Mid-Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2005 MacLochIainn (lWad Marlijpgs) Ltd. Mid Tipperary SENIOR - Minor Football A Final - Thurles Sarsfields v Moycarkey-Borris Holycross, 7ll Lunasa, 200, e llir OifigUi1 Luach Runai €2 Best wishes to today's teams from - CLODAGH IRONWORKS LTD. PALLAS, BORRISOLEIGH. All types of Farm Buildings, Galvanised Cattle Crushes, Gates and cattle Grids. we also supply portable and permanent Goal posts, Dug-Outs, Score Boards and galvanised mesh window protectors suitable for all types of dressing rooms and pavilions. Galvanised and powder Coated Security Fencing also available. QUALITY WORK AND PERSONAL ATTENTION ASSURED Contact us on 0504-51508 or 087-6579328 E-mail: [email protected] \:7@lI1l"W@ \.ll?n@@l \.lllil@ ~ IJil@Wi \.lil"l7 \.lllil@ ~ company Directors: Timmy Stapleton & Jonathan culfen , . FailLe Is ellis 1l1hor dlh~is dom failte a (huT TOlmh gdch aoinn;: a la [ bth;tiT ManllsllT Nl erOlsc inniu agus u ~uil iym go mbcidh Slr - chlu;chc 19;1U1n [\ is my pm'ilege to ntcnd J spedal welcome to all on the occasion of this Mid &nior Hurling Championship final. 111i~ is J day which rrprc~nt5 the culmination of a number of gallles pbycd with spirit, sportmanship and ,,''''''';,;;;;;; to decide the k.lr1gpim of senior hurling in Mid Tippcr:u")'- TOo.b)', we welcome Thurlcs Sarsficlds and Drom Inch, where both teams Ill\'( battled their "'1)' 10 to\.by's finll, with this ~lrs championship being run on llr.nOCk. out s)'Stcm, lburks Sarsficlds "ill be: hoping to reclaim Mid Honour!; IdSI held in 200 I while Drom Inch will be eager to bridge l gap of 21 )"cm back 10 their lut \iCIQry in 1984 In l(xby's cum.in ralscr, we hJU~ the unusual pairing ofThurks ~rsfidds ~nd Moyarltc)' Borns In the Millo( FOOlbalJ Final and a great Slme IS enlis:aged between these r.o.o young tcams. lippcran· mar be do"n Jllst now by its own high standuds, but the success of the county dClo("r\cs and which WI: all desirt m~v be JUSt around the corner. We earnestly llO(X th~t to-days final and the hurlers of S;a.rsfields Jnd Drom Inch will provide the signs of bigger and beucr days for our COIIIl!)- in the not too dlstJnt future. We would like to thank the host dub I lolycross Ball)"cahill for their \1';Irm welcome ;a.nd spkndld arrangements for too3.)"S final. AI~, I \\'ould like to ad.nowkdge and thank Mac l.ochbinn Koad Markings for [hm support and kind spon~r.;hlp of our Mid &nior Hurling ChJllll>lonsll1p for which I am sincerely grateful. As my finailtrm ofChaimlln of the Ho,mJ drJw~ 10 a close, i "ish 10 express m)' sincere thanks to the Gaels of the division;. pla\'ers, offici,lls, tidd committee, referees, linesmen, Umpll"t'S and all our 10)':11 ~\lppoTlers for their help lnd eo·operation at allumo. The pnlpk I h~\"e em:OIInten:d in my three yeJrs as chairman, the amount of good\\lll from so many, and the determlilltlOiI of alJ to do something poslIl\'e on behalf of the Awlcialion has been l source of s,l(lsfJ(lion to llIe lOO ample rcwlTd for my efforts as chaIrman. Flnlll)" II T(mlJllS for me 10 \\i~h alileams well Jnd hopt that this will be a memorable finl!. 1IIdIc............ ""nlll Hi. S•• 'lr ••,.. RDI' cw IIOHCI V TllllES SARSFIELDS u 3.30 p.m. R"ffeolr. Noel Cosqrol/e (51. Marys) _.FI.... IIIII· .._IInII'DlrlllIII .. I.~I · U5 .... UE .........."..,lIrIJa......" Dr ll-fusic for today is prO'l);ded by the Sean Treacy Pipe Bond, Tearn photos for todays Moycorkey- Borris. programme were provided by The Board 'U.Jishes to tbank the John MoloughneYJ KIJ;ghts ofMalta, who provided Clonakenny. first aid at all ofour games, and are in «tlendollet! here today. Pngnmme (dUOt. P. J.lUHY THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF THE OF COUNTY BAR UBERTY SQUARE, THURllS. THURLES (John & Breada Kennedy) extend!. best wishes to both teams today. Wishes both teams good luck. FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION When in town do give us a call DO VISIT THE COUNTY BAR Gleeson Quarries ·G. ··. Limited LAFFANBRIDGE, THURLES, Tel. 0504-56117, • Grollme • Wet-MIx Macadam • Clause 804 • Crushed Stole • Washed Gravel • Washed SaId • COlcrete BllckS • Ready-Mix Concrete Thro' the Thatch The Sportsgcar worn by members ofThurlcs Sarsficlds G.A.A. Club has, for sollle time no\\', included a crest containing the legend '17JYo ) the 71)(1('/}' and the words G.A.A., 71mrltJ. The origin of the legend dates back to the eighteenth century, a time when hurling in the mid Tippcrnry arca was flourishing mainly due to its association with tilt' landed gentry. They were openly and acti\'ely involved in the hurling as plJyers, team captains, trainers and powcrti.ll patrons. The newspapers of the time le3\'C liS in no doubt as to the influence orlhe landlords Jnd the popularity of hurl ins, with scveral references to games played ~lt Brittas, Thurlcs, Galbcrtsrown. Loughmorc etc. Baron Purcell of Loughmorc had his own private team with their hurling field beside his castle. In Thurles Lord Manhew, Earl of LlandafT, whose residence \\as in Ihe to\\ n, also had his own celebrated team of hurlers of which he was justifiably proud. In a hurling match berween teams of both of these great hurling patrons, one of the most famous of the Thudes {cam struck the ball with such force that it \\cnt dean through the thatch of a nearby cottage and broke sc\'eral of the kitchen utensils inside. Evcr since then '71lro ' the 77JntchJ has been a rallying cry for many a Thurles tcam. As a creSf it \\as to be scen on the jerseys of the old ThurJcs ~BJlIeJ" captained so sllccessfully by Tom Semplc in rhe fi rst decade of the laSt century. Large numbers of supporters also wore a printed cardboard badge similar to the cresi. Luckily a fe\\ of these badges have sun·j,·cd to the present day and arc treasurt:d memorabilia ofrhal bygone el'"J.. Principal designer of the crest was Sarsfields dub secretary of thai timc - J.M. Kennedy. He \\as Thurlcs Town Clerk and he later compiled - A ClJrolloJ09.'" of77mrJu ( 1945). The Shamrock, with its traditional Christian and Irish symbolism, acts as a background to the crest. G.A.A. founder Michael Cusack, who always held Thurlcs in high regard, added an extra dimension to the significance oflhe three leafed shamrock. At the G.A.A. foundation meeting in Hayes' Hotel in 1884, he sought to pl,ICe the new a~soc i ation under the patronage of Archbishop Thomas Croke, Charles Stewart Parnell ::and Michael Davitt. As Cus.1ck pUl il: - a77Jru 1II",US, (U tbe thrte Itafed shamrock, riJrullo to the heart of D epery tnle S01/ o/the CrUll Isle . Recalling the erJ. of the Thurles "Blues"old hands remember thal, during a game, whenever the tan (hurling ball ) reached the forwards the cry would go up · "Noll' lads '77JTO tbe "l7J11uIJ'. It w::as invariably the signal for an all out Thurles onslaught. 