0 150 YLARS& UJ s SAINT MARY’S H CBSERVER w COLLEGE Monday, September 6, 1993 • Vol. XXVI No. 6 i NOTRE DAME-IN THE iNm rr\'nr\T \i \\'<r\rrn v r . v x ' d DAME AND SAINT M A R Y 'S Pandoras Police narrow suspects in string of Lafayette thefts expands in »- » — T By JULIE BARRETT security measures being taken. Associate News Editor They include: relocation • working closely with the Police Department and Mayor’s By NANCY DUNN Police have linked the recent office to help with the News Writer break-ins at Lafayette Square investigation and provide extra Townhomes to one person who surveillance of the area; has been hitting the entire east • contacting the basement Over the summer. Pandora’s side of South Bend, according windows to the current alarm Books moved out of their small to Chris Matteo, owner of the system; and “bookmobile” location and into 1 complex. • hiring outside security ser­ a 9000 square foot store less No arrest has been made at vice to patrol on a full-time ba­ than two miles from the Notre this time, according to Jim sis which would entail foot and Dame campus, according to Caldwell, assistant to the mobile patrol, particularly dur­ owner Mandy Arnold. mayor. ing football games when most For many students, A fourth robbery occurred in students are away, crowd con­ Pandora’s is a welcome alter­ between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. trol and towing of nonresident native to the high prices and Thursday, Sept. 2, Matteo said. vehicles. long lines at the Notre Dame The burglar entered the resi­ “In return, the students living bookstore. Pandora’s sells dence through the side base­ there are asked to control their new and used books and will ment window after unsuccess­ parties so the police are not also special order books for fully trying to pry open the distracted from their main goal students. back sliding glass door, accord­ of surveillance,” Matteo said. “Pandora’s is cheaper than ing to Matt Kelly, one of the Tenants are also being asked the bookstore and the staff is four Notre Dame seniors living to use their alarm systems, call very helpful,” said Honora there. in anything suspicious and be Buckley, a Notre Dame sopho­ Two TVs, two stereos, a CD smart in general when leaving more. player, a telephone, computer their places by leaving lights Arnold, who is pleased with keyboard and one student’s on, closing blinds and curtains the new location, stressed checkbook were stolen, Kelly and even turning on TVs and that the store is still being set said. radios to make their place ap­ up. She plans to provide ser­ In response to the incidents pear occupied, he added. vices such as faxing and and the safety concerns of the “We’re doing everything we photocopying but said it will The Observer/Brian McDonough residents at Lafayette, the own­ can and hope the students will probably be next year before Walsh Hall freshman Christian Turner studies in the window of her ers of the complex released a do the same,” he said. “It these services are available. room. Now that classes are in full swing, students are searching cam­newsletter detailing the extra needs to be a joint effort.” Currently, Pandora’s is open pus to find a quiet place to relax and study. from 10-6 from Monday through Saturday and 9-3 on Sunday. The store will also be Gore plans to eliminate governmental waste open on Friday evenings for weekly book giveaways. By RON FOURNIER 585,000 ‘system control’ staff to use of modern office technolo­ not for across-the-board cuts, Arnold plans to hold book Associated Press__________________________ support them,” reads a draft of gies such as computers and but for “natural reductions ” signings and has invited writ­ the National Performance make the bureaucracy more that come with changing gov­ ers such as Don Yeager and WASHINGTON Review report. “Instead, we user-friendly. ernment operations. Doug Looney, co-authors of The White House hopes to will encourage more of our 2.2 The report is not expected to Gore’s report points out that “Under the Tarnished Dome: save $108 billion over five million federal employees to specify where the federal jobs in 1992, the government em­ How Notre Dame Betrayed Its years by improving the way become managers of their own will be lost, leaving those deci­ ployed 67,000 people involved Ideals for Football Glory.” government works and making work.” sions to the agencies. It is ex­ in purchases, a 64 percent in­ “We may not always agree it operate with fewer people, pected to call for increasing the crease from 1980. with every book, but everyone officials said Sunday. The recommendations would ratio of managers to workers “These numbers document should have access to any Vice President A1 Gore’s re ­ reduce the federal workforce by from l-to-7 to l-to-15. what