ROSALIND RUSSELL AS AUNTIE MAME Eyes that see around the world The l(M)k of experience is something all ClipiKT* pilots have. It comes from watching the weather through all the Seven Skies over all the Seven Seas—year in and year out. It’s the look you want in your pilot when you fly ON’erseas. And it’s one great reason why more people choose Pan Americai] when they fly overseas. For on every Clipper flight deck there are as many as 0^4*0 qualified over-ocean pilots— to American standards; there are no standards more rigid or exacting in the world. And beneath every Flying Clipix^r, all around the world, there extends the great supix>rting network of watchful experts— the vast ground forces of Pan .American, 17,600 strong— maintenance men, weathermen, chefs and engineers. Md*ler Pilot John Muttii.. otie of the In the skies, or on the ground in over 600 Captaiii> wtm has louted over ClipiK-r officx's, these are the people who make ixjssible 500 Inuisailiuitic Bisliti. tljc fastest, most frequent service from the U. S. to anywhere in 80 countries. T^' Biritratn When you fly the Clippers, the finest of America flies with you. TRiQis:kvv<& fl? •Trade -Mmrti. Ihl. U.a. Pat. 00. Pjar^EHicm WORLD’S MOST EXPERIENCED AIRLINE Copyrighted maleriai PHILCO FOR '57. Startling new mastery of Sight and Sound! If you’ve held out for something really new in TV, now’s the time to get that set of the future. Philco and only Philro has the big news this year! Diamond D Television. Up to 50% brighter picture than any other TV offers today ... a fact, reported by delighted new Philco owners everywhere! And a whole new concept of TV sound . room flooding Sound Out Front, even in horizontal consoles at low table model prices. Once you see and hear Philco Diamond D Television you’ll know there’s nothing like it in sight and sound. Philco TV prices start at S119.95. New horizontal de- 8i(;n in full door Fruitwood con- sole. Philco 4700. WORLD’S MOST POPULAR giant screen console. Choice of African mahogany or while oak veneers. Dual up-front speakers. Auto- matic Top Touch Tuning, plus 4-way remote control. Philco 6610. AUTOMATIC aoCK RADIOS. Wake tO music and coffee. Buzzer alarm. New "Lullaway” switch for super-silent shut-off. Appliance outlet. Philco Qock Radio prireii as low at $29.95. BRIUIANT SOUND OUT PRONTI A triumph of the new Philco 14-inch rectangular speaker combined with horizontal Acoustic Lens. All the deluxe Philco features in a master-crafted console at a low budget price. Philco 4608. ROOM PIOODINO SOUND pours out the front of this luxurious PHILCO. "SwiTelet.” Classic cabinet blends with mahogany furniture, turns right for or left for easy viewing. Brilliant 21-inch overall diagonal picture. All-in- Famous Oua//fy fhe World Over one control center puts all controls at your fingertips. Philco 4208. This one TKEY-2G3-6LN7 Copyrighted material A BIG STORY THAT 'LIFE' IS MADE FOR LIFE COVER MEG. U S. PAT. OFF. Rosalind Russell, who plays the title role as a slaphappy aunt A prominpiu psychiatrist. Dr. James H. Wall, of the '20s in "Auntie Marne,' tries a high kick. Her show who has some reservations about the new is the latest Broadway smash hit (see pp. 129-IM) tranquilizers, was quoted in Ufe (Oct. 22) THE WEEK'S EVENTS Hungarian patriots strike ferocious blows at a tvrannv 34 as looking with disfavor ''on a society where World ODinion rallies for Suez oeace 44 reaooearance nf ru»rriln«l« everybody just floats around in his own tub The twn 55 56 of butter.” In these apocalyptic days, as Magnetic Margaret's African mission: on a troubled continent Britain's pretty princess finds colorful evidence of loyalty the editorial (p. .5.^) calls them, the world is to the crown. Photograohed for LIFE bv Mark Kauffman 60 certainly no tub of huller. .\o tranquilizer Junk iaIoDies form a ietiv near Tooeka could nniflle its downright brutality. EDITORIAL Eden's traoic blunder 53 Life has l»een reporting war and peace, de* ARTICLES [iression and prosperity for almost 20 years. A tribute to vaudeville's golden era: a great comic in his last We have never shown horror for horror’s book fondly recounts the hilarious legends of the show circuit. Bv Fred Allen 72 sake, hut as far Iwck as 19.S8. in a story on High Venture and Civil War, by Sir Winston Churchill. Third part of II of "A History CORRESPONDENT MULLIKEN tlie S|)anish Civil War. we declared: "Dead Volume of the English-Speaking Peoples” 178 men have ind<*cd died in vain if live men re- TELEVISION fuse to IfMik at them." This week, again, is a tiim* h>r looking at