‘ me, conducted by oe RI Re RA rer os Ly Jo Esther Rethy, Karl Friedrich, Lt \ Kurt Preger Hugo Mayer-Gansbacher and other soloists the Chorus of ee as oy ee Ca } a oS aN Fy COLUMBIA ee THE MAGIC FLUTE. Opera in two acts PAGLIACCI. Opera in two acts by Ruggiero FAUST. Opera in five acts by Charles PORGY AND BESS. Opera in three acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Anton Der- Leoncavallo. Complete recording. Richard Gounod. Eugene Conley as Faust; Eleanor mota as Tamino; Sena Jurinac, Friedl Riegler, by George Gershwin. Complete recording. and Else Schiirhof as Three Ladies; Erich Tucker as Canio; Lucine Amara as Nedda; Steber as Marguerite; Cesare Siepi es Mephis- Lawrence Winters as Porgy; Camilla Williams Kunz es Papageno; Wilma Lipp as The Queen Giuseppe Valdengo as Tonio; Thomas Hay- topheles; Frank Guarrera as Valentine; Law- as Bess; Inez Matthews as Serena; Avon Long of the Night; Peter Klein as Monostatos; Irm- gard Seefried as Pamina; George London, ward as Peppe; Clifford Harvuot as Silvio. rence Davidson as Wagner; Margaret Roggero as Sporting Life; Warren Coleman as Crown; Erich Majkut and Harald Proglhoff as Three as Siebel; Thelma Votipka 2s Dame Marthe. With the Chorus and Orchestra of the June McMechen as Clara; Helen Dowdy as Priests; Ludwig Weber as Sarastro. With Sing- With the Chorus and Orchestra of the Metro- verein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde and Metropolitan Opera Association conducted by Maria, Lily and the Strawberry Woman; politan Opera Association conducted by Fausto the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Herbert Fausto Cleve. A Metropolitan Opera Associ- Eddie Matthews as Jake. With Chorus and von Karajan, Conductor. 33144 LP records Set Cleva. A Metropolitan Opera Association Pro- ation Production. 3314 LP records Set et el at etOeet TA SL-115 (three records) duction. 3344 LP records Set SL-112 (three Orchestra conducted by Lehman Engel. 3314 SL-113 (two records) . records) LP records Set SL-162 (three records) | A CARMEN. Opera in four acts by Georges FLEDERMAUS. Opera by Johenn Strauss, LA BOHEME. Oners in four acts by (Giacomo MADAME BUTTERFLY. Opera in three Bizet. Complete recording. Solange Michel as jr. English lyrics by Howard Dietz. New Puccini. Complete recording. Bidii Sayao as acts by Giacomo Puccini. Complete recording. Carmen; Raoul Jobin as Don José; Michel libretto by Garson Kanin. Lily Pons es Adele: Mimi; Richard Tucker as Rudolpho: Mimi Eleanor Steber as Cio-Cio-San: Richard Dens as Escamillo; Marthe Angelici as Mic- Ljuba Welitch as Rosalinda: Richard Tucker Benzell as Musetta: Francesco Valentino as Tucker as Pinkerton; Giuseppe Valdengo as aele; S. Smoti as Zuniga; J. Thirache as as Alfred; Charles Kullman eas Eisenstein; Marcello; Salvatore Baccaloni as Benoit and Sharpless; Jean Madeira as Suzuki: Alessio Morales; G. Chellet as Frasquite; R. Notti Martha Lipton as Prince Orlofsky; John Alcindoro; George Cehanovsky as Schaunard: de Paolis 2s Goro; George Cehanovsky as as Mercedes; J. Vieuille as El Dancairo; F. Brownlee as Dr. Falke; Clifford Harvuot as Lodovico Oliviero as Parpignol: Nicola Mos- Yamadori; Melchiorre Luise as the Uncle- Leprin as El] Remendado. With the Chorus Frank; Paul Franke as Dr. Blind With the cona as Colline: Lawrence Davidson as the Priest (Bonze); Thelma Votipka as Kate and Orchestra of the Théatre National de Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Sergeant. With the Chorus and Orchestra of Pinkerton; John Baker as the Imperial Com- L’Opéra-Comique de Paris conducted by Opera Association conducted by Eugene the Metropolitan Opera Association conducted missioner. With the Chorus and Orchestra of OODA cCR Pre ZR André Cluytens. 