2013 REPORT TO PARTNERS OF RENNER MINISTRIES Living From the Inside Out… …allowing Jesus to transform us into the person He designed us to be so we can accomplish the plan He believes we can do. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. — Romans 12:2 NKJV he most important work of the indwelling the discipleship of believers.This is the message Holy Spirit is to make us like Jesus – and and the mission of RENNER Ministries, and this T with our cooperation, His finest work in vision has become even more deeply etched in us is yet to be seen! This upcoming year, we will the hearts of our founders, leaders, staff, and continue our focus on facilitating this transform- congregation this year – especially in light of the ing work in hundreds of thousands of hearts and following recent statistics: lives as we emphasize the saving of souls and • Moscow is a city of 18 million people residing in the city proper – 22 million including the population in the outly- ing areas. Of that huge immense number, there are only about 45,000 Protestants – believers not affiliated with the traditional Russian Orthodox Church. Approximately 20,000 of that relatively small number are Seventh Day Adventists. • There are three large Protestant churches in Moscow, including the Moscow Good News Church, that represent half of the remaining 25,000 Protestants in this vast metropolis – 12,500 people! Sixty percent of those (7,500 people) are represented in approximately ten churches. • The remaining 5,000 Protestants in Mos- cow are scattered throughout the city in smaller churches comprised of congre- gations numbering 50-100. To further 2 emphasize the undeniable need for institutionalized; and care for the elderly and discipling believers on a large scale the neglected segments of society. But Jesus in the Word of God and sound doc- concluded His thought by saying, “…Pray ye trine – in the entire country of Rus- therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would sia, there are fewer than 20 churches send forth labourers into his harvest.” with active Protestant congregations RENNER Ministries is a sent one into this har- of 1,000 people or more. More needs vest field in the former USSR. But frankly, our to be done – and more can be done – assignment would be daunting if “the Lord of not just in this city of millions, but the harvest” hadn’t sent you as a partner and also throughout Russia and around laborer with us in this last days’ work. With all the world! our hearts, we thank you for your prayers, your Surely Jesus looked to this day when He said, friendship, and your giving. Together we will “…The harvest truly is great, but the labour- continue to work because in Moscow alone, there ers are few…” (Luke 10:2). The presence of are untold millions who are still unreached! RENNER Ministries in Moscow represents a relatively small number of people in light of the escalating population and the intensified need to feed, clothe, and shelter the homeless; visit the orphaned and those incarcerated and 3 2013 in Review nder the seasoned leadership of Rick and Denise Renner, RENNER Ministries Uhas experienced significant growth in 2013, even among its own team members and church congregation. With renewed vision and fresh fire for building God’s Kingdom – begin- ning with helping to build the precious lives of our ministry partners – greater spiritual growth and maturity has resulted. With the assistance of their ministry team, church lead- ership, hundreds of volunteers – and the faith- “Our capability to influence lives ful prayer and financial support of our part- ners – RENNER Ministries has gained more with the Good News has increased strength and momentum in 2013 to build God’s Kingdom and help prepare the way for that exponentially this year!” which the Father yearns: the harvest of souls that will usher in Christ’s return. The year 2013 has seen increase and expansion throughout the ministry: • Our ministry to orphans contin- ues to expand, caring for the very • Our capability to influence lives youngest and most helpless as well with the Good News has increased as preparing orphaned teenagers exponentially this year through for release into society. American and Russian social net- works, live webcasts, Rick Renner’s • Broken people, families, and rela- video teachings, AMEN Café for tionships continue to be restored Russian-speaking people, our through the loving care of our expansive television outreach, satel- MGNC pastoral team and the lite broadcasts, IMPART Pastors Partner Care teams of both the Fellowship, Good News Training church and RENNER Ministries. Center, our Rescuing Ministries, Social media continues to pro- IMPART online magazine, new vide a venue through which we’re books, eBooks, and