Freethought Complimentary Copy Today Join FFRF Now! Vol. 28 No. 4 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. May 2011 FFRF launches ‘virtual billboards’ to put faces on freethought Calling all nonbelievers out of the closet! The Freedom From Religion Found- so far has visited Madison, Wis., is up population, many Americans have casing friendly neighborhood atheists ation is inviting nonbelievers every- currently in the Raleigh-Durham Tri- never knowingly met a nonbeliever,” and agnostics, who are the best adver- where to “come out of the closet” and angle area of North Carolina, and will FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gay- tisement for freethought.” to declare and share their nonbelief launch in several other cities soon. lor points out. “Our ‘Out of the Closet’ It’s working for the gay rights move- via FFRF’s unique new online “virtual “Although we can’t put everyone on campaign aims to remedy that by show- Continued on page 12 billboard” application. a real billboard, every nonbeliever can Help dispel myths, educate and pro- participate in this unique ‘cyberboard’ mote reason by adding your voice, face campaign,” explains FFRF Co-Presi- ‘No law’ should mean no law and message to FFRF’s friendly neigh- dent Dan Barker, a former minister borhood freethinker campaign. and author of Godless. FFRF, the largest atheist-agnostic as- The interactive campaign was an- FFRF seeks rehearing on sociation in the U.S. with more than nounced in late April. “We’re proud 16,500 members, first debuted its per- that the very first person to submit a sonalized public relations “Out of the ‘cyberboard’ was Richard Dawkins, Closet” campaign on bus signs and bill- who knows the value of coming out of Day of Prayer ruling boards last fall. the closet,” Barker adds. The inviting ads feature individual “Although the nonreligious — in- A three-judge panel of the 7th Cir- Religion Foundation and its plaintiffs nonbelievers, their views and their fac- cluding one in six U.S. citizens — are cuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago don’t have standing to continue their es. The “Out of the Closet” campaign a significant segment of the world ruled April 14 that the Freedom From historic challenge of the National Day of Prayer. The 1952 congressional act declared a National Day of Prayer and requires the president to issue an an- Paul Gaylor dies nual proclamation exhorting citizens to pray. Paul J. Gaylor Photo: Brent Nicastro FFRF is filing for a rehearing, an en (“Jody”), 84, died banc review, by the entire 7th Circuit. on May 5, 2011, of The three-judge panel overturned brain cancer. He the strong April 2010 ruling by U.S. was married for District Judge Barbara Crabb in favor 61 years to Anne of FFRF. Crabb enjoined President Nicol Gaylor, Obama from issuing a prayer procla- FFRF president mation last year, but stayed her order emerita. Jody was pending his appeal. a member of the Crabb, in ruling the National Day of Board of Directors and previously Prayer unconstitutional, had reasoned: served on FFRF’s governing Execu- “In this instance, the government has tive Council. He was a plaintiff in taken sides on a matter that must be left FFRF’s ongoing challenge of the to individual conscience.” Crabb add- National Day of Prayer. ed, “The same law that prohibits the Jody was the principal FFRF government from declaring a National volunteer for its first 20 years — Day of Prayer also prohibits it from de- opening mail, filling book and claring a National Day of Blasphemy.” sales orders, and was legendary for Crabb noted a National Day of Prayer surprising staff with freshly baked was no more within the purview of gov- cookies. A retrospective will run in ernment to declare than encouraging the next issue. Cards or notes may “citizens to fast during the month of reach Anne c/o FFRF, PO Box 750, FFRF placed 80 exterior ads, including the one above, on buses in Washington, Ramadan, attend a synagogue, purify Madison, WI 53701. D.C., in late April, plus 100 interior ads and four metro dioramas, timed to themselves in a sweat lodge or practice make a statement on the National Day of Prayer on May 5. Continued on page 8 Page 2 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2011 Meet a (Trekkie) Member ‘It is only logical’ meet new people and learn about dif- ferent cultures, curling up with a good read on a rare Arizona rainy day, dogs and animals of all kinds, movies and, of Susan Sackett course, chocolate! These are not: Chaos (disorganized might say, “It is only logical.” I cannot people and situations); people who find any good evidence for the exis- “believe” and never question anything, tence