Volume 122 No. 17 © WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 50 cents Benefit planned for local woman facing rare disease BY JODY HOULE The very rare, he- Contributing Writer reditary disease has BERLIN – A benefit caused her to be in for Meagan Glover, of need of a liver trans- Berlin, who has a rare plant. She said that an genetic disease, Wil- individual's need for a son’s Disease, will be transplant is rated on held at the Fraternal a scale of 15-40, with 40 Order of the Eagles being the most urgent, Club, 1464 Aerie on and she rates at 39. A May 7. Proceeds will couple of weeks ago, help cover medical she was notified that a costs. Meagan needs a liver was found for her liver transplant. and she was scheduled Glover, 30, born in for a transplant. How- Berlin, who was raised ever, due to the fact that in Dummer, took ill she had pneumonia the in January, and doc- surgery was cancelled tors could not find the because her body, in its cause at first. She went weak state, could have from the Androscog- rejected the new liver. gin Valley Hospital, to Glover was reacti- Weeks Medical Center vated last week on the Hospital in Lancaster, waiting list for a liver to Littleton Regional transplant. She said Hospital, to Lahey Hos- she is currently on the pital in Burlington, top of the list for her COURTESY PHOTO Mass. and, finally, to blood type in six states. A local woman, Meagan Glover, is in need of a liver transplant due to a rare disease, Wilson’s Disease. A benefit to help cover Massachusetts Gener- Wilson’s Disease is her medical costs will be held at the Eagles Club in Berlin on May 7. She is pictured here with her three year old son Owen. al Hospital in Boston, an autosomal reces- neurologist who first the Eagles Club on May other products. Shirts a $2500 goal has been where doctors figured sive genetic disorder described the condition 7 from 4-8 p.m. During for Meagan have been raised. To donate, visit out that she had — Wil- in which copper accu- in 1912, occurs in one to the event there will screen printed with https://www.gofund- son’s Disease. mulates in tissues; this four per 100,000 people. be a spaghetti dinner green ribbons for liver me.com/b5wx5hgs. Due to discrepancies manifests as neuro- The benefit is being with a salad and desert, awareness and will be “I couldn't ask for a with her insurance, logical or psychiatric organized by Meagan’s refreshments includ- available for purchase better support system she was transported symptoms and liver good friend Crystal Ar- ing drinks, brownies, as well as wrist bands. from all my friends, back to Lahey Hospi- disease. senault and others. A cookies and cupcakes, There will also be a family and finance,” tal about a month ago. The disease, named Facebook event page a 50/50 raffle, a penny kid’s station. said Glover. “They She has been left with after Samuel Alexan- was set up. sale and prizes such as A GoFundMe page have all been amazing $230,000 in bills from der Kinnier Wilson Donations will be gift certificates and a has also been set up. and by my side through Mass. General. (1878–1937), the British accepted at the door at number of crafts and As of Sunday, $1,665 of this all.” Kickoff to local signature events just around the corner BY JODY HOULE Auto Show where dona- White Mountain Dis- contact the chamber. Contributing Writer tions will be accepted to tributors and the Andro- The chamber encourag- BERLIN – The first of benefit scholarships to scoggin Valley Chamber es drinking responsibly. a list of signature events support students attend- of Commerce. The event “We want everyone to will kick off in a couple of ing the college. During will once again be held have a good time and get weeks. the event there will be at the White Mountain home safely,” said Paula An array of local ac- a car show with nostal- Chalet and Caterers from Kinney, Executive Coor- tivities ranging from ale gic cars, chassis dyna- 7 p.m.