May 6, 2019 0:37 WSPC Proceedings - 9.75in x 6.5in main page 1 1 Linking multipole vectors and pseudoentropies for CMB analysis Marvin Pinkwart1∗, Peter Schupp1, Dominik J. Schwarz2 1Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Jacobs University, 28759 Bremen, Germany 2Fakult¨at f¨ur Physik, Universit¨at Bielefeld, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany ∗E-mail: [email protected] Multipole vectors and pseudoentropies provide powerful tools for a numerically fast and vivid investigation of possible statistically anisotropic, resp. non-Gaussian signs in CMB temperature fluctuations. After reviewing and linking these two conceptions we compare their application to data analysis using the Planck 2015 NILC full sky map. Keywords: Cosmic Microwave background; data analysis; entropy 1. Motivation Over the past 50 years the cosmic microwave background (CMB) has become the main source of information about the early universe. It displays a nearly isotropic black body with an order 10−3 dipole modulation due to peculiar motion and order 10−5 anisotropies which depict energy density fluctuations on the last scattering surface (LSS). Motivated by the simplest inflationary scenarios and linear pertur- bation theory these anisotropies are commonly assumed to be statistically isotropic and Gaussian, which means that if one decomposes the relative temperature fluc- tuations on the celestial sphere into spherical harmonics ∞ l δT (θ, φ)= almYlm(θ, φ), (1) l m l X=1 X=− the joint distribution of the spherical harmonic coefficients alm for a given multipole number l should be isotropic p(Rˆ{alm})= p({alm}), (2) where the rotation acts on the alm via Wigner symbols, and Gaussian 1 ∗ p({a })= N exp − a ′ D ′ a . (3) lm 2 lm l,mm lm mm′ ! X Since the one-point function of the alm vanishes, Gaussianity implies that all in- ′ −1 formation about δT is encoded in the two-point functions halmalm i = Dl,mm′ and arXiv:1905.01176v1 [astro-ph.CO] 3 May 2019 statistical isotropy further reduces the degrees of freedom to one per multipole num- −1 ′ ber by diagonalizing the covariance Dl,mm′ = Clδmm . This yields the power spec- trum which is commonly used as the main source of information about the CMB. Hence, the two basic assumptions reduce the real degrees of freedom per multipole from 2l + 1 to one. If one or both of the assumptions are relaxed, one needs to find additional data compressing measures which are easier and can be interpreted more directly and vividly than the alm. In this contribution we describe and link two approaches to find such measures which are furthermore complementary to May 6, 2019 0:37 WSPC Proceedings - 9.75in x 6.5in main page 2 2 the power spectrum in information content. The first approach concerns multipole vectors whose use is motivated by large scale anisotropy anomalies that have been found recently and the second approach introduces pseudoentropy measures on the space of spin states associated to temperature fluctuation fields which provide a non brute-force method to investigate non-Gaussianities and are motivated by the analogy to statistical mechanics where the large number of microscopic degrees of freedom is essentially captured by a few macroscopic quantities such as entropy . 2. Multipole vectors and pseudoentropies Multipole vectors (MPVs) have been introduced to CMB data analysis in Ref. 1. and were used to identify one of the three basic “atoms” of large scale isotropy anomalies. It was found that the quadrupole and octupole are correlated, that the octupole is unusually planar and that both quadrupole and octupole are unusually orthogonal to the Ecliptic Plane and aligned with the Solar Dipole, see the review in Ref. 2. Contrary to the behavior of spherical harmonic coefficients, MPVs rotate rigidly with the celestial sphere and therefore put themselves forward as the correct basic constituents of measures of statistical anisotropy. Let ~e = (e1,e2,e3)T = ~e(θ, φ) be a unit vector, then the basic idea is to observe that the l-multipole-part of δT is a homogeneous polynomial of degree l and to decompose it according to l (l) (l,1) (l,l) i1 il (l) (l,i) (l) (δT )l (~e(θ, φ)) = A vi1 ··· vil e ··· e = B ~e · ~v + F (θ, φ), (4) i=1 h i Y where A(l) and B(l) are real constants, F (l) is a polynomial of degree l − 2 and Einstein’s summation convention was used. 3 The ~v(i,l) are the MPVs and contain all information content of the temperature map up to a constant amplitude. Since the power spectrum is contained within this amplitude, the information content of the MPVs lies in the