) ) JELLYFISHES AND RELATED ANIMALS by Victor L . Loosanoff Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries U.S. Fish and Wildlife S ervice Milford, Connecticut CONTENTS Page Page Introduction •........... ........ .... 2 Anthozoa ........................... 6 Stinging cells or nematocysts . 2 Control of jellyfish ............ .. 7 Hydrozoa ............•............... 3 Ctenophora ........................ 8 Scy phoz oa ..... ............ ..... 4 References .................•.•..... 8 INTRODUCTION vibrating cilia, and others by the con­ traction and expansion of their soft Jellyfishes or, as they are often called, bodies. "sea nettles " belong to a very large and Coelenterates are aquatic animals. The complex group, or phylum, of animals which majority of the m are marine, but several scientists call Coelenterata. This name is fresh- w ater fo rms are also known. Until deriv ed from the two Greek words "coel," the middle of the eighteenth century little meaning "hollow," and "ente ron," meaning exact knowledge was available regarding " gut, " and refers to the fact that the main the structure of coelenterates and their ca ity of the body of these animals is the position in the animal kingdom. They were digestiv e one. considered either plants or plant-animals. Coelenterates are classified among the Often they were regarded as the connecting lowest many-celled animals because they link between plants and animals. Towards are without many organs and tissues , which the end of the eighteenth century, however, characterize the higher forms. The most the a n i mal nature of coelenterates was familiar examples of Coelenterata are jelly­ definitely proven. fishes, hydroids, sea anemones, corals, and Coelenterates possess two distinctly dif­ sea fans. Some c oelenterates are stationary; ferent types of structures. T hey are (1) the of these some branch like plants, some hydroid or polyp type and (2) the medusa move about by the aid of tentacles, some by or jellyfish type. The first type is seen in UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SER VICE, Clar2nce F. Paullk2, Commissioner BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES, Donald L. McKernan, Director Fishery Leaflet 535 Washington 25, D,C, February 1962 ) ) its s im p l est form in t he very common by minut quantities o f a poisono sub­ fresh - water animals called hydra, and stanc found in th threads. Th n m ato ­ h y dropolyps, and in more compl x forms cysts of j llyfish and oth r co 1 n t r a t es in the corals. In all these animals the body s rv both as organ o f d efens and for is cylindrical in form , on end usually th purpo e of stunning or killing the s m all being attached to some more or less animals which form the f ood o f t h sea stationary object, while at the other end is n tIs. t he mouth surrounded by tent acles . Th Th "sting" o f he majori y o f he second, or the medusa type , is found in co lenterat i not perc p lble to man. jellyf ishes. In this case the body IS mor This pecially ru of numbers o f o r less cup- shaped, the convex side cor­ Hydrozoa, whlch may be handl d wi h im­ responding to the attached end of the hydrold punlty, wi h h exc p lon o f h MIllepor ma , pol yp, while from the center of the concav or Siphonophora, an order con aining fr e e ­ side extends the manubrium, a more or le s float ing communi le of hydroids . The cylindrical projection, at the end of which mlllepor 5, however, and some 0 he r is the mouth. Tentacles may be pr sent coral, as well as gorgonians (sea fans), either on the manubrium, at the edge of he produc a . mgmg n a lOn of hor dura - cup, or on the convex or concave surfac s lon. Th spong dlver of th M diter ­ of the animals. ranean are ald 0 suffer greatly f rom skm leslOn" and de p wound of the hands caus d by an anemone hat liv s among he spong STINGING CELLS OR NE MA TOCYSTS lost Scyphozoa , or true Jellyfishe , ar ha rmiul and hould be approached wi h The presence of jellyfishes in the wat r cautlon. C)anea, a common Jellyflsh of near bathing beaches is undeslrable be ­ Am ncan hores, may ca se dangerous cause some of them, coming m contac burn:.. The mo dangerous Scyphozoa with the human body , may stmg and irrl ate are Oactylometra and Chiropsalml.