March 6, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5431 HOUSE OF· REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday March 6, 1974 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ute and to revise and extend his re­ cent in a three-way race in 1968, and in The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch marks.) 1972, 63 percent. D.D., offered the following prayer: Mr. VANIK. Mr. Speaker, in this morn­ The voters' performance at the polls Beloved, follow not that which is evil, ing's mail, I received from the Internal yesterday is a clear indication of the but that which is good. He that doeth Revenue Service a copy of their latest regard for the Nixon administration held good is of God.-m John 11. publication, "Statistics of Income, 1971, by its longest and most loyal supporters. Individual Income Tax Returns." ToM LUKEN's campaign proved that the Almighty God, our Father, According to the :figures on page 6, economic issue is the difference between " 'Mid all the tramc of the ways-­ there were 883 Americans in 1971 filing Democrats and Republicans. TOM LUKEN Turmoils without, within- returns of $1 million and over. Three of called for an "economy that puts needs Make in my heart a quiet place, those individuals, with total adjusted of life before claims of profit or power." And come and dwell therein." gross income of $6,495,000, paid no Fed­ He stated that the Nixon administra­ Waiting upon Thee in spirit and in eral income taxes. tion "is making a mockery" of congres­ truth may we receive wisdom to make Twelve individuals, who had adjusted sional efforts to deal with the energy wise decisions, courage to carry our re­ gross incomes of between half a million crisis. sponsibilities with honor and love to and a million dollars in tax year 1971, had TOM LUKEN asked the voters of Cin­ motivate us in all our endeavors. returns which were not taxable. These cinnati if they were "tired of spending Bless our Nation with Thy loving favor 12 people had a total adjusted gross in­ 85 cents for a half gallon of milk" and and our leaders with Thy gracious spirit, come of $8,582,000. If this kind of income "alarmed about sending their kids to together may we be channels for Justice can go untaxed-who should be paying school in the dark," to turn things around and peace and good will in our world. taxes? and send a Democrat to Washington. With the spirit of Christ we pray. The extent of tax abuse through the Mr. Speaker, I think this is a clear Amen. use of tax loopholes extends through the message to our friends on the other side· broad spectrum of the high income tax that we need a veto-proof Congress. brackets. Maybe they will help. THE JOURNAL I also want to point out, Mr. Speaker, that there are thousands and thousands The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ of wealthy taxpayers who have income amined the Journal of the last day's pro­ which is not included in adjusted gross NEW PROGRAMS FOR DEFENSE ceedings and announces to the House his income-such as interest from tax-free CMr. BINGHAM asked and was given approval thereof. State and local bonds. These individuals Without objection, the Journal stands permission to address the House for 1 can be millionaires, pay absolutely no minute, and to revise and extend his approved. Federal tax, and yet this fact will not There was no objection. remarks.> show up in the ms statistics. Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, some of Mr. Speaker, tax reform and tax jus­ us in this body have urged in the past tice must be one of the top priorities of that the Defense Department should MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE this Congress. abandon the idea of constructing huge A message from the Senate by Mr. and very vulnerable nuclear aircraft Arrington, one of its clerks, announced carriers and concentrate, instead, on that the Senate had passed with an DEMOCRATIC VICTORY IN OHIO more numerous and less expensive ships amendment, in which the concurrence of in order to protect the sea lanes. the House is requested, a bill of the House <Mr. HAYS asked and was given per­ According to press reports, the Secre­ of the following title: mission to address the House for 1 minute tary of Defense has now expressed very H.R. 2. An act to provide for pension reform. and to revise and extend his remarks.) much that idea, at least so far as future Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday the construction is concerned. This is most The message also announced that the citizens of Cincinnati and Hamilton Teassuring. Senate insists upon its amendments to County rejected a Republican congres­ It would be wonderful if the Secretary the bill <H.R. 