5 Best of Lllck to Dmm-/ltch from Liam & Sally Young Main JCB Dealer SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Tel: 0504 217 J5 Best of Luck to Drom-lilch from Youmles The Ragg Upcoming Acts Saturday 13th of AI/gust Patrick Feeney Satl/ltloy 20th of AI/gust Louise Morrissey Tel: 050451376 ROADSTonE PROVlnCEI lTD. MID WEST REGION · HOLYCROSS, THURLES Tel. 0504·43219/ 43 143 . SPONSORS OF MID TIPP INTERMEDIATE HURLING CHAMPIONSHIP Concrete Blocks, Readymix Concrete, Redlond Tiles, Stone, Sand, Gravel, Ormond Brick ROADSTonE PROVlnCEllTD. KILLOUGH, THURLES. Tarmacadam ROADSTonE PROVlnCEI lTD. CAHIR ABBEY, CAHIR Stone, Sand, Gravel, Readymix Concrete, Concrete Blocb, Ormond Block 6 THURLES SAKSFIELDS OFFICERS & COMMITrE 2005 Patron: Re\'. Fr. Eugene Everard President: Mickey Byrne Vice Prc~idcnts: Michdl McElgunn Paddy Doyle Paddy Barry Martin Maher GeT Corbcrr Jimmy Doyle Liam 6 Donnchll Tom Barry TIII/ries S<lrsjieltls St'nior M{I/I(I!(f'IIIt'11I Team. L to R: Gt'r Corbett. Gt'r CillUIIIIKlw/II John Enright Chairman: (COllch). Tmmn.\' Mailer. Vice-Chairman: John McConmck Committee: Joe Barrelt, John Cahill, COllar O'I)\\1'cr Andy Fogarty Andy Rossiter, Jack Cooke, Eamon $ccrcrary: Thomas Callanan Srakdum, Dick Maher, David Assistant Secretary: Scan Coffey Gerry Spain jnT Tre"or Cooke O'Riordan, Connie Maher, GeT Treasurer: Patrick Kenny Donnelly, Jimmy Duggan, Noel Burke, Assistant Treasurer: Billy Crowley, CJodagh Loughnanc. Eleanor Forrest Philip Leahy Field Sub-Committee: Peter Fogarty Eamon Walsh Jimmy Purcell Pat O'Shea John /JEW V"tn;r SI'ONSOIISHIP Of" "TilE Ill.Uf:S ". J(lCK Bi<IKe, Managing Direcf(Jr, /Jl'lI' Valley F()()(/s. preselliing a ~-,J(Jnsorsl!ip cheqlle 10 eer " RedSl'r·· O'Grady (Senior le(11II e(I/JllIin) ""(ltdre(1 by John Enright (Ch(linnan). P(ld(ly Kenn)'. IAr Corbelt. Jolm lAw/or (dee· C(lIJ/(Ijfl), Brendan Carroll anti Johnny Ellrighi. 7 tEddie ~e3 13ar f£r £(9unfJc THURLES ROAD, TEMPLEMORE. Tel. 0504-32272. Private Rooms available for Parties, Functions etc. Big Screen TV Best wishes to aJ! the teams ROSKEEN eTION NODSTOWN, BOHERLAHAN, CASHEl, CO. TIPPERARY. Tel. 0504-41256. Mobile 087-2531871. Fax 0504-41256. SPONSOR S OF THE JUNIOR B HURLING FINAL NeW" Houses - Extensions Specialists in the Renovations of Old Houses 8 9 THURlES SARSFIElDS Colours: Blue and White (I) Patrick McCormack (2) (3) 14} Brendan O'Sullivan Lee Shanahan Tom King (S) (6) (7) John Connors Brendan Carroll Stephen Lillis (S) (9) Eddie Enright John Lawlor (10) (11 ) (l2) Wayne Culley Ger O'Grady Jim Corbett (Captain) (l3) (l4) (IS) Johnny Enright Shane Ryan Pat Lawlor 1 THURLES SARSFlElDS (Iiill (Uilini SeaMhai 6Sm Soar Pexanna Todk Leath 2nd Leath IOMALAN ORO eH Colours: Green and White (1) I Damien Young (Captain) J (2) (17) (4) MI.
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