Hwan-joo Moon TICKER NEWS The Pulse of Baruch! http://www.sacsu.baruch.cuny.edu/scsu/media/tickerhome.htmISEPTEMBER 16, 1998 DSSG to Conduct Interviews'fQr Council Positions By Andr'ei~ Lee mInor changes; Inaybe On Thursday September 17, the install some more game Day Session Student Government machines," said Henry. He will hold interviews for students is still investigating-possi­ who are interested in filling 16 bilities, as administrators vacant council ,positions. The posi­ and faculty members are tions have been unfilled since the reluctant to make changes elections last May when Lennox while they await re-Ioca­ Henry was elected president. , tion in the new Site-B .- 'Henry "has stated.that-increasing-, ~ building, DSSG is also student participation in DSSG is his seeking to keep the library primary goal. Despite his efforts, open ~hours-a-day dur­ only four of the 20 available council ing finay;, and to better seats are currently filled. inform international stu­ "Right now we are mostly'trying to dents of the options -ands .organize the whole committee," said services available to them Henry. DSSG's projects' for the both in and out of school. semester remain on hold while mem­ One major project for bers await Thursday's interviews this year is to establish that will finalize the membership of and. settle health care 'at the council committee. Baruch, The health care . J\y.o well-attended open houses referendum has been have been held for students-interest- . -lA!ifiierJl'Eiii")T, nSSG-Presiden1- passed and approved, ed in the positions. "Hopefully we'll '. service fees have been charged to the be able to get'a complete .council relatrails co~ittees, each electing students, but the' health caz-e itselfis body," said Druvesh V. Bechu, an its own chairperson who Is responsi­ not yet av~able. "It's going to take active participant in DSSG~ who will ble for managing its finances and time until everything is estab­ assume a position in the Upper activities. lished," said Henry, Details such as Council. He explained that the coun- 7DSSG'S plans for the year include the location of the heath center, who cil is evenly divided .into an Upper a website -that will produce a will run it and exactly how it will be Council, composed of juniors and newsletter and provide a means of run are yet to be determined. The seniors, and a lower council staffed interaction for students who wish to process may take a year or more to by freshmen and sophomores. The learn about DSSG, make sugges­ complete. Meanwhile, the fees will council is thereafter divided into five' tions and participate. Another proj­ be utilized for opening the care cen­ subcommittees: the appeal, finance, ect is the make improvements on the ter and vaccination services. academic, campus affairs and public 14th floor. "1 want to make some CDC.Provides Professional Opportunities on Career Day By Kweli Murray Over 56 companies will visit Baruch on Thursday, September 24 when the Career Development Center hosts Career Day. The event ,':';';"':';':'~~:':25~+8±.f.+.;;;:;;4~~~ ~rt--Wlft---uJtK:e~~~at;~lle:-eEWeRmee----' center on the seventh floor of the 25th St. building from 1-5 p.m. "Recruiters from visiting"companies will collect resumes and conduct interviews for available jobs.. -lmmediately following Career Day, there will be an information session from 6:7p.m., featuring representa­ tives from PaineWebber, Abbott Labs and the U..8. Dept._of State~u __ Dr. Patricia Imbimbo, director of '__ ~­ CDC, urges students to dress for success and to bring 30-40 copies of their resume. One copy will remain on file at the career center, The CDC also provides on-campus ... ..recruitment for seniors expecting.to up each semester. "This gives stu- select the companies of interest to . graduate in fall '98 or spring '99. dents more chances to submit their them. One workshop attendance is Former studeiits- who graduated resume," said Imbimbo. Each cycle mandatory and it is good for 18 last June·can also take advantage of features required workshops and a' months, according to Imbimbo. the center's resources. posting of companies scheduled for Resumes are collected and forward- Three cycles ofrecruitment are set the cycle, from- which students can continued on page 4 ( ", 'ttt 'n - 1 • 2 TICKER NEWS SEPTEM~R16,1998 ~ .,'. 