/ÉS3 ш ELMALI PLAIN: A REVIEW OF ITS ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SETTLEMENTS Volume I The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University b y y a s e m in ILSEVEN In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS m THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY OF ART BILKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA June 1999 g s r . T 4 81 6 Í I certify that I have read this thesis and have found it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. Doç. Dr. İlknur Özgen Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and have found it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. Dr. Ayşe Cfursan-Salzmat Examining Commitee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. Dr. Jean Oztiirk Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found it is fully adequate, in scope and in aualitv?-as a thesis fq« the degree of Master of Arts. Examining Commitee Member Approved by the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences Prof DrT^i Karaosmanoglu Director ABSTRACT ELMALI PLAIN: A REVIEW OF ITS ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SETTLEMENTS tlseven, Yasemin Master, Department of Archaeology and History of Art Supervisor: Doç. Dr. İlknur Özgen June 1999 The Elmalı Plain is located in Northern Lycia, in the Teke Peninsula of Southwest Anatolia. The plain is geographically in a transitional zone between the forest rich Taurus Mountains and the Highlands of the Anatolian Plateau. Being a fertile upland basin, it is the closest large arable land mass to coastal Lycia. This thesis aims to place the Elmalı Plain in an environmental context and to compile the information regarding the history and archaeology of the region starting with the Prehistoric periods up to the Islamic occupation of the plain. It evaluates the present evidence of literary sources, epigraphy, numismatic and archaeological remains. The thesis will also trace the history of traveUers accounts and scholarly research done in the region, and will try to understand the gaps that exist in our archaeological knowledge and identify issues that can be pursued further. The Elmalı Plain, with its natural resources, was able to hold substantial populations, which is evident from the archaeological records for periods such as the Chalcolithic, Early Bronze Age, Iron Ages and the Roman period. Existing evidence far from suggests a definite continuity or discontinuity for all the historical periods, on which future investigations, especially the ongoing project of Hacimusalar excavations and survey, will throw more light. The present archaeological evidence for the Elmalı Plain suggests that the region, rather than being a remote upland region, was a transitional zone, both culturally and geographically between coastal Lycia and the upland regions of Kibyra, Kabalia and Pisidia. u ÖZET ELMALI OVASI: ÇEVRESEL VERİLERİ VE ARKEOLOJİK YERLEŞİMLERİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Hseven, Yasemin Master, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. İlknur Özgen Haziran 1999 Elmalı Ovası Kuzey Likya olarak bilinen Güneybatı Anadolu’nun Teke yarımadasında yer almaktadır. Ova coğrafik konumu ile bir geçiş havzası olarak nitelendirebileceğimiz, Toros Dağları ve Iç Anadolu Platosu arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışma. Elmalı Ovasını çevresel koşulları ve doğal kaynakları ile birlikte değerlendirmekle beraber, ovanın Prehistorik tarihinden başlayarak Islami dönemine kadar uzanan zaman dilimine ı ş ı k tutacak tarihi ve arkeolojik verilerin derlenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu veriler bölgenin tarihi ile ilgili antik kaynakları, epigrafik ve numismatik bilgileri, ve yapılan arkeolojik çalış maları içermektedir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca bölgeyi geçen yüzyıllarda ziyaret eden gezginlerin ve bölgeyle ilgili arkeolojik çalışm aların bir tarihçesi de verilmektedir. Çalışma, ovanın sürekli bir yerleşim tarihinin belirlenmesi açısından eksikliklerimizi ve yapılması gerekeni ortaya koymaktadır. Elmalı Ovası zengin doğal kaynakları ile geniş nüfusları barındırabilecek alt yapıyı sahip bulunmaktadır. Eldeki arkeolojik veriler ovanın Kalkolitik, Erken Tunç, Demir Çağları ve Roma döneminde yoğun olarak yerleş ildiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Fakat bu veriler ovada sürekli bir yerleşimin devam ettiğine dair kesin kanıt sunmamaktadır. Ova ile ilgili arkeolojik veriler birçok boşluğa işaret etmektedir. Gelecekteki çalışmalar, özellikle bölgede devam etmekte olan Hacımusalar K azısı ve Araştırmaları ovanın arkeolojik tarihine ış ık tutacaktır. m ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been produced as a result of the works of various travellers and scholars who have visited and worked in the Elmalı Plain, which the