SPSS Tk. AeWsrtia- er i. UK »«•« THE WESTFIELD LEADER TtU LEAWNG Am MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY ME*W>4JV« IN UNION COUNTY FOKTY-SECOND YBAE—No. 47 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1932 JRPLE HEART TWOWILDWGSFOt WEEE-flt) JOTTINGS FINAL ROUND OF MIS. JOS. It. CONNOLY BUSINESS SECTION FIOM FOUCE "HATTCr STRUCK BY CAR, COUNCIL DENIES AWARD MADE TO THREE YEAR OLD TENNIS THIS WEEK DIES HERE SUNDAY r«r Straw. Traffic Vi«la>i—i la M*jwit FRANCHISE FOR SEVERAL HERE r WUI CMCIH*W Play la North Wifew Of Late Bank PrcaMaa* b R«fMrt« CHILD KILLED At Suffer. Heart Amd Oa C«ate*l A»«. NEW BUS LINE Ea-Sarvic* »•» Step. Fro* Central A»e- Cilia Attack At* ElifiUa Far •U Reason Far Raf uaiaf Appli- While building in general has been While local residents were taking I MK Curb lato Path Of The semi-finals and finals in the Otmm far below normal during the part six advantage of the pleasant weather' Sara Clark Connoly died at the res- catiaa Give* At Public months encouraging news has bees Automobile North Jersey Men's Singles and idence of her daughter, Mrs. John H, over the week-end the Westfield po- Doubles tournament whici h has been Pencheon on Sunday night at 9:20 Martial given out this week that will, no lice department was continuing its un- Albert Rocco, aged three and a .6 week at the Weetfield o'clock. > WeBtfleld have received the Order doubt, have its effect on the building relenting vigilance. The blue-coated A trade in general. Two buildings of ' half, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel are scheduled for this Mrs. Connoly had been spending!.. resolution denying the applica- fcf the Purple Hetrt and at least 26 g g or should we say black-nhirted, min- week-end, according to an announce- t), _ _^ .,„„, «„.„ «., 1Dn of the Bono Transportatioa the most modern type are to be erect- ions of the l»w kept watchful eye for Rocco of 605 Central avenue, was ee summer at Asbury Park and wa« * Ethers are eligible for thil decoration fatally injured Monday night when ment made last night by the tourna-j| hw"usuargooFhealth°unUI anout Company to operate a bus line be- for distinguished service, gallantry ed in the business section and it is any and all persons to protect local n he waa struck by an automobile ment committee. The aem.-finals will a we(#J ,g0 when ,„ indi,position tween Wertfield and Berkley Height* bravery, the first authorised by understood that extensive alterations property against whatever might and bravery, me nrsi aottionrea Dy ;------ ---— —..- ~— driven by William Fitzpatrick of 23S be held Saturday and the finals in!CBUBed her to return home. Her con- was adopted by the Town Council this country! It is nttin, that thi, *» *} b.e madc on • bl»ldln« on E«8t I Turn«£ street, Rahway. The child both events will take place Sunday. ](iition was not considel.ed aerioua un. at its meeting Monday night. N« a stMet tiark of dMtinction ihould be revived * °* ' 81 to If either of the finalists in the Bin-!til Sunday when she was seized with explanation as to why the applica- A concern known as the 224 East j dispatched to South avenue after i riT '™ les tion had been denied was offered by ^incident with the Geortre Washlng- Broad Street Corporation will begin »u h j b ceievd from a resi- ».„ AI!L? P M street, by Patrol- « tournament are members of the i a sudden heart attack which occasion- 1 Bicentennial and with this in view c a( een re _ Pnrrmann, but he I doubles teams to take part in the; ed her death, any member of the governing body. [he War Department, through an act wnrlworkr witihiwithin +hthpe navnext foufewr /lavdayas nnon trthme denJ At o_Jf? thau..it stree_i tj . thaJ.I__t, tw. o men m»ii AiDerc r. ftn la The application waa presented sev- If Congress, hu done so. construction of a two story business were attempting to sell towels. When died a few minutes after reaching » °* *at event, the doubles will i Mrs Connoly was the widow of the be played Sunday morning and theiute J08eph Richard Connolv, former eral weeks ago and it is undtr»too4 The Order of the Purple Heart building at the corner of East Broad the patrolman arrived the salesmen I —, singles will be played Sunday after-lpregjdgnj f at it has been the subject of much Ltands as • diitinguished tribute to street and Central avenue. This prop- had disappeared. This entry appear- Patrolman Pflrrmann, who wit- o nessed the accident, stated that while lallantry, denying that rank or social erty is owned jointly by Elicabcth