Charity workers hit budget cuts 'No matfer what hap- pens in Washington, the poor will still be there, the aged will still be there LAS VEGAS (NC) - Participants at the annual meeting of the National Con- ference of Catholic Charities ex- pressed concern about the short- and long-range effects of the Reagan ad- ministration budget cuts on the poor, the choice of Las Vegas for a meeting site and the role of the handicapped in society. Concern about the fate of the poor under the Reagan budget cuts - was summed up by one delegate, who said: "No matter what happens in Washington, the poor will still be there; the aged will still be there, the sick will be there and so will all those others who have depended upon us for counseling, for advocacy, for con- cern. We cannot abandon them, even, or especially if, the government does." CONCERN ABOUT a national charities convention being held in the gambling center of Las Vegas was ad- dressed by Bishop Norman F. Mc- Farland of Reno in his homily during YELLOW BRICK ROAD — School walls have never been says the kids enjoy the mural based on 'The Wiz' (Wizard the opening liturgy in Guardian Angel known for their excitement, but St. Francis Xavier School of Oz) which took several months to complete. Voice Cathedral - which is adjacent to the in Miami's inner city has proved that this isn't always the Photo by Prent Browning. Las Vegas strip. case. Fr. Bill Mason, standing with artist Marvin Parker, "The choice of Las Vegas as your J convention site this year was not without expressed concern and Likewise, church members in Also at the meeting, delegates alliances to develop programs for serious reservations on the part of Nevada, "who live and work here, handicapped persons. many; which is not surprising, given a discussed the responsibility to be would have to consider seeking a more political advocates for the handicap- commendable sensitivity to the -pfopw; mileau," he added."'Obviously • Special efforts should be made to image of who you are and who you . ped; a policy paper criticized social at- these are not defensible conclusions." titudes which suggest handicapped accommodate handicapped persons represent, and the gaudy hedonistic in churches, such as providing image that Las Vegas unhappily reflec- Instead, as he added, given the "cer- persons can be relegated to the tain incompatibility of images," fringes of society. wheelchair ramps, interpreters for the ts around the world," he said. deaf, large print or Braille materials Catholic Charities participants should The NCCC proposed as "expeditious be a "sign of contradiction." and specialized religious programs. "A certain incompatibility of images 1 and responsible action" on the local might indeed be alleged." "ISNT THAT what it is all about* Are level that: we not, as Christ's church, to be a sign Promotion of equal opportunity for But, as he added, if those reser- . • Disabled persons should be in- handicapped persons. vations were carried to the limits, "I of contradiction - and where better to vited to join Catholic charity boards. suppose it would have to be said that raise that sign than where the con- The conference included discussions Our Lord himself might have been a tradiction is more apparent/' he asked. • Support services to prevent in- on emergency pregnancy services, little more careful about some of the That's how the church in Las Vegas stitutionalization should be immigration and refugee settlement, dinner invitations he accepted; that St. sees itself and how it regards Catholic developed. elderly housing and the economy, Charities as well, he said. "We don't Paul should have stayed out of Corin- • Disabled persons should be Christian values in management, th, the notorious city of his day; and, expect you to meld into the crowd; on Native Americans, battered spouses the contrary, we ask that you be a sign recruited by Catholic agencies. of course, St. Peter would never have • Catholic Charities should form and the death penalty. ended up in pagan Rome." of contradiction." BIBLE toters interrupt Priest sees suffering by poor speaker. P4 ALBANY, N.Y. (NC) - "In the short "THERE ARE two cuts that are going Cuts in other federal social programs ST. LAWRENCE marks term, there's going'to be a lot of suf- to hurt us the most," Father Mottet will also put an extra burden on the 25th P8 fering. In the long term, there's going said this week. "One is Vista, which CHD to "fill the, gap," Father Mottet to be a reaction of people who've President Reagan wants cut in half and said. He has been on his annual tour YOUTH questions ans- been alienated by the administration's then phased out another year. The stumping for the CHD and is hoping policies," said Father Marvin Mottet, other is the elimination of CETA." for a 10 percent increase in its annual wered P10 executive director of