prior acknowledgement should be given to. My greatest dept is to my advisor İlknur Özgen, who gave me the chance to study in the Haclmusalar excavation under her guidence and shared her invaluable experience and ideas. Her farsightedness, intellectual stimulation and friendship has encouraged me at each stage of writing this thesis. My special thanks extends to Ayşe Gürsan Salzmann and Jean Öztürk for their generous comments and corrections on the draft of this work. I would also like to thank to Deniz Kaptan, Julian Beimett and Jacques Morin from the Department of Archaeology and Art History. My thanks are extended to Gülcan Çelebioğlu for her help and morale support and to friends Aylin, Esen, Suna, Bülent, Tuğba and Elif who were always there to help and give morale support. Finally I am thankful to my family, and especially to my mother, without their encouragement and affection I would have never been able to succeed this work IV TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I page ABSTRACT u ÖZ 111 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IV TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... v LIST OF MAPS ............................................................................................... X LIST OF PLATES ......................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................ xvi LIST OF CHARTS ......................................................................................... xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER I: ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 6 1.1 Geography 6 1.2 Climate 14 1.3 Vegetation 19 1.4 Modem and Ancient Lines of Communication 30 CHAPTER II. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE PLAIN IN THE LIGHT OF EXISTING EVIDENCE 39 2.1 A Review of Travellers’ Accounts and Scholarly Research Carried out in the Region 39 2.1.1 Accounts of Travellers’ 39 2.1.2 Excavations and Field Research in the 20th Century .. 44 2.2 Prehistoric Occupation in the Plain 48 2.2.1 Neolithic and Chalcolithic Occupation - Sites ofB ağbaşı and others 50 (a) Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic 50 (b) Middle Chalcolithic 51 (c) Late Chalcolithic ..................................................... 54 2.2.2 The Early Bronze Age Village of Karataş-Semayük ... 59 (a) The Early Bronze Age I (Karataş Village I and II).. 60 (b) The Early Bronze Age II (Karataş Village III-V) ... 63 (c) The Early Bronze Age III (Karataş Village V I)...... 71 2.2.3 Middle Bronze Age Evidence from Bagbaşı and K arataş.............................................................................. 72 2.3 Iron Age Evidence from the Plain ...................................... 74 2.3.1 B ay ın d ır Tumuli .................................................... 77 (a) Tumulus C ............................................................. 77 (b) Tumulus D ................................................................78 (c) Karaburun Tomb III .............................................. 79 (d) Karaburun Tomb IV ................................................79 2.3.2 The Painted Chamber Tomb of Kizilbel ................ 80 2.3.3 The Painted Chamber Tomb of Karaburun II ......... 83 Karaburun Tomb I .........................................................86 Boztepe Tomb ............................................................. 87 Müğren Tomb ............................................................. 87 2.4. Classical Evidence from the Plain ........................................89 2.4.1 Sepulchral Evidence ................................................. 90 VI 2.4.2 Sculptural Evidence 91 2.4.3 Epigraphic Evidence 92 2.4.4 Numismatic Evidence .................................................... 93 2.5 The Hellenistic Period and The Early Principate (334bc - 43ad) 95 2.5.1 Epigraphic Evidence ......................................................... 100 2.5.2 Numismatic Evidence ........................................................ 101 2.5.3 Archaeological Evidence ................................................... 103 2.6 The Roman and Late Roman Periods ......................................... 107 2.6.1 Literary Evidence (with reference to Chôma, Podalia and Komba) ........................................................ 116 2.6.2 Epigraphic Evidence ........................................................... 116 (a) Outside the Plain with reference to Chôma and Podalia The Opramoas Inscription of Rhodiapolis ....................117. Honourary Inscription of Jason of Cyanis ................. 118 (b) Archaeological Settlements with Epigraphic Evidence from the Plain .............................................................................118 O vacık .............................................................................
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