Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 3 No 1 Spring 2013 incorporating Islington History Journal Modernism for sociable living How social and municipal ambitions were combined in style at Brecknock Road Estate The vestry hall – a tale of corruption, nepotism and Victorian local government l Amazing medieval fakes in 19th century London l Steam-powered celebration for London Underground l Historical research for Victorian crime fiction l Canal museum comes of age l Your local history questions answered l Books and reviews l News and events About the society What we do Memories, reviews, old photographs, Islington Archaeology & ideas sought… contribute to this journal History Society committee hesocietyarranges President eventsincluding Wewelcomearticlesonlocal researcherMichaelReading RtHonLordSmith Tlectures,walks,book history,memoriesand –andmaybeotherreaders ofFinsbury launchesandoutingsabout research. –toanswer.Pleasenotethat thearchaeologyandhistory Onepagetakesabout500 wedonotcarryoutfamily Vice president ofIslington. words,andmaximumarticle research. MaryCosh Weliaisewiththecouncil lengthis1,000words.We lSeeLetters,page6 andothersinmattersof likereceivingpictures,but Chairman planninganddevelopment pleasecheckthatwecan Copyright AndrewGardner torecordandprotect reproducethemwithout Copyrightofeverythingin [email protected] Islington’ssitesthatareof infringinganyone’scopyright. thisjournallieswiththe archaeologicalandhistorical Thejournalispublisedin creatorunlessotherwise Secretary importance. printandonlineinpdfform. stated.Whileitcanbe PeterFuller Wealsoaimtodocument Deadlineforthesummer difficulttotracecopyright [email protected] archaeologicalfindingsin issueis1May. ownershipofarchive theborough. materials,wemakeevery Membership and events Localhistoricaland Ever wondered…? efforttodoso. CatherineBrighty literarywalkscanbe Doyouhaveanyqueries 8WynyattStreet arrangedforgroups. aboutIslington’shistory, Any questions? LondonEC1V7HU streetsorbuildings?Send ContacteditorChristy 02078331541 Why archaeology? theminforourtireless Lawrance(detailsright). Archaeologyisnotjust Treasurer aboutwhatisburied;it PhilipAnderson includesstructuresand Journal back issues and extra copies phlpandrsn6@ fragmentsthatstillexist, btopenworld.com andpeoplewhohavelived, Journaldistributionis workedanddiedinthem. overseenbyCatherine Committee members Weareheretoinvestigate, Brighty(detailsright). KathleenFrenchman learnaboutandcelebrate Contactherifyou MichaelHarper whatislefttous. wouldlikemorecopies DerekSeeley orbackissues,ifyou Our website movehouseandfor Academic adviser Gotowww.iahs.org.ukto enquiriesabout LesterHillman,former findoutmore. membership. visitingprofessor,London MetropolitanBusiness (photocopiesacceptable) $ School,London Join the Islington Archaeology & History Society MetropolitanUniversity Membershipperyearis:£10single;£12jointatsameaddress;concessions£6;joint Journal editor concessions£8;corporate£15.(Membershiprenewalsaresentoutwhendue.) ChristyLawrance [email protected] Name(s).................................................................................................................................... c/o6Northview TufnellParkRoad Address.................................................................................................................................... LondonN70QB .................................................................................................................................................. The Journal of the Islington Telno/email(ifweneedtocontactyou).............................................................................. Archaeology & History Society ispublishedfourtimesayear I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembership,and encloseachequepayableto“IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety” for................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:CatherineBrighty,Islington PrintedbyPrintSet, Archaeology&HistorySociety,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU 15PalmerPlace,London, N78DH,www.printset.co.uk 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Spring2013Vol3 No1 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Incorporating Islington History Journal Vol 3 No 1 Spring 2013 A green legacy that still lifts the spirits t is a highlight of our calendar when our president Chris Smith Iaddresses one of our meetings. It Contents was especially so this year when he spoke of his late friend and our former chairman, Peter Powell (news, page 5). News 4 Five years ago – to the day, as I write Chris Smith describes fond memories and green issues at Peter Powell event – Peter died suddenly and unexpectedly Family research reunites old friends in the night. It was daunting to be Medieval moat opened in Barnsbury