List of books purchased and borrowed by the Commons Library 2008 onwards Since October 2013, the House of Commons Library has regularly published details of the books which have been most frequently borrowed from the Library, and which titles it has purchased specifically in response to requests from Members of Parliament. Some information relating to the most frequently borrowed books during the years 2008–2013 is also included. The tables containing this information were prepared in response to freedom of information requests received by the Library. • 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019 • 1 April to 30 September 2018 • 1 October 2017 to 31 March 2018 • 1 April to 30 September 2017 • 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017 • 1 April to 30 September 2016 • 1 October 2015 to 31 March 2016 • 1 April to 30 September 2015 • 1 October 2014 to 31 March 2015 • 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 • 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • About the Commons Library Books borrowed or purchased from 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019 This document lists the books purchased by the Commons Library in response to requests from MPs, and the books borrowed from the Library on at least four occasions during the specified period. Date published: May 2019 Books purchased Books purchased by the House of Commons Library in response to requests from Members of Parliament from 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019. Date of Title Author Price £ request 03.10.18 The left case against the EU Costas Lapavitsas 12.59 08.10.18 Girls and autism: educational, family and Barry Carpenter and 25.19 personal perspectives others 08.10.18 Us vs. them: the failure of globalism Ian Bremmer 12.59 09.10.18 White flag? an examination of the UK’s Michael Ashcroft and 16.80 defence capability Isabel Oakshott 10.10.18 Sensory processing explained: a handbook for Heather Greutman and 25.00 parents and educators Sharla Kostelyk 10.10.18 The digital ape: how to live (in peace) with Nigel Shadbolt and 16.80 smart machines Roger Hampson 10.10.18 Reclaiming the common good: how Christians Virginia Moffatt 12.59 can re-build our broken world 12.10.18 The Indian empire at war: from Jihad to George Morton-Jack 21.00 victory, the untold story of the Indian army in the First World War 15.10.18 Whiteshift: populism, immigration and the Eric Kaufmann 21.00 future of white majorities 25.10.18 Africa: a modern history: 1945-2015 Guy Arnold 33.60 25.10.18 I Spy: my life in MI5 Tom Marcus 13.29 06.11.18 National populism: the revolt against liberal Roger Eatwell and 8.39 democracy Matthew Goodwin 13.11.18 The forgotten creed: Christianity's original Stephen J. Patterson 16.79 struggle against bigotry, slavery, and sexism 05.12.18 America's exceptional economic problem Warwick Lightfoot 10.91 07.12.18 Social mobility and its enemies Lee Elliot Major and 7.55 Stephen Machin 10.12.18 Ruskin and his contemporaries Robert Hewison 25.19 10.12.18 Heroic failure: Brexit and the politics of pain Fintan O’Toole 10.07 17.12.18 Brexit and Ireland: the dangers, the Tony Connelly 8.39 opportunities, and the inside story of the Irish response (updated edition) 17.12.18 Crashed: how a decade of financial crises Adam Tooze 25.20 changed the world 27.12.18 Heirs of the founders: the epic rivalry of HW Brands 18.90 Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and Daniel Webster, the second generation of American giants 16.01.19 Political Muslims: understanding youth Tahir Abbas and Sadek 48.68 resistance in a global context Hamid 21.01.19 Standing up, speaking out: 40 years of fighting Mervyn Thomas 9.99 injustice 25.01.19 Stories of solidarity Hywel Francis 9.99 25.01.19 Peace in the making: the Menachem Begin - Harry Hurwitz and 13.44 Anwar El-Sadat personal correspondence Yisrael Medad 28.01.19 A short history of Brexit: from Brentry to Kevin O’Rourke 16.80 backstop 30.01.19 All together now? one man's walk in search of Mike Carter 12.59 his father and a lost England 31.01.19 Reasonable radical? reading the writings of Ian S. Markham and 12.59 Martyn Percy Joshua Daniel 04.02.19 The age of surveillance capitalism: the fight Shoshana Zuboff 21.00 for the future at the new frontier of power 12.02.19 Memorable encounters John Nott 16.80 12.02.19 Human: solving the global workforce crisis in Mark Britnell 12.59 healthcare 13.02.19 Loeb classics edition of Thucydides Thucydides 79.50 19.02.19 Austerity, youth policy and the Bernard Davies 19.31 deconstruction of the youth service in England 05.03.19 Modern treaty law and practice Anthony Aust 40.49 06.03.19 Nervous states: how feeling took over the William Davies 14.27 world 07.03.19 Thomas Cromwell: a life Diarmaid MacCulloch 25.20 08.03.19 Brownlie's principles of public international James Crawford 41.15 law 12.03.19 The