Cumberland Fossil Fossil Plant Plant CUMBERLAND CITY,CITY, TENNESSEETENNESSEE QUICKQUICK FACTSFACTS OH IN IL WV KY MO VA TN NC AR SC MS AL GA EPA CCR RULERule Groundwater GROUNDWATER Monitoring MONITORING for 2019 Commissioning Date: 1973 This fact sheet summarizes groundwater monitoring conducted by Commissioning Date: 1973 This fact sheet summarizes groundwater monitoring conducted by TVA for the Output: 2,470 Megawatts TVACumberland as required Fossil Plant,by the as U.S. required Environmental by the U.S. Environmental Protection ProtectionAgency (EPA) Agency (16Output: billion 2,470 kilowatt-hours) Megawatts (16 billion Coal(EPA) CoalCombustion Combustion Residuals Residuals (CCR)(CCR) RuleRule. for The the 2019EPA calendar published year. the The EPA kilowatt-hours) published the CCR Rule on April 17, 2015. It requires companies operating coal- Number of homes powered: CCR Rule on April 17, 2015. It requires companies operating coal- 1.1 MillionNumber of homes powered: fired power plants to study whether constituents in CCR have been released to fired power plants to study whether constituents in CCR have been 1.1 Million groundwater from active, inactive and new CCR impoundments, as well as active Wet to Dry / Dewatered releasedand new CCR to groundwater. landfills. This fact sheet addresses the EPA CCR ConversionWet to Dry /Program: Dewatered Activities Rule groundwater monitoring only. underwayConversion Program: Complete The CCR Rule establishes multiple phases of protective groundwater monitoring for fly ash and gypsum. Bottom ash Inincluding addition baseline to ongoing sampling, groundwater Detection Monitoring monitoring and Assessment required under Monitoring. TVAdewatering Wide CCR tank-based Conversion solution Program Total Spend: Corrective action may be necessary at the completion of this process. For more scheduled for 2019 State regulations, TVA enhanced the monitoring well network at the Approximately $1.3 Billion information on the CCR Rule Groundwater Monitoring requirements, refer to the Cumberland Fossil Plant to comply with the CCR Rule requirements. TVA Wide CCR Conversion AdditionalExecutive Summary wells were that caninstalled be found around by clicking the CCR on the management following hyperlink units Program Total Spend: www.tva.com/ccr. as needed and TVA implemented a baseline sampling program. After Approximately $1.3 Billion completionCumberland of Plantthe baseline CCR Rule sampling, Groundwater the CCR Monitoring Rule requires Network TVA toIn additionbegin monitoringto ongoing groundwater groundwater monitoring in a step required that underis called State “Detection regulations, Monitoring”.TVA established The monitoring constituents well networks specified for the by Bottom the CCRAsh Pond,Rule Dryfor AshDetection Monitoring are boron, calcium, chloride,Stack, and fluoride,Gypsum Storage pH, sulfate, Area and and for totalthe Stilling dissolved Pond (includingsolids (TDS). Retention These seven constituents occur naturally inPond), soils, consisting rock, groundwater of “background,” and or surfaceupgradient, water, wells andin locations they are that also were present in coal and in CCR. They were not expected to be affected by the management of CCR and wells around the selected by EPA because they can indicate groundwater conditions that may require further evaluation. edge of the areas where CCR is managed. These wells are sometimes referred EPAto as “downgradientCCR RULE wells”GROUNDWATER and placed in locations MONITORING to monitor forNETWORK releases to groundwater. These CCR Rule groundwater monitoring well networks are FOR THE CUMBERLAND FOSSIL PLANT monitored in accordance with the CCR Rule during the baseline, Detection TVAMonitoring, installed and “backgroundAssessment Monitoring wells” in phases. locations The locationsthat are ofnot the expected wells are to be affected by the management ofshown CCR. on Otherthe figure wells on thewere next drilled page. around the edge of the areas where CCR is managed or were already existing and being monitored. These wells are sometimes referred to as “downgradient wells” and placed in locations to monitor for releases to groundwater. The locations of the wells are shown below. TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY | FACT SHEET CCR GROUNDWATER MONITORING TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY | FACT SHEET MARCH 2, 2020 CCR GROUNDWATER MONITORING ($¯$ ($¯$ CUF-206 CUF-205 (! (! Cumberland River (! CUF-207 " Stilling Pond (!CUF-208 Ash Pond (Retention Pond) CUF-209 CUF-206 CUF-205 (! Dry Ash Stack (! CUF-201 Bottom (! Cumberland River (! Ash Pond (! CUF-207 " CUF-202 (! Stilling Pond CUF-208 (!CUF-211 (! W Ash Pond e (Retention Pond) " l ls Gypsum C 93-2R Storage r Area e (! CUF-209 e k Dry Ash Stack CUF-201 (! Bottom y e l t Ash Pond a (! e h CUF-212 93-3 w s CUF-202 : y B ! (! ( 0 ! 