~ HOMECOMING- CELEBRA-'FION I(ICKOFF TODA Y Vol. LV., No. 10 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, DC Friday, November 5, 1971 Alumni Homecoming: Spirit of the '50's by Tom Sheeran Centel' and president of the Wash­ Contributing Editor ington Redskins, will be prespntcd Georgetown's first varsity Home­ with a plaque for his "outstanding coming weekend since 1950 begins contributions to ill(' field of athlet­ today with a three day schedule of ics at Georgetown." events designed to appeal to stu­ Another homecoming event will dents, alumni and revelers of all feature the halftime announcement ages. of the 1971 Homecoming Queen. The weekend activities will cul­ This year's candidates are Kris Nie­ minate tomorrow at 1 :30 p.m. dermeier (East Campus), Patricia when the Hoyas clash with the Walker (BSA), Ann Weiler (Harbin), Rams of Fordham in their 31st grid Mary Heck (Collegiate Club) and meeting. The Hoyas will be trying Mary Pat Michel (Copley). to avenge a 39-17 loss to Fordham suffered last year during After the game, libations will Homecoming at Rose Hill. again be available during a "Victory Celebration" slated -for the Harbin Receptions this evening for alu­ mni of the various schools, hosted Esplanade. Tomorrow night a symbolic by the respective deans, will kick homecoming will occur when thl' off Homecoming. once freq uent open bar dancp Alumni registration will take place today from 4-10 p.m. at returns to Georgetown after almost a year's absence. Music will b(' Alumni House, 3604 0 Street, N.W. Hoyas take on traditional rivals Fordham Rams tomorrow afternoon. 82 throws key block to enable 63 to The Alumni Association has receiv­ provided by "Catfish" and "Jona­ reach the cash bar on Harbin Esplanade first. (Photo by Joe Hoya) ed reservations for more than 500 than Round." Tickets, $9 per alumni and friends who plan to couple and $6 for SES subscribers, attend tomorrow's contest at Ke­ arp available in the student center hoe Field, the largest anticipated in Healy and at the door. turnout by Georgetown alumni A final musical interlude for Henle Refutes Cochetti Stand, since 1964, when club football Homecoming will be provided by began on the Hilltop. the Beach Boys 1n concert, Sunday at 8 p.m. in McDonough Gymnas­ The Hoyas played two NCAA ium. Admission will be $4 and college-level games last year, after a $2.50 for SES holders. Mark E. Task Force Nominees Upheld 13 year hiatus of varsity football. Kenyon (Coli '74), chairman of the Friday from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. student events commission, is organ­ Undergraduate Student Body own letter of Nov. 2. Restating the Fr. Henle pointed out that this a student-alumni reception will be izing many of the Homecoming President Roger Cochetti as re­ directive of the Board of Directors process of dividing the student held in the University Center to activities and promises that the ported last week in The HOY A, has which authorized the task force, Fr. appointments between the Univer­ replace the previously scheduled Beach Boys will perform for two announced his intention to appoint Henle insisted upon his power to sity President and the student body pep raBy. Featured in the reception hours. all six of the student representatives make the student appointments. president provides for a less politic­ will be a honkey-tonk pianist, films Not directly part of Home­ to the task force on the quality of Fr. Henle will, in fact, make all ized and polarized group "than has of old Hoya teams, the Chimes and coming '71, but accomplices to the student life. In a letter to the Rev. six appointments to the board usually been the case." Rejecting folk music. - act by association, the crew and Robert J. Henle, SJ, University unless the position of the Under­ the concept voiced by Cochetti that A premium bar served by the rugby teams will also bp active this President, dated Oct. 28, Cochetti graduate Student Government only students may select students sailing association will be available weekend at home. Tomorrow at 10 reversed his previous decision not executive changes. To counter to represent them, Fr. Henle wrote and admission is free. a.m. the crew team will participatp to cooperate with the task force. Cochetti's move to submit a list of that there are "no limitations of Tomorrow a "family pre-game in its annual Fall Regata from Cochetti reiterated, however, that six nominations to the board, Fr. any kind on the procedure for warmup" will take place in Copley Thompson's Boat House. The rugby the student government position on Henle indicated that he will choose appointing members to a com­ Lounge beginning at 12:30 p.m. At team will meet the Terrapins of thl' the issue of intervisitation has not three of the six students submitted mittee or task force responsible to halftime Edward Bennett Williams, University of Maryland at 2 p.m. changed and that the student by Cochetti. the Board." a graduate