Khamber Ba< M for Righ 20,000"H Ybank^:: T Bus Drivers' S

Khamber Ba< M for Righ 20,000"H Ybank^:: T Bus Drivers' S

llm '> f i n s - I. jftfljg Traffic Dcsattieath ----------------------------------------------- . ^Scorcboard irtiea et ♦ _________________________ ______ F -INAL I l s j___ ^___ m 3 {orI*“ UI t » M#glc V*Uey. 1D55» _ 50 ^ ^ M-Z if- EDHITIQN ' :{|| Mwlc-V»lley.lMB„&B „ 34 « J ____ U7 _____534 ' ' j p A t x i — I A Heffjonal>nal ?N ew spaper S en-ing Nine Irrisatcd Idaho Counties r, N O VEM Bi:u r?(i. lar.r, VOL. 38,' N 0 r2 2 ^ ~ ____________ T\Vt w I^i n K.\LLS, IDAHO, FRIDAY, Nl n!l''tr«llri'l-‘cw»'*"' _________________I■pRliaS' 6 CENtS~7 'j f e I S S e J a2 0 ,0 0 0 " Holdh Gemn State TSiJ u s p e e FH l e l d a ss H o d j H' o f l|'' Potato Sta;:andard, i L o o t e dI F r o m ^Producers rs Urged B r u t a l l yl y S l a i n W o m a, i n I s i . (5e* Tirot«7Tat»“SfTtr Sfifol ^ ^— Di'an Probcrt, Boise, field nmnn for tho Idaho A dvcrtisinj “ V a l l e yy B a n k ^ ::‘•onimission. Fridny urRcd thnl prosi'iiri-si'iii nuality standards on P o u n di l ^ n H ot t e l a t Br i u r le y - i Itlnho Potnloc.'^ be m n in tain cd . addiitj;ddiitj: that (lunlity, site and HAZELTON, Nov. 30-Policcice nnnd spccial iiKcrits fn>m th c pyervc appeal,;i not money, arc thc nuijorjijor (faciors for the industry BURLU R L E Y , N'ov. no— A man who ndnndmits he is Earl Bonn nnd whoho ssaya he was in Hurley Thur.sdiir.sday, is beiujr held in 'IM r^.ifii-nl bureau of in%cstifjationion tarc probing thc theft of u 1(1ld Probcrt spoke nt theic I'riI'riiiay mornintr directors the TooeTooele. Olah. county jail in conncctilection wiih the slnbbing nnd chokiilOkinK o f Mr.s. Pearl A crts, 5:i.. nln l the Pine hotel hero |)j w().ton 5nfe. cont*ininjr $20,000),000. from the Hnzelton Stnle,mectimcctinjr of thc Idnho Pointo PfOiliui■o»ltu'cr.< n s s o c in tio n , I n c ., a t T h u r.idrsdny n , afU rn o o n . Her Inuly. punctu]c tu re d w ith 16 sla b w ounds, wns fifound in her hold aiiartnicnl:il bby n mnn who police N mnk some time ftfter rnidnlfrhtfrht Thunsd.iy. 'Hir heavy .s.ifc|JhcIhc RoftcvxonI hotel. Members off Ihn hlaiio-Eastern Orcjron snid w»rtwn.s bcr cimtmon law luislmnd. .IncJnc ViKil, nnd Mr. nnd M rs.Hnrveyrvey Thnyer, reaideiiLs of Ihe hold,Jlcl. shortly nftcr 7 p.m. frri vns rolled nut the bnck door)r of thc bank ami apiinrently | PututI’oluto committee went on returdird biprb in the moniinfT at She had been fhoked sn s n r r oly th e‘ ltohone.’' in her thronl were broken.on. SSince findhip her botly. policeit;c have1 been nenrchinj: 't^i oadcd on ft trmlcr nnd hau^d -----------------------------------------------th elie I’ai Park hold as fnvorinjr the ——— for a mn ana n by th e nnmo of E a rl (ii| claininjr of present size A re- who had been staying at m o'S^on°thc'?nfc"hnd been net J uircmcnls on Inrge quantity Refugees CrossSS Border Into AnAustria )tcl for a few dnys. : t Bus Drivers’i’strike S jShipinonts of stnte potatoes, ^ ■Die UnitUnited PreM reporu Boon ■ I*! 