man who was Saturday: the extraordinary Patrick Bishop 16.80 life of Airey Neave: solider, escaper, spymaster, politician 13.03.19 Charles Seely of Lincoln: liberalism and Mark Acton and 4.19 making money in Victorian England Stephen Roberts 13.03.19 Is renewable energy affordable? Derek George Birkett 64.68 14.03.19 Love, money, and parenting: how economics Matthias Doepke 20.16 explains the way we raise our kids 26.03.19 Cultures of voting in pre-modern Europe Serena Ferente and 26.03 others 27.03.19 Building a learning nation: a new approach for Chris Pratt with Allison 16.80 the 21st century Chin OBE Books borrowed The following books were all borrowed from the House of Commons Library on at least four occasions during the period 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019. Title Author Number of times loaned Why we get the wrong politicians Isabel Hardman 13 Erskine May's treatise on the law privileges proceedings Thomas Erskine May 8 and usage of Parliament, 24th edition How Parliament works, 8th edition Robert Rogers and 6 Rhodri Walters Fire and Fury: inside the Trump White House Michael Wolff 6 Fall out: a year of political mayhem Tim Shipman 5 The future of capitalism Paul Collier 5 Dod's handbook of House of Commons procedure, 8th Paul Evans 5 edition Economics for the many John McDonnell 5 How Parliament works, 7th edition Robert Rogers and 4 Rhodri Walters The British general election of 2017 Philip Cowley and 4 Dennis Kavanagh Carrington: an honourable man Christopher Lee 4 Staff management in library and information work Peter Jordan and 4 Caroline Lloyd National populism: the revolt against liberal democracy Roger Eatwell and 4 Matthew Goodwin The honourable ladies, volume 1: profiles of women Iain Dale and Jacqui 4 MPs 1918-1996 Smith Books borrowed or purchased from 1 April to 30 September 2018 This document lists the books purchased by the Commons Library in response to requests from MPs, and the books borrowed from the Library on at least four occasions during the specified period. Date published: November 2018 Books purchased Books purchased by the House of Commons Library in response to requests from Members of Parliament from 1 April to 30 September 2018 Date of Title Author Price request 10.04.18 Lincoln and Churchill: statesmen at war Lewis E Lehrman £21.42 10.04.18 The empire’s new clothes: the myth of the Philip Murphy £16.80 Commonwealth 10.04.18 Behind the blue line: my fight against racism Gurpal Virdi £16.80 and discrimination in the police 10.04.18 Leftism reinvented: Western parties from Stephanie L. Mudge £24.32 socialism to neoliberalism 23.04.18 Fascism: a warning Madeleine Albright £14.27 24.04.18 The people vs tech: how the internet is killing Jamie Bartlett £7.55 democracy (and how we save it) 24.04.18 Can democracy survive global capitalism? Robert Kuttner £16.79 01.05.18 Stories of the law and how it's broken Secret barrister £14.27 02.05.18 New serfdom: the triumph of conservative Angela Eagle and £10.91 ideas and how to defeat them Imran Ahmed 04.05.18 Europe and Northern Ireland's future: Mary C. Murphy £14.27 negotiating Brexit's unique case 04.05.18 The House of Islam: a global history (two Ed Husain £21.00 copies) 08.05.18 The ostrich paradox: why we underprepare Robert Meyer and £11.34 for disasters Howard Kunreuther 15.05.18 Bullshit jobs: a theory David Graeber £16.80 24.05.18 Bootle Boy: an untidy life in news Les Hinton £16.80 24.05.18 To change the Church: Pope Francis and the Ross Douthat £15.95 future of Catholicism 05.06.18 Fallout: a journey through the nuclear age, Fred Pearce £12.59 from the atom bomb to radioactive waste 06.06.18 Inner level: how more equal societies reduce Richard Wilkinson and £16.80 stress, restore sanity and improve everyone's Kate Pickett well-being 06.06.18 Tyrant: Shakespeare on power Stephen Greenblatt £14.27 11.06.18 A history of the world in seven cheap things: a Raj Patel and Jason W. £14.27 guide to capitalism, nature, and the future of Moore the planet 20.06.18 Has the West lost it? a provocation Kishore Mahbubani £10.91 27.06.18 A certain idea of France: the life of Charles de Julian Jackson £29.40 Gaulle 02.07.18 In pursuit of civility: manners and civilization Keith Thomas £21.00 in early modern England 02.07.18 How democracy ends David Runciman £12.59 04.07.18 Janesville: an American story Amy Goldstein £15.95 06.07.18 Political risk: How Businesses and Condoleeza Rice and £12.59 Organizations Can Anticipate Global Amy Zegart Insecurity – facing the threat of global insecurity in the twenty-first century 06.07.18 Hired: six months undercover in low-wage James Bloodworth £10.91 Britain 17.07.18 Natives: race and class in the ruins of empire Akala £14.27 20.07.18 A church observed: being Anglican as times Andrew Norman £9.95 change 27.07.18 Ctrl Alt Delete:
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