3314, LP records Set SL-109 Ormandy. A Metropolitan Opera Association by Gimseppe Antonicelli A Metropolitan the Metropolitan Opera Association conducted (three records) * 45 rpm records Set MOP Production. 3314 LP records Set SL-108 (two Opera Association Production 33144 LP by Max Rudolf. A Metropolitan Opera Associ- $2 4-33 * 78 rpm records Set MOP-33 records) * 45 rpm records Set MOP 4-32 records Set SL-101 (two records) ation Production. 3314 LP records Set SL-104 78 rpm records Set MOP-32 ~ (three records) * 78 rpm records Set MOP-30 L’ENFANT ET LES SORTILEGES. Opera THE DAMNATION OF FAUST. Dremetic in one act by Maurice Ravel. Complete HANSEL AND GRETEL. Opere in two acts cantata by Hector Berlioz. Complete record- recording. Nadine Sautereau as The Child, by Engelbert Humperdinck. Complete record- ing. Georges Jouatte as Faust: Paul Cabanel as _ VELISIR D’AMORE. Opera in two acts by Denise Scharley as The Mother, The Chinese ing. Risé Stevens as Hansel; Nadine Conner Mephistopheles; Mona Laurena as Mar- Gaetano Donizetti. Abridged recording issued Cup, The Dregon-fily, An Animal: André as Gretel; Thelma Votipka as the Witch and guerite; André Pactat as Brander. With the by request. Ines Alfani Tellini as Adina; Vessiéres as The Armchair, A Tree; Solange the Sandman; John Brownlee as the Father; Emile Passani Chorus and Orchestra con- Ida Mannarini as Gianetta: Cristy Solari Michel as The Louis XV Shepherdess, The Claramae Turner as the Mother; Lillian Ray- ducted by Jean Fournet. 3314 LP records as Nemorino; Lorenzo Conati as Belcore; Squirrel; Yvon Le Marchadour as The mondi as the Dew Fairy. With the Chorus and Set SL-110 (three records) Edoardo Faticanti as Dulcamara. With the Grandfather Clock, The Cat, An Animal: Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera Associ- Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala Opera, Joseph Peyron as The Teapot, The Tree-Frog, ation conducted by Max Rudolf. A Metro- Milan, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli. An Animal; Odette Turba-Rabier as The Fire, politan Opera Association Production. 3314 MANON LESCAUT. Opera in four acts by 3344 LP record ML 4408 The Nightingale; Marthe Angelici as The LP records Set SL-102 (two records) Princess; Maurice Prigent as The Little Old Man; Marguerite Legouhy as The Cat: SALOME — FINAL SCENE. Opera in one THE TALES OF HOFFMANN. Opera in Claudine Verneuil as The Bat, An Animal. as Lescaut; Attilio Bordonali as Geronte-: act by Richard Strauss. Ljuba Welitch as With the Orchestra three acts by Jacques ee ee ee a Lo National de la Radio- Offenbach. Complete Giuseppe Nessi 2s the Dancing Master and Salome with Fritz Reiner conducting the recording. diffusion Francaise conducted by Ernest Bour. Raoul Jobin as Hoffmann: Renée the Lamplighter; Aristide Baracchi as the Metropolitan Opera Association Orchestra. Artistic Director—Francois Agostini. 