occipitale, Bezzi. obnubilus, Karsch {apicalis, Hend.). bimaculatum, v. Rod. coloniarum, Speis. nigerrimum, Bezzi. 8. CARPOFHTHOROMYIA, Austen, leucopsis, Bezzi. vittata, F. inscriptum, Grah. (coffeae, Bezzi). scutellata, Walk, ? albomaculatum, v. Rod. tritea, Walk, 19. XANTHORKHACHISTA, HendeL pseudotritea, Bezzi. alata, Beck, (cephalia Hend.). superba, Bezzi. 20. THEMARICTERA, Hendel. 9. LEUCOTAENIELLA, Bezzi. flaveolate, F. guttipennis, Bezzi. rufipennis, Hend. trispila, Bezzi. laticeps, Loew. pentaspila, Bezzi. 21. THEMARA, Walker, 10. CHELTOPHORA, Rondani. fallacivena, End. magniceps, Bezzi. 22. BARTGLOSSA, Bezzi.* 11. BISTKISPINAKIA, Speiser. histrio, Bezzi. fortis, Speis. 23. PTILONIOLA, Hendel. 12. CLINOTAENIA, Bezzi. neavei, Bezzi. grata, Wied. preussi, Hend. anastrephina, Bezzi. tripunctulata, Karsch. 13. CERATITIS, McLeay. (Nov. GENUS.) capitata, Wied. guttatolimbata, End. catoirii, Guer. 24. RHACOCHLAENA, Loew.. 14. PTERANDRUS, Bezzi. fasciolata, Loew. anonae, Grah. (pennipes, Bezzi). pulchella, Bezzi. colae, Silv. t hammersteini, End. rosa, Karsch. 25. PHORELLIA, R. Desv. fasciventris, Bezzi. brunithorax, R. D. rubivorus, Coq. tristriata, Karsch. volucris, Bezzi. 26. TAOMTIA, Bezzi. ? penicillatus, Big. marshalli, Bezzi. 15. PARDAXASPIS, Bezzi. ocellata, Lamb. morstatti, Bezzi. punctata, Wied. 27. NOTOMMA, Bezzi. br&nei, Guer. bioculatum, Bezzi. melanaspis, Bezzi. (Nov. GENUS.) cosyra, Walk, (giffardi, Bezzi). jucunda, Loew. silvestrii, Bezzi. 28. ACIDIA, R. Desv. senegalensis, Macq. seychellensis, Lamb, antistictica, Bezzi. fossataefonnis, Bezzi. flexuosa, Walk, homogenea, Bezzi. quinaria, Bezzi. 29. " OCNEROS," 0. G. Costa, stictica, Bezzi. mundus, Loew. aliena, Bezzi. excellens, Loew. 16. PERILAMPSIS, Bezzi. sinuatus, Loew. pulchella, Austen, undatus, Bezzi. formosula, Austen. bigemmatus, Bezzi. * The genus Cladoderris, Bezzi, is better placed La the ORTALIDAE, and will be dealt with in a forthcoming paper on this family. NOTES ON THE ETHIOPIAN FRUIT PLIES, OTHER THAN DACUS. 213 III. Subfamily CBEATITINAE.—oont. 30. OCNERIOXA, Speiser. 36. ACIURA, R. Desv. psnnata, Speis. perspicillaris, Bezzi. woodi, Bezzi. angusta, Loew. discreta, Bezzi. semiangusta, Bszzi. gracilis, Loew. caeca, Bezzi. oborinia, Walk, 31. TEPHRITIS, Latr. tetrachaeta, Bezzi. iud?cora, Loew. capansis, Eond. vernoniicola, Bezzi. ternaria, Loew. binaria, Loew. 32. CAKPOMYIA, A. Costa, incompleta, Beck. 37. SPHENISCOMTIA, Be.zzi. sexmaculata, Macq. 33. CRASPEDOXANTHA, Bezzi. neavei, Bezzi. marginalia, Wied. 38. TEPHREIXA, Bezzi. man^ngubae, Speis. bezziana, End. nigricosta, Bezzi. 34. TERELLIA, B. Desvoidy. cyclopica, Bezzi {w-fuscum, End.), I hysia, Walk. tephronota, Bezzi. rufiventris, Bezzi. 35. ALLOTRTPES, Bezzi. sexfissata, Beck, brevicornis, Bezzi. hessii, Wied. IV. Subfamily TRYPANEINAE. 39. PLATENSINA, Enderlein. ignobilis, Loew. diaphasis, Big. siphonina, Bezzi. (Nov. GENUS). 46. EURIBIA, Meigen. lunifera, Loew. perpallida, Bezzi. discipulchra, Bezzi. 40. EUTRETOSOMA, Hendel. oculatum, Hend. praetexta, Loew. frauenfeldi, Schin. cafEra, Loew. bipunctatum, Loew. dissoluta, Loew. millepunctatum, Bezzi. tristrigata, Bezzi. polygramma, Walk. cyana, Walk. 47. CAMPIGLOSSA, Rondani. 