A Hamilton College Student Publication, Clinton, NY February 12, 2009 Volume XLIX Number 15 THE SPECTATOR Afternoon Delight Receives Funding by Scott Bixby ’11 they were possibly breaking the NEWS EDITOR code for student publications set forth by the Media Board. “They In a move that changes the have a lot of rules, and appar- landscape of Hamilton’s student- ently we broke most of them,” led publications, the Media Board said Smith. They then crafted a has authorized funding for the hu- presentation for the Media Board mor handbill Afternoon Delight. in an attempt to secure funding Originally started as a guerilla for the publication. humor sheet by Jeff Escalante The original proposal, how- ’11, Andrew Portuguese ’11, and ever, left some serious questions Chris Smith ’11, last semester in the minds of the Media Board Afternoon Delight was banned leadership. “At the first meeting, by the Media Board from using they got railed with questions Burke Library paper to print is- about why they needed their sues. The publication’s creators own publication,” said Lauren then decided to pursue funding Moon ’10, member-at-large of from the Media Board so they the Media Board. “Their answers PHOTO BY REBECCA FORNABY ’10 could continue publishing. didn’t really satisfy the board, so “We needed to be on the we denied them funding.” The The “African Masks and Masquerade Exhibit” is taking place this month in Emerson Gallery. board, and we needed approval,” scatological humor used in previ- said Portuguese. “Originally, Jeff ous issues of Afternoon Delight showed us this layout he had, and also stood in the way of funding. Black History Month Honored in one night we wrote four or five “The reason why the Media Board completely ridiculous things. We had to catch up with them was to put it out in Commons and just tell them that they couldn’t print with Array of Campus Events kept going. We did it a few times whatever they wanted.” and people started to tell us they Afternoon Delight’s found- liked it, so we kept it up. Tan- ers, however, did not take their by Kerry Q. Coughlin ’11 tino Student Union (BLSU) work by Kenya-born artist Ingrid- gential ideas just keep popping initial rejection to heart. “We put NEWS WRITER to bring a number of events to MwangiRobertHutter), and The out.” together this proposal, we campus to educate and shed light Art of Transformation (African However, the trio quit pub- In 1926, African American on different aspects of black his- Masks from the collection of the lishing after they were told that see Publication, page 2 scholar Dr. Carter G. Woodson tory. “BLSU decided to organize Longyear Museum of Anthro- had a vision of a celebration of various social events that would pology at Colgate University). Black History. This celebration capture Black History in differ- In addition, every Thursday at would ensure that the contri- ent ways,” said Hannah Roth noon there will be a talk in the butions of minorities were not ’11, social chair and secretary of Emerson Gallery about the ex- overlooked and raise awareness BLSU. hibits. Susanna White, associate about the important roles that An ongoing event throughout director and curator of Emerson blacks have played throughout the month is the “African Masks Gallery, will be giving a talk on the history of our country. Over and Masquerade Exhibition” tak- Thursday, Feb. 12. 90 years later, this celebration ing place in the Emerson Gallery. The following Thursday, has expanded into Black History This exhibition is composed of Visiting Associate Professor of Month. three exhibits: West African Mas- Religious Studies S. Brent During February, organiza- querade (photographs by Phyllis tions such as the Black and La- Galembo), Masked (two videos see History, page 2 RecycleMania Reduces Refuse and increase recycling on col- across campus. The pledge in- lege campuses across the nation. cludes promises to recycle paper Hamilton’s effort is being led by wastes appropriately, to limit the the Recycling Task Force, a group use of excess paper, and to print of students dedicated to reducing double-sided when possible. Par- waste and supporting green initia- ticipating members have the large tives on the Hill. They are advised waste containers at their worksta- WWW.RECYCLEMANIA.ORG by Terry Hawkridge, assistant di- tions replaced with much smaller by Elijah LaChance ’10 rector of grounds, horticulture and ones in an effort to become con- SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY EDITOR arboretum for Physical Plant. scious of waste. This year, Hawkridge says Faculty, administrators and For the fifth consecutive year, Hamilton’s efforts will be par- staff from Siuda House, Spencer Hamilton is taking part in Recy- ticularly focused on reducing the House, the Career and Develop- PHOTO BY CHRIS EATon ’11 cleMania, a friendly competition waste of