Iskander wins decisive re-election victory how dedicated I've been this last essary. The votes I saw being Peggy Lai year. It's been hard work, but I counted were at the Pub where the Staff Writer wouldn't do it again if I didn't think 1 lighting is poor and alcohol is served. could do a better job next , year," This may yield an error in tallying Wiess College junior Marvana Iskander said?" the results," Bawa said. Iskander swept Tuesday's Student Lotlikar said, "Congratulations to In response to the election re Association presidential elections Maryana in winning. I think the stu- suits, Will Rice College senior and race. dents made a good choice, and I presidential candidate Jeff Halladay Out of a total of 1,362 votes cast in hope to see a lot of great things said, "Bacon." the race, Iskander obtained 809, come out of the SA next year." Though Halladay declined to which corresponded to 59.4 percent Sid Richardson College junior comment fu rt her, his campaign man of the vote. She was followed by George Hatoun said, "Maryana had ager Harry White, also a WRC se- Baker College * sophomore great name recognition and a good nior, said. "As a student, it's a real i Hrisllikesh Urtlikar with 10.8 per- record to run on." Hatoun was also a shame many posters were ripped cent of the vote. presidential candidate. down which were not improperly "I think the entire campaign was "I ran for SA president because I put up. This is a very sad remark on never framed as re-election, but for had some new ideas and I saw a Rice politics, that students feel the the job next year and not just what number of problems in our SA, and need to cheat to win." I've done in the past," Iskander said. I had differences with Maryana on Todd Haskins and Steplx- "I feel really good winning with that the way that the SA and tjie |SA1 Gallagher, the other candidates for personal understanding. I think a lot Senate conducted its business," he SA president, were not available for of people spoke out and supported said. comment, me, and 1 really appreciate that. However, Hatoun also congratu- "I'm excited," Erika Windham, "I feel like the SA made some lated Iskander on her victory, one of t he two elected co-presidents improvements this year, and not ev- "I think that she will do a very of the Rice Program Council, said. erybody knows that. But! still think good job in her second term as presi Windham said her goaf»4br next we have a lot to do. One*thing is to den t, and 1 wish her the best of luck," .year will be to "continue wlutt the make sure as many people as pos- he said. RPC is doing and perhaps improve sible know what's going on. For WRC junior Mo Bawa, another and expand." everybody's information, SA meet- presidential candidate, expressed Also, since the RPC was restruc- ings are Monday evenings at disappointment at student response tured this year, Windham hopes to 10 [p.m.] in. Kelley Lounge,"' and the election process. get together the old council to evalu- Iskander said. "I think the attitude of the Rice ate the new system." Iskander's plans for next year students and problems with the en- Teddy Kapur, the newly elected include better energy conservation tire political process should be evalu- chair for the Rice Student Volunteer and lighting, facilitating the rollover • aU„'(l and dealt with-," he said. Program, was not available for com of meal plans and improving aspects ' "111is will ensUre that the activi- merit: of the curriculum such as redesign- ties of the SA are not just to renew "The ballot counting went very ing foundation courses and broad- itself annually but to help students' smoothly this year, thanks to the ening the scope of environmental views be better represented." participation we had and the "ballot education. She also hopes to work Bawa also expressed concern at counters' efficient work. We were with the other candidates on the the way votes were tallied. done in record time," current SA good ideas they had. "I think a more formal, business- Secretary I aura Moodey said Floyd Walke^ John Cusey, George Hatoun, Charles Klein ,tnd itt RuthfielU'lvit "1 thank the people who knew like setting for count ing votes is nec SEE ELECTIONS PAGE 6 tablej count ballots In Wednesday's general election Food and Housing considers year-to-year mi 'iaf tion has forced Currie to delay George E, Hatoun thereport, Plan could lead to increase in college room and board fees • jfttyltytor _ Currie is out of rite counti? and could not be reached for "antl the presidents of, or represen than the marginal cost. In short, this Jeff Gavornik Wiess Collegeheld an open comment tatives