3314 Doria as Olympia; Vina Bovy as Giullietta- Innkeeper and the Sergeant; Natalie Villa as 33144 LP record ML 2048 (coupled with LP record ML 4153 Geori Boué as Antonia; Helene Delahaye as the Sea Captain. With Chorus and The Milan Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin — Tatiana’s Stella; Fanély Revoil as Nicklausse: Simone Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lor- Letter Scene, sung by Ljuba Welitch) * 78 Borghese as the Voice LA TRAVIATA. Opera in four acts by of the Mother: Renée enzo Molajoli. 3314 LP records Set SL-111 tpm records Set MX-316 Faure as the Muse; Louis Musy as Lindorf; Giuseppe Verdi. Complete (two records) recording. Adriana André Pernet as Coppelius; Charles Soix as Guerrini as Violetta; Luigi Infantino as Dapertutto; Roger Bourdin as Dr. Miracle: Alfredo; THE MEDIUM. Opera in two acts by Gian- Maria Huder as Flora; Paolo Silveri Rene Lapelletrie as Spalanzani: Charles ERNANI. Opera in four acts by Giuseppe Carlo Menotti. Complete recording. Marie as Germont; Maria Huder as Annina; Adelio Cambon as Schlemil; Andre Phillippe as Verdi. Abridged recording issued by request. Powers as Madame Flora; Beverly Dame as Zagonara as Gaston; Paolo Rakowsky as Crespel; Raymond Amade as Nathanael: Iva Pacetti as Elvira; Antonio Melandri as Mrs. Gobineau; Frank Rogier as Mr. Baron Duophol; Carlo Platania as the Marquis Andre Vessieres as Luther: Camille Mauranne Ernani; Gino Vanelli as Don Carlo; Corrado Gobineau; Catherine Mastice as Mrs. Nolan; of Obigny; Girio Conti as the Doctor; Blando as Hermann; Bourvil as Pitichinaccio, Andres, Zambelli as Don Ruy Gomez de Silva: Ida Evelyn Keller as Monica. THE TELE- Giusti as Giuseppe. With the Chorus and Cochenille and Frantz. With the Chorus and Orchestra of the Opera House, Rome, con- Mannarini as Giovanna; Giuseppe Nessi as PHONE. Opera in one act by Gian-Carlo Orchestra of the Opéra-Comique conducted Don Riccardo; Aristide Baracchi as Iago. ducted by Vincenzo Bellezza. 3314 LP Menotti. Complete recording. Marilyn Cotlow eee by André Cluytens. 3314 LP records Set With the Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, records Set SL-103 (three records) * 78 rpm SL-106 (three records) * 78 rpm records as Lucy; Frank Rogier as Ben. Orchestra Milan, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli. conducted by Emanuel Balaban. 3314 LP Set MOP-25 Set MOP-31 3344 LP record ML 4407 tecords Set SL-154 (two records) _ JOHANN STRAUSS | ONE NIGHT IN VENICE OPERED TAN: Lee ene TS JOHANN STRAUSS: One Night in Venice (Operetta in Three Acts) (Original text by R. Szell and R. Genée) THE CAST PAPPACODA. PAPPACODA. Ihr Venezianer, hort, Venetian people, hark Was Pappacoda wert! To Pappacoda’s talk! Annina ; ESTHER RETHY Thr habt wohl manches Schone hier, You may have much of beauty here, Doch ohne mich, was waret ihr? But without me, what would you be? Guido, Herzog (Duke) of Urbino KARL FRIEDRICH _ CHOR. CHORUS. Pappacoda HUGO MAYER-GANSBACHER Was sagt er, o hért doch, What says he, do listen, Kommt heran, Come along, Caramello KURT PREGER Hort den Neapolitaner an! Let’s hear the Neapolitan’s song! Ciboletta RUTHILDE BOESCH PAPPACODA. PAPPACODA. Kommt heran, Come along, Delacqua ALFRED JERGER Hort mich an! Hear my song! Thr habet euren Markusplatz, It’s true you have your Marcus Square, Barbara ‘MARIA SCHOBER Daneben die Piazetta, Beside it the Piazetta, Die Rialtobriicke dann, Agricola N.
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