Voluiiie 64, NumberTR 1 GLESeptember 23,1988 In the paper ... Security Information Act: D r u g A b u s e V P Search Tops B reslin's List Reports Philadelphia has recently by Susan J. Talbutt Limited to experienced an upsurge in Of The Triangle dni^ lelated violence and Drexel Owned consequent city crackdown "The real reason we have an on dnig dealers and users. An educational institution is there Buildings inside look at a crack deal, are students to be educated," said l^us interviews with city offi­ President Richard Breslin, by Joe Saunders cials appears on page 16 emphasizing the importance of O f The Triangle the educated and the educator. Legislation recently signed E d i t o r i a l After tw enty-three days in office, Breslin has already begun into law by Gov. Robert Casey to make and implement plans to requiring Pennsylvania colleges The Last Temptation of actively involve the University and universities to provide cam­ Christ remains a controver­ community in the running of pus crime statistics to prospec­ sial subject; some consider it Drexel. tive students, students, and blasphemous, others call it a Breslin said the strengths he employees is due to go into human interpretation of can build on as the quality of the effect before the end of the year. **what was or could have faculty, of which 93 percent of The definition of “campus” been.’" See column and relat­ the full-time members have under the terms of the law, how­ ed letter on pages 14 and 15. Ph.D.s, the co-op program, both ever, makes it unlikely that pub­ the traditionally strong colleges lishing the statistics will reflect of engineering and science and the true crime rate in the A m n e s t y the newer emerging colleges of University area. design and humanities, the stu­ According to officials of the Pennsylvania Department of International dent body, and "a number of very Education, state police officers, good trustees". and Drexel administrators, the He said that things Drexel Springsteen, Sting, and Peter law requires publication of only needs to build on are the general Gabriel headlined the those crimes occuring in build­ climate of the University, devel­ “Human Rights Now!” tour oping a new long-range plan, ings or on property owned by the that ^ ^ a r e d at individual schools. putting a governance structure in Philadelphia's J.F.K. Stadium For Drexel’s purposes, crimi­ place, and reaching out to the last Monday. President Breslin's first day in office. nal incidents which lake place in alumni. Rundown of performances academic buildings, dormitories His first official act was to and commentary on page 24. states the University is looking set up, there should be a new and fraternity houses must be begin the search for a new Senior for were discussed by the deans, Senior Vice President for published because the University Vice President for Academic faculty members, and Breslin Academic Affairs by February of holds the legal title to those S p o r t s Affairs. The position was origi­ himself, he said. 1989. properties. nally Vice President of Briefly, the ad states that One of Breslin's biggest and Continued on Page 35 Jocge Garcia, a sophomore Academic, but Breslin changed it applicants should have a strong Continued on Page 12 forwaid for the Drexel soc­ to Senior Vice President to background in technology ("I cer, was named the emphasize the importance of have a basic humanistic back­ Philadelphia Soccer Seven's academics at Drexel and denote ground," said Breslin); a com­ Player of the Week for the that the person who is eventually mitment to the importance of co­ Engineering College week ending Sept. 11. hired would be the second rank­ operative education; needs a sen­ Gaicia, a 5-8, 145 pounder ing officer of the University, he sitivity towards minority and W ins $2.1 M il G rant said. finom the country of Belize, in women's issues; and should be a from the old in the following The search is still in the pre­ Triangle News Desk Central America, came off seasoned administrator. ways: the connections to busi­ liminary stages, according to The search committee mem­ the bench to score a total of The National Science ness and humanities courses Breslin, a committee has not yet bers will be two trustees, six fac­ three goals in Drexel's two Foundation awarded the College would be examined, teams of been fully formed to conduct the ulty members, a vice president, a games last week. (See soccer of Engineering a $2.1 million teachers would be used, engi­ search and the position has just dean, an academic support mem­ coverage on back page.) grant to develop a new under­ neering and laboratory work started being advertised. ber, and a student to be recom­ graduate engineering curricula would be introduced in the fresh­ In the advertisement that will mended