of any gods, so I am “without a and don’t want to. god” — an atheist. My doubts about religion started: Ways I promote freethought: FFRF Sorry to say, but not until I was well member since 1995 (and Life Member, into adulthood. I probably was a non- courtesy of Dr. Harold Saferstein, since believer, but didn’t realize it until 2007). I’m on the board of directors of Gene Roddenberry shared a copy of the American Humanist Association Asimov’s Guide to the Bible with me. It and was president of our local chapter, struck a chord with me. I’d been hav- the Humanist Society of Greater Phoe- ing dialogues with Gene about religion nix, for 11 years, retiring this year to and belief since 1974, when I first be- give others a chance to continue what gan working with him. So it was a grad- I began. I also travel the country giving ual thing. Being Jewish, I didn’t have to talks on “Humanism in ‘Star Trek,’ ” give up a Trinity — I was only one god discussing the show and how Gene away from being a freethinker! used it to promote his humanist and Why I’m a freethinker: As Mr. Spock freethought values. Atheist in Foxhole Susan Sackett and Gene Roddenberry not long before he died in 1991. Name: Susan Sackett. py series of circumstances — being in Where I live: Scottsdale, Ariz. the right place at the right time, get- Where and when I was born: New ting to know the right people and per- York City, Dec. 18, 1943. severance! Family: Jan Wright, my compan- Where I’m headed: I will continue ion. He is also my best friend. I have a to write when the opportunity pre- golden retriever named Kali, and since sents itself, although I am enjoying my I lost a beloved dog this year, I’ll be retirement! And I’ll continue volun- looking to rescue a German shepherd- teer work to advance humanism and mix soon. freethought. Education: Hillhouse High School, Person in history I admire and why: New Haven, Conn.; University of Flori- Dare I say it? Gene Roddenberry, my da-Gainesville, bachelor of arts, master mentor, for his optimism, faith in hu- of education. manity and a brighter future for us all. Occupation: Writer, former televi- A quotation I like: “Keep an open sion and film production associate for mind, but not so open that your brains Gene Roddenberry of “Star Trek.” I fall out.” (Carl Sagan) worked with him for 17 years until his These are a few of my favorite things: death in 1991. Travel to new places and the chance to How I got where I am today: A hap- “Atheist in Foxhole” awardee Sgt. Justin Griffith stands with his new daughter Zoe. Justin exposed state-church violations at his Army base in Fort Bragg, N.C. To read more about the July 3 -5 Lake Hypatia Advance speakers, see page 5. A Note to Send Us Your Freethought Today Subscribers published by Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. Address Change P.O. Box 750 • Madison WI 53701 Your address label shows the expi- (608)256-5800 • FAX (608)204-0422 ration date of your membership in Promptly! FFRF, which includes your subscrip- [email protected] • ffrf.org tion to Freethought Today and “Private Don’t miss a single issue! If you Editor: Bill Dunn Line.” If your label shows May or ear- move, notify us directly and Executive Editor: Annie Laurie Gaylor lier, your sub scription has ex pired. Your promptly. The Post Office does Contributing Editor: Dan Barker prompt re newal ($40-single member - not forward third-class mail. ship; $50-household; $100 sustaining; Production Editor: Scott Colson FFRF cannot be responsible $25-student) saves us time and post- Assistant Editor: Bonnie Gutsch for replacing back issues if we age, and is tax-deductible. (Sub­­­­scrip­­­ Contributors: Philip Appleman, Yip Harburg, have not been notified prior to tion-only is $20/ year.) Free­­­thought To- Mike Konopacki, Roger Rollin day is published 10 times a year, with your move. Back issues, while combined issues in Jan/Feb and June/ they last, may be ordered for $2 May 2011 July. Send to FFRF, Box 750, Madison each. The only freethought newspaper in the United States WI 53701. May 2011 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 3 Tulsa chapter members register to perform weddings Dry behind the ears Ken Proulx, a Wisconsin Lifetime Member who turns 87 in July, says: “I wish I had had this DeBaptismal Certificate 50 years ago to show my grandfather. He died an angry man, insisting that I could never leave the Catholic Church.” FFRF debuted the certificates last month. Two gold-sealed and embossed certificates on parchment, personally signed by FFRF’s Dan Barker, are $5. Order from FFRF, Attn: DeBaptism, Box 750, Madison WI 53701.
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