(S, inhabi an s the skin. The stingmg IS caused by hlghly of warmer waters , whose sing can ca se specialized stinging capsule s called \ery erlOUS lllness or even deah . nematocysts, of whIch there are several Probably h most dangerous coelen era e varietIes . The stingmg capsules he m IS PAy alia (Portuguese man- of- war)' a special cells located in the outer layer of hydrozoan. The mjuries from he last the jellyfish body. Very often they are three coelen era es range from a burning found arranged in large groups . A nema­ pam a he Sl e of con act to skin le ions tocyst is oval in shape . It has an outer and eruptlOns, of en severe enough t o capsule provided with a short tngger hair, leave scars, to general pain, f ever, prostra ­ or cnidocil, a t the free end, close to the tion, and resplra ory interferences . apical o pening. This o pening is closed by a The nature of the material injected fr o m special pl ug. Within the outer capsule is nematocysts 1 not known. Formerly it was an inne r capsule containing a spir aled fila ­ believed to be formic aCld, but recen ment. This f ilament is a hollo w tube, its studies on this subject do not support that wall being c ont in u ous wit h that o f the inner conclusion. capsule. When the c n idocil, o r trigger The coelenterates a re divided into three hair, comes into c ontact wit h an object, or classes: Hydrozoa (hydr alike ani mals ), when the jellyf i s h rece ives a chemical Scyphozoa (cup animals), a n d Ant hozoa stimulus , the nematocyst " e x p lode s , " i . e ., (flower animal ). The f ollo wing i s a bri e f the coiled f ilament is qu ickl y d ischar ged discussion of each of t h e s e classes . t hrough t he apic al o p ening. T he end o f the f ilament , which is a rmed wit h several m inute b arbs , p e netrates t he body tou ching HYDROZOA the jellyfi s h. In a ddition to purely m e cha n ical injury Hydrozo a inc 1 u de s the fresh - wate r caused b y p e netration of the b a rbed f ila ­ h ydr as , s e aweedlike z o ophytes, many j e lly­ ment, a chemical irritation is also produc ed f i shes , m o stly of small size, and a few 2 stony corals, which in some respects are case of females, and spermatozoa, in male ) different from other stony corals. This individuals, are discharged in the surround­ class contains over 3,000 species. ing water. When the egg and spermatozoon ) The vast majority of Hydrozoa are meet, the egg is fertilized and begins to marine. The best known exception is develop into a hydra. Hydra which is found in fresh water and Sexual reproduction does not occur in is cosmopolitan in its distribution. A few h y droids, which are the nearest marine species of medusae also have been found relatives of fresh-water hydras. Asexual in fresh or very bracki sh waters. Para­ reproduction by budding is the usual method sitism, although rare, is not unknown in of increasing their numbers. In old colonies this class. For example, Polypodium, one of hydroids not all members of the colony, of the forms of this group, is parasitic t he so-called " polyps," are alike. Some-are during part of its e xistence in the ovaries reproductive polyps and are designated for of the sturgeon living in the Volga River. a special type of asexual r eproduction. Probably the most interesting group of Each reproductive polyp is enclosed by Hydrozoa is found intheorderSiphonophora a transparent, horny, v ase- shaped covering conta inin g free-floating colonies of and consists of a stock on which are borne hydroids. The genus Physalia of this little saucerlike buds. The largest and order includes the f amous Portuguese man­ most completely developed buds are near of-war. This animal, or rather colony, is the top, w h i le the smallest and least de­ perhaps the best known of the group, since veloped a re found near the base. 1£ the it attracts much attention in southern colony is kept in a dish of sea water, it waters. The most prominent part of the will be easy to observe that the topmost compound body is the float, an oblong, "saucer" escapes through the opening at pear-shaped bag, full of air, which floats the upper end of the vase- shaped covering on the surface of the water. Its color is and swims about as a tiny animal, which is u sually bright blue but sometimes it has called a medusa, the name often applied differ ent shades. On the upper side of this to any free- swimming jellyfish type of a ir- vessel is a crest, or sail, and from coelenterate.
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