2) entitled "An act to sional candidate and a Republican of Defense would ·be equally realistic in provide for pension reform,'' requests a administration and elected a Democrat, recognizing that land-based interconti­ conference with the House on the dis­ ToM LUKEN, in the First Congressional nental missiles are doomed to become agreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, District of Ohio by a. vote of 55,171 to obsolete in a few years, whether it be 5 and appoints Mr. LONG, Mr. WILLIAMS, 51,057-52 percent to 48 percent. or 10 or 15 years. This is so because im­ Mr. RANDOLPH, Mr. NELSON, Mr. BENTSEN, The First Congressional District of provements in offensive missile technol­ Mr. JAVITS, Mr. SCHWEIKER, Mr. BENNETT, Ohio is Republican territory. In this cen­ ogy will make the land-based ICBM's and Mr. CURTIS to be the conferees on tury, there have been three single-term increasingly vulnerable to attack. the part of the Senate. Democratic Members from the First; In contrast to his practical approach The message also announced that the their Representatives for the other 68 to the carrier problem, Dr. Schlesinger Senate insists upon its amendments to years have been Republicans. In 1966, seems to be preoccupied, not with de­ the bill <H.R. 7824) entitled "An act to the people sent ROBERT TAFT, JR.. to creasing our reliance on land-based mis­ establish a Legal Services Oorporation, Washington and returned him in 1968 siles, but on improving their offensive and for other purposes," requests a con­ With 67 percent of the vote. In 1970, accuracy. This approach is bound to ference with the House on the disagree­ William Keating became their Congress­ arouse dangerous anxiety in the Soviet ing votes of the two Houses thereon, and man with 68 percent of the vote and Union that the United States is attempt­ appoints Mr. NELSON, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. wa-s- returned in 1972 with 70 percent of ing to build a first-strike capability. And MONDALE, Mr. CRANSTON, Mr. HUj;HES, Mr. the vote. it will do so at great expense which in a RANDOLPH, Mr. HATHAWAY, Mr. TAFT, Mr. Presidential elections demonstrate the few years will be entirely wasted. JAVITS, Mr. SCHWEIKER, Mr. DOMINICK, solidity of Cincinnati~s Republicanism. and Mr. BEALL to be the conferees on the Cincinnati was the only major city in the part of the Senate. country never to vote for Franklin Delano Roosevelt in any one of his four MAJORITY WHIP JOHN J. McFALL campaigns for the White House. How­ SAYS OHIO ELECTION EXPRESSES WEALTHY AMERICANS PAY NO FED­ ever, in each of Richard Nixon's national NATION'S LACK OF CONFIDENCE ERAL INCOME TAX campaigns the citizens of the First Con- IN NIXON ADMINISTRATION <Mr. v ANIK asked and was given per­ gressional District have supported him. <Mr. McFALL asked and was given mission to address the House for 1 min­ In 1960, his vote was 54.5 percent; 48 per- permission to address the House for 1 cxx:--S42-Part 4 5432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 6, 1974 minute and to revise and extend his re­ Clearly, the attempt to control infla­ the efforts of our congressional or na­ marks.) tion by fiat has resulted in a simple delay tional campaign committees. Mr. McFALL. Mr. Speaker, the trail of in the increases which would have oc­ I again emphasize the special election special elections across the country has curred. Inflationary pressures have not nature of this race and the ones in Mich­ become a referendum through which the been eliminated by these regulations. igan and Pennsylvania, for that matter. people are expressing their lack of con­ Their effect has only been postponed. In the fall these races may very well be fidence in the Nixon administration. And the longer they are postponed, the reruns, but in any event they will all be The triumph yesterday of THOMAS worse they are going to be. considered as new ball games so far as LUKEN in the heart of Taft country, the We Americans must restore our con­ we are concerned. We are not about to area that the gentleman from Ohio <Mr. fidence in the free marketplace. The mar­ throw in the towel yet, and I believe with HAYS) just spoke about, makes three out ketplace w1l1 deal with the high costs. a few more solid base hits and better of four victories for Democratic candi­ The marketplace will deal with shortages. pitching this fall we can ret.ake these dates in Republican strongholds. It is High prices, which naturally come with three seats. only the third time this century that the goods in short supply will always result I will make one further observation Cincinnati seat has been held by a Dem­ in one of two things or both.
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