![Kohn Et Al. [45] Sept. 25, 1973](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
“9-25-73 i'XR 367616718. _ , UnIted States Patent 1191 ~ _ 1111 3,761,718 Kohn et al. [45] Sept. 25, 1973 [54] DETECTOR APPARATUS USING 2,949,498 8/1960 Jackson ........................ .. 250/212 x SEMICONDUCTOR LAMINAE 3,324,298 6/1967 Waer . _ . .. 250/211 ‘3,191,045 6/1965 c61man..... 250/211 [75] Inventors: Alan N- Kohn. Brookline; Jack K. 3,473,214 11/1969 Dillman ............................ .. 250/211 Lennard, Framingham', Jay ,1. ' ' Schlickman, Lexington; Robert A. FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS weagan" Chelmsford, 3“ of Mass- 629,924 10/1961 Canada ............................. .. 250/226 [73] Assignee: Honeywell Inc“ Minneapolis’ Minn. 1,043,662 4/l959 Germany .... .................... .. 250/226 [22] Filed: Sept- 7. 1972 OTHER PUBLICATIONS [21] Appl' No'i 287’l94 Marinace; IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin; Vol. 1 1; Related US. Application Data No. 4; 9/68; p. 398. [63] Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 855,9l8, Sept. 8, 1969' abandoned‘ Primary Examiner-Walter Stolwein AtI0rney—Charles J. Ungemach et al. [521 U.s.c1 ........ ..250/211R,250/226,3l7/235 N, ‘ 356/99, 350/316 [51] Int. Cl. ............................................ ..G0lj3/34 , [581FieldofSearch ................... ..250/211J,211R, [571 ABSTRAQT 250/212’ 226; 317/235 N; 350/316; 356/99’ ‘00 A new multi-layer semiconductor photo detector ar rangement, and scienti?c instruments embodying the [56] References Cited underlying novel principle. UNITED STATES PATENTS 2,896,086 7/1959 Wunderman ..................... .. 250/211 14 Claims, 10 Drawing Figures 3,761,718 1 2 DETECTOR APPARATUS USING similarly illuminated, the output may appear as at B in SEMICONDUCTOR LAMINAE FIG. 2. _ If such a lamina 20 is overlaid with another identical ' BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION lamina 23,‘ as shown in FIG. 3, the upper lamina acts as This invention is a continuation in part of case Ser. 5 a filter for the lower lamina, and the latter gives no out No. 855,918, ?led Sept. 8, 1969 now abandoned. put on conductors 21 and 22 because all the photons The invention relates to the field of supervisory appa~ capable of producing current in Iamina20 have been ratus, and more particularly to a new photodetector ar absorbed in lamina 23, even though no electrical out rangement and new scienti?c instruments made possi put resulting therefrom is used. ' ble thereby. FIG. 4 shows the same elements as FIG. 3, but in this case lamina 33 is linearly displaced with respect to lam BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS ina 30. The sensitivity curve for the latter is shown at FIGS. 1, 2, and 3 are diagrams illustrating the back-1 I in FIG. 5, but light at short wave lengths is absorbed ground of the invention, in lamina 33 according to curve II and never reaches FIGS. 4 and 6 to 10, inclusive, show modi?cations of 5. the lower lamina. Thus, only the light in the narrow’ the invention, and _ wave length band between 11 and 12 microns in the il FIG. 5 is a curve illustrating the operative principle. lustrative example results in a useful output on conduc tors 31 and 32. By reducing the mechanical offset be DESCRIPTION tween the two semiconductor laminae the band width Semiconductor materials are now obtainable in slabs 20 may be further reduced. Similarly as point C is moved of laminae having a longitudinal axis along which the along the material the area between curves I and II is peak wave length sensitivity varies substantially uni displaced in wave length (see Ia and II 21) although the formly. The semiconductors compriseoffset laminae band width remains the same. ‘ each having a longitudinal axis along which'the peak ‘ FIG. 6 shows a convenient expedient for changing wavelength sensitivity varies substantially uniformly. 25 the location of point C. A member 44 having a narrow Any number of semiconductor materials are suitable slit extending thereacross is mounted for longitudinal for use in this present invention as long as the laminae movement adjacent to lamina 33. If light of a range of have varied peak wave length sensitivity. Semiconduc wave lengths is supplied through the slit, the output on tor materials of a single substance, nominally termed conductors 41 and 42 is proportional to the energy of pure semiconductors, are not capable of having varied only a narrow band of wave lengths, the limits of which wave length peak sensitivity since they are homoge change as the slot is moved. This device is accordingly neous compositions. However, when the semiconduc a scanning monochromator. tors are composed of more than one components, it is In FIG. 7 a mask 54 having a pair of slits with a prede possible to produce with varied peak wave lengths termined spacing has been substituted for the movable along a length or axis by varying a proportion of com 35 slit. The instrument of this ?gure is a correlation spec ponents along that length. With binary alloys and other trometer. 