Physics 2, 70 (2009) Viewpoint Vanquishing infinity Hermann Nicolai Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Mühlenberg 1, D-14476 Potsdam, Germany Published August 17, 2009 Quantum field theoretic extensions of Einstein’s theory of gravity tend to suffer from incurable infinities, but a theory called N = 8 supergravity may actually avoid them—against expectations held for almost 30 years. Subject Areas: Particles and Fields A Viewpoint on: Ultraviolet Behavior of N = 8 Supergravity at Four Loops Z. Bern, J. J. M. Carrasco, L. J. Dixon, H. Johansson and R. Roiban Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 081301 (2009) – Published August 17, 2009 Gravity is different. It is mediated by particles (gravi- ing short distance singularities in the formulas (or “ul- tons) of spin 2, unlike the other known forces in na- traviolet infinities” in momentum space). To this day ture (electromagnetism and the strong and weak inter- we are not sure whether quantum field theory makes actions), which are carried by particles of spin 1. This sense as a mathematical theory, but we do know that explains why like gravitational charges (that is, masses) it works exceedingly well in perturbation theory, yield- attract, whereas in electrostatics, like charges repel, ing spectacular agreement between theory and experi- thereby accounting for the fact that gravity dominates ment. However, applying the established rules of quan- physics at large distances, despite its incredible weak- tum field theory to Einstein gravity and its generaliza- ness in comparison with the other fundamental forces tions results in complete failure—with one possible ex- (think of a little magnet whose force on a safety pin beats ception: As Zvi Bern, John Carrasco, and Henrik Jo- the gravitational pull of the whole planet Earth). Mod- hanssen at UCLA, Lance Dixon at the Stanford Linear ern understanding of gravity rests on Einstein’s theory Accelerator Center, and Radu Roiban at Pennsylvania of general relativity. This theory is based on the princi- State University, all in the US, report in Physical Review ple of general covariance (according to which, the laws Letters, N = 8 supergravity, distinguished among all of physics should not depend on which coordinate sys- other field theories by its maximal supersymmetry, may tem is used to formulate them) and the principle of evade this dilemma [1]. equivalence, enabling Einstein to write down “in one The inconsistencies of perturbatively quantized grav- stroke” his gravitational field equations and thereby to ity appear in the form of nonrenormalizable infinities. revolutionize our understanding of gravity, replacing This means that in order to remove the divergent expres- Newtonian gravity by a theory based on spacetime ge- sions resulting from standard Feynman diagram (Fig. 1) ometry and curvature. computations, one must modify the Einstein equations There is another key aspect in which gravity differs. by new types of interactions (counterterms) involving Matter is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, higher and higher powers of the curvature tensor at but so far, Einstein’s theory has resisted all attempts to each order in perturbation theory—unlike for renormal- reconcile it with quantum mechanics. Our understand- izable matter interactions, where infinite renormaliza- ing of subatomic phenomena is encoded in the standard tions are only necessary for a finite number of param- model of elementary particle physics (based on an ex- eters (masses and coupling constants), but no new types tension of quantum electrodynamics called Yang-Mills of interactions are needed. As a consequence, one must theory) which, for all we know, correctly describes the specify an infinite number of parameters and couplings interactions of known matter within relativistic quan- if one wants finite results to any given order. But such tum field theory. This is an elaborate mathematical a theory has no predictivity whatsoever, because ev- framework, which took many decades to develop and ery physical prediction would depend on an infinity of still presents many difficulties. These are due in par- parameters. Any hopes that miraculous cancellations ticular to the necessity of having to deal with infinite might prevent this disaster for pure gravity were shat- expressions appearing at intermediate stages of every tered by an impressive calculation [2, 3]. calculation, and their removal by a procedure referred In the late 1970s physicists set out to find an exten- to as renormalization. Infinities generally arise because sion of Einstein’s theory that would be free of ultravi- of the pointlike nature of elementary particles, imply- olet (UV) infinities. The idea was to modify gravity by DOI: 10.1103/Physics.2.70 c 2009 American Physical Society URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/Physics.2.70 Physics 2, 70 (2009) theory was doomed, in line with the rule of thumb that an infinity that cannot be excluded by symmetry argu- ments actually does appear with a nonvanishing coeffi- cient (just like the two-loop counterterm for pure grav- ity [2, 3]). Many turned to superstring theory, which ap- peared to offer much better prospects for constructing a perturbatively finite theory of quantum gravity and FIG. 1: (Left) In the 1940s, Richard Feynman invented a graph- for explaining the observed features of low-energy par- ical method for carrying out calculations in quantum electro- ticle physics from a unified theory. As a result, a general dynamics. A typical Feynman diagram shows the electromag- conviction took hold that the issue of UV finiteness of netic force mediated by photons. (Center) Bern et al.