by Steve Ross, president S o r r y that would focus on the teaching man rather than sophomore appear in the Chronicle of of Student Congress. According of engineering fundamentals in a years, and would give more Higher Education the qualities it to the time schedule Breslin has broad overview, as opp>osed to attention to the examining of Due to production difficul­ the currently used method of ethics and ethical dilemmas. ties, The Triangle did not go segregating the curriculum. The new curriculum is being to piess as scheduled. Future “This experimental curricu­ designed by Dr. Eli Fromm, editions will appear every lum will give engineering stu­ associate dean of the College of Friday. dents the broad overview of how Engineering, and Dr. Robert various fields of study, such as Quinn, said Woodring. chemistry, calculus, and physics According to Woodring, about I n d e x relate to each other in the real 100 freshmen in the fall term of world,” said Dr. Richard 1989 will participate in the Woodring, dean of the College of revised curriculum. All freshmen Ed-op---------- —-14 Engineering. “For instance, will participate in three to five Features---------- 16 instead of studying equilibrium years. The program will be eval­ Entertainment— 24 concepts in separate chemistry, uated independently throughout Classifieds------- 29 physics and mathematics class­ its five year span. Comics — ■— -^-33 rooms, students will study equi­ Drexel received the largest of Sfpofts------------ 36 librium as its own concept.” nine grants the NSF awarded. TRADITION! Once again, commemorating the start of a new According to Woodring, the Other institutions involved in the year, someone soaped the flame of knowledge fountain. new curriculum would differ Continued on Page 2 The Triangle September 23,1988 Drexel Greeks Take National Awards for Service Engineering College Wins $2.1 Million in Grants by National Science Foundation by Stacey Crown pledging. have been striving to be a con­ Of The Triangle Drexel's chapter placed first structive part of the Drexel com­ Continued from Page 1 University, the University of nationally among 61 Phi Sigma munity in several areas and we project are Texas A&M, Purdue Texas, the American Society for Three Drexel greek organiza­ Sigma chapters to win The are glad that we have been rec­ University, the University of Mechanical Engineering, and tions won national awards this Rudolph Memorial Award, given ognized for our efforts,” said Michigan, MIT, the University of California Polytechnic State year for outstanding participa­ for philanthropic works. Phi Sefret. Pennsylvania, West Virginia University. tion in many areas, including Sigma Sigma has worked with social service, alumni affairs and the Philadelphia House for the *0 campus involvement. Blind, conducted a voter regis­ Bit News Drexel's chapter of Lambda tration drive, worked with the Freshman Picnic Philadelphia area. Students P.U.S.H for Chi Alpha, competing against national kidney foundation, On Saturday, September 24, “We are always willing to Handicapped 217 fraternity chapters nation­ tutored students, and brought there will be a picnic for all offer our time in order that This past summer, three wide, received the Tozier Brown needy children to the zoo for a freshmen at Fairmount Park. someone can benefit from Drexel students were part of a Public Affairs Program Award day, according to Jane Schott, There will be activities like vol­ what we do. This telethon group of twenty Pi Kappa Phi’s for outstanding philanthropic Phi Sigma president. leyball, frisbee, football, etc. helps millions of children and that raised over $50,000 dol­ services. Lambda Chi has spon­ The chapter also won The starting around 2:00 p.m. There adults; we’re just glad we had lars for People Understanding sored numerous clothing drives, Pledge Excellence Award for its will also be lots of good food the opportunity to help,” said the Severely Handicapped made monthly donations to the pledge program. served (cost is $2.00 for din­ Rob Foreman, President of (RU.S.H.). The event, PUSH children’s hospital, cleaned up “Our pledge program has pro­ ner). Everyone is welcome. TKE.—Roh Holston America ’88, was a grueling gressed to the extent that it Mantua Park, done maintenance Cars will leave from Calhoun 3200 mile bicycle trip across enables the pledges to grow as work in the Ronald McDonald Hall at 2:00. If you wish to the United States. Tony House, and purchased of turkey individuals and learn their own come on your own, maps are Petronio and Geoff Blackwell dinners for needy Philadelphia limitations as well as becoming Prof. Cited for Innovation available at the Drexel rode the distance and Dan a positive addition to the sister­ Dr.
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