Bronze Wolf Holders Update 2019 Bronze Wolf Holders Update 2019 The Bronze Wolf Le Loup de Bronze WHACWHAC CHAIRPERSONCHAIRPERSON MESSAGE WOSMWOSM SCOUT SCOUT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE WOSMWOSM SECRETARYSECRETARY GENERALGENERAL MESSAGE CHAIRPERSON MESSAGE MESSAGE "The Bronze Wolf Award is the highest CHAIRPERSON MESSAGE MESSAGE World Scouting honour and award that is “The Bronze Wolf Award is the highest “As"As Baden-Powell once once said: said: ‘No ‘No one one can “Being"Being a volunteer-based and and volunteer - given to an adult volunteer in Scouting. World Scouting honour and award canpass pass through through life, anylife, more any morethan hethan can volunteerledled Movement, Movement, the value of the the contribution value of thatThe Bronzeis given Wolf to an is adultpresented volunteer to people in hepass can through pass through a bit of a country,bit of country, without theof adults contribution in Scouting of adults cannot in be Scouting underes - Scouting.that have encouraged and exemplified withoutleaving tracksleaving behind, tracks andbehind, those and tracks cannottimated. be Through underestimated. the Bronze Through Wolf, the those tracks may often be helpful to the Bronze Wolf, the highest honour the virtue of good citizenship, shown may often be helpful to those coming highest honour conferred by World The Bronze Wolf is presented to those coming after him in finding their conferred by World Scouting, we show ongoing initiative, leadership and after him in finding their way.’ Scouting, we show our utmost appreciation, people that have encouraged and way.’ our utmost appreciation, recognition dedication, devoted themselves to sustai- recognition and respect to the volunteers exemplified the virtue of good Bronze Wolf holders are exceptional and respect to the volunteers for ned and selfless voluntary service and for committing their time and resources citizenship, shown ongoing initiative, Bronzepeople Wolfwith holdersa clear beliefare exceptional in Scouting. committingto the service their of our time young and people. resources leadershipearned the respectand dedication, of their peers. devoted peopleThey have with awitnessed clear belief the in impactScouting. of to the service of our young people. They have witnessed the impact themselvesI am reminded to that sustained it is an opportunityand selfless to Scouting in developing values, character Thank you for choosing to volunteer for voluntary service and earned the of Scouting in developing values, Thank you for choosing to volunteer thank those Scouters who have contribu- and skills in young people. Often without the Scout Movement." respect of their peers. characterrealising it, and Bronze skills Wolf in young holders people. who are for the Scout Movement.” ted exceptional, noteworthy, and extraor- Often without realising it, Bronze Wolf dinary service and dedication over many ‘passing through life’ have left so many I am reminded that it is an holders‘tracks’ aroundwho are the ‘passing world, throughwhich today, life’ Ahmad AlhendawiAhmad Alhendawi years of volunteer work to World Secretary General,WOSM opportunity to thank those Scouters haveare helping left so futuremany generations‘tracks’ around of young the Secretary General, Scouting whilst successfully implementing world, which today, are helping future WOSM who have contributed exceptional, people to ‘find their way’. noteworthy,the Scouting program.and extraordinary Remember service to say generations of young people to ‘find andthank dedication you to such over people many and years be proud of of theirThe Worldway’. Scout Committee remains volunteertheir achievements. work to World Scouting indebted to all Bronze Wolf holders for whilst successfully implementing the The World Scout Committee remains A famous peace activist once said, the exceptional service they have given Scouting program. Remember to indebtedto Scouting. to all BronzeTheir dedicationWolf holders and "Wisdom is knowing what to do next; for the exceptional service they have say thank you to such people and be commitment has enabled us to continue THE WORLD HONOURS & AWARDS COMMITTEE proudvirtue isof doingtheir achievements.it." We thank all Bronze given to Scouting. Their dedication (WHAC) 2017 - 2020 to develop and grow, bringing the life Wolf holders for their exceptional contri- and commitment has enabled us changing potential of the Scouting Chairperson: Abution famous which peace has activist benefited once countlesssaid, to continue to develop and grow, programme to millions more young Kirsty Brown (BW312) Australia “Wisdomothers world-wide." is knowing what to do next; bringing the life changing potential of virtue is doing it.” We thank all Bronze thepeople, Scouting who programmein turn, are toleading millions the Members: Wolf holders