0 open thc safe nt 9 a.m. Fn- — ......................wns nrrcRlet•ented by u u h slnle iiollce ns : ul ri’i-ommcnacd peti- J . he wiilkcitIkeit nlong Uic Itlgliway In ‘ f-l TliVri of the « f » * « r e p o r ts iirniiiK'Hid i! e p h r I mc'n t'of ' ••------- ' .............. - » - GrRnUvllle.vlHe.-Ulnh,-Ulnh odlolftU-ro-------- jzzzEntersiSeSecjDndJJaxSiRricullure-for-n-hcnrinR-to -------------- - ------ ----------------- port the-mle-mnn-ihcy-nre-Troldlngrjor'— i l'ffB: t)VMtJs»t«il by Deputy S h trl» Oor- mend thc present order ;ind 1 Cftsala countycoun otflcluU is nn escapee , M l li„-N«al>ry-*niL.C!liaundeW^r.r. Twin Fails went into i(s iscL'oiidLOiid dnv without -sff>ps ,i ' » from anII OlOkhkhomn nienUt liistliu- Vf »Liuni cMhler »nKn>»nlcr—A-I'' Grcyhound-bHs-?crvice-Friduc-ji.H-dc.g j. u.H-dEivQra nloiiK th e S a lt L ak e ^'Vnalilo Jdaho urowers to cs- • 7 ^ ' ^ V' *'°n. Tlieyliey aUo reiwrt he hna In- ! jljj ,orti*n »'ho JlvM nearby laid eril-'■ City-Portljiiid,f,-, Ore., route conlinuci;tnucd their wnlkoul over rht;-Jlnbliili_jUXLcjiC-iLL_£C(luire_; - ^ jh '. ^ 1 ' lonncd UteUicni he served Ume In a. ■ Jljj l»U »he ihousht »he h«d heard » y. I, firing of H Porllnnd driver. Thc} l.istlust bus from Salt Lake City u'lit.s for i-onsumcr-sizc pack- , I I . ' e * j Motiiadum iprison on nn assault jU | r»il» in the b.nk »JUr mJdnlshi. J ir c e s: I- m i n -h ' * h e Mid » two-lone green automo.I. trrtra n s fe rre d pns.scnKcrs to n n o thher cr westboundv busline al 7 :<15 Dolli n\ceiiiiss preceded Uie o(fl- li MS!/ H p i lly aafter noon Tooele couniy IH I S l i e , h»ullni: a trailer wa5 parkedd pp.m. .r 'Thuraday. mnrkinj: an end[id to bus service here. V. L. dRiml npciiin:op, of ihe 3Hth annual ofdciftlss Mild Boen wns being taken - ID lie alley behind the bank k t UMiddleton, j Boise .^uiwintcndcnln l fo r N o rth w est G rryhouiid, mceiuisKClliiE of lUr Idnhn Grower Ship- before n moglstralema "to waive extra- ill d l t l o nll pproceedings," Meanwhile. U f l- l h f time TTie aulomeblle U K r waa said in Tw in Fftlls T hiirsdny nlipht ie h t thnt tho bus will be thc i>er»crs aMocintion. Inc,, here Plrday IHiSeen hetdlns lowarda Eden. ------- - ---------- ------alienioilifriiooii.' Slicrlff LcPngeLcF Lnyton. Police Chief. U d la st u n til driver.s in th e w e s t ------ - waj J m Sliciill Jamea B. Bum s w u called las Alnn Henry, tteiinrlm cni of a sri- Qeorea Wnrrell nnd ProsecuUng At- fW k S ^ iiazction (rom Jerome and apeclai»i (ic(dccidc to relurn to work. C /, ulture