Read the Herald For Local News ;>*!*• —"" ••• < •"" ••- ••••• ,- 'i •.„•" -•' " " ^"^I"^"*—MB at Odds on Might is A VIM ctms Springfield Ave. Widening PoiPubfic <*>. dar East of Swnmit Ave. Sought ia th* Kaakey <tU th# Leasue of BuatB A. y Honor Roll Removal Ordered; Cost a special meeting of the Cham- Alt eJtltaa* arc urged Mrs. EUxabafk D. XacBrlde Of Rehabilitation Is jjey ulf lt voted to ckwe aO day this QMetioff to become Biiubctfa; Georie W. Bar- The widening of Springfield avenue to 75 feet f«aa Weiope4»y dttrinf the summer and pejstd oven neonv (S>, BliaaiHtk. Summit avenue to Hobart avenue was requested of Com- roeftdftt&PB to <owe to >decitiop on *plgfat to remain open. Mm. Jo«t B f*te*»oa, eaadidatta will be asked mon Council by 15 property owners thereon Tuesday The ^ede««l»y dogtaf wlU be effective from July 9 •potations chairman of the Mayaa «ich questions as "Do you think will preside, • Tr, ' Summit', growth should be ac* night Their petition also asked for the creation of a park- through ,'Aanm |T. The •spaa" ing lot on both aides of Glenwood place and the establish' night will renaalo as at prases* local oa for Coafcee raent of as alley between Sumaut Friday night th«y favor increased State aid to and. Waldroa avenues, ' Although ealy'a small percent- FanSes of "Vets" Council la th. Second Warfc Otto V. Taylor and Euaeno education; bow they feel about Overtook Survey A letter from John D. Hood, i Bge of mombars attended, Presi- clerk, William R. &• "Fair Padiaiuag" bill, oae of the property owners, itaud dent Arthw Becker declared tat mtsy others. Enctiw B, Gannon; candidates for jthe petition was signed by 10 issues would tot taken up as the Senator in Union County, To Start in Jdr*. per cent of the owners, who repre- member* had sufficient notice of sent W per cent of the assessed Get State Housing C. Hand <R>, Sliubeth;' LKAVINO IKJMMIT-R«r. Otto the meeting through special bul- R. G*dd*t ffi). Union; tUv, lan/i valuation and S3 per cent of Although city officials w#re re AHreraeam Hects, C Nelson, ThJI., pastor of the letins lent to them and newspa- C. Wist (H), Oarwood; Mn» Trustees Reveal / the asseased improved' valuations. tttetaat to be quoted oa the auk- Mesjorial Address Methodist Church, will give bis per publicity.- T. Oriffln (R), Weatrleldj An aanouAcament was Wk Ordinance Conditions Met ' Ject families of at least two local Maps Plans for final sermon in Summit this Bon- yesterday by John R. Montgom- , "If merchants have Opinions to F. Patton (D), RMiway; ci day before leaving to become dl- The request for the widening World War II veterans win be ery, president ©f Overlook Hospl- of Springfield avenue U based express On the problems this is To Be Made by for"Assembly in Union, J tor of the Wesley Foundation at _ the tint* and place to do it It fully installed in State-sponsored Ul Board of Truatee*ees. AtXh*t% the upon an ordinance adopted Sep- Bt-escher (R), Elisabeth; Fortieth Season the University of Florida at Gaines- ( Board had approved th/retentlon they did met attend," he said. emergency housing units by th* th/re tember IS, 1925. In his letter, Mr. M, Mulr (R), Plainfleld; f Plans fof observance of the vllle. In an exchange approved of Dr. Robin C. Buertte. -director "they should not come later and time this issue of the Herald goes L Fidd Msi Hood commented partly as fot- to press. The two families were 0. Steengmfe (R), Crti»%4; fortieth anniversary of Athenae- by the Board of the local church, of the hospital of the University tay they were railroaded Into Fred Bra*ea of Summit, a na- Grover Royal Grupe <R), iMaa- Jow*.' •- , 1 given keys to the single-unit um were made last week at theBishop G. Bromley Oxnam of New of Pennsylvania, to make a survey something. ' tional fleM aeexeUury of the Amer- "Conditions required by this dwellings during the past week, ia beth; Homer W. Wieder jj$t), aniHial meeting of the organisa- York and Bishop Arthur J. Moore of Overlook early in June. Dr. ican Legion, will deliver the Me- ordinance. have been complied favor Saiurdsy Night both instances following forced tion during which all officers were of Atlanta, Rev. Jesse Lyons, now Buerke's name Was ehoncn from morial Day address at the civic with by the property owner; in Harry W. Doyle, chairman of eviction of the veterans' families re-elected for another term. Fred at the university, will replace Dr. a list of 11 qualified hospital con- center foUowiag the parade which the erection of all buildings since the criamber's merchant commit- from their former places of resi- L. Painter of Woodcroft road was