41. ELAPHROMYIA, Bigot. perspicillata, Bezzi. adatha, Walk, (melas, Big. ; ulula, Loew). 48. CAMAROMTIA, Hendel. 42. SPATHULINA, Rondani. acrophthalma, Bezzi. semiatra, Loew. ? helva, Loew. bioculata, Bezzi. parceguttata, Beck, 49. ACANTHIOPHILUS, Becker, acrosticta, Bezzi. helianthi, Rossi. aldabrensis, Lamb, ? ochraceiiB, Loew. margaritifera, Bezzi. 50. TRTPANEA, Schrank. 43. PLIOMELAENA, Bezzi. subcompleta, Bezzi. brevifrons, Bezzi. hemimelaena, Bezzi. strictifrons, Bezzi. peregrina, Adams {urophora, Bezzi). augur, Frauenf. 44. EUARESTA, LO3W. tristioula, Hend. * planifrons, Loew. auguralis, Bezzi. amplifrons, Bezzi. hexapoda, Bezzi. 45. ENSINA, R. Desv. confluens, Wied. sororcula, Wied. aucta, Bezzi. gladiatrix, Bezzi. repleta, Bezzi. myiopitoides, Bezzi. aira, Walk. anceps, Loew. amoena, Frauenf. magnipalpis, Bezzi. decora, Loew. dubia, Walk. diversa, Wied. * This recently described species was erroneously included by Prof. Hendel in his great work on the South American Trypaneids. 1914, p. 82 ; but it is from Mozambique, and was accidently omitted by me in my previous paper ; it is very near augur^ has about the same wing pattern, and has likewise only two scutellar bristles. <^' (637) »2 214 PROF. M. BEZZI. V. Subfamily SCHISTOPTERINAE. 51. PERIRHITHRUM, Bezzi. 53. EHOCHMOPTERUM, Speiser. marshalli, Bezzi. neuropteripenne, Speis. 52. JRHABDOCHAETA, de Meijere. 54. SCHISTOPTERUM, Becker, spinosa, Lamb. moebiusi, Beck. neavei, Bezzi. ****** The addition of the very interesting new genus which follows makes necessary a modification of the beginning of the table of genera in my first paper, p. 216, nos. 1-5, which may be modified as follows :— 1(6). Thoracic chaetotaxy incomplete, hm., jrrst., dc. and st. being always wanting (and also the prsc. in African forms). a(d). Arista bare; abdomen short and broad, usually broader than the thorax; wings with the first three longitudinal veins closely approximated, the anterior cross-vein long and oblique, the second basal cell dilated and the anal cell drawn out into a very long point .. Subfam. DACINAE. b(c). Only two sa. present, the anterior one being entirely wanting Dacus, F. (s. str.). c(6). Three sa., the anterior one being well developed .. .. Tridaous, Bezzi. d(a). Arista plumose; abdomen long and linear, more narrow than the thorax; wings with the first three veins not approximated, the anterior cross-vein short and placed perpendicularly, the second basal cell not dilated and the anal cell with a short point .. Subfam. ADRAMINAE. e(f). Femora not spinose beneath; thoracic suture interrupted in the middle; antennae shorter than the face ; point of the anal cell very short Sosiopsila, gen. nov. f(e). Femora spinose beneath; thoracic suture complete; antennae much longer than the face ; point of the anal cell longer .. Meracanthomyia, Hend. II. Subfam. ADRAMINAE. The present subfamily is here accepted in a wider sense than that attributed to it by Hendel in 1914, and corresponding to that adopted by me
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