3 High Turnout @ Gofden-Key Chapter Receives Award ONLINE BARUCH For 24 Hour By Birgitta Perezic.; The Baruch College chapter StudyRoom of the Golden Key National Honor Society won its first By Vanessa Singh award for best newsletter at After a good turnout last the society's four-day interna­ semester for the 24 hour study tional convention in -Los room in the Media Center at the' Angeles, - which was held 25th street building during the August 6 to 9. week of finals, a similiar study 'I'he convention is' an annual room may also be made available event sponsored by the Golden this semester. Key headquarters. More than During last semester's finals, 1,100 delegates from different approximately nine to sixty peo­ Golden Key chapters gathered ple made use of the study room to network, Iearn and share between the hours of 1-6 am, styles of leadership. Five according to a head-count report Golden Key members from provided by Arthur Downi ng, Baruch College attended the Chief Librarian of the Newman event. ~~nege Library. "Although it may not The convention featured Baruch Golden Key Chapter°M,embers represent the greater portion of workshops dealing with job the student body, for these [stu­ training and career develop­ There will be fund-raisers to ties, community service, career dents] it's critical," said ment conducted by such corpo­ benefit UNICEF and the networking opportunities and Downing. rate sponsors as TMP Multiple Sclerosis scholarships. There are· 2:7"0 Many of the students at Worldwide, Nation's' Bank,­ Organization with an inline chapters worldwide , in Baruch work in addition to being Motorola, General Mills, Ford skating and bicycle riding Australia, Canada, Mal ays i a full-time students, so~e holding Motor Co. and Merck & Co. event, as well as a "Bowling and throughout the United down full-time jobs in addition Representatives from the com­ Extravaganza" which will give States. Students may become to a full course load. The only p a n i e s helped students with students the chance to mingle members if they are of junior study time they have may be interviewing skills, analyzing and socialize. Community serv­ or senior status and have a 3.3 right before an exam or during job offers, resumes and job­ ice activities include: Adopt-a­ or higher grade point avera~ the times when the library is search techniques. Other semi­ School (te aches grade-school N ext year's annual interna­ closed. -Only a few weeks of nars focused on leadership children at P.S. 2), Adopt-a­ tional Golden Key convention advance notice were given but a training, time management, Shelter (helps homeless peo­ will be held at Walt Disney considerable 'number of students commuter school issues, elec­ pie) and Shadow Days, which World in Orlando, Florida. showed up. At one point, more tronic newsletters, promotion offers high school students a than sixty students were using and publicity of b usin.esses, tour of Baruch. All Golden Key­ Birgitta Perezic is president the Media Center at around 4 web-page design and global eti­ sponsored activities are open of the Bar u ch. College cha p te r am. quette. Students also visited to the-.entire· Baruch College of Golden Key. For further "The only problems we encoun­ the Sanfa Monica Pier for p op u l ati on. information please leave a tered were minor," Downing Mexican food and street games. Golden Key cis a non-profit, message in Golden Key's mail­ said. Someone had disconnected This year, the Baruch' Golden international honor society box in Room 1702 in the 360 one of the computers and a few Key chapter will coneluct sever­ that provides academic recog­ Park Avenue South building. of the neighbors complained al car e e r-c-ri e nte d workshops. nition, leadership opportuni- about students who made noise 0' • while they stood outside smok­ ing in front of building, No dam­ age was done to the equipment or the facilities and as soon as the students were addressed about the noise, there were no more complaints. The greatest Grad School Holds Open House concern was for the safety of the By Hwan-joo Moon . students after leaving the Contents The Zicklin School of Business at library late at night but no such Baruch College held an open house problems aroused during the for its graduate programs in the 7th course of the week. floor conference center of the 25th The Newman Library and the street building on September 8. BCTC, in conjunction .with News Front Cover "The decision all of you are con­ Buildings & Grounds and" cam- templating is great," said Rob pus security and the approval of Ducoffe, Director of· Gradu e the college preaident made the Features facilities available last semester. If the same is to be done this semester. students need to voice their opinions. 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