for theirKirsty exceptional Brown OAM morechange young that we people, need in who the inworld turn, today." are Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General WOSM contribution which has benefitedChairperson, leading the change that we need in Georges El-Gorayeb (BW335) Lebanon countless Worldothers Honours world-wide.” and Awards Committee the world today.” Craig Turpie Mari Nakano (BW362) Japan Immediate Past Chief Commissioner, Chairperson, Luc Panissod (BW253) France Scouts Australia – Queensland Branch World Scout Committee Kirsty Brown OAM Craig Turpie Wayne Perry (BW325) U.S.A. Secretariat: Chairperson, World Honours and Chairperson,World Scout Committee Gôran Hagerdal, Hany Abdulmonem. Awards Committee Immediate Past Chief Commissioner, Scouts Australia – Queensland Branch The World Honours & Awards Committee (WHAC) 2017 - 2020 Chairperson: Kirsty Brown (BW312) Australia – Members: Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General WOSM – Georges El-Gorayeb (BW335) Lebanon – Mari Nakano (BW362) Japan – Luc Panissod (BW253) France – Wayne Perry (BW325) U.S.A. – Secretariat: Gôran Hagerdal, Hany Abdulmonem. Creating a Better World Since the 41st World Scout Conference held in Baku, Azerbaijan Since the 41st World Scout Conference held inin Baku, 2017, Azerbaijan upon recommendation in 2017, upon recommendation of the World of the Honours World Honours and Awards and Awards Commitee, the World Scout Committee of theCommitee, World Organization the World of Scout the Scout Committee Movement of awardedthe World the OrganizationBronze Wolf to ofthe following Scout leaders for outstanding service of the most exceptional character to the World Scout Movement. Since the 41st World Scout Conference held inthe Baku, Scout Azerbaijan Movement in 2017, awarded upon recommendation the Bronze ofWolf the Worldto the Honours following and AwardsScout Commitee, the World Scout Committee of theleaders World for Organization outstanding of the service Scout ofMovement the most awarded exceptional the Bronze character Wolf to tothe the World Scout Movement. following Scout leaders for outstanding service of the most exceptional character to the World Scout Movement. Mari Nakano João Armando Gonçalves Karin Ahlbäck Japan (BW362) Portugal (BW363) Finland (BW364) MariMember Nakano Nakano of the Executive Board, JoãoJoChairmanão Armando Armando of the GonçalvesWorld Gonçalves Scout Committee KarinKarinMember Ahlbäck Ahlbäck of the World Scout Committee JapanScout Association (BW362) (BW362) of Japan, Portugal2011 – 2017 (BW363) (BW363) FinlandFinland2011 – 2017 (BW364)(BW364) Member of the World Scout Committee Member of the World Scout Committee Member2011 – 2017 ofof thethe ExecutiveExecutive Board, Board, Chairman2011 – 2014 ofof thethe World World Scout Scout Committee MemberTheMember youngest of the person WorldWorld ever ScoutScout to be Committee elected as Scout AssociationAssociation of of Japan, Japan, Committee2011 – 2017 2011 – 2017 Committeea2011 member – 2017 of 2011 the World – 2017 Scout Committee Member“… through ofof thetheher WorldactionsWorld Scout Scout and Committeemanner she Member“… he is of a the thetransformational WorldWorld Scout Scout Committee leader, a Theand toyoungest receive personthe award. ever to be Committeehas2011 done – 2017 a2011 great – 2017deal to raise the Committeeglobal2011 – 2014 motivator, 2011 –and 2014 an inspirational electedThe youngest as a memberperson ever of tothe be World elected as awareness, involvement and value of leader who often speaks passionately Scouta“… member she Committee has of made the World a and real Scoutto impact receive Committee not the only “…women through in Scouting herher actionsactions at alland and levels manner manner of shethe “…about“… hehe ourisis a belongingatransformational transformational to an extraordinary leader, leader, a a award.andon the to Youthreceive Programme, the award. but also in the sheMovementhas hasdone done anda great ashe great has deal dealbeen to toa greatraiseraise rolethe globalfamily, motivator,whichmotivator, increases and Scouting’sanan inspirationalinspirational power area of governance, communication and “… she has made a real impact not only awareness,model to others involvement especially andyoungand valuevalue women ofof leadertoleader transform whowho often oftenthe communities speaksspeaks passionatelypassionately in which “…organizational she has made development…” a real impact not on the Youth Programme, but also in the womenwho see in her Scouting as a source at all oflevelslevels inspiration ofof thethe aboutwe live…” our belongingbelonging to to an an extraordinary only on the Youth Programme, but Movement and she has been a great extraordinary family, which increases alsoarea inof thegovernance,
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