NYC Non-Profits and Volunteer Opportunities Volunteering for a non-profit organization can be a great way to build up a resume. The work is rewarding, often requires no long-term time commitment and the hiring process is often not as competitive as it is in a for-profit company. Non-profit work eventually pays for itself. After a few months or years of volunteer work, job applicants can truthfully say they „have experience.‟ To an employer, non-profit work also means that an applicant has a heart. There is a non-profit organization out there for virtually every interest. Someone who likes art can volunteer at the local art museum. Someone who likes reading can volunteer at a library. Most cities have hundreds of non-profit groups, so it would be virtually impossible to research each one. New York is a city that contains not only its own local charitable organizations, but also the headquarters for many national groups. What follows is a list of charitable organizations in New York, divided into focus areas. Choose an area that looks particularly interesting, and research the non-profit groups within it. Animals Animal-focused non-profits are often no-kill animal shelters or breed-specific rescue societies. Some animal non- profits introduce pets to disadvantaged groups, such as low-income children, disabled persons or the elderly. Animal Rights International: http://www.ari-online.org Bideawee, for the Love of Pets: http://www.bideawee.org City Critters, Inc.: http://www.citycritters.org The Humane Society of New York: http://www.humanesocietyny.org KittyKind: http://www.kittykind.org Love and Hope Animal Sanctuary: http://www.loveandhopeforanimals.org Mayor‟s Alliance for NYC‟s Animals: http://www.animalalliancenyc.org New York Animal Care and Control: http://www.nycacc.org The Priceless Parrot Preserve: http://www.pricelessparrot.org Project Whoopee Humane Society: http://www.aneh.org Rabbit Rescue and Rehab: http://rabbitcare.org SAVE Animal Rescue: http://www.saveanimalrescue.org Arts Opportunities in fine and performing arts organizations range from giving tours at an art museum to performing with a dance troupe. Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation: http://www.gottliebfoundation.org Afghan Communicator: http://www.afghancommunicator.com The Alliance for the Arts: http://www.nyc-arts.org Alliance for Young Artists and Writers: http://www.artandwriting.org Alpha Omega Theatrical Dance Company: http://alphaomegadance.org ACMP – The Chamber Music Network: http://www.acmp.net/index.php The American Jewish Committee: http://www.ajc.org American Indian Artists, Inc. (AMERINDIA): http://www.amerinda.org/ The American National Theatre: http://www.americannationaltheatre.org The American Watercolor Society: http://www.americanwatercolorsociety.org Amuse, Inc.: http://www.amusesingers.org Annabella Gonzalez Dance Theater: http://www.agdt.org Art for Change: http://www.artforchange.org Artists Alliance, Inc.: http://www.aai-nyc.org ArtsConnection: http://www.artsconnection.org Arts in Action Visual Arts Program, Inc.: http://www.artsinactionvap.org/ Asian American Arts Alliance: http://www.aaartsalliance.org Cave Canem: http://www.cavecanempoets.org Creative Arts Workshops for Kids: http://www.caw4kids.org Dancing Classrooms: http://www.dancingclassrooms.com The Early Stages Program, Inc.: http://www.earlystages.org EarSay: http://www.earsay.org A Gathering of the Tribes: http://www.tribes.org Ghetto Film School: http://www.ghettofilm.org Harlem Arts Alliance: http://www.harlemaa.org Harlem Stage: http://www.harlemstage.org Islip Arts Council: http://www.islipartscouncil.org Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning: http://www.jcal.org Joy In Singing: http://www.joyinsinging.org Kentler International Drawing Space: http://www.kentlergallery.org Lower Manhattan Cultural Council: http://www.lmcc.net The Metropolitan Museum of Art: http://www.metmuseum.org The Morgan Library and Museum: http://www.themorgan.org The Municipal Art Society of New York: http://www.mas.org The Museum of Arts and Design: http://www.madmuseum.org The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art: http://www.moccany.org The Museum of Modern Art: http://www.moma.org Only Make Believe: http://www.onlymakebelieve.org Queens Council on the Arts: http://www.queenscouncilarts.org Rx Art: http://www.rxart.net Thirteen/WNET: http://www.thirteen.org Children and Youth Services These organizations focus on families, offering services like counseling for children and parents, foster care placement and youth activities in New York. Amazing Grace CIRCUS!, Inc.: http://www.amazinggracecircus.org American Youth Table Tennis Organization: http://www.aytto.com Bed Stuy‟s Project Regeneration, Inc.: http://www.pr-g.org Big Brothers Big Sisters: http://www.bbbs.org Boy Scouts of America, Greater New York