[1] use N = 8 supergravity was not only hopelessly difficult to different kinds diagrams in their calculations of N = 8 su- pergravity that permit integration of a large number of sub- settle once and for all, but more importantly, not a truly diagrams. Image shows an example of one of many planar relevant question anymore. And so it might well have diagrams used in these kinds of calculations. (Adapted from languished forever in the no man’s land of undecidable Bern et al.[13].) Owing to their resemblance to the work of propositions, had it not been for the recent progress re- artist Piet Mondrian (Right), these graphical computational ported by Bern et al.[1]. devices are sometimes referred to as Mondrian diagrams. (Il- To understand why an approach based on standard lustration: (Right) Piet Mondrian, “Composition with Large Feynman diagram techniques is so forbiddingly compli- Red Plane, Yellow, Black, Grey and Blue” (1921), c 2009 Mon- cated, let us recall two simple facts. First, the particles drian/Holtzman Trust c/o HCR) circulating in Feynman diagrams are off-shell, that is, they do not obey the usual relativistic dispersion rela- m 2 4 tion p pm = m c . Secondly, in order to keep Lorentz the inclusion of matter couplings finely tuned to cancel invariance manifest, one must sum not only over phys- the infinities (and thereby perhaps also identify a raison ical polarizations, but also over a host of unphysical ex- d’être for the existence of matter in the world). First of citations (for instance, in QED the photon is described all this requires fermionic matter, because fermions con- by a four vector Am, and thus comes with four polar- tribute with a relative minus sign from bosons for each izations instead of just the two physical helicities). For closed loop inside a Feynman diagram. In addition, the gravity, calculational complexity increases enormously: requisite extension of Einstein’s theory must possess a the calculation [2, 3] involves hundreds of thousands of new type of symmetry—local supersymmetry—relating Feynman diagrams. A cursory glance at the N = 8 La- bosons and fermions, and thus forces and matter par- grangian [4, 5] will probably suffice to dissuade anyone ticles. It was soon realized that such supersymmetric from even trying to think about doing the calculation in extensions of Einstein’s theory become rarer and rarer this way! with increasing number of supersymmetries N. The The progress that started the long march towards the maximally supersymmetric extension of Einstein’s the- computation of Bern et al.[1] originally grew out of at- ory, N = 8 supergravity, was finally constructed in Ref. tempts to simplify the computation of multiparticle scat- [4] and, in its more general “gauged” version, in Ref. [5]. tering amplitudes in particle physics, and QCD in par- ticular. A main novelty of this approach was to bring Naturally, these developments raised hopes that N = in string theory in an essential way, consistently exploit- 8 supergravity was at last the looked-for theory that ing the fact that quantum field theory amplitudes can would tame the infinities of perturbatively quantized be derived by taking special limits of string amplitudes Einstein gravity. A brief period of intense activity fol- (where the string degenerates to a point). The latter of- lowed to find out whether this theory might actually be ten turn out to be “easier” to calculate, precisely because finite to all orders. These investigations were mostly their computation does not involve unphysical interme- based on superspace, an extension of spacetime by diate states. As a crucial further ingredient [10], this pro- fermionic coordinates [6]. Unfortunately, when applied gram revived methods from an old approach to particle to N = 8 supergravity, this method has a major draw- physics (going by the name of S-matrix theory) that had back: it works only at the level of the equations of mo- flourished in the 1960s. tion, but does not allow setting up a scheme for com- To extend these considerations to gravity required the puting Feynman diagrams. The outcome of all these ingenious exploitation of another key feature of string efforts, then, was disappointingly inconclusive. After theory. String theory describes massless spin-1 and much work, it was shown in Refs.
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