PLEASE NOTE The deadline for the next OSCAR issue of OSCAR is Ottawa South Community Association Review 15 April. APRIL 1988 Perley Hospital to relocate And the beat goes by ALAN WEATHERALL on. After long negotations, a site on Smyth Road has been by LESLIE chosen for the relocation of FARYNA the Perley Hospital. Con- struction of a $60-$70 mil- lion facility will begin in Apart from the usual panic the early 1990's. The new editors experience at about building will replace the the eleventh hour before aging Perley Hospital, parts publication, remarkably, my of which are close to 75 first issue of OSCAR has years old, and the Rideau gone without a hitch, so to Veterans Home. Funding will speak. I'm sure this coulc be provided by the Federal not have been possible with- and Provincial Governments. Veterans Home and is conveniently located close to the University of out the support, patience Ottawa's Health Science Centre, on Smyth Road. The new 450-bed facility, (for the eighteenth time to be situated on the Rideau II veterans. tric medicine on a first- Leslie, it works this way) Veterans Home property, will Allan Lumsden, President hand basis. and guidance of so many incorporate the Perley's 202 of the Perley Hospital said, State-of-the-art facili- people. I would like to take patients, the 142 residents "We welcome the opportunity ties are planned for the new this opportunity to express of the Veterans Home and 50 to extend our services to location in brighter, more my sincere gratitude to veterans presently at the the Rideau Veterans Home, spacious surroundings. Pa- Sandra Garland, OSCAR's past National Defence Medical and feel that the additional tients will have more pri- editor; Rosemary Fitzpat- Centre. There will also be responsibility of caring for vacy and it is expected the rick, OSCAR's General an additional 50 chronic- the veterans will make the facility will meet the ever Manager; Rick Sutherland, care beds, many to be made Perley an even greater cre- increasing needs of the el- OSCAR's Advertising Manager available to veterans now on dit to the community." derly in Ottawa-Carleton for and Roger Camm, OSCAR's a waiting list. The new hospital will be decades to come. Business Manager, to name a The Perley Hospital has located close to the Univer- No decisions have yet been few. been looking after patients sity of Ottawa Health Sci- made on what will be done The combination of these requiring long-term care for ence Centre, enabling med- with current buildings at people's time, explanations, over 90 years, including ical and nursing students to the Aylmer Avenue or Smyth humour, and obvious devotion many World I and World War obtain knowledge of geria- Road sites. to OSCAR will no doubt allow for the continuance of one of Ottawa's finest community newspapers. Having sat at the editor's chair for about one month now, I can only reiterate Sandra's plea for respect of the submission deadline. Al- though almost all articles made it in before the sacred 15th of March, I now fully understand the true depth of that plea! Without further ado, I look forward to the chal- lenges ahead and encourage all Ottawa South residents to continue contributing to OSCAR. The combination of MN6 your efforts and talents result in production of a paper that couldn't exist ON THE INSIDE without them. Onward Ho! Trustee Statement....4 OSWATCH 6 Alderman's Report.... 7 Spring Programmes.9-12 WINDSOR LAKE - You guessed it - rain once again for the Urban Naturalist....13 Winter Carnival held Sunday January 31st. No matter, fun Guides and Brownies.14 was had by all. Many participated in activities such as Puck WIGOS 14 Shoot, Snowball Throw, a Sleigh Ride, Broomball, Snowshoe Sports 15 and Trike races. Special thanks to CFGO, Charles Nobbe, Schools 16-17 the Kramers, Bruce and Hannah Lawrence, Paul and Linda Record Review 18 Ares, Jordy Cook, Gord Patterson, Gordon Kennedy, David Books 19 Bouse, the Firehall, Mr. Linari - Dunkin Donuts, Doug Ironside and Pinto Valley Ranch. OSCAR April 1988 page 2 Neighbourhood Watch programme paying by TOM Lawson dividends The spread of the Neigh- Watch program and are endea- These are the people that bourhood Watch programme vouring to make their are within our community throughout Ottawa South ap- community a safer place in during the daytime working pears to be paying dividends which to reside. hours and often have the op- for the community. The Ot- Ottawa Police figures to- portunity to view any sus- tawa Police Force disclosed tal some 4,161 residential picious activities. in early February that break and enters in 1987. Break and enters still oc- breakins have dropped to the This represents a decrease cur in Ottawa and they will lowest point since 1981. of almost 400 from 1986 and continue to occur. The The four