Councils: http://www.bsa-gnyc.org Boys and Girls Clubs of America: http://www.bgca.org Center for Family Life in Sunset Park: http://www.cflsp.org Child Abuse Prevention Program: http://www.childabusepreventionprogram.org Child Abuse Prevention Services: http://www.capsli.org Child Care Council of Suffolk, Inc.: http://www.childcaresuffolk.org Child Welfare Organizing Project: http://www.cwop.org Children‟s Aid Society: http://www.childrensaidsociety.org Coalition Against Child Abuse and Neglect: http://www.ccanli.org Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies: http://www.cofcca.org Episcopal Social Services of New York: http://www.essnyc.org Family Focus Adoption Services: http://www.familyfocusadoption.org Friends of the Children, New York: http://www.friendsofthechildrenny.org The Girl Scout Council of Greater New York: http://www.girlscoutsnyc.com Girls Incorporated of Westchester County: http://www.girlsincwestchester.org Girls Quest: http://www.girlsquest.org Good Shepherd Services: http://www.goodshepherds.org Hour Children: http://www.hourchildren.org Inwood House: http://www.inwoodhouse.com Island Kids, Inc.: http://www.islandkids.org Kids Unique: http://www.kidsunique.org Madison Square Boys and Girls Club, Inc.: http://www.madisonsquare.org MVP Basketball Day Camp: http://www.mvpbasketballcamp.org National Association of Mothers‟ Centers: http://www.motherscenter.org New Yorkers for Children: http://www.newyorkersforchildren.org Orphans International: http://www.oiww.org Ronald McDonald House of Long Island: http://www.rmhlongisland.org Single Parent Resource Center: http://www.singleparentusa.com Trail Blazers: http://www.trailblazers.org Urban Youth Alliance International: http://www.uyai.org Westchester Children‟s Association: http://www.wca4kids.org Community Development These non-profit groups tend to zero in on specific neighborhoods or populations. Many of these groups began decades ago as settlement houses for immigrants, but today their services are much broader. Often based in low- income housing areas, they offer a variety of services such as health care and tutoring. Abyssinian Development Corporation: http://www.adcorp.org The Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development: http://www.anhd.org The Audre Lorde Project: http://www.alp.org Big Apple Greeter Program: http://www.bigapplegreeter.org Citizens Committee for New York City: http://www.citizensnyc.org/ Community Service Society of New York (CSS): http://www.cssny.org Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation: http://cypresshills.org Diaspora Community Services: http://www.diasporacs.org Fort Greene Strategic Neighborhood Action Plan (SNAP): http://www.fortgreenesnap.org The Franciscan Community Center: http://www.fccnyc.org HOPE Community, Inc.: http://www.hopeci.org Jewish Community Relations Council of New York: http://www.jcrcny.org The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: http://www.gaycenter.org Make the Road New York: http://www.maketheroad.org Metropolitan Council on Housing: http://www.metcouncil.net National Organization for Women (NOW): http://www.nownyc.org New York Civic Participation Project (La Fuente): http://www.nycpp.org Neighbors Helping Neighbors: http://www.nhnhome.org Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation: http://www.nmic.org NYC Pride: http://www.nycpride.org Queens Community House: http://www.queenscommunityhouse.org Queens Congregations United for Action: http://www.qcuapico.org The Parodneck Foundation: http://www.parodneckfoundation.org Pathways to Housing: http://www.pathwaystohousing.org Third Wave Foundation: http://www.thirdwave.org/ United Neighborhood Houses: http://www.unhny.org Cultures and Ethnicities New York is a hodgepodge of world cultures and ethnicities. Many non-profits in the area focus on particular populations in the city, such as Chinese-Americans or Southeast Asians. Other non-profits funnel aid to particular countries or populations, such as refugees. The Abraham Fund Initiatives: http://www.abrahamfund.org Adhikaar for Human Rights: http://www.adhikaar.org African Leadership Foundation: http://www.africanleadershipfoundation.org African Services Committee: http://www.africanservices.org Afro Brazil Arts: http://www.afrobrazilarts.org The American Academy in Berlin: http://www.americanacademy.de The American Academy in Rome: http://www.aarome.org The American Farm School, US Office: http://www.americanfarmschool.org The American Friends of the Georgian Group: http://www.americangeorgians.org The American Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel: http://www.aspni.org Americans for UNFPA: http://www.americansforunfpa.org The American-Scandinavian Foundation: http://www.amscan.org Amnesty International USA: http://www.amnestyusa.org
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