University of San Diego Digital USD Baseball (Men) University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides Spring 1999 University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide 1999 University of San Diego Athletics Department Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.sandiego.edu/amg-baseball Digital USD Citation University of San Diego Athletics Department, "University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide 1999" (1999). Baseball (Men). 16. https://digital.sandiego.edu/amg-baseball/16 This Catalog is brought to you for free and open access by the University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides at Digital USD. It has been accepted for inclusion in Baseball (Men) by an authorized administrator of Digital USD. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UNIVERSITY OF BASEBALL 1999 MEDIA GUIDE Discover the University of San Diego Setting Th e University of San Diego is an independent Ca th o lic institution of higher educa tion . Founded in 1949, U SO is located on 1 80 acres over­ looking Miss ion Bay, San Diego Harbor and th e Pac ific Ocean. T he ca m­ pus is named Al ca al a Park nd is located just 10 minutes from downtown San Diego and th e w orld fa mous Sa n Diego Zoo. Histo ri c Old Town is just minutes aw ay as well. Th e c ity o f Sa n Diego along w ith thi s ca mpus traces their origins to fiftee nth centu ry Spa in . Th e ca mpus was named after a Spanish vi ll age near Madrid - A lca la de Henares. Founded by th e Greeks as Complutum, the vi llage was later re named Al Ka la (th e Castle) by the Moslems. Chris­ ti ans recaptu red the village centuries later and fou nded a un iversity, the U nivers ity of Alca la, w hose buildings beca me t he i nspiration for US D 's style. Both institutions are located on a hill overlooki ng a river va lley. The Campus The US O cam pus is rega rd ed as one of the most architecturally unique insti­ tutions in th e country, fea turing 18 major buildi ngs des igned in an orn amenta l 16th century Spanish Renaissa nce style. Since 1984, USO has completed 11 major constructi on and expa nsion projects. A five-story, Spa nish Renaissa nce pa rking ga rage (1, 100 spaces) was completed in 1998. A landscaped fo untain plaza was fi nished in the fa ll of 1995, con necting th e entra nces of the lmmacul ata and Hughes Ad ministration Center. In 1992, the unive rsity completed the 45,000 square foot Loma Hall, which i ncludes an ex­ pa nded bookstore, a larger ma il center, classrooms and laboratori es. In 1990, the renovated Katherine M . and George M . Pard ee Jr. Lega l Resea rch Ce nter opened, a faci lity th at offers the latest in information technology. Academics USO enro ll s more th an 6,600 stu dents w ho have a c hoice of more t han 50 undergraduate a nd grad uate degree programs. Th e university 's academic uni ts include th e Co llege of Arts and Sciences, and the Schools of Bu siness Ad ministra­ ti on, Edu ca tion, Law and Nursing. Cl ass size ge nerall y averages between 1 8-25 students with th e student to teacher ratio bei ng 18: 1. Over 97 perce nt of U SD 's full-time fa culty ho ld doctorates . In the annual ratings of the country's colleges and un iversiti es, published by U. S. News & World Report, USO moved from th e regional to nati onal ca tegory i n 1994. Th e university is ranked among the top 100 schools in the nation. Student Life DID YOU KNOW Stu dent activities include cultural events, dances, boat cruises, beach parties, BBQ's, concerts, comedy nights, symposia and much more. Students parti cipate in a wide • The University of San Diego was range of volunteer projects such as adult li tera cy t utoring, senior citizen outreach, selected \ by the John Templeton and house building in Tijuana. Th e intramu ral program i s also an integral p art of student life o n ca mpus Foundatiori for its 1997-98 Honor Roi I w ith over two-thirds of the USO community parta king in intramural sports. of Character-Building Colleges. The honor rol l recogni zes 1.LS four year Athletics accredited undergraduate institutions Th e University of San Diego is a member of the West Coast Conference for nea rly that emphasize character bui lding an all sports and competes in 16 intercollegiate sports on the NCAA Division I leve l. integral part of the college experience. Women's sports include: basketball, crew, cross country, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis and Foundation officials made