The Alberta Gazette Part I Vol. 100 Edmonton, Thursday, July 15, 2004 No. 13 PROCLAMATION [GREAT SEAL] CANADA PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Lois E Hole, Lieutenant Governor. ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada, and Her Other Realms and Territories, QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith PROCLAMATION To all Whom these Presents shall come GREETING Terry Matchett, Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General WHEREAS section 26 of the Insurance Amendment Act, 2003 (No. 2) provides that that Act, except sections 17 and 20(a), comes into force on Proclamation; and WHEREAS it is expedient to proclaim all the provisions of the Insurance Amendment Act, 2003 (No. 2) not yet in force, in force: NOW KNOW YE THAT by and with the advice and consent of Our Executive Council of Our Province of Alberta, by virtue of the provisions of the said Act hereinbefore referred to and of all other power and authority whatsoever in Us vested in that behalf, We have ordered and declared and do hereby proclaim (a) section 18 of the Insurance Amendment Act, 2003 (No. 2), to the extent that it enacts section 661.2, in force on June 21, 2004, and (b) all the provisions of the Insurance Amendment Act, 2003 (No. 2) not yet in force, except section 18 to the extent that it enacts section 661.2, in force on October 1, 2004. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our Province of Alberta to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS: THE HONOURABLE LOIS E. HOLE, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of Alberta, in Our City of Edmonton in Our Province of Alberta, this 21 day of June in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Four and in the Fifty-second Year of Our Reign. THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, JULY 15, 2004 BY COMMAND David Hancock, Provincial Secretary. APPOINTMENTS (Provincial Court Act) Assistant Chief Judge Appointed July 1, 2004 The Honourable Judge J.R. McIntosh The Honourable Judge A.G. Vickery (The above appointments are for five-year terms) ______________ Provincial Court Judge Appointed July 1, 2004 Fuller, Hugh W.A. Koshman, James C. McDonald, J.D. Bruce Tousignant, Victor T. ______________ Supernumerary Judge Re-appointed June 21, 2004 The Honourable Judge J.E. Enright, of Stony Plain. RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS Erratum The notice for Resignation of Justice of the Peace published in the June 30, 2004 issue of the Alberta Gazette, page 1934 for Klaus Dieter Gabriel was published in error. ______________ (Justice of the Peace Act) Resignation of Justice of the Peace June 10, 2004 Rife, Cynthia Rose ______________ - 2034 - THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, JULY 15, 2004 (Provincial Court Act) Retirement of Supernumerary Judge June 20, 2004 MacNaughton, D.P. GOVERNMENT NOTICES Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Hosting Expenses Exceeding $600.00 For the period January 1, 2004 to March 31, 2004 Function: Opportunity Seminar Date of Function: March 22, 2004 Amount: $1901.64 Location: Flamingo Inn; High Level, Alberta Function: Federal/Provincial/Territorial meeting on Métis Harvesting Rights Date of Function: January 15 & 16, 2004 Amount: $1600.00 Location: Delta Bow Valley; Calgary, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Form 15 (Irrigation Districts Act) (Section 88) Notice to Irrigation Secretariat: Change of Area of an Irrigation District On behalf of the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District, I hereby request that the Irrigation Secretariat forward a certified copy of this notice to the Registrar of Land Titles for the purposes of registration under section 22 of the Land Titles Act and arrange for notice to be published in The Alberta Gazette. The following parcels of land should be ADDED to the irrigation district and the notation added to the certificate of title: LINC Number Short Legal Description Title Number as shown on Title - 2035 - THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, JULY 15, 2004 0019 342 427 4;23;12;6;NW 001 140 260 0019 342 435 4;23;12;6;SW 001 140 260 0019 356 906 4;23;12;6;NE 001 140 258 0021 951 496 4;24;13;1;SE 041 027 097 0021 965 968 4;24;12;3;NW 761 124 408 0021 965 992 4;24;12;3;SE 971 368 332 +4 0021 967 971 4;24;12;12;SW 921 143 759 +1 0021 973 862 4;24;12;36;SE 041 027 097 +1 0022 034 961 4;23;12;20;NE 001 006 340 0022 038 806 4;23;12;18;NW 041 017 126 0022 038 814 4;23;12;18;NE 041 017 126 0022 042 170 4;24;12;25;NW 041 027 096 0022 042 188 4;24;12;25;SW 041 027 098 0022 048 664 4;23;12;29;SE 811 101 435 0022 048 672 4;23;12;30;SW 031 024 371 +1 0022 048 680 4;23;12;30;NW 031 067 811 0022 048 698 4;23;12;30;NE 031 328 505 0022 132 435 4;24;12;25;NE 041 027 095 0022 132 443 