most federal workers and book they desire to read,” said port on overhauling govern­ 12 percent, bringing it below Workers who would no longer many taxpayers already know: Arnold. ment operations will outline the two million mark for the be needed in the leaner govern­ Our system relies on rigid rules Pandora’s will also celebrate changes in the federal bureau­ first time since 1966, The ment would be offered buyouts, and procedures, extensive pa­ Banned Book Week again this cracy that would result in the Washington Post reported early retirements, training or perwork, detailed design speci­ September in order to “call at­ loss of 252,000 federal jobs, Sunday. transfers. fications, multiple inspections tention to the fact that books said an aide to the vice presi­ Gore and President Clinton and audits. It is an extraordi­ are still being banned every­ dent, who spoke on condition of will unveil their plans Tuesday Administration officials tried nary example of bureaucratic day.” anonymity. to eliminate or consolidate Sunday to make sure their red tape,” the draft report says. Any literary groups inter­ “As our reinventing govern wasteful programs, allow the plans to “reinvent government” His plan: Give agencies more ested in holding readings or mentment begins begins to toliberate liberate agen- agen privateprivate sector sector to tocompete compete for for don’tdon’t get get sidetracked sidetracked by by talk talk powerpower to buy to buymatei materials on their book signings should contact ciescies from from over-regulation, over-regulation, we we governmentgovernment business, business, cut cutred red aboutabout job losses.job losses. One GoreOne Gore aide, aide,own and ownmake and it makeea it easier to make Arnold about using the store’s n0 nolonger longer will will need need 285,000 285,000 tape tapethat saddlesthat saddles efficient efficient gov- gov­who whospoke spoke on conditionon condition of theof purchasesthe purchases ite items without upstairs area. separate supervisory staff and eminenternment workers, workers, expand expand the the anonymity,anonymity, said saidthe theplans plans are arereamsreams of red of tape. red tape. Clinton proposes tax cap for excess health benefits rowed some of his reform ideas.ideas, whichwhich thethe WhiteWhite HouseHouse esti-esti­ anonymity.anonymity. phase in. AFL-CIlAFL-CIO P resident By CHRISTOPHER CONNELL Currently companies can matesmates at at$1,800 $1,800 for for an an individ- individ­ TheThe rationale rationale is isthat that it itgives gives Lane Lane Kirkland Kirkland s£ said Aug. 16 j after Clinton gave governors a Associated* • n Press__________________________ deductdeduct thethe entireentire costcost ofof theirtheir ual ualnolicv policy and $4,200 and $4,200 for a for fam- a fam­ themthem “enough “enough time time to getto get back back after Clinton gave health plans as a business ex­ ily policy. whatever wage increase was broad outline of his plans. WASHINGTON pense, and employees pay no forgone for that health benefit,” President Clinton will seek to taxes on them no matter how While the average company said the official. Unions would “The president has pointed make companies and individual generous the plan. now spends about $4,000 on be able to keep some or all of the nation in the right direction. workers pay taxes on health Clinton plans to guarantee all health policies for its workers, the tax break for the life of ... We hope and expect to be benefits that exceed the na­ Americans a comprehensive some employees have coverage existing contracts and through able to give the president’s plan tionally guaranteed benefit package of benefits, covering that costs twice that much. their next round of contract, he our full support when we see package he is proposing, senior preventive services, emergency In an effort to assuage orga­ said. the details next month,” White House officials say. care, doctor bills and a wide nized labor, the tax cap would Kirkland said. range of other medical expens­ be phased in over several “We re not anticipating much Clinton will proceed with the es. Employers would be expect­ years, administration officials (revenue) on the tax cap in the The idea of making employ­ plan in the face of a warning by ed to pay 80 percent of the cost said Saturday. first couple of years,” the offi­ ees more cost-conscious by the AFL-CIO that it might op­ of an average policy, and cial said, adding that it would making them pay taxes on their pose the program if it includes employees the other 20 per­ And workers whose unions probably not be more than a health benefits has been sup­ a cent. have won extensive health ben­ few billion dollars a year for the ported by a number of tax on any health benefits.
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