for, each residential college. would be another victory for [F&H! thill Wnirr meeting Wednesday evening to Ift the meantime, Wiess Hicks said the concert) is "to get since they can charge us more discuss renovation plana and members are trying to increase the income and outcome to come yearly." strategiesfor saving the college. awareness of the renovations Food and-Housing is consider out to zero on the bottom line. Any Hicks says that it is important for Photos showing cracked situation. So far, letters have iiiK a change in the policy concern- decrease (in funds) will mean some RCMAC to do what is best for the been sent out to parents encour- ing money left in student meal plans income that we must earn else students and the colleges. _ that some parts of the aging therii to write to the ad- at the end of Spring semesters. where." This issue should be decided at ng had sunk by several ministration about tile renova- Undercurrent policy, any money While there are no"pla«ag»t this the next RCMAC meeting. tions problem. Approximately unspent at the end of that semester point to replace any revenue lost two dozen parents wrote letters is appropriated by F&H. by F&H, Hicks says that it is pos- toe Chair Chris Letoumesu said inreapoase. An oversight committee is now sible that room and board costs that the reqpnt findings may looking into a proposal which would might have to be increased to com- mean that it may not be feasible also been established to inform allow students to roll any leftover- pensate. to renovate the college. college members. money into their next year's meal Not all students see the need urbsfor > two other options being Future plans include: plan. for such a policy shift if it is accom- ns are due at 3 ^neMp^g Wleis • information displays for Director of F&H Marion Hicks panied by an increase in room and location or build- Wiess alumni at HeUo Hamlet said, "It was recommended that we board. Office Brown (the college's spiring musical) go back to RCMAC (Residential Brown College junior Pippa _ and and Beer-Bite; Colleges Management Advisory Fltringham says that previous college In * a questionaire and wptae- Committee! to look at how it would changes in policy are sufficient for be done (in order to) finalize the students' needs. estimates ionsabouttKe renovations; atul details, recommendations and fi "Because we are now able to have been released since the * fliers distributed to college nancing." add $25 increments of money > discovered, and no members about future plans. If the oversight committee ap- throughout the semester, I don't isavaiiablefor ade- Wiess College junior proves the proposal, F&H will re- think the ability to carry over meal I tffl ceive less money in the future. In plans from the spring to the fall is be made, Maryana Iskander saidlhat one p^tbsSSunSeB ^ said that origi- problem with at reaovaut this event, the lost revenue would worth an increase in the cost in ;WWPiPWrV have to be subsidized by some other room and board." she said Currie means. The major concern of students •candidate I « second ' renovations commit- The oversight committee con- iskeeping their overall costs down. of Gover- tee and the administration. sists of Hicks, Vice President for Brown College sophomore A1 11 arid 12 Student Affairs Zenaido Camacho, Suarez said. "A rollover plan is General wilelectiol be nre-used blurb .disk s meetings, but the new informa- tion had security concemsabout Vice President for Finance and Ad- great, but if this is accompanied by ere available in the Thresher see mm*, page* . ministration Dean Currie, Lovett an increase in room and board, office. College Master William "trrman'T then the- marginal bencHfit is leas -o 1f F ! tl 1 r '1 *V« s Lfj»,. u i j* 3 7WtKBfc^w &Li! fj; ™|> j v ^ 4 T --j jJ ^ r' ^ •,£ uj Mil•.».^.P,.|..||.4|.,«|...«>.i.li,.l.»....i»ii..L,. 1.III.•.••!•!..»......., ...I.. I i uiii. a..i» I. Iiiii.lii I'inirni-.i' IE RICE THRESHER .iii|iiiiii;l|jiiiiiiiiiii Ml 11 mint nun. II II I .. I Willi — i n v.O'^vf ir J '4't!liiu^SSfl • fe15C?fci1«\tf4 ^ »1 hir««f * 1 ifi« <# .. • • • ^ Renovations decision is a soap opera. As a college journalism professor once said, the college editor's job can be defined in three words: To raise hell So, Here we go. The Wiess College renovation situation has gotten out of hand. Back- room politicking, students being cut off from the decision-making process, (acuity members' comments being ignored, administrators being slan- dered behind t heir backs -- these jfre but a few of the activities surrounding vtu*e, the issue.
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