Interciencia ISSN: 0378-1844 [email protected] Asociación Interciencia Venezuela Hamann, Monika I.; Kehr, Arturo I.; González, Cynthya E.; Duré, Marta I.; Schaefer, Eduardo F. PARASITE AND REPRODUCTIVE FEATURES OF Scinax nasicus (Anura: Hylidae) FROM A SOUTH AMERICAN SUBTROPICAL AREA Interciencia, vol. 34, núm. 3, marzo, 2009, pp. 214-218 Asociación Interciencia Caracas, Venezuela Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=33911542013 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative PARASITE AND REPRODUCTIVE FEATURES OF Scinax nasicus (Anura: Hylidae) FROM A SOUTH AMERICAN SUBTROPICAL AREA Monika I. Hamann, Arturo I. Kehr, Cynthya E. González, Marta I. Duré and Eduardo F. Schaefer SUMMARY From February 2002 to December 2004, the helminth parasite est prevalence (41%). The definitive hosts of these larval trema- fauna and reproductive features of the frog Scinax nasicus were todes are probably snakes; S. nasicus acts as second intermedi- studied from Corrientes city, Province of Corrientes, Argenti- ate host, and become infected by direct penetration of cercariae. na. The parasite richness was 15 species of helminths (larval The number of mature ova per female ranged from 413 to 3922, and adult) including trematodes (73%), nematodes (20%) and and the mean mature ovum diameter was 0.76 ±0.17mm. This acanthocephalans (7%). Opisthogonimus sp. showed the high- species has a prolonged reproductive pattern. PARÁSITOS DE Scinax nasicus (Anura: Hylidae) DE UN ÁREA SUBTROPICAL DE AMÉRICA DEL SUR Y SUS RASGOS REPRODUCTIVOS Monika I. Hamann, Arturo I. Kehr, Cynthya E. González, Marta I. Duré y Eduardo F. Schaefer RESUMEN Desde febrero de 2002 a diciembre de 2004, se analizó la fau- Los hospedadores definitivos de esta metacercaria son probable- na de helmintos parásitos y las características reproductivas de mente las serpientes. Scinax nasicus, interviene como segundo Scinax nasicus en un área cercana a la ciudad de Corrientes, Ar- hospedador intermediario, infectándose por la penetración directa gentina. La fauna de parásitos helmintos estuvo conformada por de cercarias. El número de óvulos maduros por hembra (comple- 15 especies de helmintos (larvas y adultos) incluyendo trematodes mento ovárico) osciló entre 413-3922, mientras que el diámetro (73%), nematodes (20%) y acantocéfalos (7%). La especie Opis- medio de los óvulos fue de 0,76 ±0,17mm. Esta especie posee un thogonimus sp. presentó la mayor prevalencia (41%) de infección. patrón reproductivo prolongado. Introduction Santa Cruz, Tarija), and south- occurs in forests, shrublands S. nasicus from north-western western Brazil to Rio Grande and grasslands, and is very Argentina have been analyzed The genus Scinax is dis- do Sul State, being found up well adapted to anthropogen- by Perotti (1995) and Prado tributed from eastern and to 1000masl (Lavilla et al., ic areas (Duré 1999, 2004, et al. (2005) from populations nouthern Mexico to Argen- 2000, Frost, 2007). Schaefer, 2007). living at least 800km away tina and Uruguay, as well as In the province of Cor- The presence of the nema- from the present work study in Trinidad and Tobago, and rientes, Argentina, S. nasi- tode genus Gyrinicola (Phar- area. However, integrated stud- St. Lucia (Frost, 2007). Sci- cus is very abundant, and yngodonidae) in tadpoles of ies are necessary for a better nax nasicus can be found in its conservation status is S. nasicus was recorded by understanding of the ecology Paraguay, Northern Argentina “not threatened” (equivalent González and Hamann (2005) of this species. Studies carried (provinces of Corrientes, Cór- to “Least Concern for Red for the Corrientes’ populations. out without basic information doba, Chaco, Formosa, Entre List Category”) according to The parasitic fauna of this on the natural history of this Ríos, Jujuy, Salta, Santa Fe, Lavilla et al. (2000). In con- frog, which consists mainly particular frog run the risk of Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, trast, Uruguayan populations of nematodes, has also been producing irrelevant results. In Misiones and Buenos Aires), are listed as “threatened” by studied to some extent by fact, conceptually-based ques- Uruguay (Artigas, Paysandú, Maneyro and Langone (2001). Baker and Vaucher (1984) in tions must be asked within Río Negro and Salto), eastern This species of Scinax lives in Paraguayan populations. Some the framework of the ecology Bolivia (Beni, Chuquisaca, sympatry with S. acuminatus, reproductive characteristics of of the individual species if KEYWORDS / Argentina / Ecology / Helminths Parasites / Reproduction / Received: 10/06/2008. Modified: 03/03/2009. Accepted: 03/04/2009 Monika I. Hamann. Doctor in gaciones Científicas