o- >03 s £P 2d #TBTqdx9p«fîtîâ. , 5'S w i mm The Witnessx r ¡ j.s ^ u y f aaf-':Aôÿ VoL VII. No. 23. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, JANUARY 27, 1923 $1.50 A YEAR Dr. Mann Consecrated Bishop Racine Church Conference of Pittsburgh Will Be Resumed Consecration Service in Pittsburgh While Con­ The Gift of a Churchwoman Makes It Possible To joint Service is Held in Boston Carry On This Important Work The Rev. Alexander M'ann was conse­ Racine Summer Conference for Church crated Bishop of Pittsburgh on Thursday workers will be re-opened next summer of this week— after this issue of the Wit­ from July 2nd to 14th on the College ness had gone to press. The following ad­ grounds at Racine, Wisconsin. A gift vance story, however, will give readers a of $15,000.00 by a church-woman in Ohio picture of the magnificent service. and a court decision in favor of the Church The Rev. Alexander Mann, D. D. of regarding the status of part of the col­ lege property have made it possible to Trinity Church, Boston, bishop-elect of the resume, operations after a year of inac­ Pittsburgh Diocese, is to be consecrated on tivity. Thursday, Jan. 25. The Racine Conference is one of 26 It is planned, weather permitting, to Summer Conferences held annually in have the processional march from the par­ different parts of the country which are ish house along the outside of the church attended by more than 5,000 Church and enter the building by the main door. people. Classes are conducted in meth­ Trinity choir will have a position outside ods of Church work, Sunday School work the church, during this part of the ®cere- and all branches, o f Church activity. mony with Dr. Harold Phillips, director at Courses are also offered , in Bible Study, the organ. Stately hymns to march tempo Church History and kindred subjects. will be rendered until the procession is in Recreational features are provided so the church. It is estimated the procession that an increasing number of people make will take over ten minutes to pass. their conferences part of their summer va­ Rev. Dr. John Dows Hills will be the cations. master of ceremonies and under his direc­ The Province of the Mid-West offi­ tion the service will begin promptly at cially sponsors the Racine Conference. In 10:30 o’clock. The Presiding Bishop will the summer of 1921, the accommodations be the Rt. Rev. Cameron Mann, D. D. were crowded to capacity with an enroll­ Bishop of South Florida and elder brother ment of 300 persons. The Rt. Rev. W. W. of the bishop-elect. The two co-fconsecra- Rt. Rev. Alexander Mann Webb, D.D., Bishop of Milwaukee, is hon­ tors will be Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, orary president. The Conference is con­ D.D., Bishop of Massachusetts, and the Rt. ducted by a board of directors o f which Rev. Edwin Stevens Lines, D.D., Bishop of consecrate will be read by Rev. Alleyns C. the Rev. G. G. Moore, Rector of the Church Newark, N. J. Bishop Lawrence will also Howell, D. D., rector of St. Stephen’s of the Advent, Chicago, is chairman. preach the sermon. Church, Sewickley. Rev. Homer A. Flint, Among those expected to act on the fac­ The Presenting Bishops will be the Rt. Ph. D. administrative diocesan secretary, ulty next summer are Bishop Webb, of Rev. Arthur Selden Lloyd,ND. D. Suffragan will present the certificate of election and Milwaukee, Bishop Burleson, of South Da­ Bishop of New York and Rt. Rev. David the certificate of ordination will be pre­ kota, Bishop Wise, o f Kansas, the Rev. Lincoln Ferris, D. D. Suffragan Bishop of sented by Rev. Cameron J. Davis, rector Dr. Stewart of St. Luke’s Church, Evan­ Western New York and formerly rector of of Trinity church, Buffalo. N. Y. The ston, 111., Dean Lutkin, o f Northwestern Calvary church, Pittsburgh; ■ The two at­ consents of the standing committees will University and the Rev. C. H. Young. Rec­ tending presbyters will be Rev. Edwin J. be presented by Rev. Francis Shero, Ph. tor of Howe School, Howe, Indiana. Van Etten, rector of Calvary church, Pitts­ D., secretary of the diocesan standing This Conference is invaluable to the burgh and Rev. Henry Knox Sherrill, rec­ committee. The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Gar­ clerg’v. Vestrymen and officers in the tor of the Church of Our Saviour, Long- land, D. D., Suffragan Bishop of Pennsyl­ guilds and other organizations also find it wood, Mass. vania, has been selected to present the crowded with useful information and sug­ During the service proper, the litany consents of the bishops. gestions. Church School teachers can find will be read by the Rt. Rev. Sheldon Mun­ The Bishop-elect, In a recent note to no better way o f eauipping themselves son Griswold, D. D. Bishop Suffragan of Rev. Dr. Hills, writes that arrangements with the Church’s latest methods for their Chicago, while the Epistle will be read by have been made to hold a special service imnortant work. the Rt. Rev. Ethelbert Talbot, D. D. Bishop in Trinity church, Boston, at the hour of Some of the subjects to be covered this of Bethlehem, and the Gospel by the Rt. the Consecration service. There will be a ■'’■oar are •—“ The Church organized for Rev. Boyd Vincent D. D. Bishop of South­ celebration of the Holy Communion with Work” : “ Social Service in the Average ern Ohio, also a former rector of Calvary selected Collects, Epistle and Gospel and ■Parish” : “ Week-Day Religious Education” ; church. the same hymns will be sung in both places. “ Correct Principles of Teaching” ; “ The Rev. Donald Kent Johnson, rector of St. It will be the first time in the history of TVama in the Work of the Church” ; Peter’s church, Uniontown, will be the de­ the Church when such a conjoint service “ Church Music” ; “ Devotional Bible puty registrar while the commission to has been held. Study” ; “Work for Young People”. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. 2 THE WITNESS GENERAL NEWS OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Chicago Lenten in these cases. There is also a great deal expenses of those present are pooled and Preachers Announced of urgency upon him not to act in the shared evenly by all, thus making it pos­ The Lenten preachers for the Noonday matter and while he gave me, and is giv­ sible for the men in remote places to at­ service to be held in the Garrick Theater, ing the subject, every consideration, I tend. could not ask him to commit himself— Chicago have been announced as follows: Bishops Endorse and he didn’t— but I am hopeful that he Feb. 14th-Feb. 16 th— The Rt. Rev. Trinity College Campaign James Wise, D. D., Topeka, Kansas. will do it, and also hopeful that the public generally will understand that none of Thirty-four Bishops have written to Feb. 19th-Feb. 23rd— The Rt. Rev. these is a case of violence or injury to President Ogilby of Trinity College en­ Frank DuMoulin, D. D.. Cleveland, Ohio. life or property. None is a case in which dorsing the work of the college and the Feb. 26th-Mar. 2nd— The Rt. Rev. G. G. there was any conspiracy to hinder the campaign for $1,500,000 which Trinity is Bennett, D. D., Duluth, Minnesota United States, and the most there is conducting and which will be completed Mar. 5th-Mar. 9th— The Rev. Phillips E. against these men are their utterances, in at the celebration of the college’s Cen­ Osgood, Minneapolis, Minnesota. and out of print, expressing opposition to tennial in June. Endorsements have been received from Mar. 12th-Mar. 16 th— The Rt. Rev. the war or indifference to it— and for the following Bishops who are not Trin­ Ernest V. Shayler, D. D., Omaha, Ne­ these expressions some of the sentences ity men: Tuttle, Gailor, Lawrence, Man­ braska. run as high as twenty-six years. ning, Perry, Benjamin Brewster, Chaun- Mar. 19th-Mar. 23rd— The Rev. Ber­ “ They were convicted at a time when public sentiment was such that it really cey Brewster, Burgess, Brent, Matthews, nard I. Bell, D. D., Pres., St. Stephen’s Lines, Talbot, Darlington, Rhinelander, prevented a fair trial.” College, Annandale, New York. Slattery, Davies, Parker, Hall, Ward and Mar. 26th-Mar. 30 th— The Rt. Rev. Field Secretaries Address Touret. Chas. P. Anderson, D.D., Chicago, Illi­ All of the fourteen living Trinity Bish­ Clericus of Western Michigan nois . ops have united in an identical letter. The clergy of the Diocese of Western Their namesv follow: Cheshire, Cook, Senator Pepper Pleas for Michigan met on Tuesday, January 16th Harding, Johnson, McElwain, Nelson, Political Prisoners at St Mark’s Pro-Cathedral, Grand Rap­ Nichols, Olmsted, Paddock, Roberts, Sher­ Senator George Wharton Pepper, had ids, at the invitation of Dean Charles wood, Thurston, Webb, Wells. hopes that a Christmas present, in the Jackson. Twenty of the clergy o f the form of release from the Federal prison Diocese were present. The speaker at the Retired Clergyman Dies at Leavenworth, Kan., might be given to morning session was the Rev. William B. Jn Baltimore twenty-eight of the so-called “ political iSpofford, who spoke on the work of the The Rev. Chester M. Smith, 60 years prisoners,” who were sentenced following Church League for Industrial Democracy. old, a nephew of the late^ F. Hopkinson the I. W. W.
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