4;24;12;25;SE 041 027 094 0029 902 368 4;23;12;7;SE 031 152 010 - 2036 - THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, JULY 15, 2004 I certify the procedures required under Part 4 of the Irrigation Districts Act have been completed and the area of the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District should be changed according to the above list. Laurie Hodge, Office Manager, Irrigation Secretariat. ______________ On behalf of the St. Mary River Irrigation District, I hereby request that the Irrigation Secretariat forward a certified copy of this notice to the Registrar of Land Titles for the purposes of registration under section 22 of the Land Titles Act and arrange for notice to be published in The Alberta Gazette. The following parcels of land should be REMOVED from the irrigation district and the notation removed from the certificate of title: LINC Number Short Legal Description Title Number as shown on Title 0025 831 950 9312509;1;4 031 129 302 I certify the procedures required under Part 4 of the Irrigation Districts Act have been completed and the area of the St. Mary River Irrigation District should be changed according to the above list. Laurie Hodge, Office Manager, Irrigation Secretariat. Community Development Notice of Intention to Designate A Provincial Historic Resource (Historical Resources Act) File: Des. 255 Notice is hereby given that 60 days from the date of service of this Notice and its publication in The Alberta Gazette, the Minister of Community Development intends to make an Order that the building known as the: Canadian Pacific Railway Station, Strathcona, together with the land legally described as: Plan I Block L and municipally located at 8101 – 103 Street, Edmonton, Alberta - 2037 - THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, JULY 15, 2004 be designated as a Provincial Historic Resource under Section 20 of the Historical Resources Act, R.S.A. 2000 cH-9. The reasons for the designation are as follows: The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) Station at Strathcona reflects the importance of the railway to the basic patterns of rural and urban development in Alberta. Constructed in 1907, the station in Strathcona replaced the original depot at the northern terminus of the Calgary and Edmonton Railway (C&ER) and reflected the CPR’s ongoing commitment to developing Strathcona as the dominant terminal point in Northern Alberta. The station was built at a time of substantial local growth and optimism. Subsequent commitments by the Canadian Northern Railway and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to build terminal facilities in Edmonton, across the North Saskatchewan River, led to the eventual amalgamation of Strathcona with its larger rival, however, the Strathcona Station still serves as a visible reminder of the patterns of local development. Architecturally, the station is a substantial and well-executed example of early twentieth century principles in railway station design. It is notable for its broad hip roofs, deep bracketed eaves, strong chateauesque silhouette, and a high quality stone, brick and timber detailing. Much of its original character has been retained despite ongoing refurbishment and modification. In terms of its broader urban context, the station is recognized by the CPR as a key element of its image within the local community. It is an integral component of Edmonton’s most significant heritage district, Old Strathcona, and is surrounded by buildings of similar scale and vintage. It is therefore considered that the preservation and protection of the resource is in the public interest. Dated June 15, 2004 Mark Rasmussen, Assistant Deputy Minister. ______________ Order Designating a Provincial Historic Resource (Historical Resources Act) File: Des. 2109 I, Gene Zwozdesky, Minister charged with the administration of the Historical Resources Act, R.S.A. 2000 C. H-9, do hereby: 1. Pursuant to section 20, subsection (1) of that Act, designate the building known as the: Circle L Ranch together with the land legally described as: - 2038 - THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, JULY 15, 2004 Meridian 4 Range 29 Township 12 Section 27 West ½ of LSD 15 Excepting the roadway on Plan 1246 JK Containing 8.35 acres more or less Excepting therout all mines and minerals And the right to work same and municipally located in the Municipal District of Willow Creek, near Claresholm, Alberta as a Provincial Historic Resource, 2. Give notice that pursuant to section 20, subsection (9) of that Act, no person shall destroy, disturb, alter, restore, or repair any Provincial Historic Resource or remove any historic object from a Provincial Historic Resource without the written approval of the Minister.
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