special vol leyball. M en's sports include: baseball, basketball, crew, cross coun­ try, golf, football, soccer and tennis. S mention of USD 's "Ethics Across the ince 1990 USO tea ms have won five confer­ ence cham pionships; made 19 post-season appea rances Curricu lum," a campus-wide initiative ; had 16 Conference Coaches of the Yea r; 12 Conference Pl ayers of th e Year, 10 Conference Freshman of funded with a two-year, S138,000 grant the Year, three WCC Scholar Athletes of th e Yea r and 18 NCAA A ll-Ameri ca ns. This past year, from the E.L. Wiegand Foundation. USO Zuzana Lesenarova, a sophomore on the women's tennis team, ea rn ed her second­ is one of eight Ca lifornia colleges and straight NCAA Al l-American honor after advancing to the semifinals of the 1998 universities named to the honor roll. NCAA Individual Championships -- she finished with a national ranking of ninth . Un! ~ ify ~ ::::_. f .{, •• , J ~ I 1 I USD General USD Athletic Information Administration School Name President Uni versity of San Diego Ali ce B. Hayes Location NCAA Facu lty Rep. Mitch Malachowski 5998 Alcala Park, Athletic Director San Diego, CA Tom Iannacone 92 11 0-2492 Associate Ath letic Director Year Founded Dan Yourg 1949 Assistan t Athletic Director/SWA Wendy Guthrie Enrollment Director of Athletic Development 6,600 Brian Fogarty Conference Director of Athletic Promotions/Mrktg. West Coast Confe rence Renee Wiebe Affiliation Directo r of Facilities John Martin NCAA Division I Di rector of lntramu rals/Recrea tion USD Sports Gary Becker Head Athletic Trainer Information Carolyn Greer, M.A., A. T. , C. Sports Information Director Assistant Tra in ers Suzi Higgins, Steve Grech San Diego Baseball Media Out/ets - Ted Gosen Sports Information Director Assistant SIDI Ted Gosen co11 egiate Baseball Baseball Weekly Daily Cali fo rnian P.O. Box 50566 1000 Wilson Blvd., P.O. Drawer 1565 Baseball Contact Assistant SID/Baseball Contact Tucson, AZ 85703 21st Floor El Cajon, CA 92020 Ryan McCrary Ryan McCrary (520) 623-4530 Arlington, VA 22229 (6 I 9) 442-4408 Office Phone Fax: (520) 624-550 I (703) 276-3400 Fax: (6 19) 447-6165 Baseball America Fax: (703) 276-6438 USA Today (6 19) 260-4745 Baseball 600 S. Duke St. Associated Press 10877 Wilshire #406 Fax P.O. Box 2089 P.O. Box 19 1 Los Angeles, CA 90024 (619) 292-0388 Information Durham, NC 27702 San Diego, CA 92 112 (3 I 0) 443-8900 Press Box Head Coach (919) 682-9635 LA: (213) 626-1200 Fax: (3 10) 443-8923 Rich Hill Fax: (9 I 9) 682-2880 Fax: (2 I 3) 346-0200 (6 19) 260-4600 ext. 2055 (First Season - Cal Lutheran, 1984) San Diego Union-Tribune Los Angeles Tim es Torero Hotline Assistant Coa ches P.O. Box 19 1 Times Mirror Square (6 19) 260-2323 Chris Cannizzaro San Diego, CA 92112 Los Angeles, CA 90053 Rick Hirtensteiner (6 I 9) 293-1343 LA: (800) 528-4637, 77 145 Sean Kenny Fax: (6 I 9) 293-2443 Fax: (2 I 3) 237-7876 Administrative Assistants North Coun ty Times Orange County Register Kevin Hughes, Christina Peacock P.O. Box 90 625 N. Grand Ave. Baseball Phone Oceanside, CA 92054 Santa Ana, CA 927 11 (6 19) 260-5953 (800) 200-1 60 I (71 4) 953-7805 Fax: (760) 740-5045 Fax: (7 14) 565-6765 Table of Contents San Diego Baseball Quick Facts 1999 Preview 2-3 1998 Record: 29-30 Baseball Phone Pressbox Phone USD Coaching Staff 4-5 West Coast Conference Record: 18-1 2 (T-3rd) (6 19) 260-5953 (6 19) 260-4600 ext. 2055 1999 Torero Roster 6 Home: 17-11 Away: 11-1 9 Neutral: 1-0 Returning Player Bios 7-12 Colors: Columbia blue, navy and white Newcomer Bios 12-14 Head Coach: Rich Hill (First Season) Home Field: Cunningham Stadium 1998 Final Statistics 15- 16 Cal Lutheran, 1984 Capacity: 1,200 West Coast Con ferrence 17 Career Record: 333-220 (1 1 years) Surface: Natural Grass USD Honor Roll 18 Assistant Coaches: Admin. Asst. Field Dimensions: Torero Record Book 19-2 1 Chris Cannizzaro Kevin Hughes USD Statistical Leaders 22-23 LF - 309; CF - 395; RF - 329 USD Director of A thletics 24 Rick Hirtensteiner Christina Peacock Lettermen Returning/Lost: 19/6 USD A thletics D irectory 25-26 Sean Kenny Starters Returning/Lost: 8/4 USD Academic Support 27 USO Baseball Supporters 28 Team Photo ID - Back Cover: Back Row (1-r): Ass t. Coach Rick Acknowledgements Hirtensteiner, Asst Coach Sean Kenn y, Marty Hayes, Kevin Gray, 1999 San Diego Baseball Media Guide Dominic Repetti, Dan Giese, Juan Garcia, Brian Bealer, Sean Skinner, Chris Liosi, Ryan Hamilton, Aaron Healy, Ass t.
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