-midnight. From dinator of the chamber. tasting, to car shows, to mometer testing, a 50/50 7-9 p.m., there will be ale Bus rides home will OHRV riding, to moun- raffle, a live band, food tasting for new products be provided at no cost. tain climbs, to paddle prepared by the Culi- at concession stands, The first bus will leave boats, to chicken wings, nary Arts Program with promos, giveaways, piz- the Chalet at 10 p.m. and and to a fire on the river a 1950’s theme. Spon- za and wings, a photo the final bus will leave at are all lined up and in sorships are available booth, and a number of midnight when the event place. for the car show and all raffle prizes. From 9 p.m. ends. There will be two car sponsors will be recog- to midnight, Maine band The second car show shows this year – the nized either during the Ben Kilcollins and the hosted by the Berlin first is happening on show in the promotional Vargas Twins will pro- Main Street program is Saturday, May 2 at the material or in ads and vide entertainment. The the popular Drive in the White Mountains Com- newspaper recognitions. JODY HOULE event is always sold out. '50’s happening on June 2 munity College from 10 On May 6 is the 10th The Downtown Block Party is a popular aspect of the ATV Fest. For more information, see EVENTS, page A9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The public Annual Brewtopia ale is welcome to The Grand tasting event hosted by Plans underway to renovate and expand Sen. Woodburn to The Friendship House treatment facility BY JODY HOULE ing Education and De- meet with constituents Contributing Writer velopment (AHEAD) BERLIN/BETHLE- in Littleton to come up HEM – The Friend- with funds for the esti- on April 19 in Berlin ship House is the only mated $3 million proj- residential treatment ect. CONCORD--North ple on the recently center north of Frank- “Nothing is nailed Country State Sen- passed Medicaid Ex- lin for treatment of down yet,” said ator Jeff Woodburn pansion bill, my bill drug abuse. With the Boschen. “It’s in its in- will hold a town hall to increase funding current opiate crisis, fancy. We have a lot of meeting for his con- for opiod addiction the facility is ideal. support.” stituents on Monday, treatment and recov- Plans are now being see HOUSE, page A9 April 18 6 at 4 p.m. ery and discuss how made to renovate and at the Berlin City we can expand oppor- expand the facility CALENDAR ........................A7 Hall Auditorium, 168 tunity and improve from 18 to 32 beds. CLASSIFIED....................B5-B7 Main St., Berlin. The life in the Androscog- Tri-County Com- EDITORIAL .........................A4 public is invited and gin Valley." munity Action Pro- HAPPENINGS ..................... A7 encouraged to attend. For those unable to gram, based in Berlin, OB ITUARIES & SERVIS CE ...A6 "It is important attend, they can send manages the facility SPORTS ..........................B1-B3 for me to understand their comments and and represents Coos, the opinions and con- opinions to Senator Grafton and Car- cerns of the people Woodburn at jeff@ roll counties. Robert COURTESY PHOTO I represent," Wood- jeffwoodburn.com or Boschen, CEO of TC- Plans are being made to renovate and expand the substance burn said. "I also 603-271-3207. CAP, said that the or- abuse and addiction treatment center, The Friendship House, want to update peo- ganization is working located in Bethlehem. The expansion would increase bed space with Affordable Hous- from 18 beds to 32. A2 THE BERLIN REPORTER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 ••• SEC places Berlin with Franklin in new intervener group Cate Street Capital joins pro-Northern Pass business interveners BY DARIN WIPPERMAN call witnesses. even though the two [email protected] Maher made sev- cities support Northern LINCOLN — As part eral arguments as to Pass. of a daylong hearing why the city should “I just don't know on April 12, the Site not be grouped with enough about Frank- Evaluation Committee Cate Street Capital, al- lin's position at this heard from an attorney though the two entities time,” he informed the representing the City of are not in a dispute. SEC. Berlin. Eric Maher re- Maher was concerned Referring to Berlin, quested that the mun- that the arrangement Maher said, “The city's cipality not be grouped may violate the state's position is unique.” with Cate Street Capi- constitution, and that Unlike any other mu- tal as an intervener in the city may have dif- nicipal intervener in the Northern Pass pro- ferences in perspec- the SEC's order on ceeding. tives about Northern the subject, Berlin is The committee de- Pass compared to busi- “grouped with a pri- cided to place Berlin ness organizations. vate entity,” he added. with Franklin, another The city's letter to In the city's written city in favor or the proj- the SEC noted how Ber- request for the SEC's ect. Cate Street Capital lin “cannot expend mu- reconsideration of the was put in another in- nicipal fiscal resources intervener order, coun- tervener group, which to represent the sepa- sel noted Berlin has “a includes business or- rate private interests of very good working re- ganizations generally a private entity.” The lationship” with Cate supportive of the hy- document cited legal Street Capital.
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