y Técnicas Cynthya E. González. Biologist, CONICET, Argentina. e-mail: Natural Sciences, Universidad (CONICET), C.C.291; (3400) Universidad Nacional del Nor- [email protected] Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Corrientes, Argentina. e-mail: deste, Argentina. Researcher, Eduardo F. Schaefer. Doctor in Argentina. Researcher, Centro [email protected] CECOAL-CONICET, Argenti- Natural Sciences, UNLP, Ar- de Ecología Aplicada del Li- Arturo I. Kehr. Doctor in Natu- na. e-mail: cynthyaelizabethg@ gentina. Researcher, CECOAL- toral (CECOAL-CONICET), ral Sciences, UNLP, Argen- hotmail.com CONICET, Argentina. e-mail: Argentina. Address: Centro de tina. Researcher, CECOAL- Marta I. Duré. Doctor in Natu- [email protected] Ecología Aplicada del Litoral CONICET, Argentina. e-mail: ral Sciences, UNLP, Argen- (CECOAL), Consejo de Investi- [email protected] tina. Researcher, CECOAL- 214 0378-1844/09/03/214-05 $ 3.00/0 MAR 2009, VOL. 34 Nº 3 PARASITOS DE Scinax nasicus (Anura: Hylidae) DE UMA ÁREA SUBTROPICAL SUL AMERICANA E SEUS RASGOS REPRODUTIVOS Monika I. Hamann, Arturo I. Kehr, Cynthya E. González, Marta I. Duré e Eduardo F. Schaefer RESUMO Desde fevereiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2004, se analisou a infecção. Os hospedadores definitivos desta metacercária são fauna de helmintos parasitos e as características reprodutivas provavelmente as serpentes. Scinax nasicus, intervem como se- de Scinax nasicus em uma área perto da cidade de Corrientes, gundo hospedador intermediario, infectando-se pela penetração Argentina. A fauna de parasitos helmintos esteve conformada direta de cercarias. O número de óvulos maduros por fêmea por 15 espécies de helmintos (larvas e adultos) incluindo trema- (complemento ovárico) oscilou entre 413-3922, enquanto que o todes (73%), nematodes (20%) e acantocéfalos (7%). A espécie diâmetro médio dos óvulos foi de 0,76 ±0,17mm. Esta espécie Opisthogonimus sp. apresentou a maior prevalência (41%) de possui um padrão reprodutivo prolongado. they are to be examined and Parasite study non index (H’; Shannon and remove excess liquid, using interpreted correctly (Greene, Weaver 1949) using decimal an electronic balance to the 1986, Vitt et al., 2002). Frogs for the parasite study logarithms. The chi-square nearest 0.01g. Ova maturity The main goals of this (21 females and 28 males) test, with Yates correction was determined by the degree study of a northeastern Argen- were caught from March 2003 for continuity, was used for of pigmentation (Basso 1990, tinian population of S. nasicus to December 2004. Speci- comparing the sex ratio of Perotti 1994, 1997). Once the were 1) to determine the num- mens were transported to the frogs. A 2×2 contingency ovarian complement for each ber of helminth taxa infecting the laboratory, placed in a table was used for compar- female had been calculated, this frog under natural condi- chloroform (CHCL3) solution ing the infection between the 100 mature ova were separat- tions, and 2) to analyze the and their snout-vent length sexes. ed randomly and measured for reproductive characteristics (SVL) measured, and then obtaining the mean diameter (number and diameter of ma- weighed. At necropsy, hosts Reproductive study and the standard deviation. ture ova, reproductive effort). were sexed and the alimentary Reproductive effort (RE) was canal, lungs, liver and gall Frogs for the reproductive measured as the percentage Materials and Methods bladder, kidneys, body cav- study (13 gravid females and of ovary mass relative to net ity, musculature, integument 12 males) were caught from body mass (Prado et al., 2000, The study area was estab- and brain were examined February 2002 to April 2004. Prado and Hadad, 2005). lished within a maximum for parasites by dissection. The specimens were placed distance of approximately Helminths were observed in in chloroform (CHCL3) solu- Results 40km towards the east and vivo, counted and killed in hot tion, fixed in 10% formalin south of the city of Corri- distilled water and fixed in and deposited in the Centro Parasite study entes (27º30’S, 58º45’W) and 70% ethyl alcohol. Digeneans de Ecología Aplicada del Li- the Paraná River established and acanthocephalans were toral (CECOAL-CONICET) Out of a total of 48 individ- its western and northern stained with hydrochloric car- collection. The morphometric uals analyzed, 37 (76%) were limit. As in Schaefer et al. mine, cleared in creosota and variables considered for both found infected with helminths. (2006), adults of S. nasicus mounted in Canada balsam. sexes were body length (SV- There was no significant dif- 2 were hand-captured prefer- Nematodes
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