7 materials which act‘ like binary alloys, it is possible to As suggested in FIG. 8 a movable slit can be used produce lamina which have nearly straight line varia with two laminae offset according to FIG. 6, but with tion in peak wave length sensitivity from the pure first conductors for taking outputs from both laminae at 61, component through a mixture of both to pure second 40 62, and 65, 66. Then by comparing the outputs a wide component. Mercury-cadmium-telluride is a preferred range slope discriminator. of “derivative spectrometer” example of a binary alloy which has controlled varia results. - tion of its peak wave length sensitivity along its length, It must be pointed out that the principle of our inven with this sensitivity ranging from the lower vvalue of tion is not limited to the use of-only two laminae. FIG. mercury telluride through the binary mixture to a 9 shows a structure having three laminae 70, 73, and higher value of cadmium telluride. Like a number of 77, together with movable slit 74. With respect to ele semiconductor alloys, mercury-cadmium-telluride is ment 73, element 70 is displaced to the left and ele ternary in its formula but may also be termed as a pseu ment 77 is displaced to the right. Outputs are taken from both lamina 70'and lamina 73, and lamina 77 is dobinary, actually formed from mercury telluride and 50 cadmium telluride in such a manner so as to preserve again only an initial short wave cutoff ?lter. This gives the two components. a more effective derivative spectrometer than the Actually, any two pure semiconductors may be com structure'of FIG. 7. ' bined to form a binary alloy useful in the present inven FIG. 10 shows a modification of the previous ar tion. Examples of these are: germanium, selenium, sili rangement in which the middle lamina is made passive con, tin, tellurium, cadmium sulfide, zinc sul?de, cad and outputs are taken from the upper and lower lami mium selinide, cadmium telluride, gallium arsenide, in nae to give a narrow band rejection filter. dium arsenide, indium phosphide, magnesium stannide,~ The provision of additional laminae with further dis lead sulfide, lead selenide, lead telluride, mercury tellu placement and with different ones of the laminae active (that is, giving outputs) or passive, makes possible the ride, lead tin telluride, aluminum antimonide, gallium 60 antimonide, and indium antimonide. A semiconductor performance of other functions such as single or dual binary alloy formed from any two of the above pure’ band pass detection or rejection. semiconductors will produce a semiconductor having As has been stated any number of semiconductor ma variations in peak wave length sensitivity along an axis. "terials having peak wave length sensitivity variations along their length may be employed in the present in- Thus, if lamina 10 in FIG. 1 is‘ illuminated at point A 65 with equal amounts of power over a ‘range of wave vention. Of these, mercury cadmium telluride is a pre lengths, the output on conductors l1 and 12 may vary ferred semiconductor material. Other binary alloys with wave length as at A in FIG. 2, while if point B is however are equally suitable as long as they are formed 3,761,718 3 4 with the proper proportion of components so that vari two laminae. ations in the relative proportions yield variations in the 5. Apparatus according to claim 1 in which the semi peak wave length sensitivity. conductor material is a binary alloy. Numerous abstracts and advantages of our invention 6. Apparatus according to claim 5 wherein the binary have been set forth in the foregoing description, to alloy is mercury cadmium telluride. gether with details of the structure and function of the 7. Apparatus according to claim 1 in which there are invention, and the novel features thereof are pointed several laminae together with means for taking electri out in the appended claims. The disclosure, however, cal outputs from more than one- of said laminae. is illustrative only, and we contemplate variations in de 8. Apparatus according to claim 1 and slot means for tail, especially in matter of shape, size and arrangement admitting light to said device along at least one narrow of parts, within the principle of the invention. transverse portion thereof. We claim: 9. Apparatus according to claim 8 in which said slot 1. Semiconductor apparatus comprising, in combina means is movable longitudinally with respect to the de tion: vice. a plurality of laminae of semiconductor material 15 10. Apparatus according to claim 8 together with characterized by variation in peak light wave length sensitivity along their lengths; means deriving an electrical output from at least one of said laminae.
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