Nelson. Mr. Lyons has visited sultants by a committee composed will start at t£0 a. to. from In that date and the setting aside of tee, a group of 12 men composed dence. The city requested special PoRce Association elected to fill B vacancy on theSummit before, having delivered of Trustees and members of the front of the Legion Home «t A portion of their property for of & cross section of nterehants, permission to turn over the on- executive committee. a sermon here u recently as Janu- Citizens' Committee. Dr. Buerke Breed SUM] Bba street*. This was public, use. tald that after careful consider** completed units, even though utili- "We expect to have one of our ary 29 of this year. is considered one of the outstand- Gives TestimonW "No consideration has been tion and voting the committee ties had not been installed ia the aosneed yeeterday by William finest programs this coming sea- ing men in the field of hospital ad- BL fianawn. imitation chairman. 1 ! given for this to the majority recommended the Wednesday buildings. son, ' «*td Rev. David K. Barnwell, ministration. Mr. Branca ia a fomer principal ! of the property owners, while ilosingrand remaining open Sat- D.D., prejideht, "as a proper cele- Mr. Montgomery sUo stated that Evicted front aa apartsacat oa of OolomUa School. Bogota. To Judge Triolo bration of forty years of good Condemnation ' others have received awards and urday night But, he pointed out, Morris street, Joseph Fosco, a >e had a meeting with Dr. John Past OaauBander William Doyle programs." the payment of damages. The party disabled veteran with three afore than ISO people represent- Gorreli, associate professor of ho#- waa doubtful If any of the of the Letion aad a former mem- "We believe," he added, "that terms of the ordinance have not chain stores would abide by the children, was the first to get per- ing* a cross section of the com- pUal administration, School of r of th* local draft board will munity attended a testimonial the Summit Athtnaeum offers its Hearing Held been enforced by the city requir- Chamber's plans. mission to move ta*o one of the Medicine. Columbia University, ing: renewal of encroachments by dinner given for City Solicitor members the greatest bargain in and as a result of this meeting the However, the Saturday night "*Hv§ one-family anita erect** wi- the community. The annual mem- 1930. A large number of property der, State auspices oa Hwghts Father Twosaey of St Teresa's Fetsr C. Triolo Monday night by On Parking Lot Trustees decided that the reyUed recommendation waa killed after Charch, a major in tJbt Army oa bership remains at last year's owner* have suffered serious place, furnishings wet* trans- the Summit Branch No. M of the . by-laws should be held in abey- low due to the delay in the mak- lengthy debates by more then half iaacUve 4«ty. wUl offer the rnvo- r c A condemnation commission ported to a second anlt wbea Police Benevolent Association. ', P | «. ^P^rlsing cost* in every. ance until Dr. Buerke had an op- ing of this Improvement, and participants aa were all eation- Set*. Slaa> Pascal*, asaist- appointed by Circuit Court Judge portunity to go over them. It waa other nights suggested by vari- veteran James Coredran, bis wife » the Frank L. Cleary last Monday certain coning restrictions placed aad their two children were evtciv aat pastor of the Vint Baptist u ap- also decided that the appointment on this area have caused loss to ous Individuals. Csmrcft. wtD leader th* beaedks- two special gue.it tickeU, which heard testimony on the proposed of a director should be postponed •d from apAsfaW road purchase by the City of a piece the owners and financial lending Culminating the debate waa a until, the survey is under way as institutions through foreclosures 1B bqtb, Instances the veterans re- P»pdc«\ Mfhen I visit th*. lecture of land owned by Mrs. Pauline I* was felt that Dr. Buerke might vote to turve*. oOMUSjjara *« to frotft local officials. Past Cosusiaadef .Eugene - Me- Ogden of Colt road for use as a of loan* on these properties. Large tlietr Cake oi tb« LagiM wUi b« is used b« of great assistance in suggest- Investments Have been made I manaSers'fxpri* amazement at ing a top-flight man for the posi- would y embittered by the failure of omen charge of decorating; the graves to "his fine qualities," and "his providing for the purchase of tb« based upon the execution of this open. » keen interest" in community af- I th« low fee and assure me they tion. worker* to complete work on four- of all war desut burled in Somnit.
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