dead A fast-rising schoolgirl: a Chicago 12-year-old is a hit as heroes villains. The heroism is not liniil«*d to men— and the partici- BOOKS pants. Photographers ami reporler.s wdio bring you the great events An unpopular best seller: "Peyton Place,' Grace Melallous' which are changing history must be in the novel, has made her unloved in Qllmanton. N.H. 104 ANIMALS center of danger. like to tell you about WeM Rare retriever: a hunting dog takes care of crlpoles 109 the Life people who are at their stations to MOVIES bring you the ni*w.s in this ami future is.sues. In "The Ten Commandments' Cecil B. OeMille, Hollywood's master showman, films anew the storv of the Exodus 115 There were .six imui for Life in Budapest BUSINESS — Photographers Mike Kougier. John Sadovy You too can blow up the world: manufacturers try new tricks to make globes more oraohic 123 Krieh Les.sing.Cf»rrespomlentsTini Foote, ami THEATER John Miilliken. K«l Clark. Firing would break Wise, wacky 'Auntie Marne’: Rosalind Russell Is absolutely oerfect In Broadwav version of besl-sellino book 129 out at any time, from any ilireelion. Mulli- FASHION Kougier got themselves adopted by ken and Paris in a deoarlment store 139 rebels who. anxious that their story get to ARMY The Armv dios a faster foxhole 146 the world. Ie<l them to scenes of action. PHOTOGRAPHER ROUGIER MODERN LIVING Wdien the rebels st«>rme«l the p«)liee head- How to SQuare ilaltoo hair 149 quarters Foote and Sadovy were on the spot. Foote was shot in the A brainv tov's tricks 161 hand, and a brave Hungarian worker took him to the hospital. Sadovy, CLOSE-UP A first ladv minister in robes of a new role 151 having learned as a W orUi War II British army |)holographer to pre- MEDICINE cede the tr<Kips, posteil himself in front of a n*lH*l lank to take his Pets make a hosoital haoov 165 SPORTS remarkable photographs—as he explains in Tennessee family has a potential All-American, a successful liis cliillingly laconic aceoiinl on pp. M), 41. coach and four other stars 123 While thi.s was going on. Life suddenly PARTY Gav aatherino in a oallerv at a Providence. R.l. museum 209 had to fling new teams all over the Middle OTHER DEPARTMENTS Fast. It wa.s a complex operation: I’hotog- Rneaklno of Pictures: scenes bv dramatic diva 24 rapher Burt Glinn from New York to Tel MIscellanv: sure-footed scholarshio 212 Aviv with Correspondent Milton Orshefsky o IHi TIME INC. ACU RIGHTS RGSERVED UNDER INTERNATKMAI. AND PAN- AMCRICAN COPTRir.MT CONVENTIONS. RCRROOUCTION IN WnOCL OR frtun Paris; PlM*logra|ihcr Hf)ward Sochurek PART WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED from New York to join Correspc»n<lent John Mecklin in Beirut: Don Burke from London to join Photographer Larry Burrows on Cyp- Itl—MAHSOR CARROLL 2-ONtTtl KESSU CtC I. MICHAU ROUOIER m- ALLAN GRANT PHOTOGRAPHER SADOVY rus. Photographer In Jordan. Jim Biirki*and PARAMOUNT PICTURES I H-r EOKIIIGOLO RRTNNER Corrospomlenl Keith W'heeler moved cau- l(. »-MHN SAOOVV I -PARAMOUNT PICTURES H.n MICHAEL KOUCICR KC. It. PCORA22UN F9t PARIS. 1-l.lLAVER T PAlPHriAMf MAKH—CRiCH LESS-NC mu MACNUM tiously about the city of Amman, it was not safe for a Westerner in that Arab city. ROLF GIUHAIiSEH FARR ' PAUL SCHurZER ...JCIER. JOHN SADOVT: AT. I'hc situation in Budapest became untenable, and the Life teams M MACNUM -JOHN SADOVT IE SERVICE. URRENCE Li P EISEWSTAFni started out. Last to leave were Rougier and *ALtc'R ishotRi A . KEN BUTCHER. Clark, and near the Austrian border they HID CIA At HALTER SANDERS. » IN CRAVENS l>y Russians. were stopped "Stupid, mean RAP IF EVERETT HENRY V lUBROHS little men,” Clark phoned, "w'ho w'aved guns III—CtSirtsF SPENCER COLLECTION. H and said. 'Go back or we shoot.' ” No argu- E MANSELL COLLECTION ments could get tlicm through. They were still there last weekend, and just across the VIVIAN OF HEREFORO. M border could see tanks that stopped DMIFAI KESSfl Mulliken IS) ANOREAS FEININGCR ISS-tnRTtSF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM hi.s colleagues—and could do nothing. >SS ERIC SCHAAL COUSIIIF THE DUKE OF tUCCLEUCH 1 HALT! Foote sent a report on the pictures to New I -CULVER F-H. A. ATWELL COFKD ST WALTER DARAN 1-0 FHILIPPE HALSMAN 212— WERNER J. SCHEER York. "They’re wliul all popular revolutions I. AIBREVIATIONS: ROT., BOTTOM: & CPFTRICHT. e CENTER... EXC.. EXCEPT. IT. LEFT; RI.. RIGHT: alxml: violence, bravery. hatre«l of op- T. TOP; A.P.. ASSOCIATED PRESS; INT.. INTIRNATlOMAL; K —.„.KCTSTONE" PRESS AGENCY; U.P.
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