of the Georgetown Law Sunday on the lower field. government will continue to recog­ nize unrestricted parietal hours. In announcing his intent to Fr. O'Donnell Vindicated Henle, Cochetti denied the right of the University President to appoint any of the student representatives Court Declares Senate Vote Unconstitutional to the task force. Only students, Cochetti contends, can designate by Andy Lang tion is not a legitimate tool of the Constitutional government is the the campus hearing board the same the student representatives. He did Assistant to the News Editor student senate." supremacy of the Constitution over day of the ruling, had defended state that Fr. Henle has the right to A senate resolution last month The Court emphasized the all sectors of that Government. The himself before the Court. Advocat­ suggest students for the force and withdrawing its confirmation for importance of the two-thirds student senate is bound by the ing the senate's position was Doug that the three nominations made by the appointment of John O'Donnell majority required in a senate Undergraduate Student Govern­ Kellner (SFS'74). Fr. Henle would be regarded as (ColI. '72) to the campus hearing impe~ch~e~t.. "A t~o-thirds ment Constitution in all its actions. O'Donnell asserted that "this all suggestions. board was declared unconstitu- majorIty IS dIffIcult to achIeve and Thus, in order to remove a flows from a very literal reading of University President Henle tional by the Constitutional Court rightly so, since a presidential presidential appointee from office, the Constitution. replied to the Cochetti letter in his Saturday. ~ppointee should not be removed it must follow, without deviation, "To remove someone from The Court's decision affirmed hghtly when, for example, he has the procedures which are outlined office," he continued, "you have to O'Donnell's argument that removal acted in an unpopular manner. therein. No conflicting procedures use the removal procedures. The of an appointee confirmed by the "Obviously," the Carroll ruling can, should, or will be permitted." procedure Lhey (the senate) were senate can take place only through continued, "the basis for any O'Donnell, who resigned from using was unconstitutional. They the impeachment procedures ------------------------------------------------------------------ were violating their own rules and procedures. Another constitutional ::~~f~e:ns~[ut~~~. student govern- Senate V otes Connelly alternative does exist. There is a O'Donnell was removed from method for removing people from office which is specified in the the campus hearing board early in ~Tew T7;ce the year when several senators 1 1'1 ,. II Pres;dentII constitution. " charged that his position as a Kellner observed that the senate resident adviser created a conflict The student senate, meeting in Cochetti as the reason for his was attempting to exercise greater of interest. A senate vote formally closed emergency session last night, action. His move, which caused control over the activities of the withdrew the confirmation it had elected Michael J. ~onncJly (SBA complications in the procedure for board. "The only reason we actual­ granted O'Donnell when he was '74) new vice pl'esid€nt of the selecting a successor to the ly tried to remove John," he said, appointed to the hearing board last undergraduate student government. vice-presidential post, left the "was to set a precedent 'for getting year. Undergraduate Student Body Immediately following the senate with the task of filling two people off the hearing board." President Roger Cochetti vetoed Connelly vote, Gary Lanzara vacancies. The conflict of interest charge, the resolution in protest, but (at-large '72) was re-elected Connelly, a member of the however, was never resolved. acknowledged "I have no authority president pro tern of the senate. senate appropriations committee, O'Donnell noted that he and to change the fact that the senate Connelly will fill the unexpired was elected senator last February Kellner "were concerned with the has withdrawn its confirmation." term of Nancy Kent, which ends in by the Business School students to procedure that was used, not The Constitutional Court, how­ March. Miss Kent announced her represent the class of '74. Cochetti necessarily with the substantive ever disagreed. "Any procedure," resignation earlier this week reportedly settled upon Connelly, a issue." acco'rding to the ruling written by because of iII health. former student council presi'CIent Cochetti's new appointees to the Court Chairman James Carroll, Jr. Lanzara, who resigned his post from Cincinnati, Ohio, last board are expected to be an­ (SFS'72), "such as a 'withdrawal of as president pro tern to avoid Monday. Connelly also served last nounced at the next senate confirmation,' since it is non­ succeeding Miss Kent, cited year as a floor representative to the meeting.
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