leprcscnlnlive. told poUto j|B B , : torney NormanNot Nielson were on ' yij ( B k J I atcnU trom Twin FalU were;* Bg y uses fro m th c \ stopped Savings, Loan s;i;£,ommlilee members tlm t Idaho will •ay to Tooele I© quesUon th e ; f f l hian luI connectioncon: with the tloylng. ; Rl BErmnioncd. -n« 1>'ln PalU police frunninK “ late W ednesday ^ ® ’ tac eellclble iw i tu pnrllcliiHle In ihe de- g S S X M PSepnmnent alio *ent a roan to ‘V J.I. Woodsonwc Creed. Twin PalU • •• niffht. (. laiiment's iiolnto diversion program M VS|IB p .Wnrclton lo aulat In letUng flflfer. nl{ Concern Case Z'Z(ir llie remninder of the growing pathoiogui3gUt who was ealled to .astU t P 'jS rln u *{ Uie banlt. *E ight buses are now housed In _ senson. Uie inveInvettlgaUon of the tlaylng. r> M OundcltlnKer catlmaUd the lafe,e. TTwin * Palls garages as a result ot the / Hr added (hnl Uiere hnd been B | | H rs. Aeru b'AS killed "In a sud* ' ;nzy." He sold Uie knife used ' T » iiic K ‘ wM-m'ounttd- -on -whceli.s. *ui*t*ike..«nd^approx]mntel:^ 13S pw Al’gument/ bet so!.’;.ome qucAtlon ns to wheiher the bPWH nlTM M H ivV l'lM frenzy.' h^BclKliud a ton and one-half or•r aensengera hnve been sent lo~ other ------- - UU<^m)ul[|_]>f_riunjlIlcd to remain H M H U m probablyly hht a d .a blade no more than He w ld th e tafe conUlnedd biubuslines lor transportation (rom Adi!Additlonnl arsum ent o n .a nrollbn ^*ree orDr threelh and one-half inches ’ “ h m . " ------------ ----------------lo-)olt«-Joln-three:other-8aving-nnd-loan — — ionglAndId atnboul A linir-lneh wide. Tills 1.1 the second Ume'ln recent‘I " Tlie7 AflSOcTaled Prera-Thursdny AawdAasoclaUons-alUiJdfthQ Savings nnd 11 > -, . -Or. CSreed~iild~MnirAerU-»pp>r» r i« ----- y ia B f itr * the HAzelton bank )uu beenn nnlf lfh t reporlcd Uwt W, W. Churchill. Lonn MsocJntlon will be Heard n r ’X—n U lT ijM fc H w f ■ I *1 '''■uwas bending over when at- i RtSobbcd. In 1934 the bank alao w&a^ compnny(o„ vice president In Seattle, i;30l;30 p.m. Thursday In Twin Palls fri’ocessing_of_ 3M , •m ere h-ss a dustpan under ^ S c U l up by armed robbers In a day*'• said tho drivers slopped work be- districtdlstrli court before Judge Hugh T 1 auo-trorthropmimrahe-wit------] B m s l u raid. One ot the would-be>e causecru tho company Jlred a driver tor aA. Bnker,Bn X U ng something from Uio floor ■ S m b tjc ra wa.i iliol and killed a* hele whw hat h e said waa (allure lo slop at Idaho’s Beets rbelr faeca tell a story, wllh a happy endliending at group o( refugtei tneve fromA renreToU-lom tlu n iary acrota ^'^<n thoIhe «was sUbbed, T he patholo- Atlorneys (or tlie assoclaUon and ^ aid seven of the 13 knl(e ^ H t c p p e d (rom tlie rear doot ot thele r&i!railroad erowlngs.

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