complement of the space of Cl-information. Hence, MPVs provide an interesting tool to test if this subspace is non-empty, i.e. if the temperature map is statistically anisotropic. In fact, as shown in Ref. 4 the statistical behavior of MPVs is the same for the larger class of all completely random sets of alm, i.e. 2 p({alm})= f( m |alm| ), which contains the standard ΛCDM case but also some isotropic non-Gaussian maps. Note, that the l-multipole part of δT can also be P viewed as a normalized spin-l state |δT il = alm|lmi (5) m X up to an amplitude which contains the informatione about Cl, where the alm have been normalized to alm. Then the contraction of Bloch coherent states with such a temperature state and stereographic projection yield a complex polynomial e l 2l l+m (l,i) 1 lhΩ|δT il ∼ almz ∼ (z − z ) z + , (6) l + m (z(l,i))∗ m s i=1 X Y e May 6, 2019 0:37 WSPC Proceedings - 9.75in x 6.5in main page 3 3 whose 2l zeros are the stereographic projections z(l,i) of the MPVs ~v(l,i) and their antipodes. 5 Bloch coherent states are given by the rotation of the highest spin state |Ωil = Rˆ(Ω)|l,li by angles Ω = (θ, φ). For a detailed review on MPV constructions see Ref. 6. Now one can define the most classical quantum entropy which is named Wehrl entropy (2l + 1) SW = SW(|δT i )= − dΩ | hΩ|δT i |2 log | hΩ|δT i |2 , (7) l l 4π l l l l Z and which is used for CMB data analysis as a measure of randomness of temperature fluctuations. 7 The disadvantage of the Wehrl entropy is its numerically expensive form and hence one seeks measures that approximate the Wehrl entropy reasonably well but are much easier to compute. Since the temperature map describes a pure state, the usual von Neumann entropy is trivial. The basic idea to overcome this problem is to apply a quantum channel Φ, which respects isotropy, to the pure Φ temperature state ρl = |δT ilhδT | to obtain a mixed density ρl and afterwards apply the von Neumann entropy to get a mixed pseudoentropy Φ Φ Φ Sl (δT )= −Tr ρl log(ρl ) . (8) The term “pseudo” shall indicate that the resulting quantity loses some proper- ties entropies usually possess. From now on we drop this adjunct. In Ref. 8 we introduced two convenient choices of rotationally symmetric quantum channels: • The j-projection entropy uses the mixed density 2l +1 ρproj,(j) =Φproj,(j)(ρ )= Pˆ (ρ ⊗ 1 ) Pˆ , (9) l l 2(l + j)+1 l+j l j l+j where Pˆl+j denotes the projection to the [l + j]-subspace of [l] ⊗ [j]. It converges W 2(l+j)+1 to Sl + log 2l+1 for j → ∞, but not uniformly. The additional term does not depend on the data, but just on the numbers l and j and henceforth in data analysis this term does not need to be taken into account. Therefore one may say that in the realm of data analysis the projection entropy converges to the Wehrl entropy. • The angular entropy uses the mixed density 1 3 ρang =Φang(ρ )= Lˆ ρ Lˆ†, (10) l l l(l + 1) i l i i=1 X where the Li are the angular momentum operators acting on spin space. For l = 2 it measures the repulsion of MPVs and shows the exact same behavior as the Wehrl entropy once an overall shift and dilation in absolute value has been accounted for. Let ǫ be the squared chordal distance between the two MPVs on May 6, 2019 0:37 WSPC Proceedings - 9.75in x 6.5in main page 4 4 a sphere of radius 1/2, then the angular and Wehrl entropy can be expressed as c(ǫ) c(ǫ) Sang(ǫ)= − (1 − ǫ)2 log (1 − ǫ)2 + ǫ2 log ǫ2 − log (11) 2 2 2 32 SW(ǫ)= c(ǫ) − log(c(ǫ)) + − log(6), (12) 2 15 where c(ǫ) := (1 − (1 − ǫ))−1. Motivated by this result, the convergence of the projection to the Wehrl entropy and the numerically similar behavior, we propose that the similarity of Wehrl and angular entropy as well as the interpretation as a measure of repulsion between MPVs should be valid on all scales, at least approx- imately. Since repulsive behavior of zeros of random polynomials is connected to the degree of Gaussianity of the polynomial, we consider the angular entropy as a simple measure for deviations from Gaussianity, at least as long the deviation causes an exit from the space of completely random distributions. Furthermore, we showed that the probability distribution of the angular entropy is highly sen- sitive to “small” deviations from Gaussianity, in the sense that if one replaces i MPVs from a Gaussian map by uniformly distributed unit vectors — which constitutes a deviation from Gaussianity without violating isotropy — the shift in distribution is sizable and the largest portion of shift is obtained from the first replaced vector.
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