white paper. To that end, ment Center, Buttrick Hall, the between colleges and universi- the Task Force has circulated a The skating rink officially opened Wednesday under ties in an effort to decrease waste Green Office Pledge in buildings see RecycleMania, page 16 weather conditions of 50 degrees and rain. See Rink, page 2. Will Love Potions Become More Than a Fairy-tale? Page 18 Anti-Heteronormative Slur, or Rocky Horror Between the Sheets Populist Free Love Message: Page 9 The Mystery of the Sidewalk chalk Page 4 February 12, 2009 Page 1 NEWS THE SPECTATOR Hamilton Presents Hill Card to Town by Rebekah Mintzer ’09 Concerns that the merchants SENIOR EDITOR might have include the cost of installing the system versus its This week Hamilton College benefits, and the difficulty of card continued efforts to take the Hill compatibility when students want Card down the Hill and into lo- to use it to pay for food deliver- cal stores. Representatives pre- ies. Hamilton will be putting the LOGO COURTESY AFTERNOON DELIGHT sented the concept along with the decision about whether to adopt results of the campus-wide Hill the Hill Card in the hands of the Card survey to the Board of Di- individual business owners, as rectors of the Clinton Chamber they will have to pay for install- New Publication on Campus of Commerce. ing the system. According to the organi- “There is a cost associated from Publication, page 1 publication we can think of that vincing the Board: minus two zation’s web site, “The Clinton with participating in the pro- have resubmitted after being de- abstentions, the 22 member Me- Chamber of Commerce is orga- gram, so merchants will have to nied funding.” dia Board voted unanimously to nized for the purpose of advanc- do their own cost-benefit analy- figured out exactly what we were According to Media Board allocate $208 toward the print- ing the retail, commercial, indus- sis. We simply want to make the doing,” said Portuguese. For two Chair Eric Kuhn ’09, “What ing of two issues of Afternoon trial, and civic interest of Clinton option available to them,” said weeks, they worked on revamp- changed the board members’ Delight every week, beginning and its surrounding area.” The Debraggio. ing their initial proposal, and minds was not only that we saw the first week of March. Board of Directors meets once a The option of participating in met with nearly every member an extreme level of dedication The format of the publication month. the Hill Card off-campus program of the Media Board individually from Andrew, Jeff and Chris, is unlike anything else on cam- “The purpose of Wednes- will be available to all Clinton in an attempt to secure funding. but that their publication would pus, says Smith.“We’re going to day’s presentation is to familiar- Chamber of Commerce busi- “They contacted us all, and met be of value to Hamilton students, have a much more strict system. ize merchants with the program, nesses and also to non-Chamber with nearly all of us. I was re- and be unique on the tables of We’re going to thoroughly edit gauge their interest and answer businesses that students indicated ally impressed with how much Commons.” the pieces. Even if what we’re their questions,” said Michael in the survey that they were in- they revamped their proposal,” The publication was nearly writing isn’t serious, the system Debraggio, executive director of terested in. Target, for example is said Moon. “They were the only universally successful at con- for copyediting them will be.” communications. “It is primarily outside of Clinton and not a par- an informational meeting similar ticipant in the Chamber of Com- to the one that was held on cam- merce, but will have the option pus with Student Assembly last of installing Hill Card readers as Black History Month Preview month.” well. from History, page 1 including the film event, are about Black inventors, achievers, open to all Hamilton community pioneers and scientists.” Skating Rink Opens Rodriquez Plate will be giving a members. BLSU and The Brothers by Kate Moore ’12 the ice rink remains uncertain for lecture on “Carnivals and Mas- On Monday, Feb. 16, BLSU are having a Poetry Slam night NEWS WRITER this season. Even if the rink suc- querades: Identities and Hidden will be holding an African Beats on Tuesday, Feb. 24 in Opus 1. cessfully refreezes soon, spring Identities in Ritual Masks”. And performance and workshop in “We are inviting kids from the The outdoor skating rink has will inevitably come, melting the on February 26th, Hamilton stu- the Events Barn. In addition to Underground Café to come and finally been opened just in time ice, and the rink will no longer dent Ilana Carlin ’09 will be pre- the performance, a drummer and participate as well, as we are rais- for the unseasonably warm tem- be useable.
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