WEDNESDAY,, QCTOB^R 15, 1958 PA gE TWBNTY-rOUE id!anrlrP0ti?r Sv^ning Iferalb Tha Britlah American Club Hal­ pital In Newington Nov. 5^ claimed loween Dance will be held Sature Finp Aria (^roup he was under medical direction to .AJiout Town day, Oct. 2.1, A buffet will be take dniga. Drugs and drink HBT8 to Cash in Their Auction Pucks a'erved during the evening. Ticketa, To Hear Finlay "don't Jibe,” he said, in explaln- Hartford Covenant Church which arc limited, are now avail­ li^hia.............. Intoxicationucauon. Women have Invited Manchester able from the aleward. , Members of the Manchester Fine HUpatrick, arrested yesterday, 'Arcnigeliifidi^Nfit PrcM Run Covenant Oturch women to attend Apt Assn, will see the step by atep waaI held___ overnight.______ For thaW M k Ended The Mtenther a meeting in Hertford tomorrow Final arrangcmenla are com­ crentlon of a full color book on Judge Karp't third verdict re- O c t, I I W Fbreeast of 0. B. W^irt|Mr Bvoae at 7:30 p.m.. wheit'lhc speaker will plete for the deasert card parly Friday, when Herbert Fihtay, of aulted when M ra Jean Slend.a,,3B. and fashion ahow to be aponaored be Mias Agnes Ohlsoh, president of Finlay Bros.. Incl, Hertford print­ of 419 N. Main St., pleaded not Meetly olondy, little eteiage In the International Coijncll of hy the Ladiea of St. Jam es In tile guHty to a charge of intoxkSatlon, 12,805^ Waddell Srhool auditorium. Fri­ ers, will discuss "The Making of and ahe and the arresting officer tempermtnre tx^ght, Tew in Stei- Churches. day at 8 p.m. Mrs. Lydia Ander­ a Book" at the Whiton Memorial both testified before the court. Member of the Audit Fair and eooler Pridny,' high M- IJb rary at 8ep,m. Biurean ef (lirailaitfen son, 20 Sleep Hollow I,ane. will be Patrolman Eugene Slake elated Yfl. Girls Friendly Sponsors of St. the conimonlator. Corel Casuals Finlay will work his demonetra he 'and Patrolman Raymond Peck M hnehester-^A City of Village Charm Mary's Episcopal Church will have DOUBLE will display Ihe latest fall and tion around the "Handbook of the flret saw Mrs. Slenda shortly after a potluck in the crj’pl of the new winter fa.shions, and fur styles will Wadsworth Alheneuin," a 200- midnight standing on N. Mali St, u church Friday at 6:1.1 p.m. They he shown by Ellin * lycvln. H art­ page book now In use by the Athe- She waa apparently intoxicated and V O L . Lxxvin, N O : (TWENTY-BIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1958 (CATkaadfled AdreeilalBg en Page tfi) will attend the 7 o’clock prayer ford Tickets are available from netim. Utilizing large demonstra- they asked her to go home, he PRICE FIVE CENTS service, after which they will hold members or at Ihe door. | tldh boards, he will show the de­ •aid. their usual meeting. velopment of the book from type­ Later, blake reported, ehe waa .Memhers of the Eighth Dlstrlef ' written copy and photos, through again seen In the street, still ap­ Washington Loyal Orange Lmlge. Fire Department w ho wish, to at- ; the setting of type and making of C lam ps parently Intoxicated. Sht refused Views Clash No. 117. will hold its monthly meet­ lend the scimnd se.sslon of the ftre i halftone engravings, to final print­ to go home, he added,'on grounds Action Threatened ing tomorrow at 8 p.m in Orange seminar In Hartford, should meet ed sheet and the boii.nd book. St the fire hesdqiisrlers tomorrow | that, she would be mietreated by Hall. The meeting night ha.s been The more than 300 Illustrations her husband. They then took her Restraiiit on changed from Friday to Thursday at fi;t.1. [ in the book, many in full oOlor, to headquarters. On D ehate T oaslnmster will interest the members of the De Gaulle Victorious this season. To Tree Teachers The k'leiic h Hliih of .Mane tiester Bf>b Slerlp will h«* loHstrnaator association from the standpoint Mrs, Sienda did not dispute Stock Market Blake’s testimony but said in her The VVomen’a riilb has srI the will hohl a special aesslon this eve­ for uic Maaonlc Sports NIpht next o fine art alone. Finlay will de- ning si 8 ocln(k at Hie KofC Ti'" day inonslrate the steps required In own defense that she was "III and By FRANK OORMIRR ^ p f P o licy date of Monday. Oil 27, for a terribly upset," because her hus­ dessert bridge at 8 pm at thei Ib'ine Eii'erlaiiinienI and refresh- (icno Wuodlinp, mitdr)<ler for making the four Sets of plates Washington, Oct. 16 (/P)— nieiil.s will