L. ed in the police "blotter" and was the played Sunday afternoon. | the Council. {inunction playB any part in meritori- Hart and Carrie Hawley and is one first to be recorded on Saturday. he stood on the corner of Central Ju]ia F CUl% M reMents of lhia of the choice building sites in the avenue and Cacciola place, he noticed There will be no matches this eve- i town. She was descended on her The inauguration of such a line s military conduct. The first award At 10:S5 the same day Patrolman ning but tomorrow afternoon about j mother's side from the Mott family as proposed was favorably received, the decoration was made on Au town. The property has been leued Benninger brought in a man "wanted" ii car approaching in a northerly di- y to the corporation for a period of rection. He then saw the child step o'clock Frank Bowden, winner of it is said, by the merchants, as it wai ust 7, 1782 and so far as surviving on a warrant issued by Garwood au- the tiUe la8 etT and of New York City, where she was 63 years and the work of removing from the curb in front of a "machine! * y seeded No, 1, pointed out that through the median tecordB reveal but three Men, alt non- thorities. The man was turned over born. She came to Westfleld with of th 8 line commissioned officers, were awarded the present building u well underway. I r m- k v ? r/ ")8rked there and Btart {o1 the °th« I will meet Harold McGumn of Phila- her parents when she was five years . ' residents of Berkley The new building will have a front- j ™ "T* is J. Comiskey of Gar-| Me The youngster walkcd directljr delphia, seeded No. 6, in a quarter- old and has ulways resided here. Heights and vicinity would take ad- During the years immediately fol- vant Ke nwing the Revolution the Order of age of approximately 80 feet on East , in the path of the oncoming vehicle final match. This will bring together Mrs, Connoly was prominent in the! » Broad street and about 100 front two players of outstanding ability, former sociaill liliffe of the town and "™ their |he Purple Heart seems to have fallen BaytopAt 7:3, colored5 Saturda, of 50y 3evening Downer, streeBert aI,,j before the officer couid inter- both playing a different type of game. I , nto disuse and no further awards footage on Central avenue. Its ex- vene the child had been hit, The wit h her hu band was one of the patronage. terior walls will be of brick and terra was conveyed to the Muhlenberg Hos- patrolman stated that in his opinion Bowden plays a powerful aggressive tere made. The order vanished from game and his overhead driving is ac- founders of the present Congrega- An ordinance authorizing the con- public sight «nd there was little or no cotta with a general effect of buff- ""-"•"" town ambulance^Dr. How-1 Fitzpatrick wae not driving at an tional Church of Weatileld and gave struction of a storm sewer, in Elai gray and limestones tones and the aid F. Brock requesting the use of l ^ j speed but evidently curate, he also plays well at the net. lavishly of her time and effort in its street, East Broad street, South av«. eference made to it in any official the vehicle. exeess ve fgt o McGumn is a stylist anil plays a cool, cuments. building will be aB near fireproof as saw the child too iate to swerve al- steady, cautious game, taking advant- upbuilding. She was a woman of ex- nue and First street, appropriating Publication of articles relative to human ingenuity can devise. There At 1 %:35 p, m. a man came to head, j though he apparently applied ceptional character and affection and *73,000-to cover the cost of same, quarters and reported that his car I brakes as age of every opportunity to make a Its existence caused interest to re- will be seven stores on the ground hard as possible, kill. created an atmosphere of love, loy- was introduced on first reading, A ve and since 1930 it has once more ftoor, three on East Broad utteet, one I h»d been struck by another machine shriek of the brakes as they took I alty and respect among all of those hearing on this ordinance was Axed ome into the light of publicity. The un the corner and three on Central and the latter failed to stop. Desk hold was qquit e audible,, the officefi r Ralph MeElvenny of New York is with whom she came in contact. for the evening of August 8. avenue. The upper floor will con- Sergt. Harry Deter gave the number id d h The State- Highway Dep|artm«rt Vashington Bi-Centennial was select- said, and the car came to a stop a anothe, r .
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