the Campaign for These organizations customarily collection, which will be taken up ST. FRANCIS' 800th Human Development (CHD). have^provided workers for many of Nov. 22. In any terms, the Reagan budget cuts the self-help programs sponsored by CHD officials and Catholic Charities birthday... Back Page are not good news for an anti-poverty the CHD. South Florida has received directors already feel "under the gun" program like the CHD, he stated. several CHD grants. continued on p.3j Renew commitment to spiritual values, says Pope CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy (NC) - The POPE JOHN PAUL spoke at length to of summer vacaion provides a good visitors from his native Poland, telling opportunity for Christians to renew them that'"every day, I pray unceasingly their commitment to the Gospel's for my homeland." spiritual, cultural and social goals, Pope John Paul II said recently. lo a group of pilgrims from Czechoslovakia, the Pope said Addressing a crowd of about 12,000 in Polis: "The church in! people before his noontime recitation Czechoslovakia and the Czech and; of the Angelus in Castelgandolfo, the Slovak peoples are dear to me and are UNITED — Anti-nuclear blockaders raise joined hands in a gesture of unity as pope spoke of the recent feast of St. always the object of my daily prayers." they are arraigned in San Luis Obispo, Calif., on charges of trespassing and Matthew. He did not mention the tense i failure to disperse during the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant protest. political situation in Poland, but it is v More than 1600 persons were arrested. (NC Photo from UPI). THE APOSTLE'S GOSPEL calls on believed that he was being updated by Christians to "learn to know God and two of Poland's top churchmen who develop themselves, dominating and had recently -arrived in Italy. They are Iran wants elimination of using the things which surround them, Cardinal Franciszek Marcharski of in order ot progress ever more toward Cracow, and Auxiliary Bishop a fullness of life," fie said. Bronislaw Dabrowski of Warsaw, general secretary of the Polish Bishop's Baha'l faith "In this period of the year, when ac- Conference. GENEVA, Switzerland (NC) - A formation received by the body tivities begin again in schools, in demonstrated "the systematic per- THE TWO ARRIVED in Rome Sept. 21 dependency "ot the U.N. Commission parishes, in associations, in offices, in and it was generally believed that they on Human Rights said the Bahi'i com- secution of the baha'i iniran, including factories and in fields, this Gospel can arrests, torture, beatings, executions, would have private meetings with the munity in Iran is being "persecuted well be reread as a key to spiritual, pope. because ot religious intolerance by the murders, kidnappings, disappearan- cultural and social commitment and Islamic government and a desire to ces, abudc tions and many other forms action," Pope John Paul said. Sources in Rome said the two eliminate the Baha'i taith. The Iranian government appears to prelates arrived to get papal approval The "perilous situation" lacing the have ignored previous approaches and After the Angelus prayer, the pope for the text of a major address to be Baha'i community should be constant- behalf of fRe Baha'i community, added spoke in eight languages, including delivered in the near future by Arch- ly reviewed by the United Nations, said the resolution Dutch. He had special greetings in bishop Josef Glemp of Warsaw and the Subcommission on the Prevention French for a Canadian pilgrimage from Gniezno, primate of Poland. of Discrimination and Protection of The Baha'i community is a sect for- Quebec and in English for a group Minorities which met in Geneva in med in Iran in the 19th century. It ad- form Our Lady of Victory Parish in The Vatican would not confirm that September. vocates the spiritual unity of mankind Baltimore and members of the Divine Pope John Paul met with Cardinal A subcommission resolution said in- and The equality of men and women. Word Missionaries. Marcharski and Bishop Dabrowski. !•••»• Pope: Negotiations «••••! News At Bullet proof glass not bloodshed at Castelgandolfo — Poland press, television and all other means of many cathechists and other mem- CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy (NC) - A of communication. In a statement read bers of Christian communities, a cam- new chapter in the protection of the in churches throughout Poland the paign to discredit the church has been pope was opened recently with the .CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy (NC) - In a hierarchy termecf constraints of such strong and emotion-charged voice launched in the last few days," the appearance of bullet-proof glass on freedom inadmissible. Access to the bishop said.
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