follow Ihe meeting IhiJ iialtiniorr Oj loloa, will ho the necessary lo print a full.color ptc- band had ordered her from the For Private School Second Congregaltonal Churrh ll ' house. She broke Into tears while The Federal Reserve Board JA CK B E I J. will be open to guests of meiuheis.' apoakcr. \Vr>odhnp. a MaHon, liiip in a book or magazine. camr up in haachHli in Uio Clove- The piibllr is Invited and light on the stand. today put into effect the .stiff- WashinNrtipn, Oct. 16 (/P)— and Mrs Salem Na.s.siff and Mrs . l>iyiil I'lii le of Kings Daughters -j (FP will hold s nil image sale Tiies- land Indiana’ ayatem, and played lefieshinents will he served. GREEN STAMPS Little R<Kk, Ark., Oct. 16 )— The Little Rock School est Stock Market . credit re­ W hat’s a Bis'wiidered Demo-i Jam es Cooper mav he coniarled i in the nmJoiH with the New York eria Showdown ila\ at W .’to a III in tVoodriiff Hall Board t(,oday faced .the threat of legislative action to make straints in nearly 12 .vears. cratic' politician io^^o? of I'enter CTiiireh. Anyone wishing Yankeea, Cleveland, Plttahurph it release teachers for a private school operation. Gov. Or- Secretar.v . of State - Dulles j Rockw.lle Emblem (tub will and Uie Oriolea, Women Given With Cash Sates The Board’s puiTiose: To di.s- hold a har\’ej| ha/.aar .dalurdav | to doiiale srilcles mav leave them val E. FauBus yesterday accused the Board of Blocking prog- courage .speculation with Bor­ says it’s all right for adnjinj,s- ( al Ihe churrh .Monday evening Sleeir la a Hhriner. He la at 1 p.m. in Ihe Elk.s Carnage . aporta director for WTiC and Hear Issues reaa on the private education plan*---------^------------------------------- ,------------ tiation opponents to deliaie- fnun 7 to 0 o’elmdi. by ,• hialiig to free ita teachers rowed money. House. Rockville. A wide a.^soii-i WTIC-TV. The board announced late yea- the "Basic proBlems” of for-i ment af aprons handniade aili | frixm their contracts (•eneral rhalrman for ap<ula Tlie Christian Social Relations terday plans to Increase to 00 per eign policy. Hut he finds it clea. Jewelr',' .md other llem.-i will nlplit la Howard Wadrlell. Junior After conferring with the gover­ P u b lic Views At a special session of Town Committee of .South iilfcthodlst nor, State Rep. Pant .Van Datsem cent the margin, or minimum highly undesiraBle for them' Strikes Called O f f be on sale, also a siipplv of Imnie deacon r>f Manchcaler J»dpc. 7’he Court this morning. Deputy Judge down pa;'inent. required on pur­ cooked foods There will he a ticket (Imirman la Frank (lakeJor. Church Is planning a series of coT-^L of Perry County aald'lf the board to talk in the campaign aBout! iu)Y s c o v r ■lilies A. Karp fined one man $.1 for continuea In its refusal the legisla­ chases of stocks. The minimum wishing well for lh< children .Mis The affair l.i open to the piibJic. |Intoxiration, susfipndcd sentence fee hours to be held weekly from THURSDAY Forerunner of margin har. beet, 70 per cent since "current aspects” of that pol-i .lohn B Burke. II! .dummil .'tl ami Dinner will bo aerved in the low- ' rtow until the election Nov. 4. The ture will atep into the matter. yioles and ^eivs on a second man and found a third ■ "If necesaary x/e will release Aug .6. when It was raised from icy. : Mrs Helen Tlrifbii l.'lfi ilieen ei hall of Maafinlo Temple al 7 , defendant a woman, not guilty of purpose of these coffee hours Is After Satan Speaks OCTOBER 16th 50 per cent. Presiden; I laenhower savs tlie Manor Rd are ,o chan men of oVlook, with the program to fol­ to better acquaint and Inform the them by abolishing the district al­ Space Vehicle intoxication. together,".. Vaii Dalsein haid. He The Iate.st action means in­ I "basic parts" of i;.S. foreign pol­ tjir commtilee. and ilem.s fro the M<*inbrrs of Park 2.M iinrt theU low. i Fined was Martin GuIdzInskI, Women of Manchester with the Is­ £ f/unilirfl «|irni Sunday niorninp. | sues Involved and the candidates added that ' other legislators vestors henceforth must put up icy have beer standing on their ! d.fferenl bon!),s iiia.v he left with ;i6 of IHH Adams St., who hsd been Los Angeles, Oct. 16 t/P)—The own feel for » long time. Bin he Algier.a, Oct. 16 (/P)— French rightwingers opposing Pre­ them. Otl, 12. at thr trnllry nu,i.’<«*uin at j both the open and closed type of and their alms.
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