3 ( - 1 0 - 8 1 0 CUF-211 2 : d e s i (! v e W R e d x " l m l . Gypsum s s l l e C Storage W t 93-2R n e r i e Area d a (! r e g n k w o D y e d l t n a a _ e h d CUF-212 93-3 n w s u Project Location 182603174 : o r 0 1,000 2,000 IN y ! g ( B Background Well ! (! ( Cumberland City Prepared by WSW on 2018-01-30 k IL W0 V c Feet 3 - a Stewart County, Technical Review by MD on 2018-01-30 1 B _ 0 - t i Tennessee Independent Review by JK on 2018-01-30 KY 8 1:24,000 (At original document size of 8.5x11) n ! 1 ( Downgradient Well U 0 R 2 MO : Client/Project C VA d Notes C e s w i Tennessee Valley Authority _ 1. Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 Feet !( v 1 e g i R CCR Unit Subject to CCR Rule 2. Imagery Source: Tucker Mapping Solutions, INC (Flown April 8, 2017) F Cumberland Fossil Plant _ 1 F d U AR TN x CCR Rule C NC m . \ s l 1 l F Figure No. e TVA Property Boundary U W C t \ n s 1 e i d x d a m Title r \ g s SC i n g AL w \ MS GA o 4 Map with CCR Unit Background 7 D 1 d 3 n 0 a 6 _ 2 and Downgradient Wells 8 d 1 n \ u Project Location 182603174 : Disc laimer: Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electo ronic format. The recipient acc epts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. The recipient releases Stantec, its of ficers, em ployees, c onsultants and agents, from any and all claim s arising in any way from the c ontent or provision of the data. U r IN ! 0 1,000 2,000 g ( Background Well Cumberland City Prepared by WSW on 2018-01-30 k IL WV c Feet a Stewart County, Technical Review by MD on 2018-01-30 B _ 2019 Cumberland Fossil Plant CCR Rule Assessment Monitoring Results t i KY 1:24,000 (At original document size of 8.5x11) Tennessee Independent Review by JK on 2018-01-30 n (! Downgradient Well U R MO Client/Project C VA Notes C w Tennessee Valley Authority _ !( 1. Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 Feet 1 g i CCR Unit Subject to CCR Rule 2. Imagery Source: Tucker Mapping Solutions, INC (Flown April 8, 2017) F Cumberland Fossil Plant _ 1 The Assessment Monitoring results are contained in the 2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action F U AR TN CCR Rule C NC \ 1 F TVA Property Boundary Figure No. U C \ s Reports*. The reports can be found on the CCR Rule website at www.tva.com/ccr. 1 d x m Title \ s SC i g AL \ MS GA 4 Map with CCR Unit Background 7 1 3 0 6 2 For the 2019 assessment monitoring, the statistically significant levels (SSLs) above the groundwatera ndprotection Downgradie ntstandard Wells 8 1 \ : Disc laimer: Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format. The recipient acc epts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. The recipient releases Stantec, its of ficers, em ployees, c onsultants and agents, from any and all claim s arising in any way from the c ontent or provision of the data. U (GWPS) for lithium in well 93-3, for arsenic at well CUF-206 and for cobalt in well CUF-212 are the same as identified for the 2018 assessment monitoring sampling, and a new SSL for cobalt in well CUF-211 has been identified. * The results in this report reflect quality of groundwater beneath the CCR units and are not necessarily an indication of impacts beyond TVA property. Local utilities are required to test public drinking water supplies to ensure that they are safe for consumption. Monitoring data consistently shows that surface water quality is not being adversely impacted by TVA’s operations of its coal plants, including ash management practices. TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY | FACT SHEET MARCH 2, 2020 CCR GROUNDWATER MONITORING The following table shows the reported statistical exceedances of GWPS, as reflected by the red dots. Out of the 11 wells sampled, four wells contain SSLs for a single constituent (arsenic, cobalt or lithium). Refer to Appendix A – Statistical Analysis Report of the 2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Actions Reports for more information. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS 2019 Background Dry Ash Stack and Gypsum Storage Area Stilling and Retention Pond Wells GWPS CUF- CUF- CUF- CUF- CUF- CUF- CUF- CUF- CUF- 93-2R 93-3 Constituent mg/L 201 202 209 211 212 205 206 207 208 Antimony 0.006 Arsenic 0.01 Barium 2 Beryllium 0.004 Cadmium 0.005 Chromium 0.1 Cobalt 0.006 Fluoride 4 Lead 0.015 Lithium 0.04 Mercury 0.002 Molybdenum 0.1 Rad226+228 5 pCi/L Selenium 0.05 Thallium 0.002 Color Coding Key Monitoring data results are below groundwater protection standards (GWPS) Monitoring data results are below GWPS, but results are 65% or more of the GWPS Monitoring data results exceed GWPS (TVA has initiated and completed assessment of corrective measures report) Next Steps for Cumberland Fossil Plant CCR Rule Groundwater Monitoring TVA will continue to monitor and evaluate the groundwater at the Cumberland Fossil Plant site.
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