Neighbourhood a decrease of over 1700 Neighbourhood Watch program Watch areas within Ottawa since 1984. The most favour- does not insulate us but ra- vêtements .clothes South are part of the 175 able improvement the Police ther encourages our LQ Jouets, toys areas within the city. The indicate is in the solution preparedness through improv- 0-16 last area to be completed rate, for residential break- ing our home security and by was the Old Firehall Watch ins, which almost doubled being a good neighbour. If mac which encompassed the homes since 1986. you would like more informa- within the Riverdale, Camer- In conjunction with Neigh- tion about Neighbourhood bourhood Watch, the Police Watch, contact one of the 1165 WELLINGTON ST on, Willard and Sunnyside AT PARKDALE boundaries. Currently, over Force has begun a Hydro area co-ordinators : \ Tom 72 9 -2 828 23,000 homes within Ottawa Watch, a Letter Carrier Lawson at 236-7022. have seen the merits of the Watch and a Realty Watch. Conflict resolution: adversarial to cooperative thinking by RICHARD PRIESTMAN The Dispute Resolution iate a pilot project. This will benefit through the A six week-workshop on Centre was organized by a resulted in the selection of cultivation of conflict re- Conflict Resolution skills group of concerned citizens Woodroffe High School as solution life skills. A kéy will be held at the Ottawa in November 1986. A commit- host. goal of the Centre is to es- South Community Centre be- tee from the Ottawa-Carleton This first-of-its-kind in tablish a community board ginning the last week of region ws established with Canada project saw certifi- project to promote volunteer April. This workshop will be the encouragement and advice cates being awarded to 18 mediation in various commun- under the direction of of Gordon Henderson, Q.C., student mediators at a ities. The objective is to Richard Priestman of Bespoke of the Gowling & Henderson school assesmbly held March alter our thinking from ad- Co-Operative Enterprises and law firm. By July 1987, af- 3. The program will exper- versarial to co-operative a member of the Community ter consulting various com- iment with the use of medi- approaches in our day-to-day Board Committee of the munity grops, the Centre was ation as a method of resolv- conflicts. Dispute Resolution Centre. incorporated with intitial ing conflicts as they arise funding coming from private in school, before they esca- donations and a matching late into major problems. grant from the Community The students and staff will Foundation of the Ottawa- act as a neutral third party ROBOAK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Carleton (United Way). Fund- in helping other students BROKER ing is sustained by the Ki- and teachers work together. 1390 Bank Street wanis Club of Ottawa. The goal is to achieve a Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8N6 The Centre is structured written agreement, signed by (613) 737-7100 to provide maximum effort both parties, indicating how within the Ottawa-Carelton the problem will be resol- community. A twelve member ved. Within the context of board of Directors, each re- this process, the mediators sponsible for a distinctive will have no power to force initiative,' is led by Mr. a decision, and participa- Norman Bowley, Chairman. The tion in the mediation will first of these intitiatives be voluntary. Roboak Real Estate was a community based pro- While this Woodroffe High Limited is pleased ject for the training and School program is in the to introduce your mobilization of dispute spotlight, other elements of neighbourhood real mediators. In September 1987 the Centre continue to de- estate representa- the Ottawa Board of Educa- velop to ensure the entire tive - Con Sheehan. tion was approached to init- Ottawa-Carelton community Con has owned and lived in his home in Rideau Gardens for WHEN YOU TRAVEL the past 25 years and hqs acquired a WE TAKE CARE OF comprehensive and THINGS AT HOME. personal knowledge of real estate • DAILY VISITS values in Ottawa South. • PET & PLANT CARE • MAIL REMOVAL • MODEST PRICES Our company, too, is an Ottawa South neighbour, WWà • BONDED and together we know that we can give you a • REFERENCES competent, friendly, neighbourly service for all your real estate sales requirements or enquiries. WORRY COLIN CHALK *♦ VACATION** Call Con at home, 26 Glencairn Avenue, 234-7535, 728-1694 or at Roboak Real Estate Limited, 1390 Bank mm Street, 737-7100. OSCAR April 1988 page 3 Carleton University Students'Associations' English/core French vs Student Employment Labour Pool will be closing in April French immersion: and reopening again in September, to provide reliable, part-time and casual workers a need for balance at competitive rates.
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