asked to follow in his footsteps. Vote in the Islington people’s plaque poll My relationship with Peter resembled that of a nephew and a favourite uncle Lettersandyourquestions 6 and, on many occasions, I acted as his Jones Bros shopping tokens, the lost industry of cork cutting and monsters understudy. He would be delighted on City Road that the IAHS lecture programme and Journal are as strong as ever, and that Amazingfakes 9 so many of you attend and subscribe. Two forgers produced thousands of medieval antiquities in 19th century London. Green issues were very close to Philip Mernick describes their extraordinary industry Peter’s heart. In Islington, we have less green space than any other London Steampoweredcelebration 10 borough and Peter worked tirelessly to Heritage trains return to work for the London Underground’s 150th anniversary keep environmental concerns in the public consciousness. He took great Canalmuseumcomesofage 12 pleasure in telling stories, discussing Lester Hillman reports on a thriving waterside attraction predicaments and reiterating his hopes for conservation and development. Buildingthevestryhall 14 But first and foremost he loved A decision to build a vestry hall was engulfed by claims of nepotism and people – in his talk, Chris described corruption. Alan Pattison tells a tale of Victorian local government Peter’s devotion to Islington’s community. Closer to home, rarely did Modernismforsociableliving 16 an evening’s conversation go by An ambitious interwar housing project combined municipal and social without Peter mentioning “my ambitions in style. Ian Hunt explores Brecknock Road Estate’s architecture beautiful wife, Judith”, or “my daughters, who make me so proud to Turninghistoryintomystery 18 be their father”. Joan Lock describes her historical research for a Victorian crime novel Recently, I wrote about the copious amount of greenery that can be seen Publications,bookshopandbookreviews 20 from the top of Canonbury Tower, a Books and maps for sale manifestation of the environmental campaigns Peter led in the 1980s. We Events 24 can all enjoy and be grateful for his Talks, walks and exhibitions enduring – and delightful – legacy. Directoryofsocietiesandmuseums 28 Andrew Gardner Civic, local history and archaeology societies, museums and online resources Chairman Cover: Russell Jones; thumbnails (l-r): Derek Seeley; Philip Mernick; RIBA; Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia RIBA; thumbnails (l-r): Derek Seeley; Philip Mernick; Russell Jones; Cover: Islington Archaeology & History Society IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySocietyevents 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Spring 2013 Vol 3 No 1 3 news In brief Family research reunites old friends Plaque for justice TwooldIslingtonfriends informationfrom campaigner unveiled havebeenreunitedafter70 ancestry.comanditsLiving years,afteradaughterof Relativesitetoseeifshe Agreenplaqueto oneofthemdecidedto couldfindoutifRonnie commemoratesocialjustice researchherfamily. werestillalive. campaignerJackKennedy NormanDoverand Shewrote:“NotonlydidI hasbeenunveiledathis RonnieNewtonwereclose findaRonaldNewtonwho homeinDraytonPark.The friendsaschildrenand seemedtofitthebill,buthe formerIslingtoncouncil teenagers,andserved livedwithhiswife,Gladys, bricklayer,whodied10years togetherintheHomeGuard Back together: Norman Dover onlyaroundhalfanhour’s ago,wasakeyfigureinthe between1942and1944. (left) and Ronnie Newton drivefromdad.Iwroteto successfulcampaignstofree Theylostcontactaftera himand,amazingly,itwas theBirminghamSixand bombhittheirhomes. room,accompaniedbythe indeeddad’spal. GuildfordFour,wrongly NormanDover’sdaughter screechingofanengine “Ameetingwasarranged convictedofpubbombings LindaMillikenwrote: cuttingout. anditwaswonderfully inthe1970s.Inthe1980s, “Sadly,theyneversaweach “Afterensuringhis movingtoseethemreliving hecampaignedforsafetyon otheragainaftertheflying parentsweresafelyin happymemoriesoftheir buildingsites,andwasa bombdemolishedtheir hospital,hestoodguard childhoodinIslingtonand foundingmemberofthe homesinQueensburyStreet overtheremainsofhis catchingupwiththeir ConstructionSafety inJune1944.Infact,dad housetopreventlooting. journeythroughlifesince Campaign,whichworkedto wassleepingonhisbed,still “Overtheyears,dadhas thosedays. strengthensitesafetylaws wearinghisuniform oftenmentionedhisold “Manyofyourreaderswill toprotectworkers.The followingnightduty,onthat friendRonnie.” probablyrecogniseRonnie, guestofhonouratthe Sundaymorning,whenhe MsMillikenhadbeen asheandhiswiferana unveilingwasBillyPower, waswokenbyablack researchingherfamilytree newsagentsinIslingtonfor oneoftheBirminghamSix. shadowfallingacrossthe anddecidedtousethe manyyears.” Centenary of law
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