more. extending “lavished partner care” to tens of thousands of people. • By God’s grace, we have increased the number of homeless children We could not possibly do all this without the and adults that is being fed and supernatural help of the Holy Spirit, our dedi- touched by the message of God’s cated staff, and our dear friends and partners love and forgiveness in Christ. all around the world. Thank you! 4 Paul, Philip, and Joel — a Legacy Continued uthentic, hardworking, is visible upon this thriving Anastasia, Cohen, and Abigail. and devoted Christians, church! Keeping himself up Paul serves the church and APaul, Philip and Joel – the to date concerning all things ministry well as pastor, teacher, three sons of Rick and Denise technological, his work is criti- counselor, and team leader. Renner – support and assist cal as the ministry develops their parents in the ongo- and advances its Internet out- ing work of seeking and sav- reaches, including live “home ing the lost and strengthening group” webcasts in Russia, the the Body of Christ. Through U.S., and Europe via Facebook, their work with RENNER YouTube, and more. Ministries, MGNC, Media Mir television ministry, the Pastors Paul frequently represents his Association, Internet and Social father in the ministry’s commu- Media, and the many Rescuing nication with other churches Ministries of this organization, and ministries. Responsible for these young men are continu- the development of the growing ing the legacy of restoring lives MGNC Internet Church, Paul is the acting Vice-President and releasing purpose in those Philip Renner, the middle son of Innovative Technologies in God has given us to reach. of the Renners, is also a mem- their church’s union. In that ber of Rick Renner’s anchor position, Paul actively assists team and the church’s Youth other churches in the imple- Pastor. Under Philip’s lead- mentation of Internet tech- ership, MGNC continues to nologies to increase outreach have its highest participation opportunities to masses of peo- from this age group. Philip has ple who are yet unreached. implemented an extensive dis- Paul also leads the live stream- cipleship program among the ing of Sunday services and spe- youth in the church called “A cial events at MGNC. He’s an Year of Commitment.” This integral part of Rick Renner’s program has generated a grow- “anchor team” and a gifted ing nucleus of young people The oldest son of Rick and administrator, also over- with an ever-deepening com- Denise, Paul Renner serves as seeing the IMPART Pastors mitment to their faith and a the Executive Associate Pastor Association. Paul is husband to passion to reach their genera- of MGNC, and his imprint Polina and father to William, tion with the Gospel. Leading 5 by example, Philip’s youth- many administrative respon- ministry team is effectively dis- sibilities seriously and pro- cipling young people, teaching fessionally. He is husband to them to develop a genuine rela- Olya and father of one child, tionship with God and watch- Daniel. A valued member of ing their young lives become Rick Renner’s anchor team, transformed as a result. Joel is a reliable source of wise counsel for RENNER Ministries Philip is also an anointed wor- and MGNC. ship leader and award-winning recording artist, songwriter, Rick and Denise and their chil- and producer. He is husband to dren began the ministry in the Ella and father to Emilia. Philip former USSR as a family of five, travels internationally, con- years old when the family united in passion and purpose ducting workshops on praise, moved to the former Soviet to fulfill the call of God on their worship, and fasting. He also Union. Now, having graduated lives. Today Rick and Denise’s lends his experience to help from a university in Moscow family has expanded to include churches begin youth minis- and with a family of his own, their sons’ Russian wives and tries from the ground up. Joel serves as International six grandchildren, and the Director of RENNER Ministries entire Renner family resides in Philip’s music videos can and assists in the financial over- Moscow. Together with minis- be seen at: www.youtube. sight of the television ministry, try staffs in Tulsa and Moscow, com, and his press release can Media Mir. the Renners continue the task be read at: www.cdbaby.com/ of winning the lost, disci- Artist/PhilipRenner. You can Joel is in continual contact with pling believers, and witness- visit Philip’s ministry website the Tulsa office and is heavily ing God’s transforming work at www.philiprenner.com. involved in Partner Care out- reaches and the development in hundreds of thousands of Joel Renner, the Renners’ of printed materials.
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